5toubun no Hanayome

>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past
>will probably end up winning in the end anyway
Bow down to your master.

Attached: nino.jpg (913x1200, 1019K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nino a best

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Nino a shit

>>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past


>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past
Either you're a speedreader or you're really just dumb but I'm just gonna bet you're an ESL chink subhuman.

Huh. Whatever happened to this

>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past
That's Miku and Itsuki desu.

Waifufags gonna waifufag.

>>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past

Miku, Itsuki.

Yotsuba is the only quint with a real childhood connection with Fuuts. Ichika just got cards. Nino will probably still win though.

Was there a dump thread or did I miss it?

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>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past
How fast can you read?


Yes. Also, Mangadex.


Shit, the origin of pic slipped my mind. Though, I don't think editing will be that difficult.

I wish I didn't like Nino as a character. If I didn't, it'd be easier to just filter her name so I didn't have to deal with her obnoxious fanbase.

Same. Reminds me of Rukia. Good character, shit fanbase.

At least don't make threads on tuesdays, we couldn't have a proper chapter released thread because of this fucking necessity of having a thread up all the time.

best girl always have the worst fanbase.


>spoilers always too early in the morning to discuss them, miss 3 whole threads
>gookscan threads are a mess to read with pages scattered everywhere
>miss dump thread
Fuck me

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Popularity is a curse.

Threads went to shit anyways.

At least you are better than Yotsuba.

so either Miku or Itsuki are winning?

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>Uesugi-san understand not
>me dumb

No, only Miku is winning.

Who the fuck is behind the second "Yea Forumsnonymous" release?

Yotsuba'd probably kill herself if she doesn't win.

5toubun sc/a/ns, obviously.

Ninofag, who else?


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user asked about the second release.

What's up with that second "anonymous" release on dex? They even got wrong "middle schoolers" and changed it to "we're in high school now"

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Yotsuba'd probably kill herself.

brb making a third release

I am the one who asked.
5toubun sc/a/ns was first, 3 hours ago, and then 2 hours ago there's someone else.

Yotsuba doesn't need love. She needs a therapist.

Yotsuba'd probably kill.

Negi here. I will introduce another unrelated girl that look exactly the same with the quint just to fuck you all.

She would probably still be depressed even if she win.

>mfw rereading shits and giggles
>it was NOT shits and giggles
>tfw 428's chapter makes me feels like absolute shit
>culminating in her solo ones

>It feels like... my efforts have been rewarded for the first time ever
>first time
Oh god, Yotsuba... ;_;

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She has lost it.

Can they all just marry Fuutarou?

>ends up being the only one with no connection to Fuutarou in the past

Itsuki and Miku didn't even see him.

>will probably end up winning in the end anyway
Only half the amount needed to win.

Itsuki is the main girl

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Now that's a TWEEEST

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>letting a fanbase on Yea Forums affect how you feel about a character

What's caused Itsuki to be such glutton?

>Those mangadex comments
>That fag that still thinks the girl in the photo can be any of the quints
>He's not the only one I've seen to think that
What the fuck is wrong with these """"""""""""people""""""""""""?

>reread manga with the knowledge that Yotsuba is a 4d chessmaster
>all this despair
>despair everywhere

Her confession was 100% real

She convinced Ichika to release her inner snake

And she 100% failed on purpose in a desperate attempt to separate from her other sisters

She's known about Fuu this whole time, there's no way this doesn't end with the ROPE

Wonderful burger goddess!

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Maybe learn reading comprehension, because that's not what I was saying.

I don't want to deal with her fanbase, but I like the character too much to put "Nino" in the block threads filter. Actual discussions about the character are nice, no matter how rare they are as of late.


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Really faggots, again?
How am I supposed to know which to read if you keep doing this shit?

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He is probably the same guy that keeps bringing that up here as it wasn't resolved already saying that it can be Miku or Itsuki.

Don't forget, she might've been supporting Miku from the start so she could get back at what Ichika did to her in the past.

The other anonymous definitely just wants to stir shit up because no one even knows who posted it. I would've been fine with reading them both but the new anonymous is just bad as dropout and the typesetting is a whole lot shittier.

I'll keep reading Thundercloud's uploads then.

Cyclops of a girl!

Yotsuba won't stood that low.

We wouldn’t need these constant discussion threads if you idiots would just accept these facts:

>Yotsuba is lolikano
>Yotsuba is the bell kisser
>Yotsuba is the bride

But all the sisters are alive post time skip, r-right ?

Nice falseflag ninotard.

at the cost of Fuut's heart, body, mind and soul and penis

The brain of miku
The stomach of Itsuki
The moral of Ichika
The heart of Nino
And, the body of Yotsuba.

>The moral of Ichika
You mean none?

No they all had the same disease as their mom and the only one remaining standing is Yotsuba because she's physically the strongest. That's why the bride had to wear many wedding gowns because they're the gowns that her sisters left for her to wear since they can't wear them on time because they're pretty much donezo.

but which one gets the peenus weenus?

Hey """"x"""fag

Last chapter proved Ichika did everything wrong. I bet she killed Rena too.

I see a lot of fags going at Yotsuba lately. Turns out "muh second favourite" was only because she wasn't a threat and it was all to bring Yotsubafags on their side in their faggot fanbase war.

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Are you sure? We know now that she doesn't want to be with her sisters. She resents Ichika. And she doesn't enjoy being a quint.

Yotsuba was the villain all along

How do I become chad like Fuutarou?

>Yotsuba is lolikano
Just first Lolinako.
>Yotsuba is the bell kisser
>Yotsuba is the bride
Oh, you.

>tfw no miku
Next chapter will explain why she became a kuudere with soulless eyes, right?

The bell kisser IS the bride. Stop speedreading.


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You need to stop speed reading. The writing goes out of its way not to confirm that even though it's take literally one more word to.

She just likes eating.

No joke, Shotarou was fucking smooth.
>i had 200 yen
>oops now its gone to a prayerbox
>might as well pray for both of us, yeah?
No wonder this 12 year old loli is so desperate for that shotacock

Are you fucking kidding me?

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Will she finally get to shine again?

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When did she realize that Ichika loved him anyway? Only Miku had a guess.

>bell kisser


So Rena probably only agreed to marry Maruo on her deathbed because it would be easier for him to adopt the quints that way and because he was rich and Rena could die at ease knowing her daughters wouldn't have to grow up poor or be separated. How big of a cuck is he?

