Would you still like Yotsuba even if her true personality turned out to be a complete 180° turn from her usual genki self?
5toubun no Hanayome
At least, that would make for an interesting drama story if it's the case.
That's exactly what I want out of Yotsuba, only for her to become a true genki girl.
>Yotsuba gives Miku the sengoku game
>this leads to Miku being bullied
>to make it up to her she tries to set her up with Fuutarou
There's no way this happened, right?
Only if she allies with based rope-kun
That would be good though if it happened, the drama would be really interesting.
How deep is the rabbit hole?
>More sisters that actually hate each other
Nice! I love seeing these five's relationship just get utterly destroyed.
>it's my fault Miku likes old men...
>This kills the 1/2/3 fags
no because I never liked her in the first place.
Ichicute a best. A BEST.
Nino a shit. A SHIT.
generally speaking, I appreciate genki characters having deeper emotions than just their surface. For Yotsuba, I think it would fit neither her nor the series to have an inverted personality. Hiding away some things from her sisters and the readers? Sure, but not overdone.
This. THIS.
This. THIS.
generally speaking, Negi is a hack and doesn't care about any of that
Stop giving me erections guys!..
>me and my sisters ends
>Itsuki arc starts right after
Itsuki is endgame
That, however, was not the question
Her monster tits are ready to be eaten! Her pussy will be the icing on the "piece of cake".
why dont the rest of the romcom and harem authors understand that
>actual plot > filler chapters
Negi doesn't have the balls to go through an Itsuki end.
Because romcom must have com, and that's best done as filler.
>that Yotsuba
Gets me every time
Zetsuba is hope
Zetsuba is despair
Zetsuba is both miracle and curse of the universe
Everybody loves and hates Zetsuba
>sisters war
>me and my sisters
Fuck off, gook
>Would you like this character even if it turned into a completely different character?
Ichika is love
Ichika is life
I love Ichika from the bottom of my heart and the core of my soul
Ichika a miracle of the universe
Ichika has done nothing wrong and she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Wow, 5toubun sure changed a lot since last time I look at the chapters!
>Chapter 88: A certain boy and I (1)
How come no one has noticed this before?
Is it possible that we'll get Fuutarou confessing to Yotsuba two weeks from now?
I want to eat food made by Nino!
Nino a best
Yotsuba a second best
Rest a shit
based norway
It was, the theory is that we'll get 4 flashback chapters
cute and canon
S-She wouldn't use her own breastmilk on the bread, would she?
Ichika a Best
Nino a Best
Miku a Best
Yotsuba a Best
Itsuki a Best
I fear this will go down like this
>the next couple of months it's Yotsuba's arc
>she loses really fucking hard
>background character for the rest of the manga
> it's not Yotsuba's fault...
Those two might actually be able to circle self-hate themselves.
In the BUTT
FUCK Nino but in the butt haha get it it's funny
you guys think fuu has eaten something with nino's breastmilk?
Why would Fuutarou confess in 2 weeks?
Next week's chapter is probably about Yotsuba and her sisters again.
The week after that would be Yotsuba meeting Fuutarou for the first time since they were 12 and at some point realizing he was the boy from back then.Then we get some quick pages about a bunch of chapters with her inner thoughts on how she perceived the situations.
At least the final chapter in each "and I" series will have to be in the present. You can't just ignore that kind of past-present contrast opportunity.
yeah, the last one will be Yotsuba's PoV of some moments of the manga and it'll end close to the present or if Yotsuba didn't recognized Fuu since the beginning it will end when she learns the truth
This was a porn ad, we are officially mainstream now guys.
I don't want to masturbate guys, stop it...
The previous chapter included a lot about Fuutarou, and this week's chapter includes a lot about the sisters.
I don't think they'd spend an entire chapter recapping the events we've already seen from Yotsuba's PoV. The flashback can be 3 chapters tops.
Fuu is a lucky man
Soon enough Yotsuba will show her ugly side. She will probably do something to Itsuki.
>Would you still like Yotsuba even if her true personality turned out to be a complete 180° turn from her usual genki self?
