Isekai Quartet

Uh oh, Aqua is in trouble

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Other urls found in this thread:

Aqua is the incarnation of troubles.

Episode 9 Endcard by shinatex

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why the fuck is nothing ever happening in these episodes

So Tanya has strength equivalent to 8th tier magic according to Ainz


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>fan service show
>expecting anything serious to happen

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they could at least do proper fanservice and have them use their powers not LOL TANYA TURNS INTO A SEETHING AUTIST BUT THEN CALMS DOWN

stronger than

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Aqua is making way too many enemies.

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Aqua a shit.

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>look, the itoddler with his facebook memes is back.
dont you have anything better to do?

>Ainz getting suspicious of Subaru
Subaru is the only one who's missing out on gags, I hope Ainz figures him out.

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I forget Tanya is actually a mage.

>darkness tits
>aqua bullying
>tanya showing off power level
Not bad episode

Worst part was that they didn't show Ainz speedo.

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I just want Subaru to be able to decompress with a bro thats not trying to exploit him...
inb4 Ainz cures Subaru's mental trauma and gets Subaru as a weapon Nazarick can use against time stop magic

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> the reveal being Subaru has been dying over and over to keep everything peaceful between everyone

Would be a kino ending.

The shonen shit would turn the show to shit

I feel like that ending would come slightly out of nowhere, since we havent really seen him smooth things out when things get hairy. I guess he could also avoid getting involved in things if thats what got him killed previously, so him not doing anything makes sense.

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how many times did subaru die trying to stop Tanya from going nuclear?

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thank you for this

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Tanya sneezes are so CUTE.

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Darkess is very impressive!

I usually kinda laugh at Aqua but I genuinely felt for her here, Tanya must be the scariest thing she's ever seen.

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>demiurge in a speedo

this is a good episode

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Some quick power level comparing brings us to a pretty easy understanding of things here.

Ainz is capable of tanking a turn undead from Aqua, with minimal damage, and also AInz' abilities would be nerfed vs Aqua to some degree due to him being an undead in the first place.

Tanya though? She's 9th level minimum tier magic, isn't undead, and doesn't use unholy powers. Tanya would absolutely annihilate Aqua and she probably felt it.

The only thing Aqua has against an Ainz-tier threat is the weakness to holy bonus.

Tanya > Aqua

It would have been a great gag if Cocytus was wearing swimming trunks.

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Funny, I remember a different face.

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This anime is very interestign

>Shalltear in full dress so she can keep her pads

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Darkness should've been bigger than Rem...

Oh no, Aquabros.

So it comes down to Sonzai X vs Satella.

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This episode got surprisingly serious there.


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Putting on the show to make the lil gender confused salaryman happy.

Dont be autistic it was just for the gag

Can't wait until it's proven that Subaru has been dying to make everything the way he wants it. I couldn't imagine how many times he killed himself to make Emilia the class president.

Nice headcanon.

I wasn't going to bring powerlevels in it since I'm pretty sure most non-undead could beat her in a fight, I just felt for her being so scared.

But yeah, surprising just an outburst of anger aura from Tanya is already such a high tier in Yggdrassil.
Even moreso that Subaru could withstand it no problem, the man has seen shit but he certainly still gets scared every now and then.

This doesn't have the right to be as good as it is

>I couldn't imagine how many times he killed himself to make Emilia the class president.
You did see the after credits "scene" on that episode, right? They basically confirmed that was exactly what happened which is why Subaru was so smug when Emilia won.


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> we will never see doujins of Darkness being raped by Tanya's men

How cute, she stamped her feet and wanted a dolly

so what did Aqua want to ask them before Tanya went full autism?

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you can't rape the willing.

She wanted to have a baby, but she's to young to produce one

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>But yeah, surprising just an outburst of anger aura from Tanya is already such a high tier in Yggdrassil.
Also doesn't Tanya need to pray to use her full power?

Tanya would rip them apart for being disobedient.

I know, i wanna know how many he had to do, though.

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Yeah, sure Aqua can be annoying and a bit dumb, but now she finally tried to talk without trying to attack Ainz and this happens, yeah, I felt for her.

Then it would be 9th tier, Tanya has a tactical nuke.

Probably who was it that transferred them to their respective worlds since she knows it wasn't her.

If the deities were similar


It was really disappointing that we didn't get one Ainz gag in the beach after that build up in the last episode.
I'm so annoyed by this shit, this is clearly why they are pushing it, but Darkness should be going after the Overlord monsters considering how she usually is and Darkness x Shalltear would be way funnier.

Yeah, guess she's quite a bit stronger than I thought.

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Subaru sure has it rough

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Okay from the episode, we can see the level of 3 out 4 of the isekai quartet.
Tanya > Aqua > Ainz
Now for someone in the Subaru world isekai.

Rem is cuter than all of them so it doesn't really matter.

I like how his face is like "I'm to tired of this shit".

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I can see it being a rock-paper-scissors situation, I'm not sure how Tanya can defeat Ainz.

It would be Roswaal. However, we won't see him doing anything in this due to Season 2 not being out yet.

Aqua > Ainz is not confirmed.

The exact phrasing for what Aqua accomplished with Turn Undead was "Cause me to feel pain." The angels in Season 1 did about the same.

Might just be in some quick flashbacks of certain situations getting way too out of control.

She's using it now, she needs to pray to unleash it all sort of like Megumin. Ainz said it's stronger than 8th tier, meaning it's 9th tier and the power within that tier varies like [Nuclear Blast] being the weakest despite it's destructiveness, hence why he didn't say it's stronger than 9th tier. Her full output with prayer would be 10th tier, as I've previously stated, the power in tier varies so her overall destructiveness within 10th tier would be lower or higher than [Meteor Fall]. Aqua stands no chance.

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I didn't see Ainz soul coming out of him with the angel.

Make sense for Kazuma's face to be like that all the time.

God I wish that were me

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Just a visual gag. He didn't act like his life was in danger afterwards, or show any signs of being damaged. Just purely, "Made me feel pain despite being level 100."

Did Demi just flash Kazuma the Rod of the Incubus?

what do you mean, dankness was amazing

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We better get a scene with Subaru stopping mid sentence and having his face full of dread due to a return

I haven't. Post it.

>Nobody's saying anything about Tanya's swimsuit

>> we will never see doujins of Darkness being raped by Tanya

In a swimsuit episode, this is the scene that got my dick the hardest.

Tanya's tactical nuke would tickle him and i'm not even kidding. Aqua's [God Requiem] would one shot Ainz but who said he'd be standing around? Before she finishes casting he's either already killed her or cast several spells. Both die to his first and favourite spell [Grasp Heart] that he uses to check if the other person has instant death spell resistance/immunity.

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Nooo. DELET THIS. Don't look please look at my tits and imagine. Just gotta love dankness.

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What powerup causes that?

Okay, retard.

this was by far the best part of the episode
the sound was insanely cute

Anyone made a gif of Tanya's kick?

>power level faggotry
So far it's all just a poker game and nobody really knows. Just because Aqua got scared doesn't mean anything. tldr: get fucked.

Are you okay, retard?

It's cute but too lewd.

the lifting kind


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>the after credits "scene" on that episode,
nani, nani?! t. speedwatcher kun

Wasn't shown enough, and only from one angle. Damn shame.

Ainz would be more likely to open with [Time Stop].

how many times do you think he died to tanya's outburst in that moment?

imagine your face being right below them

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Holy. Shit. Nine. Ten. Dank. Ness. Just. Eleven. Keeps. Twenty-two. Going. And. Thirty-three. It's. Fucking. Fourty-five. Glorious. Holy. Sixty-nine. Shit. Seventy-two. You. Eighty-four. Guys.