And there'll be a third one.

>balls kisser

>Literally states whoever is the bride was the one who he started thinking of
>The only quints he took notice were Ichika and Nino
>He's heavily cautious of Nino
>He thought of Nino during his convo with Yotsuba regarding taking love seriously
>Negi is very subtle with his revelations
>Nino is most likely to be the bell kisser
I mean Negi couldn't be anymore obvious but there are people who seriously need it spelled out to them? Such Brainlets.

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I don't understand what you're upset about, user.

She was blushing when talking about him in the previous chapter. She definitely loved him.

>Implying he won't get the leftover sisters


I hate that I get more depressed anytime somebody posts a picture of Yotsuba from the previous chapters. Can this girl catch a break?

I feel like Yotsuba will do something very bad in the next chapter.

mangarock is such a shit site

Death is the only salvation.

what's wrong with it?
Wtf am I really a speedreader or is Negi just trolling us? The chapter goes exactly like in that user's post.

Attached: Yotsuba.png (1058x568, 779K)

Fucking Yotsuba made these threads depressing now. What a failure of a being.

>tfw we'll never go back to the days where it was just "4D chess"

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I'm upset that everything in this chapter went exactly like you guys said. Negi is now officially shilling Nino and doesn't even hide it and Yotsuba acts exactly like that user said wtf.

She might not enjoy being a quint but I'm sure she still loves her sisters, even Ichika

You'd better shut up before I turn this manga into battle shounen manga.


once a snake always a snake!!

This guy bought all 12 magazines they had in one store.

Why is it shit? What site is better?

You're supposed to buy the official release.

Hold on did we not have a release thread?

It ain't over 'til it's over, user. We don't know who the bride is for sure until Negi confirms it via ending/epilogue.

No, It was dumped on the last thread.

>Nino has a Futaou pillow
>It means she won

Well, we all knew it was true in our hearts but I guess constant threads have finally ruined things. Fuck, I don't want to have to keep up with threads to catch release discussion, they're the only ones that're anywhere close to decent now.

Release threads have been cancer just like any other threads for a long while now.

We know most of it already
He was obsessed with them being quints so she thought she shouldn't be special and it would be better if they remain the same but the others started to become special at different things and she got left behind, this will finally be solved when Fuu tells her that she's the one that's special to him

No one created a chapter release thread because it might get deleted again like last time. I don't even know what the fuck the mods were thinking when they deleted it.

That was explained in ch 3 and 4.

People are saying it was because the thread got linked since that post got deleted as well, but the release threads were always linked. Maybe the OP got himself banned for something.

As I said before, just don't make threads on tuesday until the chapter is released.

Pack it up losers. Winner right here.

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These generals are cancer

For what purpose exactly?

I don't think Mods should be deleting threads in the first place. One of the rules even was to not make generals, but by deleting different threads with the same content, the mods are forcing the posters to only go to one thread which is how generals even started. Fucking ironic.

Always knew.
Ever since that day lolichika played cards with him.

I've seen Ninofags get hyped up about even less

>hair shine isn’t going the same direction
>forgets that all quints have the same hair color
based idiot

To support the series?

>From that moment (kiss) I thought she was special
>Fuutarou obviously already thought that Lolikano was special since childhood (since she's the reason he became a bookworm)
Doesn't this mean that Lolikano can't be the bride?

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Wow the bride looks like one of the quintuplets! What a fucking surprise!

>Her confession was 100% real
Dangerous statement in these threads.


Watch out, some people will say that Future Fuuts, while kissing the bride, was not talking/thinking the kiss.

Even before she was confirmed lolikano, it really shouldn't have been. The confession is a litmus test, where you should only have been allowed to discuss the series if you knew it was real. Half of this thread can't even define reading comprehension, fuck.

Yes. People can't counter that.

It's the kind of topic that people can't discuss without getting too meta, which in the end doesn't generate discussion, since nobody can argue against tropes.

about the kiss*

It doesn't even have to fall under cliches. People are mistaken around here in thinking that reading fiction is a matter of collecting events and reasoning what happened, when usually it's a matter of why things happened. It should've been clear that Yotsuba's confession chapter wouldn't have occurred at all unless it was real, since it'd contribute nothing to the story otherwise.
It's the same kind of mistaken thinking that made people think Ichika was Faketsuki even though she should've been the only one who couldn't be, and thinking Nino could be Lolikano or Rena when her internal monologue should've been hard evidence that she was the only quint that was neither.
It's also why people think the kisser is the bride when you should really be treating any girl who's revealed as the kisser as dead in the bowl.

The bride said
>5 years ago
>it's not our first time kissing
It can only be the bell kisser or Yotsuba (the kiss on his cheek).

Cope. He’s wearing the bracelet and only Nino is connected to that bracelet.

>resorting to tropes
Want to know how i know you can't be discussed with?
Yotsuba's confession was 100% real and that's a fact, ESPECIALLY cemented in background by recent chapters.

A bracelet from his sister, indeed.

I am agreeing with that user though.
And I'm also agreeing with him that topic can't be discussed here.
Wrong quote?

Every time the kiss is addressed the dialogue cuts out at a different point. It goes:
>It's not like this is the first time
>Five years ago, they'd already...
>That I started thinking she was special
When it should just be
>It's not like this is the first time we've kissed
>Five years ago then, they'd already kissed
>That I started thinking this girl was special
In every instance where the connection should be made, it's left implied and it's left dangling with separate explanations you could make. There's no reason to do that if we're supposed to accept the kisser and the bride to be the same as fact. It's going to be one of those misleads where Negi reveals otherwise, people call him a hack, then you go back and realize that he never locked in an answer and you fooled yourselves for 50 chapters.

Raiha has nothing to do with that. She was even surprised that he still had it. The bracelet saved his life and Nino was apart of that. Cope harder.

It's time to remind everyone that Itsuki is endgame.

Why do people still doubt metafaggotry when it's never been wrong in this manga

Yotsuba is not fitting of brainlet Wojak anymore. She needs a pink bloody Wojak instead.

I think denying that the kisser is the bride is ridiculous.

But it's clearly the kiss of the vow.
There's even a moment someone talks about the "kiss of vow".

Not that it matters, the "5 years ago" period is already gone.
That's the only thing they could've shared like that.

