Is there a place for prostitutes in anime and manga?
Is there a place for prostitutes in anime and manga?
Yeah, the whore house or on the street.
Sure, why not.
Idolshit is pretty popular.
>ywn buy CatCat
I love autistic catcat
There's a place for anything if the writing is good
On the other side of my shotgun.
You wouldn't shoot a cute girl.
Prostitutes are beasts. They should be harvested for their meat like any other animal.
Their lewd, delicious meat.
Post another cutie.
Sorry but ur mom will have to find another way to get herself noticed.
Not all animals are harvested for their meat, but their meat does have other uses.
that's one long neck!
Was she though?
She clearly loved him enough that whatever she was in the past didn’t matter anymore.
There's that manga about reviewers rating monster girl prostitutes.
Gyaru prostitues, yes.
How you gonna say that without a name.
Ishuzoku Reviewers by Amahara (someone else is doing art though)
Long necks are for kissing
Do they need a dishwasher there?
long necks are for chopping
What was she beheaded for again?
Sure why not. Can it be about male prostitutes or just female?
Idolshit is like the most popular genre on anime, yeah.
why haven't you read sakuran yet?
If you want an accurate/faithful depiction of how Prostitutes were treated in Edo Japan. look up Moyocco Anno's SAKURAN.
It doesn't shy away from the darker side of prostitution in Edo Japan. But it's never done in way that fetishizes or dehumanizes the women in the work. Many of them aren't there by choice, as in Edo Japan many men sold their wives or daughters into brothels when they couldn't pay their taxes. Which usually happened during droughts or rice shortages when they couldn't pay the Emperor their quota.
When you think Samurai. Don't think noble warriors with a code of honor. Think Mafia Enforcers for a protection racket. Grow our rice and we wont kill you or sell your daughters into a whorehouse.
We will never know.
For not announcing a season two.
Considering that they are free of the burden of having to pander to purityfags? Yes.
Aint no way in hell that's ever getting an anime adaptation.
Not even on my dick.
ugly af
We need one about lesbian prostitutes directed by Ritz.
>Forced to get dicked by that creepy kid from her class to make ends meet.
I wish I could be her.
Not the user you responded to but thanks. This is pretty good.
Samurai Champloo episode 13 (? I think) Gamblers and Gallantry perfectly encapsulated this message.
We unironically need more enkou in anime and manga
Eh, never say never. Every studio tries to stick out a bit these days
Something like Working!! Except instead of a restaurant, its a whore house and short stack here is trying to become top bitch.
You would have to remove the pornography from it. Which kind've defeats the whole point of the adaptation, because without the porn it's just another dime a dozen isekai with nothing to add.
>Has to do everything in his power to please is idols
>Has to date every idol no matter the age
>Idols always have unique requests
Is Producer a male prostitute or an escort?
I just want a manga where the MC saves all the prostitutes with his cock.
My room
I'd shoot her up with my sperm.
p-chan is a bro
Is this the idol Master?
More /jp/ material but I love the Yuka route in Crescendo. Awakened the latent Captain Save-a-ho feelings in me.
There needs to be more anime about child prostitutes.
Have you feed your underage prostitutes yet?
>equating geishas with whores.
prostitution makes more money than a university graduate
Depends on the ho.
Yes, I'll let them stay at my place, but only if they eat all the eggs.
Something about all the ridiculous stuff in their hair is hypnotic.
Eating eggs costs extra.