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>tanya is gonna turn me into a lolifag

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the greatest twist ever

Wasn't it just Meat guy?

>but Darkness should be going after the Overlord monsters considering how she usually is and Darkness x Shalltear would be way funnier.
absolutely true. The writers of this little gag show are just lame and don't have a feeling for anything. It's still quite funny to watch, but it could, and it fucking should be so much better. Even for a short. Shorts can be great too. And have proper pacing and shit happening. Still, this episode wasn't all too bad, I think maybe even the best so far. But all the previous episodes were a waste. Get to it already.


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>just because god pissed himself, begged for help, and started crying doesn't mean he was scared haha

Aqua isn't a strong enough person to actually make a play like that. She was terrified.

God, i want to fill Ram up with baby batter until her womb can't hold anything anymore

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>Aqua stands no chance.
pffff, she got a bit scared, because tanya sperged out all of a sudden for no fucking reason at all. playing psychos is always scaring, since you never know what they do next. they're fucking psychos after all. still, doesn't mean you can't beat them. a good god blow in that stupid face should easily handle this, however.

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Viktorya is so hot.

Subaru proudly declares that he will make her the class rep. Upon the results being finalized, he was extremely smug with Ram saying, "You look so self satisfied despite doing nothing." But we know Subaru isn't the type of man to do this. He absolutely had a role he played.

The final scene is the man saying, "The wheels of reincarnation are turning." what other meaning would a random man talking about reincarnation play in that episode?

oh how i miss these

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who is the fag who keeps making these ultra saturated high-contrast edits?

Did Isekai Quartet make you want to watch any of the Isekai Big 4?

I already saw Re:Zero, Konosuba and Overlord a long time ago. This made me watch Youjo Senki all the way through and buy the light novel.

I need the there's no plotline user here, real quick. This didn't work (as comedy, or whatever) at all.

Post ALL of the ultra salturated high-contrast aqua edits.

I'm not implying Aqua was bluffing weakness to later show (hidden) strength. She was genuinely scared. Still doesn't mean jackshit.

I've only seen Overlord, but it makes me kind of want to watch Konosuba, maybe Tanya as well.

Considering her getting smacked on the back of the head by Kazuma hurts, being hit by a 9th level spell would obliterate her.

Hi, sweety. How may I help you?

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This is why Ram commented that Subaru looked "smug" when he "didn't do anything" to get Emilia elected.

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Reminder that KonoSubafags are the worse in these threads.

I rewatched Konosuba which is the only one that's actually good.

no. fuck you.

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A butthurt Aquafag who's shifted into the Maximum Overcope and will remain this way for a week at least.


I had watched everything already.

Wrong, its only the 2 very dedicated aquaposters that are the worst shit in these threads.
We konosubafags hate them too

>Aqua is in trouble

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>Aqua-sama would defeat Ainz, Ainz would defeat Tanya and Tanya would defeat Aqua-sama
We have a Pokémon grass/water/fire dynamic

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>Tanya acting like a girl
Best part of the episode

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I watched Re:Zero in prep for IQ and had already watched Konosuba and Overlord.

Still no interest in watching Nazi Loli

oh that. was that really an after credit scene? Even I've seen that, maybe except the "wheels of reincarnation" part. Don't remember that. Anyways. My take on this is that this was a much to subtle played joke and won't get picked up again, or turn out to be some twist that was interfering all the time. I just don't think the writers of this show are this clever. They're dumb. And I hope they all gonna die.

This. If they don’t do a gag where Darkness imagines a list of atrocities being done to her that coincides with all the horrible things that Nazarick’s denizens have actually done, then this entire show’s concept is wasted.

You should.

I'm an Overlordfag who picked up Konosuba last year during the Yea Forums secret santa. Would recommend.

Youjo Senki looks good too desu

What's with the falseflaggers? Aqua being scared and beaten by weak monsters is a staple of her character.

>school swimsuit
Ruffles would've been nice but it was not to be..

>Tanya anger only
She revealed her entire mana reserve, putting her at 9th tier.
>1 - 7 = 1
>8 - 14 = 2
>15 - 21 = 3
>22 - 27 = 4
>28 - 36 = 5
>37 - 42 = 6
>43 - 49 = 7
>50 - 56 = 8
>57 - 63 = 9
>64 - 70 = 10
>+71 = Super Tier
Using her type 95 to pray to would raise her mana as well as her physical and mental capacity for a short while to bust a huge nut on her enemies which would put her in 10th tier.

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That's not even possible

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So, why is the only real thing with Rem and Shalltear the fact that no one has visited the nurse yet?

What happens when someone finally does?

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You have to, it's important.

>Youjo Senki looks good too desu
it's easily the worst show. konosuba is genuinely good entertainment. overlord is too if you got a kink for the setting and creatures around. good maids. but tanya's show is just boring, lame, and boring, and full of literally who's and it's war and they fight, and who cares. Terrible show.

darkness is the only character that carries this show and every single one of you shitters knows this

Ram part. Sorry it took so long, Comcast are a bunch of fuckers.

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>that subtle cameltoe

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tanya's show is fun though?

She doesnt even carry her own show KEK

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best grill
nice oppai

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Ainz would beat Aqua, and Tanya.

I only watched Konosuba before Isekai Quarte.
After the third episode i binged Re Zero first then Youjo Senki and boy I can tell you, it's more enjoyable, I still need to watch Overlord, i'm gonna do that this weekend

I see what you did there.

Anyway, comparing characters from different universes aside, what are Aqua's feats? How powerful would she be if she went berserk or had her wimpy personality suppressed? Is her power level ever comprehensively listed in some way in KonoSuba, both as the Goddess in her own plane and when isekaid with Kazuma?

God I wish that was me.

It is not.
it's subliminal, so brainlets won't get it, but totally true. Praise Dankness.

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Nice headcanon.

I didn't enjoy it one bit. No idea why I didn't drop it.

Name thirteen different ways it is not in separate posts.

Darkness is freaking nuts.

Not low IQ, just low attention span. Youjo Senki has the best pasting of all and it is by fat the most rewatchable

She beat a slime while super charged by her faithful.

assfangs most likely

Bretty gud episode today and last week was good too. Hopefully it finishes strong.

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Hey look, its the poser aquafag that pretends to like Aqua to get shit all over.

That's fine, but what are your reasons for disliking it?

Sacred Turn Undead can only defeat a Lich. Ainz is two tiers above a lich.

Ainz fears Aqua, don't you remember when she used Turn Undead

at least do a meme strawpoll retard

>Name thirteen different ways it is not in separate posts.
I'm sorry, I don't understand. What are you even referring to? Mues nos ablos espagnol.

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Same user here, ignore the headcanon axis cultist coming your way.
>Physically stronger than Kazuma
>Physically hurt by Kazuma
>Magically hurt by Kazuma
>Despite maxed out stats, cannot break a barrier made by the power of 2 or more demon generals
Also coming down to fantasy Australia, she still has her abilities, she's even said what she's capable of to Kazuma and it's her current stack of abilities. So in heaven the power to send people's soul away was given to her, she is sort of like an employee.

Ainz can cast a spell that make holy attacks weak to him.

He doesn't fear her, he was surprised that a base turn undead was capable of making him feel pain. It didn't even inflict any damage.

Sacred Turn Undead is not even close to be her ace in the hole.

>that pretends to like Aqua
What. Just because I like dankness too means I don't like Aqua?

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Ainz stole the show in episode 5. That is objectively true.

