Based. Lolicons days are coming to an end
Fuck off to /r/GamingCirclejerk/ tard.
English blogger aren't welcomed in Yea Forums.
Starting world war for the third time?
>Tfw they will only ban the type of anime that I'd never watch
>Tfw there will finally be a sharp decline in those shows about little girls
why dont they ban child porn instead
Because the UN loves real kids
You can't stop us lolipedos. We're the world's strongest race.
But isn't it better for pedos to fap with anime rather than to real CP?
Maybe the lolicon is making them lose money
Would you go full Durka Durka jihad to protect your anime Yea Forums?
Since the thread was going to get deleted right away why didn't you just post the interesting part
You niggers really lack reading comprehension. Learn English before you browse Yea Forums, retards.
WTF I love Franz Ferdinand now.
so mad you cant jack off to images of little children anymore, give us your incel tears
what's with this influx of crossboarders lately?
do pedobros need to rise up?