USA, Japan, Austria Rebut U.N’s Proposal To Ban Anime

Can America save the lolis?

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Your previous thread got nuked. Get a clue retard.



>caring about what america thinks
>caring about what the UN thinks
>caring about what oneangrygamer thinks

>The US specifically defended the case
Alright burgers, you won me for today

>Not caring about lolis being saved

>ban anime
What is this dumbass talking about?

Holy shit, we aren't being retarded over loli? This can't be real.

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Reminder that leftist cunts in Europe and feminists wanted a ban on this shit.
Leftism infects and destroys anything in its path.

America's response was the most retarded one tho.

>Implying they were ever in danger

enjoy the ban

I don't know about you, but I always get worried whenever Austria is on my side.

>Implying that's not what feminists want you to think

Burgers actually said the opposite though, they said to ammend it so that anything that they deem realistic enough should be treated as child porn

Austria did nothing wrong.

I'm thinking that means deepfakes. Which I'm fine with. Fundamentally yeah, "no child was harmed in the production" but the FBI isn't trying to sort through deepfake porn all day scrutinizing over which pics are real. And the average porn viewer certainly isn't. Way too dicey.

It's that kind of wishy washy language that gets abused later. "realistic" is entirely subjective.


Surprised the US government acknowledged anime.

Thought they would just say cartoons.

Why is my country so cool?

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>this entire thread

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How did this thread managed to stay up for a whole hour and a half.

>Surprised the US government acknowledged anime.

A sitting US Congressman made a joke about TaunTauns on the Senate Floor. At this point, anything goes.

>As far as drawings and cartoons do not contain realistic images, we do not see the necessity to treat them as child pornography.
Australia is fucking based!

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Australia wont be based until they realize small girls aren't children

>Australia is fucking based!

Now if they only were the same about their gun laws.

Austria, not Australia.

have sex

>Australia is fucking based!

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