>it's a powerlevelfags discussing powerlevels on a meme show thread
sasuga isekaitards

true, the only thing in her hole is dick

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>this mothefuckers claiming Aqua is the strongest when even in her own LN she couldn’t even hit a goddess that had her power cut in half
Aquafaggots are literally mentally ill


Don't worry, I won't let them bully you. Remember that I'm your greatest ally™

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>sasuga isekaitards
KonoSubafags aren't the isekai majority. They're just the obnoxious fringe group. Kinda like Undertailfags on Yea Forums

Name a move she can perform in the less than 1 second it takes for Ainz to cast timestop.

Subarau looking smug for no reason is part of his basic personality.

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Was there a previous thread?

I see. So her fighting power is really weak. What about her healing, regenerative and tanking potential? Can she die or would she return to her plane or revive if that happened? At this point I doubt that such information is even available due to the nature of that show. I'm still curious, however.

Sacred Break Spell

>Yea Forums
i can already tell you're an overlord fag

Slightly below 8th tier since ainz would have said 9th tier.
The power difference between tiers is big.

The show is only like 12 minutes, they have limited time. There is little chance they would include 2 separate parts in 1 episode that hint towards him reincarnating.

Her fighting power is not weak, it's super specialized. There is a difference.

I'm not into overlord, actually.

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Her healing is on par with any arch priest, tanking potential? Probably above Kazuma, but only by a little.

"Sacred Break Spell: A spell that allows Aqua to lift any curse made by the Devil King's leaders. It can also be used to break protective spell barriers."

>lift any curse
>break protective spell barriers

So it would not affect timestop.

He is right though. Konosuba is overrated shit that constantly retreads the same jokes

>Casts another spell

they sure buffed Tanya's powerlevel a lot for this show

>What about her healing, regenerative and tanking potential?
She has avoided serious harm and gets hurt by Kazuma. Her healing is top tier and she has no regeneration.
> Can she die or would she return to her plane or revive if that happened?
It was never stated that gods/goddesses cannot die and one of them actually died to Megumin's explosion in volume 9. Also beware axis cultists

>now we need a german loli version

Aqua's manapool is limitless.

Her weapon is OP, there's a spinoff novel about her fighting nazarick.

Wrong, its never stated its infinite.

the 4 shows repeat the same jokes constantly
>sasuga ainz sama also albedo and shalltear want your dick
>haha i love you emilia-tan
>hai kazuma desu
>tanya is evil and bad lol

Let me tell you something funny anons, axis cultists are crawling with her wiki page.
>Break any barrier
Kek, don't make me laugh. She was hit by reality, she couldn't break a barrier held by 2 or more demon generals.

How canon are we talking?

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>Beako's little butt and asscrack

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Where is her underwear?

Aqua doesn't wear underwear because she's a slut.

Someone post the reaction they had when finding out that one of the twins was a boy.

That's unfortunate. I suppose this helps me with my headcanon power ranking of the 4 MCs. Not going to say anything else for obvious reasons. Otherwise, this was the best episode thus far. I loved both Tanya's rage and Aqua's cowardice, not to mention all of the fanservice. The previous episode in comparison was quite boring.

imagine licking darkness' bare tits and tasting that sweet nectar

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She does wear panties animeplebs

Good lord, look at all that useless flesh.

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Invisible, so no one can peek at it.

The more important question is, how big will Aqua's ass end up getting?

>Sonzai X!!!
She is at-least level 56, so Ainz x Tanya is right around the corner.

Attached: Sonzai.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

>little duck in a school swimsuit

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god i wanna slurp up all that sweat imagine how swee it must taste

>not SSJLoli

Its not invisible either, ledditor. Everything about aqua being Nopan or invisible panties is fanfiction.

I like the ED very much.

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if aqua got killed, wouldn't she just return to that god realm and thereby avoid the whole demon lord quest requirement?


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the best characters in the show 2bh

Aqua is super specialized, but she can spam resurrection, remove any curse, dispel barriers, and generally heal any injury. She also has a high affinity against undead, where her abilities go through holy resistant armors to cause pain, but not instant gib. Her strongest showing really is being a goddess of water, where she can actually call floods.

As far as strong goes, not really, but she is probably at the top in terms of healing potential. Considering how Ainz has to pay shit tons of gold or items to res people and that's with level loss, while she can res with zero cost.

Her ass will increase in relation to her dame dame ness.

If that was true she would have killed herself just after being isekaid.
She is a mortal now, and has some of her power with her.

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maybe she's too stupid to realize that shortcut back? either way, would that mean eris would have to res her?

So, what happens when someone finally needs to see the nurse?

Yes, Aqua doesnt revive anyone. Each and everybody that has revoved in Konosuba is because Eris, not because Aqua. She just puts pressure on Eris to revive them.

The average /fit/izen.

i actually disagree with the way darkness was represented here, in konosub, she'll be doing something think its something lood and then is actually misunderstood. In this, they were in fact having lood thoughts and in synced with what she was thinking, not accurate. I know its for gags but iirc this has never happened in konosub even used in gags.

Can someone write 2 paragraphs explaining on detail why this flash player shit with such a dumb concept is so good?
I don't understand anymore

Fun things are fun.
Feels nice.

The ending dance is very cute

Sweaty, unwashed Lalatits

It's also that Shalltear wants some Rem herself

>half of Tanya's squad drop out in terror just feeling her anger
Not even a spooky skeleton is this intimidating

she's jealous because she's a flattie you retarded ufag

haha what if Aqua peed herself haha

Shalltear regularly fucks women you goddamned imbecile

It would be pure water

All fluids she comes in contact with are purified so it's just water

I wouldnt know I dont watch garbage

fucking degenerate

Sit on my face, Aqua-sama

>Aqua is super specialized, but she can spam resurrection
Until her mana runs out
>remove any curse
>dispel barriers
Only to certain point, she can't break barrier made by 2 or more demon generals (volume 15)
>where her abilities go through holy resistant armors to cause pain
Eer, no. Her holy spell was just that powerful, Besdia was wearing holy resistant not immune armor there is a difference
>As far as strong goes, not really, but she is probably at the top in terms of healing potential. Considering how Ainz has to pay shit tons of gold or items to res people and that's with level loss, while she can res with zero cost.
Healing varies with the Overlord cast but they're definitely not below hers. Also he has a wands of resurrections he can use to revive people but they lose levels, he only has to pay gold to revive NPCs because they belong to the guild and they also DON'T lose levels when they revive.

Nurse is the torturer from Nazarick.

I love the way this show handles powerlevels.

cool skel

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It depends on the fluid and how dirty it is. Tea she instantly purifies but slime or mud or other stuff she can't instantly, so you could piss on her or shit on her

w-we didnt get to see shalltear feet today

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Nice headcanon.

Trannya is a little bitch and reminds me of your average unlikable militant atheist

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It's because of the faggot script writer. She was hiding from the sun, something lesser vampires do.

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t. Aqua

>No Steal
I feel betrayed.

She didn't even wear a swimsuit. Shitty vampadpire.

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>Doesn't try challenge
Come at me, you'll be hit by quotes

>the sun


Steal is not even his main joke, aside from the couple of times he used steal as a joke leddit and Yea Forums memed that until oblivion.

Fucking this. I wanted to see the pure man skeleton Ainz is.

Aquafag testing his proxy.

That's an insult to true vampires. The sun does nothing to her, there is a reason Ainz didn't use the sun against her or even came to fight her armed with his lamps that are as bright as the sun or even brighter.

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They should've done a small montage of him dying there.

What if Kazuma stole Albedo's swimsuit?

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Tayna herself doesn't have exceptional amount of mana, she ranks in the lower half of the Imperial mages, her Type 95 is what gives her bullshit powers.

>Cocytus doesn't join the troops in doing push ups
If you can't do it yourself, you don't use it as punishment, simple army rule.

