Single-handed saves the anime industry

>Hentatsu DVD - 4395
>Kemurikusa BD2 - 12369

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not exactly, he just middle fingered Kadokawa himself.

Hentatsu sold even more than KF2? Lol, based Tats

4.3K units sold on something free to watch online, incredible

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oh shit my brain didn't even process those were the second BD volume numbers
that's some good shit

>not posting the other one
I'm happy he's seeing so much success and support, maybe Isa and Fukuhara will let him wake up and make another show soon

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sorry user
here's the other one fixed

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Something nice about Hentatsu and Kemurikusa going on sale the same week is that you can see that there is at least 4395 fans hardcore enough to buy Hentatsu, but you have 12369 fans buying Kemurikusa, where they could be the hardcore fans already mentioned or fans not hardcore enough to buy Hentatsu but just enough to buy Kemurikusa or people that is not specially a fan of Tatsuki/irodori/Yaoyorozu, but they watched it and like it enough to buy the volumes, so you could not call those numbers the work of an hivemind of zombies, there is some diversity in the Kemurikusa fanbase, besides the obvious ones about sex and age.
I wonder if the Kemurikusa shorts published on Twitter will be published on the Summer Comiket or the August Comitia as a new irodori's DVD, because Hentatsu was released on the past Summer Comiket, so more than a whole year without a new irodori's DVD would start looking as a drought.

Thanks. I like that this one is probably more accurate now that this dork oni can relax with a bunch of money

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Knowing him then he will use the money earned to make even more anime, he does not seem to be the type of guy that buys a penthouse or a Ferrari, it would not surprise me if he lives on a pretty average bachelor apartment and with no plans of moving out to one better.

You're right, though making anime is probably his form of relaxation so it's good for him and his fans. He probably just needs to wait until Isa and Fukuhara both think he got enough sleep after they're done with events and such.

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Well, the three pals at irodori where the ones that did the packaging of the Hentatsu's DVD and seing the amount sold then that may have been a whole week of packaging work.
And yeah, a very common citation about Tatsuki is that he works five days a week on making anime and then he does anime as an hobby two days a week, so he is always busy making anime.
They still have some work to do with Kemurikusa because they have not announced yet the details about the third and last volume of the anime, but after that is done then the work with the series would be completely done.
If we are very lucky we may get news about a new Yaoyorozu series on the July 20th especial event or on the first day of the Summer Comiket on August 9th, if that will be a second season of Kemurikusa or something completely new I do not know.

seems to me that they already started to make preparations for the next project, considering the Keifuku-san post on Irodori's twitter account

Yep, they still definitely have a bit to do but after that hopefully we might see some news.
Oh shit, hadn't thought about it that way. I wonder what it will be

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Not so much, that post was basically the typical post artists were making to welcome Reiwa, the new Japanese Imperial era and at the same time he was giving thanks to his fans.
They may already started thinking about a new series, but we will not know those details before the dates and events already mentioned on this thread.

Considering he literally lives in the studio when making a show buying a new place would be waste for him.

Ah yes, the Reiwa era, forgot that was a thing.
That sounds about right

The pathetic faggotry and baseless hero worship continues

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you know, if that thing did not happen and we have Tatsuki directed KF S2, people probably would be disappointed as hell. It's always the things never happen that excite people.

If I do remember right he said he was renting an apartment and that he was still paying the bills, even though he was not living on that apartment for nearly a whole year, so yeah, it is not a good idea to change it's current apartment for one even more expensive, unless they revamp the production system at Yaoyorozu so Tatsuki gets enough time to sleep at home.

Ok Tatsuki I admit it, you're a fucking hack.
Where is my S2 you little nigger?!

He was already very excited about the prospects of working on KF2, so he would have worked on that season with the same care or even more as for the first season.
Yes, a drop on things like popularity and sales would have been expected for a second season under his command, that is like an universal constant for nearly all second seasons, but at least it would have not been a drop over 98% like KF2 is suffering right now on the Oricon rankings.

