Which characters would be better if gender swapped?

Which characters would be better if gender swapped?

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I wish there were more tomboy female Naruto art.

Exactly zero characters. If they were a good character, then they'd be just as good genderswapped. If they were a shit character, they'd be just as shit genderswapped. Character writing doesn't change in quality just by switching the genders.

Pic related says otherwise

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Gender switch implies more than just that. Different relationships and such.

Okay, then maybe I'd give it to Naruto, if only because he'd cuck Sakura out of Sasuke, while Hinata just gets fucking booted from the show. Sakura is shit and doesn't deserve happiness.

If a character is a retarded pussy, it's generally more forgivable if they're female.

Every shota ever because then we'd have moar lolis :3

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No debate.

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Bakugo. inb4 r63 is just his mom but still. would make for a interesting relationship in the series

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Not him, but speaking as somebody who plays Fire Emblem, I can assure you that Corrin is considered equally obnoxious and retarded as either a male or a female. Female Corrin is more liked, but only on sex appeal, and she's still considered an idiot.

Fuck Tea, this is what Yugi should have been tapping

What the fuck, why?

The series is dead, but what do you think would be more interesting about their relationship? Deku goes from wanting to get along with his bully to also wanting to fuck her?

But then she would have become incompetent, not because women are incompetent but because she would have become a girl in a game anime, those become side characters pretty quickly.


It's not like she would have changed significantly. Kaiba goes from being an asshole that wants to build his empire and kick Yugi's ass to an asshole that wants to build her empire, kick Yugi's ass, and probably kick Tea's ass for good measure to assert possession over Yugi.

You know people would be turned on by Midoriya moaning after always getting hurt by her powers if he was a she.

Also Mineta would make jokes about her being in 'that kind' of a relationship with All Might.

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You are seriously retarded. Weak failure MC's in shitty manga that have no real stories, always become better when they get genderswapped.

take for instance what's his name from I wanna be twintails. His character and everyone around him are garbage, but when he genderswaps he alone makes the show worth watching.

Also, super strong characters if done right, become better if they are genderswapped. Picture here related --->

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No it wouldn't. You just want some ambiguous romantic/sexual tension from a tsundere female character. Manly rivalries make for better relationships.

Deku and Bakugo's rivalry does kind of suck, but switching the genders wouldn't improve it in any way.


On second thought, all the Uchiha for that matter.

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More important question:

which gender swapped characters would be huge sluts in their gender swapped forms. Bonus points for ones who arent sluts to begin with

According to this based mother fucker, all of them.

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If you are seriously implying that the likes of Shinji, Shu, or any limpdick faggots like them would have become more likeable just by becoming girls, you're a retard.

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Yeah, but I don't care about the retarded dragon girl being retarded in a game where everyone is retarded.


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>Shinji literally latching onto anyone that would make her feel better about herself and having a submissive enough personality for guys to want to nail into next week
>Polnareff can act on her sex drive while having the benefits of being a hot French woman
>Sanji, no explanation needed

Still waiting for Fang Yuan to genderbend himself for like a hundred chapters or so, can't be worse than being a 6 meter tall, 8 armed, 4 winged zombie.

The knowledge that Goku fucked Chichi already feels bad, he's a kid in an adult's body. Frieza getting to him is a different kind of FBI joke altogether.

Think bigger: any male character who is not ugly or especially unattractive by default is better as a female

It doesn't matter how ugly the motherfucker is before getting hit with the estrogen beam, post-transformation they usually end up as a 10/10s because reasons and genre conventions.


All male characters.



I suspect girl-Naruto would be a bit of a slut, especially if there was no boy-Sakura or boy-Hinata to distract her

We'd lose out on fukujun's voice though.

She'd be the girl they made the 'fucked the whole football team' jokes about.

>get a sidekick, genderbend them and taunt them with the return of their manhood to control them for the entire series
>become a sidekick, forcefully reveal the person you're being a traitorous minion for is actually a beautiful woman who is just pretending to be a big fat pervert guy, spend a thousand chapters manipulating her into servitude
>acquire a powerful rival, male. Gain control of his organization and then stuff him into a female body the first moment you find a hot enough one, and brainwash them into a suicidal loyal servant
>kill all the male members of said organization without even blinking
>only other members left are big tiddy goth gfs
>neg some sort of snow golem into being your cuck-wife while you rob her family blind and they thank you for it

There's no stopping this mad genius.

holy shit, I actually want this

that's Yamcha

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That tail is thicc!

Shinji Ikari and Kira "Jesus" Yamato.

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>Bowser get's gender swapped
>trans community praises it for "trans awareness"
>ignores all the hatefuck porn with mario
>ignores how this is programming people to hate trans people more

Why are trans people the dumbest shits on the planet?

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Just the enemy male characters.
Great to villainise trans scum.