Shingeki no Kyojin

Will we get another REfight or is Reiner utterly fucked this time? What are the alternatives to him sacrificing himself to oooga booga Falco? And are there any chances of Eren losing?

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Other urls found in this thread: Grice*s*Eren Yeager/works

Reiner will kill cuckren Uchiha

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I hope we get more Sasha in the upcoming flashbacks

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I like that he never literally agreed to go through with Zeke's plan

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Sneak 100

>oh so u thought otasa was right, eren....
>no oniichan... hah... believe me...


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I miss Yumiru

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We know godholt

Punished Hisu. A lesbian denied of her lover.

Last chapter of SnK will be dedicated to JH sex scene.

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We know, Hisu

>Isn't that right... Niisan?
Fucking Eren knew exactly what makes Zeke tick.

Shitmir didn’t deserve love so it’s ok

We know YHCuck.

Mankasa back at it again

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How long until Isayama delivers the greatest ending in manga history?

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We know, EHcuck


>post yfw they don't change the letter scene at all

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We know dumb and delusional fujo

A waste of time we’ve already seen Ymir’s flashback, they will most likely cut some parts or add stuff to satisfy YHfaggots before Isayama destroys their delusional ship

Historia... I am ready...

Attached: freckledass.jpg (1200x892, 315K)

Cool shadow

>eren is sonic

Do fujo artist really go this lewd?

That's Ymir,

>you will never violently ravage mikasa's pussy until she starts foaming at the mouth and convulsing
life is pointless

hmmm... nah

>Liner, stop that! You're hurting me...

Attached: eren.jpg (621x621, 258K)

What the fuck happened with the threads? They have become even worse than usual.

Fuck off dumb newfag

Gotta go fast

We know, Reiner

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>they add Porco eating Ymir

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>attack on titan

anime original YH romance confirmation soon

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>satisfy YHfaggots
Since Isayama is a yurifag, he will be happy about it

3 hours until spoilers

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It's a cringe from me boss

King Fritz is the father through PATHS.

Mikasa's masculine boner

>Imagine being a cuckrenfag self-inserter

Am I the only one who saw Eren accepted Armin's death pretty easy before the faggot started moving and triggered his Arminautism?

So whats the point of that Ymir letter anymore? What a fucking travesty wasting 2 minutes in Episode 9 just to see something we already saw in S2

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I think he was just in shock

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No, not alone. Considering that Eren sacrificed his best friend, it becomes even funnier to understand that he did all this shit to keep from sacrificing Historia.


Weird how this picture elicits a more emotional response in me than Armin coming out of his titan for the first time.

Cutest family.

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Annie is love!
Annie is life!

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If dubs then reiner will die

Annie is the bestest girl

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If dubs then Reiner will suffer forever and will never die

If singles Reiner will die

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That looks like how they animated Pieck's titan eyes in the last episode, kek

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Rivaille is the father.

and Hange is the mother

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Not today, Reiner

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I honestly think Eren cares for Zeke a little, but he'll end up betraying him. At it'll happen when they touch and Zeke sees Eren's memories.

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I want them to come back, bros

>isayama is a yurifag
>says ymir is one of his favorite characters
>kills her offscreen
Does he enjoy hurting himself?

Chadner is invincible.

Judging by interviews, he loves suffering

Isayama is a masochist confirmed.

He enjoys hurting people.

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Attached: Reiner on his sufferpillow.jpg (564x614, 35K)

why are snk threads so tumblr tier?

>you were laughing and coming closer to me
>proceeding to rape and beat me
>crushing me into desolation, its okay
>I'll assault you later
>I'm sorry, I am bad

Attached: re.jpg (564x752, 48K)

>makes Reiner gay
>makes him suffer and won't even kill him to end the pain
Is Isayama a self-hating faggot? Why must they suffer?

Erenfags are disgusting.

>digging up a 10 hour long post from an archived thread
>the erenpedo may have been unironically right

Attached: Annie Faceapp.jpg (1706x960, 528K)

>digging up a 10 hour old post from an archived thread
>erenpedo may have been unironically right

Attached: Annie Faceapp.jpg (1706x960, 528K)

what thats scary why twice

>10 hour old
>''3 hours ago''

I made a grammatical error and i wanted to correct it
And now i have to delete and recreate the post again because i made a timestamp error again
Please be patient i have autism

Reiner will live forever.

Shinsei Kamattechan is honestly pretty based, quintessential dreampop but I don't really like their new stuff. This is probably my favourite song:

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Actually fuck it, i don't care.

nobody cares

Pls fuck me

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I-Isayama does! Plus it's related to snk since they did the ending for S2.

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F-for the f-full price?

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You did well user, our resident Russians like your art too.

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Free trial for you, baby! Full year memberships are also cheaper than 12 one month memberships if you're interested

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>anonymous user on Yea Forums drew this amazing piece
No way

>He doesn't read the threads he missed before coming to new threads
Casual and not based

That's some advanced jewish sorcery you have there

Attached: Best Girl is perplexed.png (1360x768, 1.28M)

No sorcery or judaism involved, friend. Maybe a little Bolshevism in my ancestry but that's got nothing to do with this - my deal is derived from our love

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Neck yourself "Mikarin"fag

Best girl.
INB4 she overcomes her programming and kills nazi Cuckren GOT ending style.

Are you the Anniefag who got mad at me for saying Mikarin and posting MA a couple of threads back? Why do you SEETHE so much over that name? Does it bring back bad memories? Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin Mikarin

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>Stallionbros are handsome,tall AND talented.
We just keep winning.

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ant leaks soon

Would RE get along if Eren grew up in Marley?

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Attached: Hisu remembers Ymir when making her final decision - E65 V16P150-153,P155 gif version.gif (7112x1800, 3.95M)

link the post please

Why do you keep using my pic? Eren fucked Historia. Falco and Gabi will be endgame. EHchads agree to that.

isayama is going to sudoku himself just to make his epic troll win

>10 hours

You can't link VK directly, links in the pastebin

>Eren fucked Gabi

Probably, but I guess it depends on whether Eren would outgrow the Marleyan mindset and into his rageturd Paradis mindset (which seems unlikely).