I don't think this will happen but I like Yotsuba because of her actions so as long as she doesn't become a completely different character I'll still love her
Thanks, that was much needed, we can appreciate every girl even if we have preferences. Good day to you kind sir.
hey guys wouldn't it be pretty funny if this arc actually was Yotsuba's sendoff? Like, just when Yotsubafags start thinking she's finally relevant she kicks herself out of the bowl haha just saying
Is this actually real? Damnhow far we've come
>build her
what did he mean by this
Yes It was on Pornhub
No, it's gonna take more than that to convince the Ninochads.
Have you never played an H game with a character editor?
Don't you dare
You're joking but that's exactly what happened to Ichika
>Fuutarou is studying hard to become someone neccesary for others
>Still he shut down other people and didn't want to be friends with nobody
>Treated Itsuki like crap when she asked him for help in chapter 1
Isn't this so contradictory? Please anons, explain it in a way that an idiot like me can understand
Itsuki's is OH MY MOTHER, Yotsuba is
>I've loved Fuutaro all along please reread the manga
wait... they are allowed to read this in best-korea?
Ninotards are in a sinking ship and they don't even realize it.
one person is
Fine by me
That's all she has now, and she deserves to win due to pure coincidences of her sisters doing things she planned on doing? Sad.
I'm sorry, but are you Negi himself?
>Fuutarou is studying hard to become someone neccesary for others
There's your error.
I almost choked my drink reading you, good one user!
Didn't he say that to Itsuki like twice?
So are 4/5 of the fanbase, with the exception of the ship jumpers, but those are the retarded kids of the family.
You think the quints ever rub one out to maruo? Just sayin'. Electra complex and all.
An user had too much free time so he had fun with the bucket tool in MS Paint.
Wouldn't even surprise me. I'm convinced Negi must hate Yotsuba at this point
Also to Yotsuba in this chapter.
So anons, what would you think about this?
I want to see if middle school Fuutarou was already behaving as a jerkass who didn't want any friends
I think he wants to be necessary for his sister. I'm pretty sure that's what his promise to Lolikano was all about
If you jump ships so late in the story you must be a terrible person.
>Isn't this so contradictory?
Yes, that's the point
Fuutarou trauma comes from thinking he would be thrown away and left alone as he didn't bring anything to the table, then after meeting Yotsuba and hearing her dream of being useful for her mom by studying he resolved to do the same but ended up becoming obsessed with it since he never dealt with his underlying lack self-esteem so no matter how good his grades are is never enough for him to be needed by others
by the end of the manga Fuu should heal from this and see that he was necessary to other people but not because of his grades but because of who he is as a person, the one to heal him will be the bride
Seems Fuutarou isolated himself from the others starting in high school second grade. It would be interesting to see his behaviour in middle school or high school first year but I think Negi won't show us.
Also, his behaviour is the total opposite of his wish to become neccesary to someone
m-muh despair
Yeah, but that was after he started to change due to his interaction with the qintuplets. Fuutarou at beginning wanted to change only to meet again with the girl he knowed but that doesn't mean he wanted to do that with others, except his family. Why do you believe he didn't have any friends until the girls appeared?
Now that you say it, he thanked Rena (Itsuki) like 3 chapters ago about how meeting her in the past made him not being alone right now. But he has been acting like he wanted to be alone and discarded rest of his classmates
If yotsuba is out of the race we have a pattern 1->4->5->3->2(invert of the usual order)
>In Fuutarou's flashback we see Maruo and lolikano leaving, lolikano says bye-bye
>In Yotsuba's flashback we see that Maruo was the one who found the kids and later they were sent back in the inn
Does it mean that Maruo was in the inn till Fuu's teacher came? I'm too retarted to undertstand the chronology.
I was invested in Yotsuba's story because she's full of DESPAIR. I knew from the beginning there was more to her than her genki exterior.
It may have started that way but it became more general later on
>Negi does
>Yotsuba is out for all the chapters save the last one
>she pulls a Chihiro in the end
Two can play this game.
>flashback arc
>turn out Nino is overprotective of her sisters because of something happened in the past
I hope you faggots don't scream NEGI IS A HACK when this happens.
It's called a retcon.
Basically, Negi is a h...
So with this chapter, we know Yotsuba was the childhood friend, the girl he made a big promise with, and a possible star-crossed lover. I'm confused, are these considered winner or loser flags now when it all stacks like this.
