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Scanlation Thread
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I'm the translator of the new Franken Fran, and I'm going to buy the newest volume.
But my scanner is on the other side of the country, so I need to get a new one.
What do you guys recommend?
Also, best deconstruction technique?
I've never scanned raws before.
which digital magazines are difficult to find on the net?
30TB-of-raws user, wil you tell us your secrets and make a torrent onegai?
Wanna work on something else on the side?
Nothing. I'm taking it easy these days.
There are too many typesetters and not enough translators.
It probably ain't gonna work out because I don't do well in groups.
Having said that, even if that were the case, it would have to meet my highly specific and refined tastes, by prominently featuring tall muscle girls.
>tall muscle girls
Of course. paired with plucky boys
I still need help with mangaking I can get the zip files with a HTTPS sniffer but I can't figure out what the password is. Looking through the request section I get something named pass: but running it in base64 decode dose nothing. My sniffer says they are gzip encoded.
You could just rip the kindle version.
I reversed it after I saw it posted the other day here.
The b64decoded pass is basically a bunch of things:
The encrypted zip password. Basically a SHA1.
The IV used for its decryption.
And a part of the AES key. The other part and its final generation is in the actual source.
And in the end you get this shit.
yeah but I'm an archivist. kindle version is going to give you a gimped scan.
Oh, and I forgot, your device ID is also part of the AES key.
Encryption method is AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding and key algorithm is PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1.
I believe in you, user!
Still waiting....
Do decrypt the pass first or the uuid?
The pass is just a range of different things.
First thing to do after the b64decode of the pass is to create the AES key using this if you use python:
In Mangaking's case it's:
hash_name = sha1
password = b"device_id + secret from source"
salt = specific byte range from pass
iterations = 10000
dklen = 32
Afterward comes the IV which is just another specific byte range from pass.
And with these two you decrypt yet another specific byte range from pass which will result in the zip password.
Is this what I do?
Forgot pic
No, that's completely wrong.
Not even half right?
I do this first?
That, but with the pass response.
That's actually the first thing I did but I have a feeling it's not supposed to look like this
I wish Young Ace ヤングエース magazine gets ripped faster.
2-3 weeks is just too damn long. Maybe the Share link is faster, but I'm a brainlet who can't into Share.
There's no way I'm gonna buy a 1000 page pricey magazine just for 1 chapter.
Well, it's encrypted after all so it's supposed to look like that. Using your phone with apps won't help you much further.
Why not? I do it every week to dump Juliet raws and I don't even read most of the magazine. YA is only 690yen on rakuten and is monthly which is in line with other magazines.
>too many typesetters
>translators show up on these threads complaining about how hard it is to find someone willing to typeset
But, I get the same response even on base64 websites
You still need to do a bunch of things with this.
To get the "secret from source" you'll need to decompile the APK and actually look through its source code for example.
The same goes for the different byte ranges I mentioned.
690 yen for 1 chapter is too much
That's about the price of a single doujin.
Which you could consider "one chapater".
It is hard to find people to typeset if you're not doing main stream shounen jump harem shit garbage.
And if you can find a typesetting for more obscure stuff, they're usual garbage. Don't know how to redraw, never center text correctly, don't change fonts when the original text changes fonts, try to rewrite parts of the script when they don't know Japanese.
It's the worst.
For the love of dod, someone finish translating the shitton of Gundam manga that are just left halfway done. /m/ has no talent left and nobody translates anything over there anymore.
Get a machine translator
and now you know why I don't buy doujin
*mobile suit translator
>Yea Forums call QA a meme role
>expect QA to be pointless if you have a competent typesetter
>complain when typesetter rewrites script
What do they mean by this?
Rewriting a script and fixing mistakes isn't the same thing.
>fix broken english in translations
>get called out for rewriting the script
Why would you want to do mainstream shonenshit when they're 100% guaranteed to have someone else already do them for you?
If your translator has blatantly broken English, they shouldn't be translating.
Is this /g/, in my Yea Forums scanlation thread?
reply to this post with
>someone from your group
>their role
>what you don't like about them
They tend to overlap sometimes
Looks like somebody missed the threads that spawned for like a month after ebookjapan takeover by Yahoo. They were pure /g/.
Is there a decent ripper yet?
Why even use Yahoo/EBJ anymore? The quality's the same as other bookstores, and you don't even get EPUBs, but rather a crap format
>I'm shit at typesetting
same goes for QA, translating, etc because I'm riding solo
decent rippers are a matter of secrecy. Even if someone made one for you, the moment the copyright holders realize you've got one they'll change the schema on you.
I'm a solo scanlator and I love myself.
Do you mean "QC" (Quality check).
What the hell is is "QA"?
I'm a solo scanlator and I'm really lonely ;_;
Question and Answer
quality assurance
it's like QC but less plebeian
You're retarded.
This except I hate myself
I was bored so i gave a try at making a ripper for mangaplus. It's interesting the length people go through to obfuscate their code and prevent you from saving the pictures when it turns out to be very very easy in the end.
I'm also wondering how do they obfuscate code, most popular manga-hosting websites seem to obfuscate their code in the very same way.
Anyways, if you can't figure it out, post the uuid and pass from your response and I'll tell you the password.
Probably going to post a small script to get the password later since I don't think it's worth hiding that much with the quality they give you.
This is all very interesting I do want to learn how to do this myself but would still appreciate it.
Apparently this decently popular manga is going to end in a few days.
Should I snipe the last chapter for the laugh?
This is an evil deed, but I really want to see all the rage from the readers.
Even better if the current scanlation group is going to rage drop the manga after that.
The long one as well, the pass.
If you want to learn it yourself, I told you almost everything. The rest is simply poking around in the source code and looking for the things I told you.