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I mean the user who drew this

Not him, but
>Why do you keep using my pic?
Death of the author.

Baste alinajames

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Best ending.

Absolutely based.


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Those eren kyojins are cute, what's in that magazine?

*blocks your path*

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I want leaks now!

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Based. RE is kino.

>Who dies next chapter
>Pieck's endgame

She has more

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Not anonymous tho. She left her twitter and pixiv. Lazy Russians.

I really miss Yumiru

>Eren thinks Levi is judging his character
>He's actually just physically dirty

We know, Historia.

I don't.

Attached: Taking Historia's virginity.png (1130x824, 72K)

I love their father-son relationship


>You can go into titan mode when you are injured
>You can't go into titan mode when you got injured in titan mode and got disconnected from your titan



cuckren will be killed by EL CALVO

No. Balanceyama

I need the spoilers. I feel like I'm going through withdrawals

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Do you listen to eurobeat when you read manga?

>SnK is an Isekai
That explains its plotholes, thanks.


I don't get it either

Me too. I am just about ready to murder a spic.

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>shitren self-inserter SEETHING

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Reiner should have made it less painful for her

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>likes Shinseki Kamattechan
Very good taste, friend. Though I like all of their stuff, this one's my favorite:

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None of us do. It’s fiction, not science.


Post the funniest image in your snk folder


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>Reiner has seen hisu's panties(pink)

Lmao I literally double checked to make sure I had the picture, fuck me

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Thank you, Anniefriend. I really like that one too - it's incredibly unsettling.

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they explained this last season, if you lose your fucking arms and legs you need to recover them before transforming. That's why reiner and bert cut off erens arms.

>Porco, via Ymir, has probably seen all the 104th girls naked

Spoilers in 5

What happens if the female titan is hold by a man ?

Retards, speedreaders and speedwatchers. All rolled into one package, holy shit.

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>ZL and Falco in the bathtub
Kek, Nelldya has a lot of art that is pretty funny

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>Porco has felt himself get eaten out.

I meant Shinsei, damn mistype


But Eren transformed after Porco nommed his legs

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With every Eren thrust Hisu was thinking it was Ymir fucking her, then done.
Eren even specially grown his hair to mimick Ymir hairstyle as we see how he looked before going to Marley and for the special occasion then draw freckles on his own face to make Hisu comfortable in impregnation tries.
YH happened in memories as canon with the help of Eren fucking Historia in real life.
Next stage will be something to do with Porco, either Eren will eat hm and will see Ymir last will Porco couldn't see sicne Eren is betetr now as corrdinate with memory reading or Historia will become mindless after giving birth by bleeding too much as only way to save her or somebody will hurt her or it was a deal with Eren to eat the guy who ate Ymir.

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What ?

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>the absolute state of YHfags

Eren is le balanced

More like he is Historiafag no EH/YHfag.

Stage three now are we? That's a good progression for one year

I just want them to be happy

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>Porco has experienced sexual favours from Sasha in exchange for food
He doesn't deserve it, bros ;_;

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Any theories on what this "paths" thing actually is and which titans (if not all) has access to it. Past titan users seem to be aware of the use "paths" when it is used by anyother shifter in the future(?) Kruger mentions Armin and Mikasa despite those memories literally beig Erens. Historia seems too sense Eren unconciously using it while shes brushing her hair infront of a mirror.


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Zeke memes a best

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Half the post is about Historia fucking Eren while pretending he's Ymir so I'm thinking user is a YHfag

>Porco talked with soldier Reiner about being homo
Well now bros.

This. YHfag would rather Historia being depressed and fucked by farmer

while it was a substantially serious injury, he was fresh. His first transformation is when he got chomped up.

I want to believe though that since it was such a severe injury that it possibly may contribute to him tiring out faster. but apparently using the WHT does that anyways, so iduno.

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>Historia seems too sense Eren unconciously using it while shes brushing her hair infront of a mirror
You think too much about Historia

YHfag wants Historia to be fucked by farmer and loathing every moment of it and be pushed by Eren to do it.
Historiafag wants Historia to be fucked by Eren, Ymir and now also Porco but not the farmer.

I don't think it's fair to judge his reaction from the first 15 seconds before he got interrupted.

Honestly it's kinda bullshit that Eren couldn't transform in Clash because his fingers weren't healed yet just because he had already transformed, but he could transform after his legs were chopped off

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Calm down, alinajames

Which is it ?

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You know what will be funny?
Historia will never get to have a moment to show her POV or flashback at all, we will just see her give birth to the kid, Eren or someone else will hold it in his hands and will tell the kid, you are free.
The end of story.

The obvious one

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Eren a shit.

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ur both brainlet speedreaders. it has to do with stamina and experience as a shifter. being fully healthy then getting limbs chopped off or a major injury has never prevented transforming (see reiner/bert after mikasa attack, eren after having his leg bit off in the beginning of the manga, eren under the rubble before fighting annie). you have to transform once then get injured to prevent a second transformation

I do not know how to feel about the fact that everyone already uses the name of Historia but in the merchandise they keep calling her Krista

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It's to avoid spoilers i would think.

>Which is it ?
Fuck Historia will being assfucked by Ymir while eating out Annie and Mikasa at the same time to seee who will get orgasm faster while fingering Sasha's asshole with free hand or potato.
Hange can wait outside the room.

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The original post acknowledges that, he's just saying it's bullshit.

Marie Smith would have been funnier

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I understand that you dislike Armin and like Historia but this time you're as delusional as EMfags if you think that Armin's death was relatively easy for Eren. I tend to think that Armin's lucky survival made Eren more cautious so now he doesn't want to risk Historia even a bit because he understands that he won't be so lucky again.

Man, you guys are unfunny.

How come in every single RE art (no exceptions) Reiner looks like he wants to cry and die simultaneously and Ereh is the obsessive yandere gf?