Don't know, but since they're staying overnight at an inn that means there's still at least one more day to the trip and he might encounter one of the quints again, maybe that's when the goodbye we see in his dreams happened.
Depends on how the Despair molds the heroine. Does it twist her into something ugly? Or make her into a shining damsel that needs saving?
i think is because of the same reason why he left his group at Kyoto, he prefers to throw himself out than having to face others telling him to leave
In the present he wants to be left alone until he can finally acknowledge himself as someone who's necessary as he thinks if he hasn't reached that point yet he'll be thrown away eventually anyways so there's no point in having friends since they'll throw him away in the end
That's the point. We won't be allowed to know until the end.
There could be a hundred hints up in our faces right now and we have no choice but to consider them red herring.
Negi is a genius hack.
Childhood friend and promised girl are some of the biggest loser fags you can get. Yotsuba will actually be the ultimate underdog if she can pull out a win despite that
if they’re identical why do they all have different colored hair
Miku called Nino cute and caused her to grow a sister complex
>are these considered winner or loser flags now when it all stacks like this
Really depends on yotsuba herself. The fact that she's running away from it points at it being a winner flag. Yotsuba relying on it would be a complete loser flag, see Ichika.
The stress from their mom dying changed their hair colors
Childhood friend is a weird trope. Didn't they use to win a lot and then they started to lose a lot after. I know the childhood friend winning can sting some people because it makes it feel like everything was over at that moment and the others had no chance.
Loser, authors enjoy pretending their works aren't cliched garbage by going full on "subversion"
>see, the promise girl didn't win, am I not original?
Fuckface, Mexico is YOTSUBA LAND
it depends on when Yotsuba recognized him and if she fell in love now or has loved him since five years ago
Since Yotsuba arc here is wanting to change and move on from past traumas her ending up with her childhood crush would undermine that, it would mean she couldn't change herself and still is the same girl that fell in love with that kid and the same girls that kid fell in love with
>if she fell in love now or has loved him since five years ago
What if it's both?
>fall for a boy
>despair ensues
>fall for the same boy for the exact same reasons, again
>Canadians are Mikufags
But that's not right
Fuutarou definitely had a crush on Yotsuloli, so the same could apply to him if she wins.
to keep it clean she would have to had fell for him before knowing he was the kid from Kyoto but we won't know for certain when she learned the truth until the flashbacks are over
This is just wrong, Chile is for Nino!
the pepper?
Yotsuba knew it was him from the beginning of the series. She's loved him since they met as kids. Her past isn't what is holding her down either, it's the fact that no one acknowledges that she has changed. Her mom rejected her change and basically told her not too. Then you see her other sisters changing while rena's words towards yotsuba linger on. Yotsuba changed before the start of the series it's apparent based off her hair style and her personality change from the start of the series and this arc.
>Childhood friend is a weird trope. Didn't they use to win a lot and then they started to lose a lot after
Yes, in older manga they used to actually win most of the time, especially in series that didn't have romance as the main focus, but in the past decade or so they've had a consistent lose rate and are usually the designated loser troupe that everybody hates but still exists for some reason
Fuutarou confessing? I thought Miku's supporters were delusional.
>Colombia is yotsubafag
I've seen everything
The true endgame right here.
Sad Ninokek.
Well then it's a good thing Negi said he took inspiration from older works.
It's funny because due to that mentality it's now incredibly predictable that the they'll lose, achieving the opposite effect as intended. I'm genuinely curious to see if Negi will follow in the same vein
North Korea is filled in, but not Africa?
Why was Miku wearing a wig under a wig?
>Stealing Miku dead eyes
Since the beginning of this manga could you ever imagine that some fucking notMaradona will trigger most of the drama in the story?
Me neither. That's good, I like how Negi does it. Studio psrk chapters were the only weak point so far.
so much this
Mexican here, I confirm.
I have a feeling that Yotsuba will end up kissing fuuts in this arc to show her sisters shes in the owl
There is this one guy that can access the Internet in North Korea so his choice is everyone choice there.