I'd like to see an on model full animation version

>she ranks in the lower half of the Imperial mages
I don't remember that.

the closest thing you will find

She would have to deploy her tactical butt-wings to maintain her dignity, and Kazuma would have died a virgin in about five seconds after the incident

>Kazuma showing off Albedo's body to everyone in the beach
Wouldn't that be the first time Ainz gets to see her naked?

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Yeah, her soldiers talk about her achievements, and say how she manages to pull situations around with her amount of mana, and that if one were to rank all imperial mages, not just her group, from highest mana capacity to lowest it would be faster to find her name if you started from the bottom.

where do you get that from
it's constantly mentioned that her mana is greater then that of the other soldiers. add the extra pray power with the type 95 ontop of that and she becomes even stronger.
only mary sue had more power then her but she lacked battle experience

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Yare, Yare. Getting surprised by just that amount of power, should I remove my ring?

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It's basically Konosuba S 2.5

>She just puts pressure on Eris to revive them.
Absolutely based and axis pilled.

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>and that if one were to rank all imperial mages, not just her group, from highest mana capacity to lowest it would be faster to find her name if you started from the bottom.
you have a rough source which book that is and preferably what chapter?

>it's constantly mentioned that her mana is greater then that of the other soldiers.
Because that is her mission mana expenditure, her Type 95 orb is basically free mana battery of bullshit.
Even Tanya repeatedly complains how cursed the orb is because she needs to use to to get out of shit situations she ends in which then gets her into even more shit situations because she got out of previous shit situation safely.

He did shoot her with arrows of sun power from her creator's inventory.

you fucked it all up

unf. mentally raping this as we speak

He shot her with magic arrows made of light yes, but he boosted them to equal 10th tier.

Their dicks would be pulverised into hamburger helper by her diamond hard hymen.

Eh, I saved it from the thread last week.

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Don't worry, he will steal Tanya's panties soon enough

Thats hot, but doesnt Albedo hate anyone that isnt from Nazarick?

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Aquafags BTFO

>you have a rough source which book that is and preferably what chapter?
I'd sauce you if I either knew japanese to read my books or if I kept the PDFs from the tl site.
I'm probably wrong but it might have been in the earlier books when Tanya is first training her group, or Visha was recalling the experience and then brought it up.
I'ma try to CtrlF the PDF if I find it again.

Pleb. Tanya's show is second best right after Konosuba.


not if she gives them to me first.


Besides getting infinite retries, How strong is Subaru?

Who exactly would be raped here? She'd play along then KO them out with her superior stamina

Easy to see you didn't watch 3 of the 4 shows. Though you're probably just pretending.

Gotta nerf her somehow.

I wonder how love talks would go
Crossovers are mankind's greatest invention after Onaholes

Ainz > Tanya > > > Aqua

>only got a single still frame of megumin in her swimsuit
>she didn't go around angrily slapping big boobies like she would with yunyun
Slightly disappointed

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By the way, it's weird that Emilia is always so bothered being a half-elf yet she doesn't care about the fact that there are also elfs right in front of her, with heterochromia nonetheless.

They are nigger elves. Also Heterochromia was either an accident or on purpose since elves with that are considered royalty in the new world

Why would she care? She doesn't have a problem with elves, she just hates being an evil witch.

Because Emilia loves other Elves.

>perfect opportunity to do Kazuma's signature creepy hand animation
>we missed it

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Only person there it would work on would be his group and Rem/Ram, this is comedy so if they used it we probably would have seen him sniffing underwear only to see a weirdly smiling Roswaal

That would require animating his hand, user. We can't have that.

>as a weapon Nazarick can use against time stop magic
Nazarick needs no such thing. Time Stop is baby shit compared to them already.
That being said, if he got friendly with Subaru, and then Demiurge found out that Ainz-sama's been grooming a young man that has access to magic that can unfuck any situation that doesn't have blue hair, he'd sasuga all over the entirety of Nazarick.
Then he'd go and get the labs ready to disect Subaru until they figure out how to use the same magic.

Last episode will be a montage of all his deaths. Screencap me.

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Don't mind me.

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She does but if Ainz told her to fuck somebody she definetly would.

Watched all of them when they aired.

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If Ainz wasnt so strong could he send her to seduce men in order to strenghten Nazarick?

Megumeme worst character

This episode confirms

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All of them
I have only seen the 1st season of Overlord tho

the second guy in meh looks like a MC

aniz vs shelltear aniz only won because he used pay2win items
aqua used lowerst hloy spell and knoct her out in one punch
also she has like unlimited power (mana)
she ist just stupit thats her problem

she does dude !!!!

but they are invisible :D

Tanya is both best girl and best boy.

They aint invisible shitard


No, Ainz barely won because he had overly complicated things to the point of autism all for the possibility of someone trying to trap him.

If he fought her in his full gear, it'd be easy pz.

Tell me about the 4 armed ice lizardman. Why does he wear the armor? If he took it off, would he die?

Headcanon. She'd rather kill herself, the one thing she would listen without question would be if he told her to kill herself because if he disliked her, something she confirms multiple times. A man touched her shoulder and her anger went through the roof
Why would he tell the females? Demiurge is prime chad material

Incorrect everywher except for shit_____ tier.

>The power difference between tiers is big
This. There is a huge power gap between the tiers of magic in Overlord.

Without the whole Return by Death, Subaru is literally just some random autist.

Begone thot!

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cute duckface

He's a honorable guy.


for you

>aniz vs shelltear aniz only won because he used pay2win items
He limited himself, Ainz in fullgear (with staff) would annihilate her, he ranks above her in author's ranking.
>aqua used lowerst hloy spell and knoct her out in one punch
Shalltear is less vulnerable to holy than Ainz is, now tell me how she went down while Ainz was still standing?
>also she has like unlimited power (mana)
Headcanon, Aqua's mana pool is not unlimited, her stats were already revealed

>4 armed ice lizardman
Dude, really?

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>Why does he wear the armor
Yes, yes, well done Yea Forums, well done.

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>She'd rather kill herself
The will of the supreme one is law.

>that smile

This user gets it.

>The will of the supreme one is law.
Yeah, how did that work out for him screaming for her to stop in an angry voice while she tried to rape him

Where exactly? Everything about it is true. The only argument you could have is that you are an illiterate faggot that hasnt read the novels

What a nice guy :)

>The will of the supreme one is law.
Her programming overrides this.

Attached: Around The Succ Be Ready To Fucc.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

>Minimal damage
He was dying.

Cant he turn her back into a slut? Demons arent inmune to mind control

>The will of the supreme one is law.
Lupus disobeyed because she's lazy.
Solution disobeyed because of her ego.
Sebas disobeyed because of his honor.
Albedo disobeyed out of love/lust.

She is already a slut, Ainz just made her lust directed towards him.
“That disgusting man touched me. Only one man in this world is allowed to touch my body in a lustful way… Shit. That piece of brainless dogshit…”

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>Mobilia got no lines again

the brown haired war cutie is such a cutie, is she so adorable in her series too? i don't remember her name

>already a slut
What if Ainz told her to just do it in their dreams?

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I watched Konosuba and Re:Zero before this.
Picked up Tanya and Overlord like 5 episodes into this. Watched through Tanya like twice already. I got though all three seasons of Overlord somehow but I wouldn't go back to be honest.


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It's soul imprinted, he needs omnipotence to rewrite that shit now.

Or he can just open guild interface and rewrite it, in fact he offered her to do it but she refused.


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>Ainz turns Albedo back into a slut but also erases the part where she hates anyone that isnt Nazarick
What now?

No, but I watched Konosuba and Re:Zero anyway to prepare.