Attached: Sasha-Fan-Art-shingeki-no-kyojin-attack-on-titan-36951476-2480-3507.jpg (2480x3507, 504K)

Are you all retarded? Did you speedread my 3 line post?

Shifters have suffered amputation, serious injuries before they simply transformed, yet when they come out of their titan, they have to recover their body because an arbitrary !RECOVER_FLAG has been set. You can't just justify it by "They explained it", that would be the same as if saying Berthold shot right out of Historia's vagina, rushed off to Berthold and fucked him in the ass so that he can finally die from ass bleeding, then saying "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh there was a scene mentioning that" you absolute shitstains on my fucking underwear stupid fucks.

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You come up with a joke then funny man.

Sasha and Hanji of course.

>Dumb armongpedo


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What are you talking about, user? Laina would NEVER want to die as long as he gets to be around his waifu Ereh!

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sorry didnt mean to reply to you


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I can't, I'm not funny either. I'm still disappointed though.

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Eren didn't have to recover on Marley tho

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TF are you talking about

>tfw no pii gf and best friend laina

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Spoilers are out.

It's a Gabi chapter.

You kind of sounded like not a retard for a second and then went bonkers with that analogy

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He was just in complete shock and hadn't/couldn't really process the fact that his bff had just died, even though he most likely already had some kind of subconscious hunch back when Armin explained the plan that it would lead to his sacrifice (which he ignored/denied). That's why he went bonkers when he realized he was still breathing.

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gonna have to fix that nose cuz that aint Annie

Zeke are reiner aren't friends

Japanese poeple are genetically prone to deliver underwhelming endings.

Historia isn't at risk beside the Ymir curse. If anything her pregnancy is more of a danger.

Who else but Pii?

Attached: pii is a kitty.jpg (700x990, 53K)

>not moving

Yes he did. He regrew his eye and leg before shifting. Same as Reiner healed his arm before the BR reveal. The only consistency so far has been that a shifter cannot transform again once their shifter sausage healing has kicked in. If the wound is still fresh and bleeding there's no issue (Eren the first time in Trost and chapter 116)

Well, Eren thinks that Ymir's curse is the biggest danger for her. In his thoughts he called it "sacrificing Historia" and "risking Historia's life".

And Pii is Porco's gf, not Zeke's.

Attached: pii pock green.png (767x729, 534K)

I use gifs because they are the lowest image/ color quality available. Allows me to do create these large images in smallest amount of size.

Attached: Comfy Railroad scene - E108 V27P68-76 gif version.gif (7671x1314, 3.85M)

So good it makes me wet.

How does one unironically become like Piku?

Attached: piikot.png (668x1200, 503K)

sorry no hablo espanol

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Imagine if the pregnancy kill her, kek.

Smoke the reefer

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It stopped being a spoiler in the anime 2 years ago, and they sometimes use the name Krista for merch or art that where she's clearly Historia.

Armin looks like a fucking pedophile

How do you know that? Is there something you need to tell us, user?

Attached: eldianmasterrace.jpg (1739x2875, 653K)

Ymir gets me going desu

You people like throwing the word kino around a lot, and yet none of you ever made a shigeKI NO kyojin joke yet?
What is wrong with you?

We know, GODholdt.

Attached: BYkino.jpg (600x732, 70K)

>How do you know that?
I mean, look at him


It does kinda make sense for websites that use tag systems.
Krista was for a time the only name of Historia, so naturally everyone gave her the character tag "Krista_Lenz" or "Lenz_Krista" (or similiar). If you introduced another tag, "Historia_Reiss", then all the old artwork wouldn't be searchable. Of course, a site-wide edit by an admin could fix it by making both character tags work for each assigned to just one tag, but most don't bother.

This is also conveniently enforced by the fact that Nips aren't happy about Historia's developement from a traditional housewife into a YAAS QUEEEN independent woman.

Hisu pls.
You don't have to be gay anymore.

Mikasa is 50% eldian tho. Ackermans are Eldians.

More like crying bitch.
Even a girl like Ymir just died off without crying and this the biggest titan couldn't go off with dignity.

Hisu, please

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Well as a shifter himself he was fully aware of how shit it is to become one and naturally didn't want that fate for her, but the 50 year plan added a whole new layer of fuckedupness with the breeding aspect: she would not only drastically reduce her lifespan but would also have to live hidden and make kids for the remainder of her days, effectively becoming cattle for the sake of her people and forcing her children and their children into the same disgusting cycle for the generations to come.

Gay isn’t a choice desu

>Historia's developement from a traditional housewife into a YAAS QUEEEN independent woman.
>mfw this has been reversed in the recent manga chapters

Oh so that's why she's a housewife again. Eh, idk how to feel about that. It ruined her development but im not gonna go libtard mode.

there's nothing good in yasss queens. I have GoT flashbacks now

This, some women like Hisu are natural housewives and should stay so. Others like Annie, Gabi, Ymir and Piku are exceptions.

>Oh so that's why she's a housewife again
Pregnancy doesn't mean she's a housewife. We don't know anything about current Historia beside her pregnancy so it's early to say something.

Endogeemu raito hiru

Attached: endgame.png (1133x888, 1.44M)

>You people like throwing the word kino around a lot
We don't, that's just a small cadre of retards

>shigeKI NO kyojin
It's been done plenty of times.



It is a choice, a gay girl wants kids and becomes straight for random guy even for life cause it's easier and more secure.
Similair a married woman choodes to fuck with a girl and destroys her married life than trying to live in it as a straight woman.
Sexuality is all about the choice the party makes.
Historia choosen to become pregnant with either Eren or farmer, so as we see she is straight now cause she never fucked a girl and was only fucked by a guy in her whole life.

>shitolt self-inserter

Where are my MA bros? Truly patrician ship

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I didn't mean that. But Historia wasn't yasss queen in my opinion. Dany is typical yasss queen and god knows how I hated her character. Historia's development was good.


Ymir went into her death knowing what she was getting into. Bert woke up disoriented, helpless, and limbless. The two situations aren't even comparable. You didn't see Bert crying and screaming when he was defeated and pulled out of his titan. At least he took Annie's virginity before he left us.

