Mob psycho 100 vs Fullmetal alchemist manga

Which manga had a better final arc?

>mob psycho 100/10 ??? Arc

>Full metal Alchemist:Brotherhood- Ed punching father harder arc

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It’s mob

??? > the Truth

Greed (oh my ultimate shield) is a dumb ass villain who should have stayed dead

Attached: ED65A692-B88E-482C-8F53-CD2B410A58B0.jpg (1200x840, 177K)

what? the final arc of fmab should be considered the entire promised day arc

Bump this truth

Mob > FMA b

Again this thread

Mob is still better!

??? Arc > promised day arc + punching father harder


And dimple is a better god than father

Truth sucks!

>nobody listened to him in the FMAB thread
>makes his own
Comparing these two series is so absolutly pointless. I don't understand what you are trying to achieve.

the fma 2003 ending not conqueror of shamballa is 100x better then fmab

FMAb is considered the best shounen of all time because it has an ending. Well guess what! Mob has an ending too. A better one in even less episodes!

Yes but mob is better than both still.

has mob ended yet? ive only watched anime

>Greed is a dumb ass villain who should have stayed dead

Opinion absolutely discarded. I'm not reading any more of your bullshit.

This. I'm convinced it's a troll or a 14 year old at this point. Nobody but OP cares what is better, most people appreciate both.

Why are you pitting these two against each other in the first place?

fma 2003 did the villains infinitely better. In broho greed dies in such a cliche way literally saying "all i wanted... was friends all along"

>FMAb is considered the best shounen of all time
By who? Regardless, trying to combat any idea of consensus objectivism is basically an admittance to buying into the idea of it. Don't try to boost something in comparison to something else that tried to tell a different story just because you are a slave to genre labels, it makes you sound simple minded.
>Mob has an ending too. A better one in even less episodes!
The end of season 2 isn't the end of the story. Try again if they ever make another season or just go read the manga so you have some credibility to back up your arguments.

Nice opinion

Reminder that this is the best Mob Psycho arc by far

Attached: Divinetree.png (1193x842, 1.11M)

They are shounen manga with a complete story.

But mob is better


Yes. The manga ended 2 years ago.
Go read the rest it’s better than FMA Ed punching god powered father

Broccoli > Ed and father

??? > truth

Also Ed is an annoying MC

Butt hurt fag

Nice fact!

I'm going to humour you with one reply.

Both versions of his death made perfect sense for Greed's character. He had always claimed that he was a loner while clearly having a makeshift family of his own. What a character says they are isn't always necessarily true, but it's apparent that you're incapable of reading beyond that.
>("oh my ultimate shield")
Your attempt at a joke is so stupid it isn't even funny. Edward was able to manipulate the hardness of Greed's shield all the way back from their first fight. Greed learnt the idea from Ed.

FMA 03, the FMA manga (which is better than Brotherhood), and Mob Psycho 100 are not comparable. They both feature the idea of humanity's strength, but in completely different ways. One is not objectively better than the other. They're all great and your threads are an embarrassment.

>Greed (oh my ultimate shield) is a dumb ass villain who should have stayed dead
>that part when Father "takes" Greed's soul and crushes it in his hand
>everyone just stops to watch and Lin starts crying over Greed's soul who is slowly "dying"
Goddamn that shit made me laugh.

You sound like you like one over the other, good for you, you have an opinion. I consider them both 10/10 for different reasons.

Ed is fine as an MC but he's not my favorite character, same with MP100, Mob is a bit of a wet noodle at times and not at all my favorite character.

Here's your (You)

Wrath is not and alchemist yet greed never goes full shield on him because greed is dumb

Mob is cute.

Lewd him!

>first time posting in this thread
This is your brain on faggy shounen debates.

Greed is kind of dumb, he takes too many risks sometimes. That's still in-character for him.

Check your spelling next time, kid.

>OP is actually a faggot or maybe a fujo
Colour me surprised.

Same FMA manga fag

>Same FMA manga fag
Excuse me? Did you have stroke?

He makes dumb choices too many times. Wrath should have killed the 1st time even though he can’t stab an ultimate shield that greed should cover his whole body in!

Greed is a fag.

Mob psycho for than win. Dimple is a better god then father

Doesn't change what I said.

Check your grammar too, ESL.

FMAB has a full cast of fleshed out characters spanning over multiple countries and factions. OP tell me how many fleshed out, fully realized characters there were in the second season of Mob, because beyond Mob/Reigen's continued growth and Serizawa being the only new character with an actual arc right at the very end, I cannot think of a single one.

Greed is suppose to be a dumb fag? He is a waste of screen time them. We could have gotten more Ed and Al BROTHERHOOD moments instead.

Mob & ritsu bros > Ed & Al bros

Mob psycho has real brotherhood

Go easy on OP, he's 10 and English isn't his first language.

>over multiple countries
Only 2 countries.
we never even see Xing

I’m female and Japanese is my 1st language

Mobu saiko haikuyuu is better

Oh here we go, you know the drill

Tits or gtfo

Still didn't deny that you're 10. Either way that's about how mature you sound.

>I'm female
You must be new here, then. That's not something you say outright on boards like Yea Forums. It's dumb but that's how it works here.

Your opinion, at the end of the day, is subjective. Now there's a good word for you to learn. See ya.

>10 posters
>46 posts

>You must be new here
Same to you otherwise you'd know conversation stops until we see some tits.



Mob psycho 100 was more entertaining and more touching than Fullmetal Alchemist.

脳たりん !

No tits for you!


Yes! Lewd mob!


Fake Japanese

>100 posters
>100 posts

>caring about paraolympics

>retards can't see obvious trolling
Very low iq thread, when I came here averange iq rised 3 times.

Not a troll fag!

Just writing facts!


what it is about fucking phoneposters and shitty versus threads

>62 replies
>14 posters
welp i cant imagine the 2 or 3 autist that try to compare a badly drawn selinsert loser to a highly philosophical alltime classicer and of course the best anime of all times


and now be good kids and go to sleep


No fag

Mob > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FMA b

Fma is badly drawn with shit backgrounds and shit characters with shit short jokes and shit with shit father story line