We are getting a character book this autumn. Hopefully we get more information about some characters there
>her ending up with her childhood crush would undermine that
The opposite, you can see this chapter that old yotsuba was someone who would just stand by and watch Ichika steal the guy away, and then ending up with nothing. Which is where she's right now, she has nothing because she refuse to stand for herself and get what she wants. Her graduating from her childhoold would be asserting and getting her desires.
Childhood friend's losing is older than dirt.
You got them losing in Rumiko Takahashi's works, which Negi himself says he likes, then you got them losing with complete brutality in classics like Chrono Trigger and Lufia 2.
That's not what her arc is about. Her main problem is that she wants to be an individual instead 1/5ths of a person. Most of the quints like the fact that they are quints and that they're the same but the premise of Yotsuba's situation seems to be the negatives of that mentality and how it's affected her. Now she's too afraid to try and do what she really wants because she's afraid that she'll ruin everything by trying to be her own person again and her arc is probably all about overcoming that. Her going after Fuutarou would do the opposite of undermining her story
Miku wishes she didn't have dead fish eyes
Get out of my head user
>Childhood friend never wins meme could be broken in this manga
That would be one hell of a rom-com twist to me.
Kim Jong-Un confirmed for Nino fan.
I'm living there, rent free.
Nino is still the kisser and, as a result, the bride
Kubo already did it, and it was beautiful.
So Takebayashi wins?
Ahah! She is kinda fitting for the guy too, someone you can't say "no" to, lol.
Wow, this thread is becoming depressing now...
>Is it possible that we'll get Fuutarou confessing to Yotsuba two weeks from now?
You mean Yotsuba will confess her lie
>Her main problem is that she wants to be an individual instead 1/5ths of a person
that's Miku's problem, Yotsuba is about her guilt, she thinks she's dragging the others down so she tries to compensate by making them happy all the time to the point she never think about what would make herself happy
The rope wasn't enough.
Did Yotsuba lie? I don't remember her outright denying anything, though I could be wrong.
She lied when she said she was lying when she said she likes him.
They're similar yet different. Miku's problem was that she thought that she was the most pathetic out of the five and it was resolved when she Fuutarou told her that since they were quintuplets that anything they could do, she can also. Yotsuba, on the opposite end, feels tied down by the quintuplets = equal thing and strived to differentiate herself but the problem became much bigger when her attempts and efforts were shot down and then she blamed herself for her mother's death which caused her to drop her own desires entirely and make everybody else happy. That speech she gave to Ichika about doing what she wants was probably something that came from the heart and personal experience
Ichika’s going to do it bros
So basically, she lied about a lie that she lied about and lied to lie about the true lie? Lol, I love how confusing that story can go.
>yotsuba is actually an emochick that listens to green day albums from 2005
At this point in the story would there be any good reason as to why she would have such a dramatic personality shift?
Based and Mikupilled
The final solution to the Yotsuba question.
Based. Hope your day is going well
>americo-brazilian axis dominates the world
Is this some kind of game to see who's the biggest retard?
Did you see them in the past, they're both genuine autists.
Just asking because this has been going on for months.
Friendly reminder:
>Goodbye isn't farewell
Means see you again
>Yotsuba, on the opposite end, feels tied down by the quintuplets = equal thing
Again that's been stated to be Miku's problem, her initial reluctance to be with Fuu was because she was tied down by thinking the quints should be equal so she shouldn't be special to Fuu
From this chapter it seems Yotsiba's original guilt is because she feels her trying to be different ended up breaking up the sisters bond while their mother wanted for them to be together even if they became different
If real_yotsubafag or any other translator is still here, I changed my mind about not doing
I suddenly have a lot more free time than I thought I would, and it doesn't really matter anyway.
Probably won't even be that hard to redraw because I've had to do worse before, anyway.
What's the problem?
Over a day, and Miku is still falling behind both Nino and Ichika in terms of retweets and likes. Save to say her popularity is falling.
My guess is something else happens in these flashbacks that results in Yotsuba cutting her hair which is a shame because Yots with long hair is cute as fuck
JC quints are adorable
Don’t worry. She grew it out again for her wedding with Fuut.
>that tiny ahoge growing on itsuki's head
How does she manage to be so adorable?