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It's not a choice, what you said is just an example lying to themselve and rejecting who they are based on society's opinion, and the second one is the opposite.

How you live your life is your choice, but who you're attracted to isn't.

>Historia's development was good.
Shame Isayama decided to reverse it after timeskip into pregnancy tool role for Eren emotional wishes or against MP plans sake.

La creatura de Paradis

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>she would not only drastically reduce her lifespan but would also have to live hidden and make kids
Now she's hidden and pregnant anyway.

>armin self-inserter pedophile

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Justin Nolan Sullivan looks cute

>for Eren emotional wishes
user what? She got pregnant to save herself from being titanized

>tfw no Anne Pieck gf

Attached: Annefrankgraphicnovel.jpg (880x580, 451K)

If he was truly one he would have made it canon, which he didn’t get rekt yhfaggot

Historia's development hasn't been reversed. For all we know she can be working with Eren by her free own will to save her ass.

No edits needed baby

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i fucking knew pieck looked familiar ever since i first saw her

jesus fuck this took me long, thanks user

But you got the wrong MA

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We don't know that.
Maybe she had a talk with Eren where he told her that Kruger in his memories told him to get a kid he could love and fight for, and Historia just agreed to it for both of their sake and also to destroy MP plan of getting titanised.

Pregnancy isn’t supposed to be a danger. This is something natural, to inherit from a titan and finish eaten by your own child is the real danger, which is the reason why Historia is currently pregnant ironically.

Exactly. We literally don't know anything about Historia after timeskip. Her pregnancy can mean anything. But people have already made conclusions based on nothing except this pregnancy.

Only Chadren is allowed to fuck Gabi

i love reiners narrow eyes and absolute disbelief

hope we get to see this scene animated one day, reiners seiyu just has such a fitting voice for a scene like this

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>proceeds to become a puppet queen in name only who completely dropped out of the plot and only showed up briefly dozens of chapters later to get knocked up

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Dude, pregnancy is ALWAYS are risk, specifically in older times.

Yeah and is funny because her father was the only one who survived the holocaust

Will Erenfags cheer for Reiner's death?

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Just because you can't fathom that a girl could be gay, it doesn't mean that they aren't. Just because you have never seen one in person, doesn't mean that they don't exist. You are describing actions, not attraction (which is what sexuality is).
Based MAbro

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I hope he says it completely deadpan like an automaton. No emotion or metering of the line, no punctuation. Just the line said like a robot.

Based isayama putting women in their place

And to a girl with weak build like Historia who fucked a guy for first time and whose it will be first kid.
Even her whole posture with the weak slim frame but too big belly seems fragile as hell.
If Isayama loved GOT final Historia fate in dying while giving birth is rather sealed for.
And then Eren fucks off as new Ymir Fritz to the paths words along with other shifters spirits he rebuilds their bodies with sand to hang around for eternity there and ending the curse by exchanging his life with path's Ymir Fritzwho takes over the baby body as his free daughter.

I miss Ruth D. Kline.

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No ;_;

Actually the fact she’s pregnant is proving the contrary genius.
If she was truly a puppet queen she would have accepted to inherit from the beast titan and make as many babies as possible, but she decided to be pregnant and the chapter 108 makes it more than obvious that Historia doesn’t work with the actual eldian government. Something you should understand by yourself...

BLYAT they got to it before I could edit the nostrils and put it on Twitter. that’s cool though.

I think a lot of anons won't know who that is without googling.

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Everyone sleeps on MA(rmin), it's gonna happen.

She IS a puppet queen. Be it for Yaegerists or the MP, they can all force their will on her and she has no actual power. Her pregnancy has little to do with her rulership and the real strings are being pulled behind her (just like in most medieval monarchies).

I think you’re overreacting concerning the pregnancy, I’m almost certain that she won’t die of this because the whole point is to avoid Historia’s sacrifice and the dilemma between her and Zeke. If she has to die it would very probably be Historia sacrificing herself to protect her own child and the island.

she already accepted her role as the next beast titan and baby factory before Eren interrupted

>Ymir Fritzwho takes over the baby body as his free daughter
It actually seems plausible. But.. I don't know.. Eren has to overcome his father instead of doing the same but even worse shit in this case. I can hardly imagine him using his child as a receptacle for ancient spirit from another dimension.

Why do you always bring this shit back to Eren only as though any connection she could possibly have with muh male MC automatically makes her less of a character and God forbid there could be any kind reciprocity in their relationship? Reading your posts it feels like you're the one who's going out of your way to draw as unflattering a portrait of her as possible despite having about as little a clue as to what actually went down behind the scenes as everyone else.

And that sounds like something Historia post development would totally do. The only time Historia's development was somehow trying to go backwards was that time she openly agreed to inherit the Beast Titan for everyone's sake. Of course, not as if she had other option when everyone was there.

No it doesn't.
Historia role was to get pregnant eventually she just did it earlirr as favour to Eren plan for now she mgiht be beliving in, she doesn't risk anything, if Eren will win she doesn't need to become breeding sow for life, if he will lose, she will just do her duty as she agreed for.
She is just giving Eren the benefit of the doubt to go with his own plan to save them all first.
Either way she serves the Eldians not the governement as the Queen with her body and her womb and her kids.
If her lfie will be in danger they will simply give her the serum and then she will eat a shifter, but then the kid would die, maybe Eren promised her he won't allow it and he will make the kid survive at all cost than Historia.

>I’m almost certain that she won’t die of this because the whole point is to avoid Historia’s sacrifice an
Yeah, and in this manga plans always go as they were supposed and people get what they want. Historia dying in childbirth that was supposed to protect her from early death would be dark irony and fit into Isayama's style.