What if Maruo is married but not to Rena? He has family, but not with the quints? That is, Rena was his mistress/patient

I want either 4 or 5 to win. 123 can fuck off.

Wasn't there a piece of text that said the couple was remembering the story of their first kiss at the start of the arc?

You literally can't expect '""main girl""" Itsuki to be a walking fat joke irrelevant
Joke characters becoming final-boss tier exists but NOT in a romcom/drama manga, only battle shounens

Itsuki will win. Negi hasn’t done anything different yet so I’m not expecting anything different. Even that interview worked in her favor.

It's not about Raiha, it could be about his connection to all five girls since he was wearing it during the bonfire or it could be a parallel to Nino giving it back to him as part of his promise to spend the day with her as Kintarou just at the end she'll give it to him so that he promises to make her sister happy after being rejected

She looks fuckin fat

I can't believe Itsukifags are so stupid and brainless than Itsuki herself. Trust me, they are so fucking STUPID

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Was there not a chapter release thread because I can't find it?

Seethe more Narutard.

>It's going to be one of those misleads where Negi reveals otherwise
More like one of those misleads where he wants you to doubt him only to tell you afterwards that you overthought it too much.


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I'm saying there's not even one metafaggotry that came true in regards to this manga, even for speculating future chapters since everything's out of whack trope-wise.

You can't speculate and discuss future events WITHOUT resorting to
>m-muh bride in the end will be x
Because that's all """meta""" allows here. Either pick up the subtle hints or deny it like the kuffars you are.

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>123 can fuck off
Why do you hate us?

Yotsuba being lolikano is an early theory and it came true. The girls are all walking character tropes. Fuuts has yet to show any romantic interest in any of them despite the flirting nature of both Ichika and Nino checking him into the oblivious MC box. Introduces Itsuki first and before he sisters and is the first to meet his family. Negi isn’t doing anything different here.

Maybe I speedread, but when did this happened?

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>Smile, though your heart is aching
>Smile, even though it's breaking

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It's more against 13 actually. I don't want it but I wouldn't mind a Nino end that much, the other two fuck that.

Was that text written by Negi or the editor?

>Metafags were right about Yotsuba being Lolikano since Lolikano was first revealed even though no hints existed yet and right about her motivations so far
>Metafags were right that Ichika wasn't Faketsuki
>Metafags were right that Ichika would be the first out which people predicted from chapter 1
The "subtle hints" keep turning out to be wrong on the other hand because context changes.

Yandere Yotsuba when?

Editor, same as

Itsukitard assumptions are very idiotic, I assumed that they are english-speaking people

Read the other Yea Forumsnonymous scan, the one you're using is shit. I'm not sure why the fuck there're two but the one Mangadex lists as 5toubun sc/a/ns is the right one.

So you're admitting you're a speedreading fuck and denies what you've read by sticking to metafaggotry.
>oblivious MC box
>early theory
Where the fuck did you think those theories came about, not the breadcrumbs of hints scattered throughout the manga? What even is meta at this point

A thousand baseless claims can be made and at leat 1 of them can be right, doesn't make it any more baseless in its groundwork.

I thought Yea Forums never translated editor's notes.

This is a bad translation and not from Yea Forums.

We all know how that turned out

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I was only checking differences.

>Let's study like our lives depend on it
>Was the reason they had to transfer from their old school
>Barely scaped by on her exams
When does her suffering end?

Attached: yotsuConfused.gif (283x505, 149K)

Seething yotsfag

Bros, it hits too close to home.

Oblivious isn’t the right word, but Fuuts hasn’t showed any special feelings towards the girls that he knows like him. It’s so cliche.

Yea Forums did at some point, then stopped because they're virtually useless.

>bad translation
Did you look at the raw?

>yotsuba is the only one showing off her ring finger
>but Itsuki bride is still missing and likely next

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Oblivious is cliche.
This one is less so, i believe the word is reactive.

Are you mentally challenged?

>Fags according to quints eyes capacity
Nino worst vision can't view nothing, near neither far away
Itsuki bad long vision
Ichika not really bad vision
Yotsuba best and clear vision, can view every distant
Miku never confirm(?) Similar to Ichika or better probably supposedly

>It's not about Raiha

When is it not about Raiha with Fuutarou?

>Naked ESL trying to tell other people they're reading wrong
The division between the meta theories and everyone else has been extremely well-defined since day 1. This isn't like contradicting Nino theories or the despairfag vs hopefag divide, which would be obvious to you if you weren't clearly a reader that hopped on board with the anime. It isn't mass firing that occasionally lands, every metafag has always operated on the same few points.
It's all inductive reasoning based on deliberating the purpose of included plot elements and compared against traditional convention. You're a fuck who's only read Nisekoi and thinks 5toubun is ground breaking when it's just a return to form after Nisekoi changed the direction of the genre.

>Did you look at the raw?
I'm pretty sure I remember it being something like a subjectless "it was revealed" kinda thing. Fake-Yea Forums added "Fuutarou" because Japanese often omits the subject and they're too retarded to realize that wasn't the case here.

Metafags did none of those.
Hell, metafags back then said that lolikano was itsuki, because she was the first girl.

>ninofags are blind
>Muh parallels but can't see the truth

t. Ichikafag who can't deal with Itsuki winning

Why is there a fake Yea Forums in the first place. It looks like it was even out after Yea Forums scans so it doesn't seem like a speedscan.

It actually says "Fuutarou" at the beginning but I dunno the sentence structure

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>A thousand baseless claims can be made and at leat 1 of them can be right, doesn't make it any more baseless in its groundwork.
Yeah but the most common consensus was that Yotsuba was Lolikano and that was right

Good. That’s mean 123 aren’t who spark love in him.

No, I was referring to the way you wrote. "likely next"? You really are retarded.

Inb4 Fuutaro groom instead

"It was revealed that 'the girl in the photo' whom Fuutarou met six years ago was Yotsuba."
Alright I was misremembering but fake-Yea Forums is still retarded.

A reminder to fellow Yotsubros to stop spamming her being the winner/bride. Slow and steady and lots of hoping wins the race, just like it's always been done.

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Is Yotsuba the ONLY manga character ever who has flunked out of school for failing exams? I swear I don't remember any other manga in which that happens; the most extreme cases the failing student just had to repeat a year (and these were also rare cases to find in a manga)


That's simply because it's more dramatic to let your sentence trail off than it is to say "they had already kissed" and then show the kiss.