Most of the guild interface features became disabled when they left Yggdrasil.

So we all agree Tanya is best girl (and boy), most powerful character, and Aoi Yuuki best VA?


>he offered her to do it

Other than most powerful character, there's no doubt about it. Don't really care about fanwank powerlevel debates desu.

She is high 8th tier, Ainz is 11+ tier. She is by no means the most powerful.

You forgot most sexy

Nope, what allowed him to rewrite that was Guild Staff that acted as all member pass, so if a guildmate private locked some piece of Nazarick property, such as storage/door/npc to them then guild master can use it as well with the guild weapon/tool, which then accesses Yggdrasil server itself(essentially reality) and allows him to edit as he wants(such as NPC flavour text).
So unless he obtains a way to manipulate reality(omnipotence ect.) to directly rewrite Albedo he's stuck with a succubus lusting for his calcium.

Will he make an appearance?

How did Aqua know Ainz and Tanya were isekai'd? I mean, her 'godly' vision isn't even that in her own series, she can only see in the dark and anything else she just sense from curses to divinity. Tanya is a little girl while Ainz is undead and if her senses were so great there are 3 things she missed:
>Tanya's pendant
>Subaru's curse
>Ainz's world class item

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>most powerful character
There is quite a chance that Being X is a subordinate of Aqua that replaces here while she is travelling with Kazuma.
They even have the same level of autism, but Aqua is funnier.

Tied with Mare really.

See or Wild Magic

Aqua is bakas.

well she still get mana for her followers and if a low tier spell is enough to knock out a lvl100 charater in just watch ep 2 ainz got hit pretty hard and used his autoheal ( he was in his gear)

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>Aoi Yuuki best VA?


Never mentioning them doesnt mean not knowing them

Probably from the way they talk or offscreen stuff.
Basically experience.

He said above eighth tier speed watcher.

Probably has less to do with her powers and more with her experience dealing with nips.

Cute headcanon, but he literally told her that he can do it in both anime and LNs, she refused, and the only reason he is not doing it to others is because of muh respect for his comrades.

He would have said 9th tier if she was 9th tier.

>Darkness x Shalltear
time to summon /u/?
[X]YES [_]NO

It didn't knock him out. He quite literally shrugged it off and simply said, "I'm impressed a goddess can cause me pain even though I'm level 100." He was just surprised that her turn undead even made him feel anything. No damage.

Not really a good excuse
Yea...I'm not taking that. It's like walking in to a room and mentioning a pen on the floor while ignoring the large demon in the room
These two seem like good explanations. I mean, you don't see an intelligent loli like that, one is wearing a track suit while the other seems doesn't seem like a normal undead

Says who? He said above eighth, so it can be 9th, 10th or whatever number above eight.

But that wasn't even her final form. She didn't pray and her eyes didn't turn yellow.

Just remember she's a sociopathic salaryman on the inside.

Which would put her squarely in 9th tier

I'm enjoying this show the most out of this season and I feel bad for it.

Aqua is just a coward

Why? this season is shit.

Darkness's tits should be bigger than Rem's.

It still feels wrong and yet so right

Kek. The reason he didn't say above 9th tier was because each tier's power varies. For example [Nuclear Blast] being the weakest 9th tier spell despite being more powerful than Tanya's tactical nuke. Also this places Tanya's level at 63, if she prays and uses her type 95 that's an increase into 10th tier...maybe. A 10 level increase is already godly, several times more powerful

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Tanya prays to keep her crystal from exploding in her face. She really is THAT powerful.

>is the only one that's actually good.
youjo senki is bretty gud too ignoring the CGI used in the soldiers

>It still feels wrong and yet so right
So is Kazuma banging Albedo

Is the type 95 a world class item?

should I watch re:zero? I can't decide

I unironically enjoy the bros just hangin out and appreciating their exotic vacation. Without them the show would be a roastiefest.

plot hole

Clown cock widened her hole too much for that

Demiurge vagina bones.

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It's not great but not terrible. I give it a 3.6/5

objective power ranking
Konosuba>youjo senki>Overlord>>>>>>>Re:Zero

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Naked beach skeleton.

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>Didn't get to see Ainz in a speedo
Damn it why are the writers so shit?

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Forgot pic. Without them it would just be the herbivores and their respective harems

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> any situation that doesn't have blue hair
Too soon, user. Too soon.

Overlord LN>Youjo Senki=Konosuba>Re:Zero>literal dogshit>>>>>Overlord anime

hot potatoe

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>shitbaru shitshow so high

She could tell by how Japanese they acted compared to everyone else.

Dark Elf Boy Determination.

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It was ok at first, it wasn't until later that it started to drag.

Overlord LN = Konosuba LN>>> Yojo Senki>Overlord anime>Konosuba anime>dogshit covered in cum >>>> Re:Zero


Yes, konosuba. And it's the only good anime among the 4.


Oh shit nigga what are you doing

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No... "Above 8th" as in, upper 8th tier magic, or some boundary 8.5th tier. Why the fuck would he say 8th if she was 9th?

>Konosuba>Youjo Senki>Re:Zero>Literal dogshit>>>>>Overlord anime>>>>>>>post-ironic meta-egregore of quasidogshit>>>>>>>>>>>Overlord LN

You can make an argument for the rest, but having the Overlord anime>Konosuba anime is objectively incorrect






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>They were looking at Albedo
Do Tanyas soldiers commit war crimes?

Since Overlord works on D&D rules, and Ainz canonically abuses Metamagic feats, he probably meant that Tanya's attack was equivalent to a 8th tier spell with metamagic added.

I wonder if they would have tossed her in there as well if the anime had reached that point.

>Do Tanyas soldiers commit war crimes?
Technically no.

They're soldiers.

>Since Overlord works on D&D rules
Since when D&D has mana

Tanya is trying very hard to avoid legally warcrimes commited by her or her underlings

Is sucking the cum out of men to use as a source of energy a warcrime?

Mana systems in D&D have been created before. It works surprisingly well. Daily magic is the default but you do realize you can just change the rules as you please, right?

Overlord doesn't use Vancian magic, but it still uses the metamagic system.

Reminder that someone will die and Ainz will reach into the abyss quite literally to bring them back unlike a certain useless goddess that relies on heaven

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>and Aoi Yuuki best VA?
Yes. but I like her Boogie's voice more

Neia would be funny to have here, the preaching would be fucking hilarious.

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lmao all 4 series except maybe tanya have asspulls that let characters come back to life whenever they want.

Sorry, Konosuba’s anime is nowhere near as good as people make it to be, specially when comoaring it to the LN.
Overlord is way better, at least in the anime.

Did you forget that Ainz relies on a faggy wand to bring people back? I think it's more likely that he's gonna think about whether or not wasting a wand charge is worth bringing them back and then Aqua just pulls a rez out of her ass

>Overlord is way better, at least in the anime.
maybe if you love terrible cgi trash

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Aqua would totally genderbend someone and send him on a wild ride, she's probably done it multiple times already.

She's a succubus though.

The Overlord anime is an abortion. The first season was passable because it was smaller scale and I'm pretty sure it had more of a budget despite that, but seasons 2 and 3 are god awful

Reminder that Aqua did it all for power and worship. She's a war criminal.

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She loves Ainz, so it would be rape.

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Aqua relies on heaven, if the request is denied she can only cry herself to sleep like how Kazuma was going to be sent somewhere else by Eris only for Aqua to scream at his dead body causing Eris to hear her senpai

They go get the computation orbs and use magic to make it happen.

There are going to be A LOT of doujins made from this show. Imagine all the possible crack ships.

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Pretty sure she would have stabbed Aqua a thousand times already.

