Ojamajo Doremi - Fun Thread 2

How you doing, my Doremi loving friends?

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They really love each other.

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I finished dokkan yesterday and it hit me like a truck and instantly became one of my favorite shows of all time.
I'm sad to find our that doremi threads are just cunnyposting threads.
These girls deserve better honesty. Shame on you.

I'm always so glad to hear people enjoy the show even in 2019.

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Nice view...

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Hazuki's starting to grow on me bros.

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Yup, that is absolutely a thing she does...

Momoko too, don't be surprised when they're both suddenly in your heart.

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Hazuki in the first season is the cutest pretty witchy, but so are Doremi and Aiko.

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I really like her face there.
What episode is that from? What was she looking at?

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I don't remember the exact episode but it was from the first season (I don't remember what she was looking at either).

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Well, I guess I'll just rewatch the whole season and find the episode...

Or maybe I'll rewatch it for fun. I was thinking about doing that anyway.

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Hazuki has the best expressions, and the cutest.
With the glasses... things happen to me when I see her...

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She's got a very accurate form too.

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I remember in gradeschool my mom bought that glasses girl phone strap. I only know about Doremi later in middle school. I watch Doremi season 1 and 2 back then, it feel like unique magical girl show even now.

You stopped watching after season 2? That's hardcore. You never thought about watching the rest?

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It was in middle school. How many season are there? Also I think thi girl gave me meganeko fetish.

4 seasons, a 13 episodes OVA and two movies. A third movie is coming in 2020.

Last arc I remember about the show is they have 10 level magic trial and they help Onpu and pass the test together. What is the plot of season after that? Also I don't remember Momoko exist, is she a classmate?

Sounds like you've only seen the first season. The second season is all about raising a baby. Momoko is introduced in the third season.

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>raising a baby
So this is Hugtto before Hugtto. Do you suggest me to start over or straight to season 2?

Reminder that Reika is the most complex and interesting character in the series.

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Reika 'I believe in a white supremacy until blacks are educated to a point of responsibility' Tamaki is my favorite as well.

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It's just the same user forcing this shit. Never noticed cunny bullshit until a few days ago.