Must be painful for those fags
>the real ship is miku-nino
Nino only has eyes for miku

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Next chapter

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>Negi uses this arc to make it look like Yotsuba is a shoe in for being the bride
>in the flashforward at the end he shows Yotsuba bringing the rings to Fuutarou and the bride at the end since she forgot them eliminating her from the bowl
Itsuki will win.

Attached: 1558943320790.jpg (591x553, 162K)

>mfw Yotsuba arc brings her to favorite to win the bowl status just for the final Maruo+Itsuki arc to end with Itsuki as the winner

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>those eyes
I never noticed it but those are Negi's usual dead eyes.

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Is her hair more red or is it just me?

Yes for the first 2 but the past never wins in romance.

Sounds fitting, despairchads rise up.

>>in the flashforward at the end he shows Yotsuba bringing the rings to Fuutarou and the bride at the end since she forgot them eliminating her from the bowl
Holy fuck user I'm not a Yotsubafag and even then I still felt that one.
If you can't let the girl have some happiness in her life let's at least not make it any worse.

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What are you talking about? They're honestly pretty sparkly compared to her normal eyes. She looks full of hope.

>that slight hint of butt fangs peeking under her pjs

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Yotsuba has a big thick bush down there

Itsukibro, I thought we were in this together!

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Those eyes have no pupil hole with lines only at the top. That's the same way Negi draws Miku's eyes (ie despair eyes) Look at when Yotsuba peeks out to call Ichika during Scrambled eggs or during ch 72 when she says (there's no way etc)

>>in the flashforward at the end he shows Yotsuba bringing the rings to Fuutarou and the bride at the end since she forgot them eliminating her from the bowl
Holy shit, this is like baking the cake but toned up to 11 on maximum overdose.
Itsukifags are sadistic as fuck.

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I can't wait for Yotsuba to relapse.

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Fake news, she already committed sudoku by the time of the wedding

>Ichika has some well-trimmed hair with a cute design
>Nino goes for a more western style with a brazilian wax
>Nino has a huge traditional japanese bush
>Yotsuba also has a bush, though it smells quite strongly because of constant sweating
>Itsuki trims it but doesn't do anything special, just keeps the hair in check

Her lack of pupils doesn't really mean much. Look at the bubbly shines of her eyes, the whole atmosphere of the background. Her expression literally screams gratitude and the despair meme is unrelated to this.

Third one is meant to be Miku, obviously

>2 nino’s

That's a spicy meatball.

I feel like "cherry" is the best way to describe it, since Itsuki's the one with the red hair.

My wife is so cute!

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>gives her a redemption chapter after she incurs the wrath of the entire fanbase
>keks Yotsuba a few weeks later
Fucking Negi man

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She might get Takeda as a consolation prize if she's eliminated that early. And Takeda's personality is a better match for Yotsuba than Fuutarou.

I am an Itsukibro and we are.

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Idk why people are so upset about it. I thought it was stated before, when ichika and yotsuba were talking.

Jesus Yotsuba, cool it with the salt

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Cute, thanks user

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>Oh yes, Itsuki, don't worry about it, I know you and Uesugi-san need some time together, you can go eat out with him... Oh, you're only coming next day? Oh...No, no, don't worry, I will just cancel it, you know, it isn't important, I can look after the kids. You know how much I like playing with them.
>Of course I don't mind coming with you, Uesugi-san, shopping with you it's always fun! So, what did you want to buy? A dress for Itsuki... Oh, right, our birt- I mean, her birthday is coming up, right? Don't worry, I can model for her.
>Oh, Uesugi, I was thinking... It's been so long since we talked with each other, and did you see the new movie Ichika is in? so I was thinking we c-... Oh, yes, yes, you already did with... Itsuki... No, it's fine it's fine... What? I can go with the kids? Well... I suppose it's not bad for... Aunt Yotsuba... to do something... with them...

Spoilers please?

It got worse when you saw just how bad it affected Yotsuba.

Yeah sudoku, lol

Yotsuba was a mistake

Shut up, Rena.

Spoilers don't come until Sunday at the earliest. Don't get it fucked up.

So was itsuki as the last quint

Nino marries Miku, they name their first daughter after their recently deceased sister Yotsuba.

All of them were.
t. Quintdad

>Putting something on doesn't really make that much of a difference
Ouch, I know she didn't mean it like that but man Rena sure destroyed her by saying that.

Attached: T21.png (1115x1600, 474K)

Cute loser

But that's the winner

He meant to reply to the Yotsuba above

>Next chapter
>Yotsuba tries her hardest for her exams.
>Sad but tells herself that since she failed, the others did as well
>Gets at home
>Sees her sisters congratulating themselves.


Did Maruo and Rena even get married? Maruo isn't even fazed when he glaces at the Rena alter.


Wow, nice rom""""""com"""""" manga

>bottom panel
>hopefags' expression in the face of unending despair

>>Of course I don't mind coming with you, Uesugi-san, shopping with you it's always fun! So, what did you want to buy? A dress for Itsuki... Oh, right, our birt- I mean, her birthday is coming up, right? Don't worry, I can model for her.
Ooof. I felt that one.
I can see her saying that while trying her best to smile so that Fuuts won't feel guilty.
Not good not good, you're turning me on user.

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Also I did Yotsuba since she's second best girl. It's unfortunate she doesn't have an better full shot in the color page.

Attached: Yotsuba in a onesie.png (533x893, 386K)

chink version

Attached: 1559531726841.jpg (480x782, 83K)

Based 24fag.

He is a stoic man. He probably cried in silence alone and didn't want to show weaknesses to the quints.

>Maruo isn't even fazed
>clearly shown bags under his eyes
>pupils look larger than the usual cat-like sharpness

brainlet here, which lolikano is this?

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - Ch.88 - A Certain Boy and I ① - 18.png (1115x1600, 766K)

I don't know what I'm looking at here.

But mom, if I kill my sisters, I fix all those problems!

You're assuming that Maruo is a good man. I don't know about that. There was a theory way back where the reason the quints don't have a dad is because they're bastard children and that Rena was Maruo's mistress. Maruo doesn't live with the quints, so maybe we can assume he lives with his actual wife and kids in his own home.

Ichika, that's after they played cards together.