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But she clearly has her powers given that she was able to attack Ainz. So she can probably rez people at will as well

As said earlier, what she did amounted totally to, "Made me feel pain." She did not damage him, he just felt pain.

Who would be better at running the Runecraft™ weapon business: Tanya, or Kazuma?

> you can just change the rules as you please
And you will have your own knock-off system, that nevertheless will not be considered a part of official rulebook by which D&D operates
Saying that Overlord "works on D&D rules" is incorrect, it is inspired by (among other things) D&D but we cannot directly apply our knowledge of D&D to Overlord.
You probably meant that Overlord has a "similar to D&D" metamagic system.

Aqua is overseer of Japan, of course she can tell it.
Also she is unusually sharp at wrong times at wrong places

>mental gymnastics from Overlordfags
Man I love this broken record of cope from you retards.

It does not matter if what you have created is "Official" D&D if your goal is not to accomplish that in the first place. Overlord has numerous D&D spells with copy pasted effects, and very clearly works on a D&D system. Yes, it uses mana instead of cast limits, but the rest of it is D&D.

Her powers and Ainz powers work differently. Aqua can't bring people's soul back from the dead if the angel/god/goddess denies her request, she can use resurrection but it wouldn't work if she is denied and she needs a body to revive. Ainz doesn't need a body and every dead person he has revived has had a bony hand reach up to their soul in the abyss. Ainz resurrection can be denied by the person being resurrected but it is unknown if higher tier resurrection can be resisted

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I'd love for you to find the line from Ainz where he said something like,

"Whew another second and I would have died."
"If she used any more power, I would have been toast."
"I could never defeat a real goddess!"

Let me know when you find something like those. Instead, canonically what we find is she was capable of causing him pain and nothing more. Even Sacred Turn Undead would only kill a Lich, Ainz is multiple steps above a lich.

Is Tanya's rage mode + prayer 11+ tier o more powerful?

If Albedo had free will and had to choose between Suzuki Satoru and Tanya's original Salary man form who would she find more attractive?

Unlikely. Nothing Tanya has done has been shown to devastate on the tier of Fallen Down or La Shub-Niggurath.

Fucking charisma builds, whoever decided that Sorcerers and Undeads should use charisma in DnD was a fucking genius, this shit creates so many funny situations.

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>still coping

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Tanya-dono, thank you for saving me from Kazuma-sama! Now please kiss Albedo for me!

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>still can't find the quote


If she knew Ainz was Satoru probably him. If not though I think Tanya's personality would turn her on more

Feel free to provide a counter-argument any time.

>still COPING with the fact you are taking this seriously
Classic Overlordchuunifag

Let me see...Yep, we've defeated quite a-lot of gods haven't we. Shalltear, I remember you worship a god of vampires? It's a shame he was just a weak even boss.

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tanya always do procedures that exist (and yet to exist ones) specifically to avoid this that's why once war ended with germany losing, not!allies were unable to judge them for things like bombarding that one city either the above or without putting the laters in shame or develating goverment sensible info, the solution? they never existed, ever

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It was already revealed in the Youjo Senki x Overlord crossover. Tanya fights Ainz and gives him a harder time than anyone bar Shalltear and Elder Coffin Dragon Lord. She can even still talk during Time Stop.

But that is wrong. D&D is tabletop system that has turn-based combat with initiative, and it is based on dice rolls.
Yggdrasil as a system is a classic MMORPG, it is inspired by D&D (hence the spells) but operates completely differently. It is real-time system and there are no dice rolls.


user at least get it right, it's not La it's ia.

>"Haha, I was never really saying anything in the first place!"

are you ok retard??

We have absolutely no information for how YGGDRASIL functioned, but for it to be a pseudo turn-based system like KOTOR is definitely possible.

This strong

Attached: 3 v 1 me faggot.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>She can even still talk during Time Stop.
Makes sense feat-wise, shown vs Sonzai X. Lol.

These threads really invite crossboarders and plebbiters.

Are you okay, chuuni?

Anime onlies as well, specially from the overlord and konosuba side

Is raping a succubus a crime?

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>gives him a harder time
Kek, he was never in danger until she used her prayer. He took the cautious route when any AOE death spell would have killed her instantly.

That's stronger than me.

tanya as a manager, kazuma as the salesman

>Putting anime only fans on the same tier as reddit filth

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>t. user taking people taking the piss with a gag scene and actually taking it all seriously
You are a gigantic faggot.

no if they obligue to sign a disclaimer, how so? I dunno

The real debate is Kazuma vs Subaru, no revives.

Yes, and?

well that's what happened when power level hungry retards want to jump into the threads

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>Clown cock
I thought her pussy tasted funny

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>Youjo Senki x Overlord crossover
where I can read this shit?

Subaru without a doubt just for the feats shown in that clip alone. Kazuma has a few funny tricks but ultimately can't really accomplish much power wise.

Only the overlordfags are serious, the rest of us are trolling them.

Subaru RESPECCS WAHMEN while Kazuma believes in True Gender Equality and has no problems with doling out a dropkick to a female opponent.

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skythewood i think

Depends on the distance between them. Subaru is better in close quarters but Kazuma has spells and skills so he probably wins if he has the time to use them

>We have absolutely no information for how YGGDRASIL functioned, but for it to be a pseudo turn-based system like KOTOR is definitely possible.
No it is not, because in any turn\pseudo turn-based system with strictly limited amount of things you can do per turn there would be no need for superhuman IRL reflexes that were the reason for Touch Me's success.

You are right, at least ledditors read the LN. Yea Forums is filled with illiterates.
Animeonlies should be lower

She's a cunt, mad at the fact she's an ugly goblin and her world's men doesn't even see her as someone desirable for sexual intercourse.

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Well since the thread is coming to an end, let's BTFO Aqua fags

>A-Aqua's mana is infinite
[“Eh? Huh~! What is with these numbers? Besides the lower than average intelligence, and luck which is pit bottom, the rest of your stats drastically exceeds the average! Especially your magic, it is abnormally high, who in the world are you…?”]
>A-Aqua can remove any curse
Never came into contact with something on par with 2 demon generals
>A-Aqua can dispel any barrier
[“Yeah, if there’s only one general left, I’ll definitely be able to take down the barrier! Once the barrier is down, someone will eventually take the Demon King out! Yeah, definitely!”]
>A-Aqua can oneshot people with holy immune armor
[“You think the boss of the demon king army wouldn’t be prepared to fight priests? Too bad. Including me, all the undead knights in this band had received the protection of the demon king. We have very high resistance against holy spell ahhhhhhhh–!”]
>A-Aqua's vision sees everything!
Yeah, just like how she saw Kazuma's concealment. Kekua

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I don't even think its a "them", I'm pretty sure its the same fag whose been getting butthurt about people making fun of Ainz/OL since episode 1.

Ainz is easily the strongest, but Aqua's power against evil beings - especially undead - is beyond tier magic, so the power comparison would look like this:
Ainz > Tanya > Aqua > Ainz
what is more interesting is how Witch Emilia (after arc 4) would compare to them

Only fanfic exists.

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>kazuma goes to use steal on albedo
>she has no panties
>it steals Mare's panties instead
>kazuma is happy about it until he realizes that they're mare's and that mare is a boy

Like they spent about 40% of the show's budget between these two scenes.

Kazuma does not go easy on his countrymen.

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Kazuma is an open-minded man.

>Demiurge finds out about it
>gives Kazuma the happy farm experience

>low IQ
>best pasting
>by fat
If you're going to insult someone, at least proofread your post before submitting.

Doesn't Kazuma have some kind of undead drain spell or something ?