Non genki Yotsuba is a rare Yotsuba
These illustrations are lackluster to be fair. Only Ichika and Yotsuba's are good so far. Dunno how Itsuki's will look.
Nino is over 18k in terms of likes. Ichika is over 17k. Cope harder.
How does the ahoge grow
>Those butthurt ninofags complaining about the artist doing NTR and thinking it was a guy who has a hate boner for her when its a Ninofag artist who drew that portion
But I'm not a Mikufag
Yeah this is bullshit, we all here love yotsuba.
You can't deceive us. Only Mikufags would be capable of eating doves.
Shut up, D E S P A I R arc incoming.
So Yotsuba has been faking her genki side since forever ? Is despair mode her true self?
She secretly hates her sisters, and it seems the feeling is mutual.
Chupame la pinga causa
Are you french?
There's a difference between surpressing your own trauma and faking a persona.
Get ready Yotsubafags. He will go back to Nino in the end.
Wait, how did he not know yotsuba's name?
No, she said that she was the worst out of the 5, It's literally pointed out to us that she feels below her sisters in ability because she was low self confidence. The situation's literally resolved because Fuutarou tells her that they are all equal, as opposed to Yotusba who feels like that's the problem. Your pic is the context of romance as she felt it was unfair if she was the only one who could have Fuutarou because of her low self confidence
Yotsuba's problem involves her guilt, nobody is denying that, but that isn't the only issue. She still has her identity crisis. That didn't go away, it's just repressed along with her personal desires
>back to
That is implying he ever did before.
Why is Itsuki so nervous when she thinks of lewd stuff like sexy lingerie and hand holding?
That's a funny way to spell Itsuki.
Yoshino a shit. Yotsuba a best.
Who's Yotsuba?
Did you mean Ichika?
It's probably related to her flunking out. I seriously doubt that we won't hear any mention of that in this little flashback arc
This manga had objectively a really bad ending, it really feels forced and rushed. If the author really thought her ending was well-written, she must have never ever experienced love (even through the eyes of others) then to be that wrong.
>Yoshino a shit
Fuck you
>Yotsuba a best
Why does Despairsuba get my peeper hard?
How can you compare a traitor whore with an angel like Yotsuba anyway.
Yeah, I'm sure we will get Yotsuba's haircut next chapter. There's no way it remains unresolved. We must go even deeper into the despair cesspool.
Convenience. Easier for the writter to put a mystery this way. Won't blame him though, I had a love interest when I was 12, forgot her name with time even though she was important to me, so that can happen. But yeah, mostly convenience here though.
She won't be an angel, she's going to be shown as malicious and petty to win, I can' wait!
She tries to act like their whore mother but is pure on the inside.
Nino a shit. Utaha a best.
Wouldn't that just be a copy and paste of Ichika's thing?
May be a hint that Fuutarou actually knows who Yotsuba is all along and is just waiting for her to come clean with him.
Did you skipped the whole conversation about being fair vs being equal?, it's not just about romance but about their skills as well, Miku though it would be better if Yotsuba was also the same as the rest and it only got resolved after Fuu told her they should recognize her effort which came back in recent chapters when he recognized her effort with the bread
with Yotsuba we don't know the current state of her identity crisis but it hasn't showed up outside the flashback, her present problems as far as we have been showed are that she puts her sisters happiness over her own
Nope she did it out of desperation, Yotsuba's heart is filled with hate from all that despair and those actions by Ichika and Itsuki (Soon to be Nino and Miku in the next chapter) and will be shown to actually despise them all.
Dropout looking to release their scans first.
When Ichika got knocked out and Yotsuba was revealed as loli in the same arc, everyone should've accepted that the metafags were right.
JUSTsuba is the official romanization.
Are the raws already out?
Raws drop in 14-15 hours.
Come monda cachaco pero buen gusto
Which quint will go for the Usagi Drop ending with Maruo? Nino and Itsuki seem like the only 2 that have issues with Maruo so I'd say its between them.
Is it now that it's going to be interesting.
I think everyone will start hating each other. This kyoto trip was the last time they would be together.
Where's that 50 pages essay about yotsuba being the center of the universe?
I thought they disbanded?
Why don't (you) touch yourself to your precious rope-kun instead, anonymoth?