They didn't really "explain" it at all, actually. It's just been very consistent behavior. When a Shifter is damaged to the extent that they bleed they will either: heal, or Shift. (or die maybe) Priority goes to Shifting, and if they opt not to Shift, they will begin to heal the damage. Eren maintains a cut on his finger so that if Pikku shot him, he could transform before the injury killed him. When Eren decided to not transform, the injury immediately began to heal. In 117, the way the Paths lightning is leaking out of Eren's wound seems to confirm this. Eren was constantly ready to transform, and because of this, he did not recover. So recovering seems to be the passive effect. While healing, a Shifter cannot transform. Eren had no access to his Shifting until his fingers healed when he tried punching Dina. It's unclear whether or not his human form can use his accessory powers even while healing, since Zeke can still Shout, and it's hard to tell if Eren's hand was fully healed when he punched Dina, because the panel before it, his fingertips are healing. There's no smoke when he makes contact, however. Levi cuts Zeke's legs off before the healing is complete, because once the healing starts, Zeke cannot stop it. No character has turned off the regen to transform; however, they can selectively heal certain parts of their body. Once the steam has cleared, they can Shift again. Shifting fuses part of the Shifter's body with the Titan, and as a result they would need to heal the damage once they come out. Same rules apply. Eren fully intended to transform again when he was scouting as Mikasa fought the Warhammer, the recovery staved off as he were in 'Shifting Mode', so he could transform when the time was right. Eren staved off the recovery of his hand when talking with Reiner so he could transform after recovering his leg.
Being unconscious forfeits the ability to transform, so stamina becomes a factor in whether you Shift or not.


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I don't know why I enjoy it so much

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pi pu pi pu pi pu pii

You have absolutely no proof of this. She totally could have decided to work with them of her own free will, and no, someone couldn’t force her to be pregnant. To state that she’s being manipulated while Isayama is stopping us from seeing her thoughts since months is just totally stupid.
The whole point of Historia’s development is living of her own free will, this won’t change because this would be considered as a regression which would be terribly stupid because the whole point of the uprising arc is to make her freeing herself from the ones who want to sacrifice herself. It would be just OOC.

Why is she so cute ?

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Last panel.


why are you sperging out like this? she is a puppet queen because she doesnt make important decisions, not because she doesnt act on her free will.

>If Isayama loved GOT final Historia fate in dying while giving birth is rather sealed for
He didn't so you can stop with the Historia dying fantasies, already.

>it's awake

Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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>16 year old child-soldier is about to get eaten,kek why is he crying?

Her nose.

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Eh, wasn't it EHfags who posted the whole Jon and Danny being EH first cause Isayama loves GOT as reference?
Get a grip EHfags.

Yeah that got me too

I don't see Historia in the last panel. Do you? She might be dead as well as alive.

As favor? Who do you think Eren is? If Eren is truly working with her he would never force her to become a puppet queen for his plan. Eren was triggered by the only idea of Historia being used during the meeting in the chapter 108, if such an agreement between Eren and Historia happened then it would be out of her own will and her own freedom. So in the end if she truly agreed to this plan instead of following the military: it means she did it for herself , this is not what you can call being manipulated but rather being an actor of the story which is the contrary of being a puppet queen.

We see a guy holding a kid, it doesn't show the mother.

You forgot something.

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>tfw you want Utgard 2.0 really badly but your favorite is in the cuck cage

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Is there any character that canNOT defeat Reiner Braun? And I'm not talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun. Hell, I'm not even talking about a young Reiner Braun almost falling his warrior aptitude test and only passing thanks to blind loyalty, acquiring the Yoroi no Kyojin solely due to Marcel Galliard trying to protect his brother. I couldn't be talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun scared shitless and running away from a single pure titan leaving Marcel to his death, thereafter hiding behind a Marcel-like facade to cope with the loss and guilt. I'm definitely not talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun subdued by Eren Yeager using close quarter moves Reiner himself taught him and has to be saved by the Cho-ogata Kyojin. I can't be taking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun beaten effortlessly by Zeke Yeager offscreen and ordered to comply with his plan. I'm really not talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun defeated multiple times by the Survey Corps at Shiganshina until he's rescued by Pieck. Do you think I'm talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun shot down by a warship tremendously hurting Marley's international reputation? You'd be joking if you think I'm talking about Yoroi no Kyoji Reiner Braun breaking down and beggind Eren to kill him and barely survives shielding Falco from the Shingeki no Kyojin activation. I'm talking about Yoroi no Kyojin Reiner Braun losing to Eren Yeager even 3 on 1 with support from the Agito no Kyojin as well as Shariki no Kyojin mounted with an anti-titan sniper rifle operated by Theo Magath, dooming all his comrades with a rushed suicide attack he proposed and letting himself eaten by titanized Falco.

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And? It doesn’t change my statement: She’s not currently working with the military.


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I rabu Piku.

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And it would just destroy the whole Historia - Zeke dilemma again, which is most likely the main reason why Eren decided to attack Liberio and take control of the island.

At least your favourite isn't fucking dead

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We all know who Historia truly wants to fuck now. Eren promsied her Mikasa as her partner in favour of early pregnancy plan.

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I don't think it's a problem because EHfags sometimes compare EH to Anakin and Padme. I mean he killed her but they don't bother. And I'm not against EH. I just find it curious.

She took my endgame with her

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Who can stop her?

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>shipping anything other than crackships

Is now the best time to drop SNK?
I feel we won't get better quality than current point, basically Isayama will fuck our feelings again and the ending will be much worse than GoT finale

Mikasa's Ackerman instincts will find her true master soon

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Is Pieck a dom a or a sub ?

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Not for me. No matter what I'm finishing.

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GoT's actual final episode was alright.
But the rest of the season wasn't

A lazy dom. She commands you to do the work for her, topping from the bottom kinda girl.

You didn’t get it again, being a puppet queen = being manipulated, if she decided to act by herself she is NOT a puppet queen. And to decide to betray the government she’s representing is actually an important decision kek and is the main reason why Paradis is controlled currently by Eren and Zeke (to inherit from the BT would have allowed the army to win the war already and Paradis would be saved, Zeke being the main threat for Paradis, the euthanasia plan could destroy completely the island)


MH is the best.