Ichika with Shotarou
Nino pointing
Yotsuba despairing

>"he put the 200 yen" = Yotsuba
>"Yotsuba..." = Nino
>with shotarou = Ichika

The one taking to Fuut is Ichika. Nino and Yotsuba see them chatting from the corner.

You clearly lack love. I understand not recognizing Yotsuba, but Nino and Ichika should be obvious.

>You're assuming that Maruo is a good man
Why would you think he is a bad man?

It was probably something he did out of respect. They were probably friends, nothing sexual.

He fucked her so much she died.

>the quints have no love or affection for Maruo
Isn't it sad?

I appreciate the both of them anyway. Thanks user. They're the only two girls that matter.

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He should had dumped them in the garbage, where they belong.

yotsuba was fairly obvious, I was wondering about bottom right. Is it confirmed 100% to be Ichika? What a fucking snake

Is it me or Rena is very reminiscent of Miku?
I think it's only Nino.

Have you been speedreading the last couple of chapters or do you have a memory span of a goldfish

No, they didn't marry.

There's a lot of guesswork involved with Maruo and Rena's relationship, so it's all everyone's headcanon at this point. But Maruo is a doctor and Rena is a patient. Ethically, there's something wrong going on if he decided to marry Rena based off that, and he seems like a very 'by the book' sort of person. With how it seems like it's only been two months since it was made aware that these two were even meeting together. I'm speculating that Rena approached Maruo as a once mistress explaining that "these are you're kids, take care of them" deal. I don't think there was much love involved at all.

I feel like sooner or later we're gonna get some chapter where we will have Maruo show actual concern for the quints and Negi will make the readers feel bad for him. Seems like something he would do.

the latter

Confirmed since like the Scrambled Eggs.

>putting something on doesn't make that much of a difference
>has similar expressions to Miku
>Miku is the best at imitating her sisters
She's gonna win.

Attached: 1557258778608.png (830x1576, 1.27M)

Why won't you feel sorry for him already? He had to raise 5 retards that are not even his.

Let's do our best!

Attached: a845316lstp21.jpg (1650x1681, 276K)

The 3 quints with no chance of winning.

You mean buy them an apartment and get others to take care of them. Maruo hasn't done any parental activities other then provide them money.

He does live with them, on ch69 they were worried about having to return to the apartment and be alone with him

He already showed concern and his life isn't that great. With his daughters distant, someone he doesn't like being around them. His beloved is dead.

>And Takeda's personality is a better match for Yotsuba than Fuutarou.
Not at all

>Maruo hasn't done any parental activities other then provide them money.
How do you know that? How did he get to know them and stuff? That makes no sense.

Still more than enough, they would be starving in the streets otherwise.

I don't even care about the Fbowl. I just want Maruo to end up with Nino.

Stop it...

Maruo was cool with Fuutarou until he called him out. I'm not even sure if his feud with him has anything to do with the quints.

He kept them together so they'd have a lot of family. He cares about their education, pays for anything they need, and seems to actually be a little possessive of them.

If this happens next chapter my heart will break into a million little pieces

Too bad for you

Attached: 1520118629316.png (508x483, 226K)

He also tries to avoid talking with fuutarous dad if you forgot abojt that. During their meeting at the hill and in the hotspring

The manga hasn't really given any evidence of his "care" to make me question it. Which is why this page is satisfying to see.

Attached: N18.png (1426x2048, 647K)

It is treason then.

So what are some old Yotsuba moments that gained a lot of new context after this chapter?

>food, shelter, phones, education, and not getting separated
More care than they could have hoped for. Honestly, why should he love them?

>Maruo was cool with Fuutarou until he called him out.
Yeah, that's where it started. But he is also worried about his closeness with the quints now. Fuutarou should have apologized. He went all out because he thought they'd never study together again.

Ebata is more of a father then Maruo is. Even if you're a Maruo-sympathizer, you have to admit that he himself doesn't provide parental support.


>>Fuutarou obviously already thought that Lolikano was special since childhood (since she's the reason he became a bookworm)
>Doesn't this mean that Lolikano can't be the bride?

Yes Yotsuba and Ichika are out

Oh fuck, Yotsuba and Itsutki are the ones who were the most fucked mentally. I don't think I'll be ready for the Yotsuba or Itsutki despair arcs.

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It was mentioned when they were talking to each other in Scrambled Eggs and Ichika had that scene in Kyoto where she was talking about how she was Lolikano all along

Once a snake, always a snake

Someone makes a Zetsuba compilation already. Her despair expressions are so fucking sexy holy shit, whats wrong with me.

Fuck off ebata, stop posting here and go back to the manga

> in the flashforward at the end he shows Yotsuba bringing the rings
Jeez. That's fucked up.

>muh i want to be like mom
>muh hunger
Itsuki is incomparable to Yotsuba

When are we getting the group lolikano cover?

These are easily some of the most fucked up posts I've read regarding the winner and loser.

Check nhentai in a month

Itsuki doesn't seem to have issues. She is the most stable emotionally. That mom obsession didn't make her go nuts when she quarreled with Nino and she is the only quint besides Ichika who has clear goals.

You fuck sick. Look for professional help.

Remember when the quints' problems are light-hearted
>oopsie im retarded
>huh duh sengoku general
>woaa im hungry
>geez whiz i cant stop helping people

Perfect translation


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Do you think Rena's health deteriorated because she pumped out 5 kids at the same time?

Nino and Yotsuba's chances are way higher than Miku's

At first, I thought that Nino was the craziest one by far, but now I think she's the most sane quint. Yeah, I know Itsuki should be the most sane one, but I really believe Negi will reveal she has some twisted problem as well.

