>8 years ago
8 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
I wanna go back
reminder the author wrote the ending where they both get married on his blog because his publishers wouldn't let him
Its canon that she went to play baseball without earing any underwear.
Another instance of "author has a great premise but doesn't know what the fuck to do with it and so ends up turning it into generic trash."
Holy shit the OP was great though.
God I wish I wasn't alive.
Is it wrong to wanna fuck her? Since mentally she's like 5?
plz stop
Love Erio!
It isn't author's fault. Well accepted rumor is that the publisher pressured author to make the novel more 'moe' in order to boost sales. That is why Maekawa's personality totally changed between chapter 3~4
I still blow a load to this doujin if I am feeling that everything else is just not doing it for me, that part where Touwa starts punishing her with his dick for revealing a nipple never fails to make me cum.
The moe stuff wasn't even necessarily the problem. The nugget of gold in the series is the setup with Makoto moving to the city only to find himself involved with a shut-in cousin who may or may not have been abducted by aliens (but who definitively was missing and reappeared under mysterious circumstances) and whose social life was essentially ruined by her inability to reconcile her experience with the expectations of society. Ryuuko and Maekawa played into that dynamic well enough because the former represented normalcy to which Makoto could turn and even be tempted to abandon Erio in order to fit in, while Maekawa presented the case of a person who is just a fucking weirdo without having had contact with an anomalous situation. "Fixing" Erio so quickly is where things started to go wrong and then everything about Yashiro finished the job.
I respect your insights but I do not agree that Erio was fixed 'so quickly'.
She already wanted to fix herself, she was just afraid. New family moved in (Makoto) who seemed normal and enjoying school life and fresh friendships. Erio, being the brat she is, wanted to mimic that.
Her mother also didn't interfere graciously which helped Erio to stand on her own feet.
Also, Erio wasn't fixed on her own, she was also a mirror that reflected the nature of other fellows which in turn helped them fix themselves.
I don't believe there was anything fast about these dynamics
The big problem with her change is that it didn't actually address the fundamental cause of her breakdown. It would have been fine to only snap her out of the delusion about being an alien, but when that happened it also was as if the event which had caused her to latch on to that idea stopped mattering. Working toward bringing her back into society was indeed the proper direction to take her development and that aspect is paced well with her involvement with the grandma's store. However, the dispelling of that delusion also broke the tension of wondering what actually happened to her because it stopped mattering to her and Makoto. The reason she became deluded was the irreconcilable experience, but Makoto's answer is basically just telling her to get over it rather than continuing to explore the dynamic of anomalous experiences and their impact on individuals.
Granted, I am heavily biased in this regard because researching UFO-related topics are a hobby of mine so I've seen any number of accounts from contactees/abductees who have experienced the isolation and stigma resulting from anomalous encounters. So of course, other than best girl Maekawa, that aspect was what most interested me in the narrative.
However, I think keeping that tension of Makoto caught between the world of normalcy and Erio's abnormal experience while trying to support her sorting herself out would have enhanced the way that the series examines the "return of the shut-in to society" theme. The second arc still does a nice job of this with the much more mundane story of the grandma, but that is almost entirely separated from Makoto's narrative which largely breaks down into harem bullshit with only a side-helping of facing the stigma of associating with an outcast.
Lets settle this once and for all.
Cosplay or Retard?
>30 years ago
Well it is just as you said 'return of the shut-in to society'.
The golden attitude when you approach this type of stories, is to just consider past data such as Erio got kidnapped and etc as a material used to create certain perspective. From my standpoint, why she got fucked up in the head doesn't really matter. In real life, this could be very insignificant causes such as "I just felt like not going to school". But the hardships of those who stagnate if universal.
The fact that author didn't elaborate on what happened allude that such background information is irrelevant.
I still don't get why the alien girl with sparkling lights surrounding her exists in the first place, but as long as Erio's story line goes, mystery scifi thing has little meaning
>From my standpoint, why she got fucked up in the head doesn't really matter. In real life, this could be very insignificant causes such as "I just felt like not going to school".
It can also be the case that there are significant causes such as ordinary traumas. Erio's brush with the anomalous seems much more representative of a significant cause and thus the series could have addressed how those sorts of events don't just create a perspective and stop mattering, but continue to impact the individual and threaten to negate progress toward returning to society. Imagine that for the third arc, instead of joining in with the baseball thing, Erio regressed toward becoming more insular again. Makoto eventually discovers that now she's become obsessed with more generalized books on the paranormal because she still doesn't have an explanation for what happened to her, to the point that she's now fixated on that search for meaning rather than a simple delusion based on limited interpretation. This would present a more nuanced problem for Makoto as well, since it isn't so clear a case to tell her to get over it when she truly has experienced something for which there isn't an explanation.
If we swap Erio's backstory with a simple kidnapping case, the first arc would become something like dispelling the delusion that she's a secret princess hidden at birth, while the continuing problem would be dealing with the reality that the world is a scary place where sometimes people get kidnapped for no particular reason.
And again, I am biased toward the idea that mystery scifi should have been a focus in and of itself to specifically examine the impact of anomalous events on individuals beyond the general theme of rehabilitating the shut-in. Not in the way Yashiro took the series though; direct confirmation of extraordinary events goes too far toward dispelling the tension unless there is a radical shift in the dynamic to essentially place Makoto in Erio's shoes.