Didn't it start recently? It got the axe?
I think it ends naturally.
Nah, they actually look like they release on time.
There are plenty of groups that could use some sniping. Like Champion Scans.
There's no greater joy than sniping and skipping straight through the last chapter, though.
Zip password for that one specific chapter.
Does anyone have raws/know how to rip from Piccoma? I was thinking of translating pic related and messing around with inspect element isn't doing me any good, and the later chapters are paywalled.
Obfuscate web code or app code?
Web JS code.
Well there's not much common obfuscation in between them, unless you're talking about ones that use the same reader system. And minifying doesn't count as obfuscation. You'll have to elaborate
Are you sure it is even obfuscated or just minimized?
Which chaps?
I guess it was because I was on a phone but that app actually dose give a pretty bad quality. Still you helped me out in more ways than one dude
What is defined as minifying exactly? Cause the stuff i see often isn't exactly entirely obfuscating but with the one lettres variable name and whatnot it very much comes close to it
As many as I can get my hands on.
That is minifying. Javascript gets downloaded as source code so people invented programs that remove as much empty space/newlines/variable names as possible to make the filesize smaller.
any interest in scanlated chink manga? I don't give a fuck about jabanese comics anymore.
This is what obfuscated js looks like.
Right, makes sense. Why don't they shorten every name then?
I'm guilty of most of this but I don't rewrite the scripts. The translator I work with is more of a localizer so he changes the scripts enough on his own.
How hard is this to decrypt/understand ?
If you're using the web reader images for BW, you're getting inferior quality anyway. Their obfuscation is also really not that difficult, just tedious.
Give me a temporary file hosting site. The one I used shut down
If it isn't a common form of obfuscation that has been broken (tools like github.com
No problem, here's your password generator. You'll need to edit the r_uuid and r_pass lines. Requires python 3 (make sure to add it to PATH on install) and pip install of pycryptodome and pycryptodomex.
Viewing password is the same as your zip.
Bookwalker went all-out both on their web reader and offline app. With the giant mess that is that js file, reversing the app is much less tedious and more reliable.
Will uguu.se work?
I'm a certified Translator with a bachelor's degree, going back to study Japanese in the Summer so I can get at least an N3 by next year. My dream is to land a good 1st world job that gives me enough time to start scanlating manga once I get better at Japanese. Scanlators are my inspiration, I love you guys.
Get on laruffii's level
>certified translator
Hey what are some good often used fonts
t. who is going to do it anyways for fun and learning despite no interest
Here's all the chaps: a.cockfile.com
But the app doesn't use JS?
I would like to learn this type of stuff since I found a few manga that I wish had scans, but they don't. sadly I don't speak nihongo, the only thing I have is PS.
I was thinking on working on Getter robo High and Omakase! Peace Denkiten which it seems that someone is working on according on manga updates but no links to be found.
Thanks you user, I will do! xD
I'm bilingual, user. Japanese is the third language I'm learning
>t. 13 year old.
I'm just joking you really don't want to be another laruffii
>13 year old who can make you buttmad
Legend, thanks.
I'm well aware of who Laruffi is. Even so I respect him a tiny teeny bit more than I respect my country's "scanlators" who just wait for the English scanlations of doujins to pop to indirectly translate them, badly.
>But the app doesn't use JS?
Yeah, you can decompile it to C#, which I'm more comfortable with. The tedious part there is collecting the mountain of passwords and xor phrases they use for every part of the process.
The Android app is easier to reverse IMO. And guaranteed to be compatible going forwards since it's still actively developed.
To be fair his latest works confirm he dose listen to criticism and he has been improving himself.
On which online reader(s) are they?
by this you mean where the raws are located? or the group?
I guess you mean the group, they are on Mangadex but it seems that they are
a yaoi scan group, but in mangaupdates it shows that they have more than that.
Which are some groups that get really butthurt when sniped? I want to pick up a new series.
Bonus points if the group runs on donations.
Is ripper user around? If so, would you please be able to rip these? I'm a simple user, I heard there were uncensored tiddies in there, so I was curious.
Doesn't that mean it could change any day?
It doesn't mean it *could*, it means it *does*. The app DRM has evolved farther than the old desktop program's DRM. They're just still allowing downloads using the old API. One day they'll shut down usage of the old API, and then you'll be fucked if you haven't kept up. The oldest acceptable (according to API) mobile app version is 4.0.15 on Android, and 4.0.13 on iOS. This is far behind the latest version (5.x.x), which has a more up-to-date DRM schema. As soon as they decide to move up, desktop version is certainly going to get dropped. Moral of the story: Keep up!
Yes, I'm here. Are you able to wait though? Not on the best of connections right now.
Thanks dude, I don't have my pc ready but I got this to work on my phone with pydroid 3 (Python on Android)
Meraki, but they mostly do chinese/korean shit the only actual manga they do is Why Naito
#dropout is always butthurt, could try Juliet
Not sure if Champion gets butthurt, but they have a lot of series they're slacking on
JB won't get mad but all of their fanboys will.
Kirei Cake please. Let the guy's imaginary mother rest in piece.
I just want to say that this manga is very great and exciting to read. If you know jap or if you're learning it right now, I really recommend reading this since this manga is VERY rich of vocabulary, but at the same times, it's quite easy to read and it has furigana too.
There's an anime adaptation but I think it flew under the radar.
Me. I play games instead of typesetting.
Is there any demand for typesetters?
I want to learn to typeset to contribute and hopefully find a translator willing to pick up my abandoned favorite series.
Whatever group does Iruma-kun from Weekly Shonen Champion. Several other groups have tried picking it up with better quality translations, and they flip out every time. It's like 70 chapters behind