I don't think it would have been disappointing with how much work he puts into his shows and how with Kemurikusa he has shown he can consistently put out good content, though of course as a second season it probably wouldn't be as good as the original.
>calling this cute oni a hack and a nigger

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>4.3K units
It would be more if it wasn't always OUT OF FUCKING STOCK

>and here you can observer the famous f/a/ggot contrarian in his natural habitat

Even a KF2 that was only half as good as the original would still be a million times better than the shit we got.

Amazon has stock right now, so go and buy it.

Here some videos to educate yourselves:

Why the Kemurikusa's shots are beautiful

About the shot composition of Kemono Friends

And that is not the only guy I have seen praising Tatsuki composition work.

>reddit spacing

>Crying wolf when nothing more can be done

But Reddit simply sucks the cock of whoever controls KF and from what I've heard is full of Mafures

Ah yeah, like the letter they send to Kimura showcasing their love and support and saying they were representing the "Western fan community" of Kemono Friends. And yup, if you go against its Mafure ideology then you will get either banned or downvoted to oblivion.

Still, those idiots of the Kemofure Reddit and Discord have no power on Japan, then you have the real Japanese Mafures on places like Twitter were they are an huge pain in the ass, but they are still overpowered by the kind of population you find on Kemono-friendsch, 5ch, Futaba, Twitter and Nicovideo

I'm really glad the Reddit/Mafure ideas aren't dominant, it's so shitty and annoying

It would say the biggest faction of the community is the one that does not want to be involved on the drama because they only want to enjoy the Kemofure world and its characters, so those there are the type you found making things like fanart or publishing doujinshi and so on, but not on an attacking or defending position.
Then the second biggest, but still an huge faction would be the ones that are against KFP and want to make justice a reality. They have already demonstrated they are not something to be underestimated with things like KF2 broking records of bad ratings on Nicovideo or how they got Hosoya removed from a lot of animes and transferred to a different department on TV Tokyo.
At last you have the Mafure as the KFP apologists, they are as obnoxious as they can get, but they are still outnumbered to the point they could not save either the Nicovideo ratings or the Oricon rankings

Are the neutral fans really the biggest group? Judging by futaba threads and such it feels like a large majority of people know that KF2 was shit and attack KFP, even if they aren't super into the drama and everything. That might just be them being vocal though.

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>It would say the biggest faction of the community is the one that does not want to be involved on the drama because they only want to enjoy the Kemofure world and its characters, so those there are the type you found making things like fanart or publishing doujinshi and so on, but not on an attacking or defending position.

The worst thing is that the idiots behind KF2 seemed to have pissed off those people who were on the fence and just wanted more Friends. A good example is batta, his comics while KF2 were running didn't really attack the show but he started to take the piss out of it after that clusterfuck of an ending.

I mean seriously even a soulless copy of S1 wouldn't have bombed anywhere as bad as the KF2 we actually got.

weed ost when?

Well, it is really impossible to give a perfect estimate, it is not like you go to every Japanese household and asks if someone living there identifies as part of one of those three factions. Besides, different places could get different populations, for example, it would not find extrange if 5ch and Futaba are mostly anti-KFP and you do not need to ask what faction is the dominant on Kemono-friendsch, but on places like Twitter, the heaven for the Japanese normy, it would be normal to find more neutral fans, even if they are majority for a slight difference compared to the anti-KFP.
And yeah, there was people neutral but then they got mad with things like the introduction of Kaban or the dog episode or the final episode, to the point that they changed of faction to the anti-KFP, being Batta a great example, that guy was bizarre, but still very happy-go lucky, but after the KF2 final episode you have him criticizing KF2 with his art.

Currently unannounced, but I expect it to be released this summer

The funny thing is, I was out watching Godzilla, and by the time I got back this thread was archived.

So I actually wasn't there. sorry.

Fucking Batta, we owe him so much. The Gomasuri Kuso Bird memes wouldn't have existed without him.

Yes, there is a lot of big names on the Kemofure fan community, but it would say he is one of the most importants, so he changing side is something pretty big, but that was only a change of affiliation, his style is still the same.

I guess volume 1 of KF2 sold less than 500 copies? That's pathetic