I hate how he did Ichika so dirty
>Did you skipped the whole conversation about being fair vs being equal?
No it's just a completely different context than Yotusba's situation
>Miku though it would be better if Yotsuba was also the same as the rest
Yeah, the literal opposite of Yotsuba
>with Yotsuba we don't know the current state of her identity crisis but it hasn't showed up outside the flashback, her present problems as far as we have been showed are that she puts her sisters happiness over her own
The whole point of the flashback was so that Negi could give us new context to her actions. It would be retarded to go through all this and just disregard it. The two situations are intertwined, her identity crisis is what directly lead to her to disregard of what she wants in favor of others
>this was the real yotsuba all along
>she knew who Fuu was from the start
>she was the true mastermind
Was Yotsuba the final villain this whole time?
>try to stir drama
>nobody cares
>shamelessly showing up again.
this happens every time, user.
Thanks user, have a nice day.
I wish I had an hentai pic of Ichika so I could have joke about her being even dirtier if we wanted to, lol.
Someone made that up
>Make promise with boy to change
>Fake Change
>Mom rejects fake change says clothes don't make you change
>See sisters slowly fake change while mothers words haunt you
>All dress up as Itsuki and Fuu doesn't realize who you are
>Memories from snek stealing fuu replay in mind
>Decide to kiss fuu and accept the fact that moms words were true and without real change fuu will never notice you
Besides that, we should also know why Miku becomes emo and at what moment Nino starts using bangs
Bros... I thought we were going to surpass Nino by now. Are people really leaving us?
Only good taste ITT
Negi, go back to work.
Yotsuba needs to take responsibility. Four days of ribbon molestation would be effective.
Man I hope Negi can top the early Yotsuba chapters with this arc. Don't want her peak at chapter 36 or whatever that swing chapter was. She deserves so much more.
>Ichika cucks Yotsuba
Just when you thought she couldn't get any worse.
> twitter
The only thing that matters are the tastes of the nips, the likes on twitter in large part are from westerners so it was never an accurate meter
>>Fake Change
>>Mom rejects fake change says clothes don't make you change
It wasn't fake and it was more than just clothes. She actually put in an effort to improve herself so she could lead by example and even got the best grades despite being by far the dumbest. And then her mom shat all over that saying that they would always be equal no matter what which completely killed all of her motivation as it would be useless to put in effort if it'll have the same result
Except she didn't start accepting the idea of change until Fuutarou told her how decisions need to be made at the cost of others happiness.
*The only thing that matters are the tastes of Negi
Yotsuba is only good for suffering
Yotsuba first needs to take her park back from Takeda.
Why is their mom such a fucking bitch?
Now that the accessories seem to be more important, i feel that we will have a fucking Miku's arc more to know how she is the only one who loses her own
I feel like their mom wasn't trying to be a bitch, but her knowing that she would probably die within a month probably let some negativity slip now and again. That or Yotsuba misunderstood her words.
>you and that backstabbing snek will always be equal
That must hurt.
We know, Negi
Agreed. Chapter 37, despite seeming like the most filler chapter ever had one of the most emotional highs in the entire series for me. Not just Yotsuba but also a grouch like Fuutarou were just having a good time together. I wonder if that can be topped
As well
That's actually what makes me think that Yotsuba and Itsuki are endgame, as Fuutarou's romantic development with the other girls has been so one sided and now was just put to the side
Think about it - he knows already that Nino, Miku and Ichika have feelings for him, yet aside from being flustered and starting to take romance more seriously it hasn't gone anywhere.
From a storytelling point of view it would be artificial to develop his feelings for any of the ones that already confessed (as they would develop FROM the confession onwards). In the vast majority of stories feelings develop from the guy's side or more or less equally from both sides through the story.
Negi is known here as a hack that subverts expectations, but in reality 5toubun mostly sticks to the basics of how to write a story (it does it in a solid way, without falling much in cliches or being boring). The story is structured in a rather simple way, the twists so far have followed that structure without contradicting it.
