Is the Star Wars manga any good?

Is the Star Wars manga any good?

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Doesn't even hold a candle to the High School Musical manga.

are the nips interested in star wars, or do we need to drop another bomb to make them like it?

Liking Star Wars after RotJ is a sign of shit taste.

Slave leia in ROTJ Manga is sexier than she was in the movie. The way jabba leers at her and ogles/molests her is like something out of a hentai.

nothing star wars related is good

Japan and Korea like Star Wars.

China, however, does not.

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*blocks your path*

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>are the nips interested in star wars

They were in the 80s and 90s at least, everything had a fuckin lightsaber in it.

The Lost Stars manga is good if you are not triggered by interracial couples.

Is Anakin a cute shota?

I think every Final Fantasy game post IV being directly influenced by Star Wars (including using names like Wedge, Biggs, Piett, etc) kinda says it all.

>this hack writes for wsj now
>he is actually surviving the axe

He’s okay.

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Just give me a manga about Qui-Gon


FF2 straight up had Darth Vader, Palpatine, and "the Empire" as the main antagonists as members of the generic "Rebellion".

then again ff is horseshit

Seconding this. But would be based on the Expanded Universe?

What do you think besides Starship Troopers inspired Tomino to make one of the largest Japanese franchises to date?

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Japan has been using empires and governments as the villains well before that.