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Why would you drop the manga in the last few chapters? Just be disappointed with the rest of us if it's bad.

Pregnant =/= housewife or no agency, especially when the circumstances of said pregnancy aren't clear and the fact that she lied about said circumstances indicate that she made the choice to stand against her government and back up whoever she's covering for. We've had little to no concrete update on the pregnancy proper since 108 but a lot of potentially related information seemed to hint at the idea not just that it wasn't the result of coercion but also that it might have not happened for the reasons we were initially led to believe it happened: the investigation on Yelena, the date of the ROC, what Eren did from that point onwards, the existence of the wine, Zeke's real plan and Eren's likely stance on it, 116 were Yelena failed to clarify hers much less Eren's involvement in the pregnancy despite exposing Zeke's plan in its entirety etc.).

Anyway, point is it seems a little ridiculous to claim her development has been ruined when we don't actually know where he character went these last four years and where it's headed now and especially when her POV is also the only one left alongside Eren's that has been purposefully hidden for this long.

A sub for Porco, a dom for anyone else.

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>ywn feel up Mikasa's abs
Damn this sucks



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Cumstoria a shit

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This. Imagine feeling up her rock hard abs/thighs with one hand and grazing over her puffy pussy with the other...

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The whole dillema might be solved before the childbirth. Isayama wanted bittersweet ending so I doubt Historia will survive. It just would make the ending too happy.

Mikasa aka the girl who didn’t give a fuck if Historia was sacrificed or not ,during the meeting and didn’t ask how she’s doing even tho her “friend” is currently pregnant: top kek

Is everyone on /snk/ a sub?


>Not being a sub for your waifu
Are you gay or something?

I know this feel

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Eh, no. Your defintion of puppet queen is wrong/ not shared by others.

Isayama said in an interview that in her spare time she visits Hisu.

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This. thank you user.

It seems all from their group suddenly forgot about Historia.
No one visited her, maybe Sasha did but author killed her off before being able to reveal anything.

I think they meant sub as in dom/sub
I am a sub for my waifu and I am gay

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>tfw no JSC endgame

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>Making sure Eren isn't there and being a total third wheel when he is

And 2 years later she fucks the government's plans over with a pregnancy no one expected or wanted at that time, and she lied about the circumstances of said pregnancy as well. She might have accepted the 50 year plan at the time because she thought it was the only way for Paradis and was willing to put her own well-being and that of her future offspring on the line for the sake of the nation but clearly something changed after Eren's intervention. We don't know what exactly changed because we have no access to her perspective yet but we're seeing the results now.

Is Jean just trying to get the fuck out of there?

>the ending “too happy”

Top kek, the ending doesn’t have necessarily to involve the death of a main characters to be happy or not. This is a stupid argument.

Eren is the only one who has truly shown concern for her in the recent chapters


>yes he did. He regrew his eye and leg before shifting
Yes, and he did so before shifting first, I think it's not a conscious choice honestly. Maybe, it's the body deciding that on its own. Now here is the thing though and I'll break it down as easily as I can.
>Can shifters prevent their wounds from healing?
Yes, they can, but can they stop the healing once it's already started? That's just the thing, if shifters just stop their body from healing, they should be able to transform again but that introduces another question: "can shifters die if they prevent their body from recovering?" Yes, they can since Reiner almost died because he lost the will to live, therefore his body was not healing.

So here is what I think. If a shifter is suffering a serious injury and he leaves it unattended and decided to shift "again", his body might not have enough energy to heal his wounds "quickly" enough. So, some sort of thing to prevent the shifter from suicide-shifting maybe.

no panel ever made me laugh quite as much as this mad lad did

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>and she lied about the circumstances of said pregnancy as well.
She didn't lie, no one asked her, they just asked all people around her.


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And? It doesn’t change my statement either: Historia is not working with the government.

t. Isayama

Well I never did, in fact I find the comparison really shallow and inaccurate outside of aesthetic since the characters share little to no common traits. Why would I be an EHfag for thinking Historia dying is a dumb scenario, though?

It's better to take turns being a dom and being a sub.

He's fuckin spooked

Why everyone is supposed to care about Historia when they risk to die in any battle? So many people had already died but in Historiafags opinion everyone is supposed to worry only about how to prolong Historia's life, even if it means to repeat Sasha's fate. If Historia is selfish then they have their right to be selfish too so stop blaming them, hypocrite.

His autistic wife needs attention too.

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This. Sex is meant to be wild and freeing and experimenting with the one you love, not restrictive.

None of them is a walking important titan holder male MC to be able to go against the leaders, even Historia felt the need to agree as the puppet Queen in name only, duh.

Connie is going to try to kill Zeke but gets killed by Eren before he can

>being a puppet queen = being manipulated, if she decided to act by herself she is NOT a puppet queen.
I am alluding to this. If you want a more extensive source:

She can be a puppet queen and not be manipulated.

Come on Mikasa didn’t give a fuck about Historia just like she never did, she was a comrade but to Mikasa Eren > Armin > the rest of her friends kek. She has her priorities and MikaHisu is a very dumb ship knowing WHO is Mikasa

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I identify with Jean even more now.

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How old is Piku? People who ship her with Zeke portrait her as the same age as him while people who ship her with Porco portrait her as close the Porco age

>Let it die bro

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How come the pregnancy ruins her development? It seems more like the pregnancy just reinforced her previous development of being a selfish person not wanting to people choose for her

He was in shock. We would've gotten a massive spergout had Armin not koffed.

Feels bad lad

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along with Sasha

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There is a large number of potential accusers out there whom I have never raped or harassed nonconsensually by any reasonable standard but any one of which would obliterate me by recounting what things were like between us if I ever entered the public eye and didn't toe the establishment line in my career or industry. I would say I wish I'd been a sub instead, or even a virgin, but it doesn't really matter when you start finding out about how these matters are legislated these days.

