ITT: characters that are just like you

ITT: characters that are just like you

Attached: LelouchviBritannia.jpg (1280x720, 348K)

Attached: 1474491261529.jpg (1920x1344, 582K)

Attached: 4wgrseg.png (800x1300, 535K)

Stop lying, faggots.

Attached: meirl.jpg (600x338, 94K)

Attached: 1557643554276.jpg (500x750, 334K)

I'm concerned about your sisters

I'm pretty much Bobby

Attached: 563247-bgg402.png (1280x720, 1001K)

Attached: 6f8.png (322x340, 69K)

Attached: [RyuujiTK] Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_23.16_[2018.11.19_12.57.37].png (1280x720, 2.01M)

Attached: Reinhard_von_Lohengramm.jpg (639x479, 138K)

Pretty much a mix of him and Kazuma

Attached: Dantalian.png (284x328, 174K)

Me On the left.

Attached: bd2.jpg (500x273, 20K)

Attached: 1554029188102.jpg (1920x2156, 864K)

Me on the right.

Attached: 63443188_p0.png (800x450, 296K)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

Hope your ass fibally healed user

Attached: x4aA7gD.png (210x234, 69K)

Thats sad
Thats also sad

Attached: Jabami.Yumeko.600.2254876.jpg (400x600, 72K)

Attached: IMG_0180.jpg (640x908, 146K)

>If I told you...
No, I am way smarter than him

Attached: 52E519A4-625F-426F-AF8D-E4C12A612D14.jpg (475x566, 77K)

Attached: Katsuragi.Keima.jpg (1272x1153, 451K)

Attached: 1520257425175.jpg (130x190, 7K)

Attached: it begins.png (335x444, 112K)

That's weird, I can't see the picture.

Based God Keima

Attached: katsuragi-keima.jpg (700x675, 86K)

Can someone post subaru for me? I'm on my phone and it's too much of a bother to upload a picture from this phone.

Attached: Madara Uchiha.png (1914x1080, 720K)

>Code Gayass

You didn't say what model so I hope you're satisfied with this one

Attached: subaru_wrx-sti_subaru-wrx-sti_2019-1544563119554.jpg (800x489, 40K)

This, Imao

Attached: 58445002_533244160541497_988179401084502016_n.png (650x581, 324K)

Attached: 1553794326205.webm (704x396, 115K)

i dont smoke tho, its for normies

Attached: 2ce3ee1a94d0f16d3c8c3a66fa6cc071.jpg (640x480, 25K)

>implying I got psycho gf
>implying I believe some goofy organization is behind all the bad things that happened to me
>implying I'm not fat
>implying I'm not manlet

Attached: Rem-and-Ram-riding-Subaru.jpg (700x523, 90K)

Attached: Mgln_subaru0110.png (704x396, 284K)

I don't know about you guys but I'm a giant biomechanical centaur with multiple arms and the ability to see the future who is also intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

Attached: XiangYuStage01.png (512x724, 422K)

Attached: 1388464330385.jpg (1281x720, 272K)

Intelligent, nihilistic, and a wicked sense of humour.

Attached: 1546270029661.jpg (772x525, 93K)

I'm ready to receive your rage.

Attached: Self insert characters.jpg (1376x989, 388K)

On every single level except mentally, I am a fucking shoe

Attached: wetshoe.jpg (700x1206, 436K)

He's literally me

Attached: literally me.png (1043x298, 154K)