Since negi wrote yotsuba just to be despair, that makes him the trashiest writer in the world

>inb4drugging incidents

Same smug face

Is there any maiden that can defeat Uesugi Fuutarou? And I'm not talking about Kyoto Shota Uesugi Fuutarou. Hell, I'm not even talking about Kyoto Shota Uesugi Fuutarou in contact with a quint full of despair, so that he activates his KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY. I'm NOT talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou after putting on the blonde wig and having practiced his spooky abilities with Yotsuba. I couldn't be talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou using Kintarou as an alias to wet Nino's panties and gain her affection. I'm definitely not talking about School Trip Uesugi Fuutarou with mastery over his Shoujo ROMCOM dancing abilities used to break open the onee-san Ichika in order to make her go Doki-Doki. I'm really not talking about Final Exam Uesugi Fuutarou commanding a group of HOT RETARDS who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Fuutarou's dream of finally making it to their third year and ensuring the safety of graduation. Do you think I'm talking about Motorcycle Uesugi Fuutarou after going fully nuclear and telling Maruo he's going to take care of his daughter and riding off into the night with her as she confesses how wet the motorcycle's seat has become and how she wants to be his true, KONO SHUNKAN DESTINY? I'm talking about Mock Exam Uesugi Fuutarou in contact with the declaration to DAD form, activating his NO WAY FAG Fuutarou BLACK powers in order to NO WAY FAG onee-san from skipping school and commanding his NO WAY FAG power to BTFO Itsuki who disguised as RENA acting as the girl from the past to allow Fuutarou to remember his past, GIRL IN THE PICTURE, so that his bride can be decided amongst the HOT RETARDS.

Attached: FuutarouBlack.png (576x873, 341K)


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I get the feeling we're being baited into thinking Yotsuba is the most fucked up. That panel with Itsutki saying she'll become mom gives me major Yandere vibes.

A girl like her was incredibly close to her mom. I mean just look at this page where she says she will become the mom. She definitely broke a good amount when her mom died.

Attached: T25.png (1115x1600, 658K)

Five years later, Yotsuba is still salty.

What the fuck is this Negi? Am I gonna be teary-eyed everytime I re-read Yotsuba related scenes now? I didn't think this would make me feel a shitton for reading a romcom manga


No. Yotsuba is someone who has lost almost everything important while growing up. Their individuality, their purpose in life. In short, literally me.

She probably had to go outside without a coat because she was short on cash to buy one and caught the Japanese cold.

Attached: x17.png (1070x1600, 527K)

>well I guess a I managed to grow up since...
Or so we thought.

Yotsuba represents your typical Yea Forumsnon. Fitting that her symbol is the four leaf clover.

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Obligatory reminder, looking for someone to translate exhentai.org/g/1417092/3fb007fd12/
I'll handle the rest, etc etc

>she has been lying all the time
>you're so honest you can't tell a lie
Ouch, that must've hurt

>>Next chapter
>>Yotsuba tries her hardest for her exams.
Maybe she wants to fails because she wants to be separated to her sisters but her sisters fallow her

Ichika going to win bois

It was the stress of taking care of 5 kids by herself. Maybe if Yotsuba off'd herself sooner, she'd have lived.

Itsuki canonically had major issues following their mother's passing, to the point that Ichika stopped being a cunt all the time and stepped up into the onee-san role we see her in at the beginning of the manga. Itsuki seems to be doing fine now though, or at the very least she doesn't ooze despair out of her eyeballs the way Yotsuba does.

Unrelated, we didn't see the all-important 'you're necessary to me' moment from lolikano did we?

Are people really threatened by Yotsuba that much that they have to shitpost past the first half of the chapter? It’s pure fucking Kino. I mean I understand it, I’d feel uncomfortable about my quints position if another quint was getting these types of scenes

Attached: 8DA57768-4207-4EDA-B505-457E3A653E71.jpg (580x831, 61K)

Its always the fucking japanese cold

Attached: 6E4CDE16-D137-42B1-9692-8DDC6811EB48.jpg (834x497, 102K)

Don't think so. Negi literally killed her chances by turning her into a lying bitch

Yeah. Win BBC in her acting career

Yotsuba is perfectly fine.

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Rena lost her life so Miku will lose the bowl

The moment any quint gets a special chance, the other party will feel threatened. This is nothing new.

I wonder if Negi is just developing this carefully as he goes or if he's had a rough plan of how the story for all the quints goes from the very start.

I can do it.

Oof, cant believe negi foreshadowed miku’s death

>>food, shelter, phones, education, and not getting separated
>More care than they could have hoped for. Honestly, why should he love them?
Only Nino know the true about him

Probably not but I think her and Miku are Negi's favorites given how much development they got early on.

Attached: 1559149336964.jpg (1035x806, 198K)

Probably planned, because improvising on the go is harder since you have to go back and check to see if it contradicts with anything you have drawn

>Miku gets missionary vanilla sex while Nino gets blackmailed and raped
Somebody is really salty.

>Rena says they're all special even if they're not the best
>Miku's problems come from her thinking she's not special
>Fuu thinks the bride is special

Itsuki's not too too bad. Her main problem is that she's trying to be her Mother instead of just herself. We've seen enough from her to know that she's decently mentally stable. Unless if Negi tries to just do a repeat of Yotusba and gives her some hidden tragic backstory that she was keeping hidden this whole time it seems unlikely. And I doubt he would do that

No matter how much people want to shitpost about Yotsuba now that she’s at the forefront here’s the facts.

She didn’t kill her mother
She’s searching for her own individuality.
Beyond this flashback we know she didn’t reach the academic achievements she was looking for but the circumstances pertaining to this we don’t know yet
She may still reach those goals
She’s been keeping the fact that she was lolikano a secret

well Miku had an old men dj before

>i doubt he would do that
Dont jinx yourself, negi is gonna fuck with us all

Yotsuba and Itsuki are precious Imoutos
Yotsubros are bros

Attached: Postsuki.png (111x119, 30K)

>she says she will become the mom

Itsuki it's like Yotsuba, the two Are failures... Itsuki wants to be their mom but she still crybaby.
Only Nino is their mom(love) and Ichika is their dad(money)

rena shot down Yotsuba's studying hard and is the reason that Yotsuba is borderline retarded now

Attached: x20.png (1115x1600, 420K)

It does grasp the essence of the original japanese phrasing.

Why was Itsuki such a momma's girl compared to the rest

She is the baby quint.

Not a huge one, but initially it gained new meaning when it was revealed that Yotsuba was the one that held every else back and was the reason for the transfer. But I guess it has double meaning now, since we also know that Yotsuba felt the need that they (or more specifically herself) had to be split off from the rest.

Attached: x11.png (1070x1600, 820K)

She probably didn’t mean it this way but what a bitch

>ywn have flirty big sis ichika anymore

First thing that came to mind was this one. Since Yotsuba was probably referring to the first time she saw him with her first impressions.

Attached: x27.png (1070x1600, 507K)

Itsuki would supply plenty of nutrients to a child growing in the womb.