>can literally punch a fully grown man flying
>can turn a barafag's 24inch pythons into twizzlers
>that physique
Hold the fuck up I thought Subaru was a NEET weakling? He's already reached low Delinquent tier power levels.

I've seen all but Zero so far and I'm not going to bother with it.

Tanya will beat free-market prinicples into the rest of these fools.

>Ainz isn't selling these guys RUNEWEAPONS

Come on Ainz.

>cant accomplish much power wise
Read the fucking novels. Kazuma just needs to drain Subaru’s life and choke his throat with frozen water to kill him in a span of seconds

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>kazuma uses steal on Aura
>she wears mens boxer briefs

This is just after season 3, he still hasn't gone full salesman yet

>arms not breaking the plane
Shitting pushups.

IIRC the excuse is that he has nothing better to do so he works out a lot. Still doesn't explain why he's a CQC expert

How did he do this?


Upon first meeting him, Emilia comments that he's muscled in a way that is not like someone who works for a living. He works out, and is strong, but is also a NEET.

He is, the only justification for scene is witch steroids kicking in quick.

Subaru would dodge his attacks and grips. Drain Touch only works with touch

>Tanya's tactical nuke would tickle him
No it wouldn't, he time stopped her when she did that just to avoid it. Spells above the 8th tier would naturally do more than tickle unless it's something he has high resistance against. It definitely wouldn't come close to killing him though, we can see how based on how hard Ainz hit Shalltear in the alpha strike, but even 1/10th health is not tickling damage.

>I thought Subaru was a NEET weakling?
I think that during the fight he comments that he improved his grip strength by swinging a wooden sword around in his room like an autist or something. He also does a little calisthenics routine with Emilia in a later episode.

Still makes no sense but whatever.

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>kiss Albedo for me!
Albedo is not for yuri, shes a succubus

>What is fanfiction

>lmao *dodges* nothing personnel kid
Kill yourself this isnt Pokemon, “dodgin” is not something easy to do specially for a NEET.

In book 4(?), Visha mentions that Tanya's mana pool is in the lower half of soldiers in the 203rd.

Hell the anime toned that down too

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This is NEET vs NEET, Subaru wins because of his experience

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Mare cleaning Ainz was the most adorable thing in the world

And here's the girls just to be fair.

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You could literally say the same for Kazuma.
If your whole counter argument is: dodges xD, then you are invited to kill yourself

Yep. Just a little cheek peek.
Carlo's gonna be mad.

He had workout equipment at his house apparently.

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Since Tanya has her memories from her previous life, is it gay to lewd this loli?

They say the sun weakens her in the LN IIRC. Still not as crippling as it is in most settings though

It only affects lesser vampires. She is a true vampire. Also Ainz has lamps in his inventory that are as bright as the sun and he didn't use them

I can't help but feel that Ainz is the shadow MC in this show and everyone else is just around for the ride.

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Kazama is based.

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Out of every MC, Tanya is the only one whose original life had him essentially see girls as trophy wives to aim for, and ironically in a very pure and earnest fashion. He literally was waiting to get promoted before striving for that perfect nuclear family life, man's obsession with rules and doctrines literally made him the ultimate vanillafag.

He is a weakling, compared to everyone else in his world
He is fit enough to be credible the few stunts he pulls through the series.

Subaru is more experienced. He would aim for a quick victory, hitting him in the balls or the throat.

She has the best Konosuba doujin if you ask me.

Didn't they specifically comment on how Ainz is going to have a slightly easier time fighting her in the sun?

>14 year old girl is the man of the relationship
Kazuma is a fucking pussy

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She obviously used it as an excuse to hide her flatness. It's just insecurity.

Kazuma uses those cheap tactics as well, the fuck are you saying? Not only that but he has a million ways of getting out of problems, as well as invisibility.

Nop. Also the weather was never mentioned in the LN or that he would specifically go fight her during the day. In the anime it was cloudy.

Well, not yet.

That's what she does.

>use steal on albedo
>steal whole dress leaving her butt naked
what now?

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Because the
>You sneezed someone is talking about you
Is a Japanese expression

>A million way
kys. Psychically he gets a beat down, magic is his only chance and even then invincibility is only for a short while, Subaru can just throw things around to find him or retreat until it dispels

Kazuma froze a guy's sword to its scabbered, grabbed his mouth, filled his lungs with water, and turned him into a icicle from the inside out.

Not him but Subaru had the shadow magic to black everything aroung him.

He said Subaru vs Kazuma, he never said when exactly, so current LN Kazuma can shit on LN Subaru any day of the week

Cheap tricks. Subaru would see through those easy tactics idiots would fall for

When is my boy going to join the Isekai crew?

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Wanna make it even more unfair? Kazuma can snipe him with a simple bow and arrow from a km away.

Fair enough.

Subaru is shit at magic.
That's why you don't fight a murderhobo as a justicefag.

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This is a face to face match. Kazuma gets beat down

Psion power points are basically MP you tard.

>Cheap tricks
Literally hereYou said cheap trick as well. Fuck yourself and your double moral.

>uses steal on albedo
>takes her virginity
now what?

Is this any good? I see it mentioned a lot

It's not fair, I needed the full body shot for editing purposes.

>Kazuma gets a beat down because Im a animeonly and because i said so
The absolute state of re:cucks

One of the only series to keep me constantly laughing.

Nice that they gave her her canon swimsuit.

Kazuma is a pretty skilled Archer from his full retard luck stat.

>beating balanced multiclass
I'm lauffin. Subaru gets backstabbed.

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>steals ainz

The fact is that Subaru isn't an idiot and Kazuma is not yet experienced enough, he has only fought idiots.
It is a fact though. Kazuma's attacks would just get dodged like an average person fighting an MMA fighter

>literally luckshot

>dodging attacks
Good thing Kazuma has AOE magic then.

That is literally your only argument. If that is you argument then im gonna use it as well, Kazuma dodges any attack that Subaru does and fucks Rem, Ram, Emilia and Megumin in an orgy after Subaru’s corpse gets burried down.

There's a better one out there but I don't have it

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Well yea Snipe scales off of luck.
Blame Australian DND

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>Competant fighter
Wasn't a very big part of his sperg out in the anime is he got his ass kicked in a 1v1 fight vs the knight dude

I can understand speedwatching at some points and missing details, but the fact that Subaru has well trained muscles due to kendo and using his free time to exercise everyday is mentioned in the first or second episode at several points. During the first cycle he beats those thugs and later is able to fight with a giant mace not fit for humans. How can so many people miss it?

Good thing this is face to face.
>tries casting
>Gets hit on the throat
Your only argument is that because he fought Mirsurugi tier idots, he is invincible.


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Thankfully I already watched all of them. I'm enjoying this so much, I want to thank whoever came up with this idea.

>Good thing this is face to face.
Good thing Kazuma isn't a pure caster and puts a sword between himself and opponent when chanting.

>Mitsurugi fight
>Entire elite soldiers of a Royal Family got taken out as well
>Various Brigands and other higher tier adventurers got shitted on too
Do you want me to give you more examples

Not invincible, just plenty for shitbaru.

>>takes her virginity
>now what?
Ainz thanks him

Used to getting his ass kicked by his father. When you grow up with someone like this, some street thugs aren't as bad.

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>Kazuma would get a beat-down physically
>Kazuma's only chance is magic
Sword slashes wouldn't work, a spear is his greatest ally against melee
Idiots, that is why I said Mitsurugi tier
Sure headcanon-san

>let's be more than friends but less than lovers
What else he can do if she keeps teasing him and then just run away most of the time

Kazuma wouldn't let himself get in a fair fight to begin with, so this comparison is silly.

