How does Yea Forums feel about autistic girls in anime/manga?
How does Yea Forums feel about autistic girls in anime/manga?
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I think it's retarded.
I love Mashiro.
Do you really?
I liked the brunette better desu senpaitachi. Her work ethic won me over
You have shit taste.
Yes, she was adorable. Watching her slowly learn was fun. She won me over with plan C.
Are there any girls who are literally autistic other than Mashiro and Aiz?
Violet Evergarden chick acted pretty autistic. So did Rui from Domestic Na Kanojo. Hifumi from New Game showed signs. Watamote MC gives me autistic vibes as does Satania from Gabdro.
The girl from ReLife.
Adorable when done right. Annoying when done wrong.
>tfw my first crush was a high functioning autistic girl
>tfw she never liked me back
>goes from Yuki Onna in volume 1
>vol 13 on she is a crying mess over her feelings of love
>tfw no mashiro gf
>Violet Evergarden chick acted pretty autistic.
she's just face muscle crippled
It think there's more to it than that
They make me laugh.
Are there autistic anime girls that behave like this?
I want to dress her, dry her hair and change her diapers
>I'm not a smart girl
I was with you until the last word
You don't know what autism is. Stop talking about it