Embrace despair Fattybros

Attached: Despaired Lolitsuki.png (648x764, 477K)

>his wife's children

And I guess this one too while I'm at it. Since it was one of the early-ish chapters where we got the deadsuba eyes.

Forgot the pic.

Attached: x10.png (1426x2048, 1.13M)

I think her intent was for Yotsuba not to become obsessed about what her achievements and understand that even if she's not the best she's still special and unique

Repeating Yotsuba's formula is, first of all, undesirable because no matter what Negi does with Itsuki, it's already cemented that Yotsuba had already done a despair arc first, so the impact would be lesser. Secondly, it's really hard to pull of because all of Yotsuba's past scenes have clearly had foreboding hints all over the places even before we knew of her backstory. And once we know them, suddenly ALL Yotsuba's scenes can be interpreted in a whole different light than before. Honestly, the amount of foreshadowing and planning for Yotsuba's arc has been out of this world. Comparatively, Itsuki hasn't shown any hint of even liking Fuutarou, nor does her scenes have any hidden meanings (maybe except for when she disguised herself as Rena? Even that has something to do with Yotsuba in the end).

That image by itself already hurt me but now with the latest chapter... fuck.

Attached: t-this kinda of.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

>Itsuki can't have a despair arc because then us Yotsubafags would lose our only chance of winning

Attached: 1558945448121.jpg (910x1024, 206K)

Let's go even further and give Yotsuba the Ichika treatment!

Attached: 1559087778924.jpg (690x720, 58K)

Please don't let my expectations get subverted. Yotsuba deserves to win.

Attached: qt.png (520x659, 328K)

Now 45fags are fighting amongst each other?

Not that guy but he’s right, it’d be a rehash and Itsuki really isn’t that despair ridden

What if I'm a 45fag

Just be a 1fag and fight everyone user

Yotsuba can't even despair without it being stolen from her. Yotsuba is literally nothing.

Weird did you get that from? They're usually pretty cool with each other

So rereading the entire manga since I fell behind a bit prior to this latest chapters. So sorry if this is a retarded question anons.

But is the doctor whose face covered up daddykano? I assume the reason Fuutarou felt like he recognized him was from him finding Yotsuba at the shrine.

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In the butt!

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Congratulations. The prize is a rope.

in the BUTT

Attached: 12.png (457x734, 369K)

Isn't it literally pointed out to us in the story?

What madman knocked up Rena and left her with 5 kids?

Post all your NINO fashion outfit pic you have now.




Attached: Angel.png (710x1428, 434K)

Pound for pound are Ichikafags the best shitposters?

Alright waifufagging aside, bride looking hot af. Unf I need bride doujins now.

Pound for pound, Itsuki has a lot of those.


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Thanks for the confirmation user.

I wouldn't know, like I said I fell behind so I'm kind of playing catchup. But since I forgot what happened early on I'm going through from the beginning.

And while I'm at it, might as well throw my hat into the bin. Memory's still rusty so sorry if this isn't the case. But from what I can tell, every-time Itsuki is trying to get Fuutarou to talk about or recall the past, Yotsuba is usually the one to jump in and interrupt right?

I thought the ribbon here was just for comedic effect to show her approach at first. But in hindsight it feels a bit more ominous.

Attached: x19.png (1426x2048, 1.04M)


Yea Forumsnonymous / Ninobros scans when?

Ninobros are retarded as hell

Next Nino chapter
So, never

I have all you faggots wrapped around my finger. You're all eating out of my hands like the pigs you are. My plan is to make Yea Forums choke on my dick every week. They love it, and they can't get enough. They always moan "negi tame~" Like a bunch of filthy whores.

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How did she get the ahoge?

God I want to slap her.

Attached: mini fatty.png (700x476, 324K)

Yotsubafags' biggest detractors are Yotsubafags themselves. Just from the huge amount of neglect Negi has given them over the course of the manga, half of them have turned into despairing lunatics that can't ever see their favorite girl being happy in the end. I'm one of them

You don't insult my Ninobros like that

Attached: x6.png (293x297, 343K)

Every chapter is a Nino chapter.

>no one shitting on Yea Forums's release today
Proof that dropout have never been the ones doing it.

Stress eating. The excess fat being consumed is stored inside the ahoge.

I’m not one of them Yotsuba will be fine when she wins

I never posted nor will post anything despair related, but I don't believe in a Yotsuba end simply because it would be too good to be true. We can't have nice things, user.

It grew along her insanity

They haven't been bad at all. Nino, Miku, and Ichika fans are much worse when they get a chapter, especially the former. Yotsuba fans and Itsukichads are the best

Itsuki will win she's the most fucked up.

Look at the last thread. As soon as Yea Forums released the chapter one or two dropout shills started shitting on it intensely about how "they don't care about Yea Forums".

I’ve been saying it all along that all Negi had to do was unlock the hints he’s left along the way for Yotsubas full power to be achieved. He’s already half way along doing that.

Because he left hints all the way it makes his story rereadable multiple times so you can experience it on multiple levels. Negi would be a fool to not end with Yotsuba it literally elevates his story

Someone should just make a Yotsuba foreshadowing compilation at this point

But we can't have nice things. He'll probably go for a safe Miku end.

You can't fool me twice.

Attached: v38.png (2048x1471, 2.31M)

press "s" to spit on nino's grave

It still hurts...

I’ve been waiting for someone to drop them all consecutively, would be nice. Like I was saying if Negi unlocks all the hints along the way the story goes super saiyan

>I'm too old for a happy meal?

Why are Yea Forums shitposts like...
...leaking into mangadex comments? It's so fucking cringeworthy.

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Who /#dropout/ here?

It's not an official release if it's not a #dropout release.

That's reddit, not Yea Forums

Imagine being so pathetic that it's been foreshadowed for almost 90 chapters.

I still can't believe Nino unknowingly ended up using the same nickname she gave him 5 years ago.

Isn't he saying the opposite? He saying that Itsuki would be the one that'd get fucked over if it was just a rehash of Yotusba's as it would just be very repetitive and boring

Even Miku managed to come up with that, it's not a very creative nickname.

Church of Nino originated on Yea Forums though

Are you gonna put together a compilation? Cause most of them are already in this thread if you wanna get started

Attached: s19.png (1426x2048, 839K)

What does that even mean?

What did 2chan have to say about the chapter?