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Yeah they didn’t give a fuck about her, they are all about Eren. Actually if you are an objective reader you will clearly see that Historia’s interactions with the other characters are extremely poor and totally irrelevant for the story, the only characters Historia did have relevant conversations with are Ymir, Rod, Kenny and Eren.

user, at some point her pregnancy would have to be noticed and properly checked by a doc. Do you think the MPs were mediums to figure out the guy who knocked her up and whose background they needed to check was Farmer? She clearly had to inform them of who her partner was for that to happen.

Yeah, whatever you wish. Dream about typical shounen ending "married mc with a kid" in SNK.

Historia accepted her fate, retard. Is Eren the one that is bending over backwards to deny it

That was fake


That was actually a fake Q&A, user. I'm sorry but you got fooled.

All I really want is for Armin and Mikasa to hug, kiss, get married, have/adopt kids (maybe Falco and Gabi if Reiner can't take them?), and live happily ever after by the ocean.

He's a chicken

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i just want some spoilers..... please...

Because she is their friend? They could show a minimum of concern especially since it has been emphasized several times that the Yeagerists, the government of Paradis and even Zeke’s followers wanted to use Historia for their own plan, the minimum would have been to care at least a bit for their friend but they didn’t give a fuck. And stop being retarded: if the actual plan works it would allow the entire island to be saved.

Hanji-sama of course

ANONS HELP I keep on trying to write porn fanfics but I always end up fapping after writing a couple of sentences and when I cum I lose motive to keep on writing. What do?

No we don't, there is at least 5 years difference between zeke and pieck but she is alao oldee than the rest


At least your favourite has a lot of artworks (but my second fav is godess Hisu, so it's OK).

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She's the same age as Reiner's class, she didn't appear at all in Zeke's childhood, only when he became a teenager and she joined the candidates for the other titans that were still at war during Zeke's time. It's the same with the new generation. Colt is an older teenager while the rest of the candidates are kids.

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Any Eren x Gabi doujin? link please


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It was fake you dumb Mikasawhale

>Zeke, come back to the bed

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How do you know it, faggot? You, Historiafags, should already agree on what kind of person your Historia is. Because half of you say that Historia is selfish and pregnant to avoid titanizing while others say that Historia is good altruistic girl and that's just Eren who is doing for her everything and she couldn't resist him because.. Why? Why she didn't go against Eren if she really had decided to sacrifice herself? And, retard, why is she pregnant then if she was ready to become titan?

no but there is an Armin/Gabi fanfic for your pedo needs

No she isn't, she got her titan one year before the others along with zeke


>not recommending the Floch/Gabi rape fanfic or numerous Falco/Ereh ones

Dina deserved life and grandchildren.

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>My chad lion husband is OK you will be 3d this time.

Zekefags are braindead. They are all the within 1 year of each other in the same class, which is why they have school bags to become Warriors while Zeke is just hanging out with Xaver because he was chosen long ago.

Attached: warriors.png (703x249, 163K)

Historia loves Eren and Eren loves Historia.

manlet and mikasa should be killed off.

From how MP talked about this they never asked directly.
Seeing how competent they are I bet even the joke fake pregnancy pillow idiocy could become true.


>numerous falco/ereh
what the fuck

>Why everyone is supposed to care about Historia when they risk to die in any battle?
Aren't they supposed to be friends and old comrades who trained and fought together, even if only in Clash? Putting your own life on the line in battles means you should no longer care about a friend that might have to doom herself along with all of her descendants so you actually don't have to fight at all anymore?
If that's how you view friendship then I'm not surprised you don't find it weird at all that none AMJC were able to spare as much as a single thought or had any kind of reaction to her potentially risky situation being brought up (111 when Pixis said Eren and his hoes would go after her, 116 when Yelena used the pregnancy to reply to Jean's concerns) when Hange of all people was able to do so.

>Show me the chastity belt

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I did not know of those, I only knew of the Armin/Gabi one because an image of it was posted in one of these threads

There is literally nothing that says this in the manga you moronic Brazilian sub-ape.

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>others say that Historia is good altruistic girl
Not him but nobody's ever said that

Pieck and zeke were chose at the same time, the other were chose later and don't make me post it again.
>hur dur zeke doesn't have a bag
He has a bag nigger but he dropped it to play baseball with xavier, use your brain.

Ymir bless you, friend!

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Until Armin dies in 8 years?

>And stop being retarded: if the actual plan works it would allow the entire island to be saved.
Yeah, say that to Sasha and other people that died and people who are going to die in this war. I understand that Historia is your favorite so you don't really care about sacrifices like Sasha but still.
And they showed concern, speedreader. Jean said that as long as Historia wouldn't have to suffer they would continue searching for solutions. And who knows what happened during timeskip and why they stopped taking about her.

Who is the most likely to inherit her titan? Maybe Gabi?

I wanna FUCK that skelly!

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user, there is specific accessoires designed just for this situation...

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Bitch didn't defend Zekek when Grisha was being abusive. Grice*s*Eren Yeager/works
I remember there being a couple of ones where Falco voyeurs Ereh which isn't tagged with their pairing. There's also like 2 doujins. How the fuck is Falco lewded already but Gabi isn't? I am distraught.

He said that. He said that she isn't selfish so other don't have right to be selfish.

Dina will probably get more art in the coming weeks.

You'd have to be gay if you didn't

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What can women use?

He was already locked in so he didn't have to go to Warrior class, you brain-dead negroid. Where was Pieck in the class when he was a kid? Nowhere. Pieck only appeared alongside the other warriors and there is NOTHING to indicate she is any older than them nor that she got her titan before them.

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Again, they weren't just gonna sit there and guess who the father was or leave her unchecked when a pregnancy would actually put their plans in jeopardy.

Spoilers when?

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>what is training and experience

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W-What in the actual fuck is that? A torture device? Will the woman wearing it have their clitoris cut off?

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Based Zeke. Though he might not want to use yours.

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There you go, we know zeke got his titan one year before the other and he already has his glasses here, magath is calling pieck and zeke by their titans.
This is when the rest of the titans are chosen, also next page is porco crying like a bitch because reiner got it.