Kinda wish grand general Enri and her goblin army got isekaied as well. They could fill in the void in the school so it feels less empty

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>Elite soldiers are idiots
Alright, you have no arguments then, that means I win this discussion and you surrender.
Kazuma > Subaru confirmed

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was ひどっ a thing in the origin series too? i forget

[citation needed]

I'm about to get pretty /tg/ but In Warhammer40k there is a guy named Fabius Bile (We call him Fabulous Bill) who personally met all four chaos gods and went, "naaagh you're not gods" And in Age of Simgar there is a god of aetheism

They are face to face and some godly being just used mind effect to turn them against each other. There is no prep
>Elite soldier
>Trained years
>Can't stop a neet

She offered him a handjob. He let a "distraction" get in the way.

>What else can he do
Actually have some balls and tell her what he wants, Megumin isnt a diviner and she is just as confused as he is, but at least she tries to make the first step because Kazuma is too beta to do so.

The weak

Kazuma uses lurk and just shoots fire at him from afar.

No, it's ultimately too limited which is how Mary Sue even manages to give Tanya a run for her money. A world class item is essentially an item that was made through congealing an entire world into an object. In fact, in a strange way you could say Sonzai X's goal is essentially to gain a WCI, or at least create a planet with so much faith it has the same amount of power as a WCI.

Unfortunately he's too retarded or else he'd be able to drown Nazarick in WCI.

man, and i thought the overlordfags were the ones who argued about power levels

>Cant stop the neet
>that means the soldiers are stupid, not that Kazuma is more skilled


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>Uses lurk
>Subaru runs away or hides
yeah, keep self inserting. Go out of your basement and go fight a trained soldier and see what happens

>Is a Japanese expression

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It's all pretty cut and dry by now.

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How do you know he hasn't?

Subaru isn't trained soldier he's a whiny little shitter.

Jesus, i didnt believe what you guys said about Re:zero fags, but its true, those are probably the worst fanbase of the 4, jesus fuck.

He is a buff multiple lives nigger

How do you "technically" not commit war crime?

And he was good at fighting in none of them.

>subaru runs away
Nice arguments.

Worst MC, worst girl, worst fanbase.

Not a crime if no ones outlawed it yet

He did Kenpo as a child

Yes! Convert to Ainz-ism! Spread peace and love!

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It is what an experience fighter would do, instead of flapping their arms around

Now that they got some power thing going on they need to make a movie with everyone vs nazarick, add shield hero too.

Shooting civilians is ok if they executed POWs and acted as non-uniformed combatants.

why does a man essentially in his (upper?)40s like to keep a cute blonde ponytail?

She and her battalion bombed an enemy city, but because they didn't want them alarmed Tanya used her cure childish voice to declare war so no one took it seriously.

>Subaru is an experienced fighter
This is the best headcanon ive read. Try reading the actual LN instead of fanfiction for once user. kek

When did he ever win against powerful opponent and not a street thug, alone?

He went through multiple lives fighting people stronger than him. t.anime only
t.anime only
he fought Reinhard

All his attacks to my face have given me the upper hand.

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How long before she uses her gob army to invade other villages? She summoned thousands of new goblins. The village simply won't have the means to feed that many in such a short time. Pillaging other villages is the only way for them to survive at this point. Enri has become what she feared most.

I suppose that is technically not a war crime
>is letting children fight not a war crime?

Yeah and lost.

Blessing of sleeping mods

>what's a vampire?

He fought a cheat over a cheat and still made him draw

Hey, if your whole argument is *dodges* and *muh experience* instead of his actual skills, strong points and weaknesses like i did with Kazuma then this means you literally have no more arguments. This settles it.

Tanya doesn't act like a kid and has incredible magical power so since war was brewing they probably made an exception for her

He kinda tried before and she accused him of a rapist.
Well that's old but still, when there some progress she just run away and he doesn't know if she is just fucking with him for fun, i doubt he wants to be ntr'd for the second time.

There is plenty of land for them to farm. Even summoned goblins can do basic farming tasks

>What is a true vampire

Because Kazuma is a lame beta that wants to have sex in the first date before the first kiss.
Megumin doesnt want to rush things, but also doesnt want Kazuma to take advantage of her

>made him
I guess he should try guilt-tripping Kazuma into pitying him too.

The goblin army is too strong, author said the Empire and Kingdom together would lose to them

Never because the author is a shit that will end it early for spite.
Everything will get thrown out.

We are the worst.

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The handjob part was pretty much Megumin being serious, if the robot never appeared they would’ve probably done something afterwards

I wish I was Kazuma so I can fuck Eris.

Fucking kek, good job user,
as you can see now, shitposters are mostly konosubafags, they try to shift the blame whenever someone talks shit about their self insert.

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They could have thrown in a gag when they were in the forest with Vanir just fucking with everyone, it would have been perfect.

>Almost 700 posts
What happened?

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>Albedo thinks salary man Tanya must be Ainz since hes so assertive
>she bewitches him and they have snu snu succubus sex
>meanwhile Satoru starts playing Ygg 2 alone

Tanya took her rightful place center-stage.


Are /x/ fucking with me or you can a succubus IRL?

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Even if Konosubafags are the ones to blame with, Literally all of you faggots argue with a comedic-themed fanbase/anime. Its basically like saying: who would win in a fight, Thanos or Squirrel girl?

Reminder that all 3 of them can beat Kazuma up in a fist fight

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>What happened?
Ainz saved us.

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Mods aren't watching.

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Rekeks and konobetas can't handle their mcs losing.
Overlordfags rubbed off on them.

They were trying to summon Hitler before, so yeah, use your common sense.

>he blames konosubachads instead of Overcucks powerleveling or Re:cucks defending their shit characters
Bold of you to say that

mods are asleep

>how do I summon a suckyoubus

>nearly kills shalltear

When the hell are these two going to interact??

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>Rekeks and konobetas
Aren't the ones with a dying franchise.

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You can't one shot Shalltear, she can use a pseudo-Subaru tier time reversal on herself.

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>you sound like me, but boring

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we knew this already, Megumin alone has a higher strength strat than Kazuma, even before he reset his level.

That made me kek but I dunno user, succ may be worth it unlike Hitler.

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What I mind is that they are the only ones actually trying hard to start shit, you see funposting from everyone but they are the only ones actually spamming baits.

And she has auto-revive ring.

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Yet the one who save girls from getting frogged each time is Kazuma.

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I'm just saying he's not realistic, he's like manga realistic, but not actual realistic. The shit in the webms I commented on can't even be done by half of /fit/, let alone a manlet like Subaru. Which makes him not an actual loser unlike Kazuma who is a genuine weakling that fits within reality outside of his isekai'd elements. If Subaru was in our world he could literally go Hajime no Ippo on everyone's ass and everyone would be crying cheater.

There is nothing wrong with male Valkyries.

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Go outside and plant some food and tell me how long it takes before you have something to eat. Like I said there isn't enough food for a population boom like that. They can farm enough in time, but there's going to be a good 2-4 months before they'd be able to harvest anything.

Literally thhe only ones who start the powerleveling from the konosuba side are the Aquafags. We know how to deal with them in thhe konosuba generals, but you faggots eat every bait they throw at you.

maybe the girls all just have shit luck, or kazuma's luck just cancels out aqua's shit luck but megumin and darkness are still affected? idk

Is this light novel stuff?

That thing was a one-time use item, and she used it once

Are you both retarded? Vol11 epilogue confirmed Nazarick supplies Enri with food and helps with mass agriculture project.

Imagine having a wife that doesn't need to eat or drink and you can fuck analy anytime

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All side stories have been consistent so far, never contradicting what has been known. Until we see a case of clear contradiction there's no reason not to believe it.