Do you guys not see...

Do you guys not see? The rise of yuri and yurifags coincides with the rise of the LGBTQ++ movement especially in the west, more specifically in the USA. I thought you guys said that Japan would not be affected by this but it seems that LGBT shit in anime and manga is becoming more and more mainstream. I can't stand this anymore. You lied to me Yea Forums.

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Nice anime & manga thread, moron.

You sound like you hate traps OP

Could you stop spamming these threads, you piece of shit

It is. The state of anime and manga currently is horrible. It's riddled with gaystuff. People unironically like buff muscled men while they themselves are men. We got a tranny transition manga. Yuristuff being spammed constantly. Liking traps is okay and not gay somehow. Everything is broken. Yea Forums lied to me.

It was always obvious. Zombieland Saga just confirmed it.

I've noticed a rise in lewd little girls in anime/manga. Are we going full pedo again?

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Fuck off.

>unironically like buff muscled men
There's nothing wrong with admiring a perfect specimen when you see one.

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P is part of the +

I'll add more.
We got a manga about having a trap wife. About a world full of lesbians. About a lesbian couple with a reverse trap. About life of being gay in japan. About a gay couple raising a kid.

Am I gay if I never give 3DPD a single look but give fit guys a second glance? I-I s-swear it's only admiration for the work they put in to sculpt their body...

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These are pansexuals, AKA people who want to fuck girl, boys and all of these invented genders, along with animals and who knows what else.

you basement dwellers need to grow up lmao

Obsessed Yea Forumsermin please leave

No, they are attracted to pans, it's right in the name baka user.

Good thread OP

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I would empty my balls deep into a cute traps ass after rubbing our dicks together and if that makes me gay so be it faggot

Don't associate Yuri with your mentally ill movement Gaylord

>pretends that being attracted to guys is against LGBT politics

>Everything is broken
Sounds like it's working as ibtended

Yes. Biden is running for president after all. Soon pedosexual relationships will be legalized.

Someone post it

confirmation bias: the shitpost edition
it pleases me to no end to see dipshits like you getting upset over the increasing prevalence of tolerance and basic human decency towards your fellow man

no ageru for you


Kill yourself.

Yuri has been a thing for ages dumb user.

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People on Yea Forums care about politics? Really? I usually vote in the presidential election, but that's it. I really could give two shits less about politics and the government. I figured most weebs were the same, unless you're one of those weebs that's a pure liberal because you're a transgender obese slob from Tumblr who likes "muh anime"

>it pleases me to no end to see dipshits like you getting upset over the increasing prevalence of tolerance and basic human decency towards your fellow man
This truly is a western post more specifically an EU approved post. Wanna say disgusting but from what I've seen from the EU, that won't even phase you.

Yuri anime has existed since the 90's or before also we breath and eat here in the west too. Now take this thread to /u/ or /lgbt/ where it belongs.


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Fuck Jannies and Trannies

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Get better reading comprehension. The post said rise of yuri not the creation of it. I can't believe tripyurifags are these stupid.

P are for pedos, retard.

What's with the rampant yurifags on Yea Forums lately? Don't they have an entire board to themselves to contain their mental illness?

I am yurifag and think LGBTQ+ shit is cringe, degenerate and for normalfags. I like yuri because it’s hot/cute/my personal fetish, not for some retarded movement to get drunk on. Actual LGBTQFRRGDESWSWR+ nigs need to get gassed and their fixation on showing their sexuality to the world goes to show just how little they have to show in regards to their personality/skills. Fuck your virtue signalling, Yea Forums isn’t for moralfags.

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Happy pride month, everybody!

I love Jojo, it's one of my favorite franchises, but it seems to be less manly and more homoerotic with every new generation. Not that I mind much but I think it's worth mentioning in this thread.

Also yuri is harmless and sweet, OP needs to be a fag to hate it, you just need to leave your real world politics, prejudices or agendas at the door.

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this sure is a high quality thread that warrants a high quality reply

also learn when to sage you goddamn newfags

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"rise of yuri" is a baseless assumption from someone who is most likely new to anime
he just discovered yuri is a [popular] thing and got triggered by it not knowing it has been a thing for ages

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Oh, is that why there's an uptick in yuri threads lately.

/u/ and Yea Forums have always been joined at the hip. No one cared about your obsession on gays and trans until you faggots from Yea Forums made yourselves comfortable here (again)
Go back

is where the schizophrenic conspiracy theorists lurk at

>it has been a thing for ages
Name 3 from the 20th century.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

P is for penis in your butt

Yurishit is still niche as fuck. Western yurifags are far more obnoxious than the genre itself which is in far worse shape than it was a few decades ago.
Fujoshit exists to cater to japanese landwhales and not actual homosexuals.
Go and read some good vanilla romance manga OP, there's tons of them.

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Christian anime board at it's funesr

Not really.

False. As I am OP. I'm pretty sure that I've been here way longer than you and watching anime even longer than that. Previously not everything was seen through yuri goggles. CGDCT was just that. Cute girls doing cute things. No romance, no yuri baiting. There were few popular yuri works and most of it was confined to manga. The most popular yuri anime was relatively unknown. Then it came. The sexual revolution. At that time, I asked Yea Forums if any of that would affect anime and manga. Most of the replies said no. I was relieved as at first it was like that. It affected nothing. Then I saw more of Yea Forums in CGDCT anime threads started wearing yuri goggles. I ignored it. Ignored the /u/ invasion. Try to fight it. Went to Yea Forums for comics but it was even worst with Yea Forumsmblr and political correctness. Then here back where I just ignore any yuri threads. But today the number of yuri bait threads suddenly increase. So, I made this thread to see if anyone else felt the same way. Well, yurifags seem to hate me for making this thread.

>Western yurifags are far more obnoxious
I'm convinced this thread is made by a falseflagging yurifag. Also, it's been an hour and this thread is somehow still up.

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Not really.

You can't spell Yea Forumstheism without Yea Forums.

>mixing 3dpd with 2d
Fuck off. Go back to /pol/, mutt.

OK, now I know for sure you are just falseflagging.

>Yurishit is still niche as fuck.
So is anime.

Cry more, your tears sustain me.

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But I'm not a yurifag.
There are a lot more anime/manga today so of course we have a lot more anime from this genre but also from other ones too, this season we don't have any yuri or lgbt anime so I don't know what triggered your autism.

People have been shipping Konata and Kagami for more than 10 years

Why? Everything I said there is true. cgdct wasn't watched through yuri goggles until just recently. Well recent as in after the sexual revolution. Which to be fair is already a few years back. You can see this especially with idol anime.