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Yes and what? The only thing that triggers me it's when such faggots start to blame SC for not caring about Historia. And that's while Historia and Eren don't care about their "friends" as well. You're terrible hypocrites because when Eren and Historia are selfish you like it, but when the rest of the characters are selfish you start blaming them.

What if the warrior classes aren't exactly based on age but which internment zone you came from?


arent all of them from liberio?

I hope so. I think that she and best and most kino arc of Grisha was ignored because of serumbowl hysteria. Now fans is more adequate.

A chastity belt to prevent evil women from sinning with members of the opposite sex.

>And who knows what happened during timeskip and why they stopped taking about her.
user, the non-reaction/silence post timeskip is precisely what's bothering people, which is especially jarring because they did show concern just about a year ago.

>nobody replies
But then 2 weeks later you need to tell the brainlet the same thing

Only the mordidly obese would think that.

Don't mind me I don't care although I think they haven't mentioned her because Isayama wants to go for shock value so that when they find out about her pregnancy everyone will freak out. All of them are selfish and that's fine by me.

We literally see all of the warriors in a war before the Paradis mission. He calls out the names beforehand only to end on a more personal note because they are actually going on a mission and not just sticking around. Zekucks are literally braindead ESLs.

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Jean showed concern about Historia during timeskip in the conversation with others. We don't know why they stopped talking about her after timeskip. Maybe something had happened. And I can blame Eren and Historia in the same thing then. Maybe Eren was upset over Sasha's death but still he had put all of them in danger just for the sake of Historia only. So just stop being a hypocrite. I think Historia is justified to be selfish and to want to protect herself. But AMJSC are justified as well.

Certified kek

I’m talking about Historia’s current difficult position, Jean only mentioned her once and at the end they didn’t give that much thoughts about her, I can understand they are obedient soldiers and want to respect the orders but when it was about Eren and when Armin talked about sacrificing Eren, Mikasa DID overreact, i’m not asking for an entire chapter showing how they care about her just ONE fucking dialogue, they are supposedly friends, all of them. And you don’t even know Historia’s current state of mind + Sasha wasn’t supposed to finish killed by a child, actually Eren has been very careful concerning the whole thing and the operation should have been very easy for them but unfortunately the shifters managed to escape from the trap.

???? He also runs with then

This is cope already, nothing implies that in any way even less with their reactions

new thread in 1

>this is when the rest of the titans are chosen
Did you just skim past the first part of that chapter?

>And you don’t even know Historia’s current state of mind
If Historia doesn't cry because of Sasha's death I will remember your hypocrisy.

Why would Pieck be any different from the rest? The Warchief is the oldest, therefore he gets an extra year of experience alongside the previous warriors in their last year so that he is ready to lead the new generation of warriors. There is no reason to believe the cart titan is any different from the rest other than your pathetically desperate attempts to find something where there is nothing between Z and P.

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Thats afterwards you stupid nothing implies it was after because fucking magath is choosing them and porco is crying while his brother comforts him, do you think that if that scene was before that porco would be so mad and crying like a bitch? let me give you a hint, porco would even be there if they were chosen before. They were chosen there

I have never read so many headcanon before and im not even him sneed

>Jean showed concern about Historia during timeskip in the conversation with others
When did I say he didn't? My entire post was about what's going on post timeskip so I dunno why you keep coming back to that when the 104th silence stands out *because* they were concerned about her before.
Am I supposed to be a hypocrite because I think that's strange? It's not like they have any idea of what Eren's planning or whatever part Historia may have decided to play in it, so yes, it is perfectly legitimate to find it weird that there was no reaction whatsoever on their part from any news related to her if we're working under the assumption that they consider themselves her friends.

>all eldiens are going to shift into actual animals while anyone from Marley has to now defend themselves from being eaten by them

Does this not seem appropriate as fuck to anyone else?

The Zekefag is bizarrely obsessed with Pieck and Zeke being the same age.

Even without a titan in line for them the Warriors are still brought along because they are still a valuble soldier and backup in case something goes wrong or a candidate commits treason. We see that with Colt in the latest chapters. It's getting old BTFO'ing Zekucks on the same old headcanons over and over. I'd tell you to get more material but you faggots are seriously at your limits.

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Why wouldn’t she cry? Are you retarded? And do you think you necessarily have to cry? Did Jean cry? No he didn’t but he truly felt pained moreover Historia and Sasha were friends (even though they weren’t that much close) Isayama showed several times Ymir Sasha and Historia together during the training camp period so I don’t really get your point, Historia is not a monster like you seem to think.

>japs are displeased by an empowered woman.

All of my kek

>Thats afterwards
Yeah, that's why they showed it immediately before that scene. These mental gymnastics are getting out of hand.

Do you actually expect or want her not to care or something? Even fucking Eren who was the one who dragged the SC into the raid by using himself as bait despite knowing there was always a risk of casualties almost broke down when he learned about it. Friendship goes both ways last time I checked.

Thank you for shredding my sides

Just like the Pieckfag is obsessed with headcanoning PP into reality

>Porcuck in the back
I think I need to reread the manga. I've only read it the one time but I can't remember any of this fun stuff.

Well yeah, that's the point. She's probably the safest named character atm, even moreso now that the guys who wanted to titanize her were overthrown and could be titanized any minute.

Quote it, I fail to follow the chain of replies due to technical problems. Anyway i'm an EHfag but I don't get "muh satanic friends" meme either. It's not as if they didn't care nor tried something after seeing Historia on her Krista persona being fine with Zeke's plan at that moment. Eren might've been the only one noticed it since Eren and Historia's closeness is kinda different than the rest.

No need for headcanons when Isayama himself ships PP.

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based sneed BTFOing all haters and zekeks

>when they find out about her pregnancy everyone will freak out
But they already know, user. Yelena straight up talked about it in front of them in 116 and no one flinched or reacted in any way, meaning it's obviously not infomartion they were unaware of. At this point I think it became common knowledge among the military after the SC returned.

I made an edit

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I mean the reason for the pregnancy, father etc. depending on the reveal.


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which character do you want to die

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so did i

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