Attached: 1549561918849.jpg (1350x2402, 2.13M)


They're the same user.

Imagine Yotsuba finds Rena's secret asspull diary that shows Rena was sorry for how she reacted to Yotsuba wanting to change.

"Where's Miku?"

Would explain the personality change between middle school and present day.

Please just let Yotsuba be happy. She doesn't have to be the bride. Just give her a good, happy closure.


Ah damn it. Now my day is ruined.


>this scenario happens to miku
I would unironically die of laughter

Taking the first part of the name plus an honorific is literally the most common type of nickname

Its more likely to happen to Yotsuba at this point. Miku is pretty safe from such treatment now that Yotsuba has cemented herself as lolikano.

What happened there?

>you should change too
Fuck, imagine what an heavy blow this was for Yotsuba.

Attached: M17.png (1426x2048, 900K)


thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=vRF3zgF6Xao

>"I'll be fine by myself"
Jesus Christ.

25 is really the OTP

Nobody cared who she was until she put on the ribbon. Nobody cared afterwards either.

Attached: 1559576636757.png (319x237, 59K)

That's the last page of the second to last chapter. Final chapter he rejects her and confesses to main girl.

How about a trip to Australia?


Negi says something here.

Attached: 1547663149428.png (451x490, 233K)

You people just want me to suffer don't you?

Negi is so full of himself...

Attached: quincest.jpg (682x705, 440K)

Nino copy her haircut so Yotsuba is crazy about it.
>Fake smile, fake love this bitch is too jealous of her sisters change

I'd say that's a low blow of Nino to say that but none of the quints know about Yotsuba's real self since she doesn't even tell anyone.

Attached: 1557438852921.png (339x357, 119K)

That's just mean

Attached: 0192.png (507x609, 227K)

They'll comfort each other after Fuu rejects both of them

>Itsuki will never crawl under your covers and warm you up with her wet nasty farts

Attached: 1535334793216.png (275x280, 57K)

we all knew it was too good to be true, she had no time to develop and the end was nigh. Still, the things that could've been.

Attached: 011.png (643x251, 67K)

That girl was a bitch anyway.

Is Miku the only quint that have never hurt Yotsuba?
Is that why she tries to set her up with Fuutarou?

It's been a while but it went something like:

Girl in pic was the maid of the main girl (Rich bitch tsundere) and was helping her get with the MC (guy in pic) cause she did something she regrets in the past. They get into a fight and break up and he goes to the mountains with his grandpa for reasons I don't remember. The main girl talks to the maid about her also having feelings for the MC and tells her that she shouldn't hold them back just for her. Then the maid goes to the mountains and confesses to the MC and the chapter ends with the implication that they got together. The majority of the fanbase is happy it didn't end with the generic tsundere and that it was a good conclusion The next chapter (also the last chapter) comes out and about halfway through it's revealed that the last chapter or 2 were irrelevant and he chose the tsundere girl instead and the the manga ends

Everybody but her fans were pissed

Have you ever noticed how touchy Fuutarou is with Yotsuba? He rarely, if ever, intentionally touches the others. It's probably a bad thing for her desu, I don't think our pure little Fuutarou would be so touchy with somebody he saw as a woman.

Just you wait I have a feeling that the Yotsuba suffering is far from over

Nuking japan again seems reasonable now.

Better than Miku can only masturbate until sleep

Y I K E S, did the author profit, at least?

Attached: 122.png (636x294, 77K)

>That ending

Japanese trash writing is why their population is dying and I'm glad.

>You should change too

>Everybody but her fans were pissed
lol I'm nopan girl fan and I certainly weren't pissed.

Yotsuba internalizes all of her suffering, though. Nino would have almost no way of knowing what she'd actually said, especially considering the circumstances.

What else can she do, Fuu works late most days

Isn't she supposed to be the one that cares about her sisters the most?

Yeah, I never said it was Nino's fault. Most of the time the things that hurt the most are said not on purpose.

why do you mention Yotsuba's husband in your post?

How is negi going to redeem all of yotsuba suffering? Leaving out the possibility that she is bride.
Will she finally open up to her sisters, or will negi just let her kill herself to end all her suffering.

A widowed man like him was free to marry again

Nino does try to help her sisters, but only when she's allowed to. She's not a fucking mindreader or anything.

Oh no, my intention wasn't to call you out on it, user. I was just saying my own thoughts on it.

Looking back on it this also seems to have a deeper meaning.

Attached: 87787.png (1279x624, 581K)

there's still Ichika.

Caring about people doesn't mean you develop mind reading powers.

Nino's hair gets darker as she grow older

Was the girl who bumped into them last chapter or the boy she was with someone we should know ?

>How is negi going to redeem all of yotsuba suffering?
He won't, in fact he'll probably just make her suffer even more

Hopefully the chinks track him down and take care of him then.

It was that girl that was in Fuutarou's group when he went to Kyoto

Why did Negi change Yotsuba's reaction from the oneshot?

Attached: 28.jpg (2189x1600, 976K)

More 5toubun figures when?

Didn't Miku lack a connection to him from the past?

He hasn't planned concrete story from the one shot. A lot can change between the ~8 months in the one shot and chapter one.

Cause Yotsuba is a positive girl who looks on the bright side of things and hides her pain from others

What are you smoking? Basically everyone except for a few delusional Miku fanboys had concluded that Lolikano was either Itsuki or Yotsuba before the Sisters' War arc, and the subtle clues suggesting a connection between Yotsuba and Lolikano were right.

>Nisekoi changed the direction of the genre.

I wouldn't doubt that Yotsuba's popularity will skyrocket even more after all of this.

It'll go down like Miku

Because the groaning and downer thing is contrary to the two faced DESPAIR/genki personas of Yotsuba.

But 5toubun is groundbreaking
t. zoomer

>a few delusional Miku fanboys
That's a funny way to spell Nino'''''bros'''''

Attached: red herring.png (1115x1600, 652K)

At 10:10 they briefly talk about when it'll end, can anyone TL?

I remember one of the VA claim Nino will win because of this scene

Miku’s is in the shooter because people are sick of her. She’s boring and going nowhere

IIRC, the VAs that said which quint would win
Ichika VA: Ichika will win
Nino VA: Nino will win
Miku VA: Nino will win
Yotsuba VA: Itsuki will win
Itsuki VA: Itsuki will win