Always retard.
yeah I agree that Yashiro ruined the balance. Until Yashiro, background information was not truly relevant to my sensibility, but Yashiro keep bragging about being a spaceperson and the camera angle making it seem like she actually can wield magic was really off-putting. Also, in the final anime episode, Erio's father quite literally magically showed up making audience keep thinking maybe there is uchuu-jin.
But then, it is a common Hollywood gimmick. The story was good enough to suffice my needs even if it has ambiguities.
I'm just personally more offended by Maekawa's change in personality because I liked her former attitude
How did that ending go?
I remember this retard getting fucked hard in the ass, making weird faces
One of the darkest corners of the internet.
You wouldn't fuck a retard, right?
I think that gif is shopped, it doesn't look right.
just two short stories.
One where MC and Erio go to someone's wedding and MC finds the bride who is nervous about getting married and helps her get over it. The surprise at the end is that Erio asks MC if they are going to get married too and he says yes revealing they're a couple.
The other short story is a timeskip where they're married and have a young daughter. MC became an inventor/astronomist I think and he shows his daughter a constellation light display he made
One of the deepest and darkest animes I've ever seen.
Does anyone still have the
>darkest corner of the internet
video? Couldn't find it on YT
He invented a device that emits sparkles and wants to popularize it as a home decoration so that Erio and his daughter's sparkling hair won't stand out that much. Also Erio had to hide her hair with a big hat when they attended the wedding.
Anonymous delivers.
She autistic
did they ever explain why that happens? I feel like theanine completely glossed over the fact that Erio might me alien and not just crazy
Buriki's designs are so hot, what the hell happened to him?
Always thought the perspective was off here, she looks gigantic.
If only more authors could be this based.
Ryuushi is NOT a retard.
LN introduces several other people that claim to be aliens besides Yashiro and Erio with their own gimmicks. They all have sparkling hair. Eliot has too though it seems he's an earthling. So alien genes probably.
I still beat my dick bloody to the idea of her getting abducted by sailors and used mike a sextoy before returning home. She probably can take 4 dicks at once now.
That's RyuuKO to you, mister.
Cant lose with Ryuuko
but girls only have 3 holes
Ya didn't she like disappear for like 6 months and apparently had no recollection of the events that transpired? She was definitely used as some bald fat old mans sex toy until he got bored of her. That's so hot.
Protip: one hole gets 2 dicks.
Explain this, then.
>but girls only have 3 holes
You think he made her call him papa/daddy?
nu-Yea Forums will not get this
Super interesting show.
Name a more visually appealing anime.
You can't
prisma illya
That pantyshot in the first episode though. Did the BD remove that pesky little UFO?
Thank god the oldfags aren't all completely gone. I just stopped by to make sure the MOST DANGEROUS PLACE ON THE INTERNET one was posted but I'm not spending another 10 minutes looking for it. I definitely have the van one saved though.
Funniest thing, Yea Forums was the enemy. Trump came in rocking their shit, being the only chance they got. They see Yea Forums destroying Hillary and now are besties and no longer talk shit.
It's almost like a certain subreddit migrated to this site en mass and flooded out the regular posters and did their best to instill their culture on the site when in fact they are the immigrants and should be conforming to our standards.
dude who is this anime retard?
tfw I had the privilege of being afroduck
Naw, Hillary was the correct target. They got her to declare a cartoon frog as enemy #1 on national TV. Never had I've seen so many people online happy in my life.
Same here. Was my first raid. I still remember the live Crunchroll animecon raids.
Nigger, that was after you reddit fucks invaded and shat up the place.
Listen boy. I've been on Yea Forums a year before reddit even came to be. We were here for the fun, we are still around for such fun. Many still lurk as we wait for a new target.
>hur dur i'm an oldfag
No fuck you. Your part of the problem and you and your ilk need to fuck off. You ruined Yea Forums.
Yeah, so much fun with all those newfags screeching about trannies and incels in every thread.
It's what redditors do best. That or spamming frogs.
For fucking real? I barely pay attention to the news because it's all us vs them tribalistic, thought-terminating political bullshit these days but I'd be interested in watching that.
From what little I hear in passing it sounds like murrican politicians are doing a great job parodying and satirizing themselves without any outside help.
>without any outside help
how did the ln end?
But I thought cousin incest was okay incest in japan
coincidentally memeoneta was 4 years ago
time goes fast
Those things literally don't happen on Yea Forums so I'm guessing you're "friends" from a different, shittier board that deserves its low quality. Also the people who post incel are the enemies of the people who post tranny, so your posts don't make sense.
>Those things literally don't happen on Yea Forums
How fucking new are you? Lurk the fuck more or fuck off back to your containment board.
>muh boogeyman is real in my mind
Every time. You are actually worse than anything any of them post because somehow you think you're justified in shitting things up.
>shitting things up
Oh the ironing. Again, fuck off to where ever you came from. It's clear you do not belong here.
For those of you wondering what the vanilla happened to Yea Forums...
Dear m00t
if you read this somehow... i want to say fuck you for selling this site out for some 3dpd's pussy.
After you quit, you didn't even bother to visit us or even say hello.
>you getting ntr'd was funny though.
You're the problem, now fuck off to Yea Forums
Oh hey, I was in that thread too. What are the odds of that?
Apparently I wrote the two longest posts before it was deleted.
Yep, that's the first one. Judging by my writing (using a hyphen instead of a semicolon, no leading space for it, etc.) I was quite drunk at the time.
Seems like every time I lurk drunk I get pissed off at what we lost.
based, i do the same
Stupid sexy cousins
But she's sixteen?
only 6 days for the anniversary of the first raid
you're right
Meme is like 50 by now. Not cute.