If you showed 5toubun to an actual writer he'd tell you that 4 and 5 should be the most solid candidates, precisely because of the apparent lack of actual romantic development (i say apparent because the bride has already kissed him), as it should from now on start to happen equally between one of them and Fuutarou (who now is more aware of romance, but has only been on the receiving end) If the story is to properly develop Fuutarou's feelings (as Negi said he would), he should be the one to open up his heart, take the initiative and be the one giving. That basically means he has to be the first to confess (remember, he "started thinking the bride was special" when she kissed him, this implies that Fuutarou's the one that'll have to chase after the bride and make his love bear fruit).
TL;DR 1, 2 and 3 aren't meant to be endgame
Yes. The insight this arc is giving us is cementing chapter 37 as the most emotional so far.
So you are just going to copypasta what you posted last thread? You already got quite a few responses before.
I just want Yotsuba to have a HAPPY END.
I don't think she had any malintent she just wanted them to all be together forever, it's just that the situation she said it in wasn't the best and could easily be misinterpreted
Do we have a better clue on what Yotsuba wanted now after this week’s DESPAIR chapter?
Post the next page
Literally to be fuutarous partner and to be with alone
I doubt it takes a whole arc for her to drop the headphones, it could be part of the careers arc that will likely be a Miku+Yotsuba arc or maybe pic related leads to a chapter with Fuu and Miku alone and she drop the headphones to help him practice telling her apart without hints since he couldn't tell fake Miku wasn't her
Nino a SHIT
I originally had it as change, I should of left it as that. I forgot about the best grade thing. She accepted change way before that conversation. That conversation was about accepting the fact that you can't make everyone happy and that you have to put yourself before others if you truly want to be happy and that it isn't your responsibility to make other's happy. Yotsuba realized during scrambled eggs arc that Fuu still can't tell them apart when they look the same. Yotsuba kissed fuu dressed as itsuki because the opportunity presented itself. It's a opportunity where it doesn't affect anyone else's happiness since he has no clue who kissed him.
Man, I was with you on that one but if you are going to copypasta it in every thread, stop right there.
FUCK nino!
This always seemed unfair to me. Fuutarou still actively thought of Yotsuba (and their date) while on the swings with Takeda, so it's not really like he completely took it from her.
Where is Freud to explain Yotsuba’s mentality? Is she using reaction formation?
All the quintuplets problems stem from not being able to fuck their mother/not having a dick then?
It was Maruo who called Fuutarou and Takeda there, we'll probably get to see how he took Yotsuba and maybe the other quints there first
Because Fuutarou chose her and can use LOVE on her so she doesn't need an accessory to stand out.
LOVE Nino!
yotsubachads, why are we the center of the second to last arc and not the last arc? Don't tell me the fucking fat shit is going to win.
Something something character development after getting rejected
That they are.
>Yotsuba's love for Fuutarou is based on her childhood promise with him and she has been hurting herself as a result
>Ichika getting jealous and sabotaging her sisters over some kid she played cards with as a kid
>Nino also tramples over her sisters and only likes Fuutarou because he is the wild blonde kid from her past
Miku and Itsuki are the only two that have had positive relationships with Fuutarou and haven't began hurting themselves or others and are trusting of Fuutarou.
Miku and Itsuki's feelings for Fuutarou are genuine while the other three are not truly in love with him and have shallow connections propped up by their mental instability.
Don't worry yotsubachad
>yotsuba origins arc (we're here)
>fatsuki arc/rena reveal arc
>yotsuba + fuu reunite arc
Except Yotsuba only learned of accepting selfishness and not everyone could be happy until her talk with Fuutarou during the Kyoto trip. Yotsuba was still actively supporting everyone else during scrambled eggs despite what she wanted.
I'm worried about fatty. We have this in the bag as long as the hippo doesn't gobble up the end.
Miku isn’t getting shit, her story is done we’ve wasted enough time on her
It would be deep if in Scrambled arc she sucks at disguising as Itsuki not because she's a bad liar but because she doesnt like the idea of disgusing as others. It triggers some bad memories in her
Bros come on, despite the despair half way through this chapter was pure fucking kino. Date was great and hard to top but this panel? Ughhhhhhh
What do people even want with a Yotsuba reveal to Fuutarou? Will anything really change after that? Plus, Fuutarou's already moved on and Yotsuba is fine with leaving things as they are.
>...what is it I want?
She wants the dick.
>Fuutarou finds Miku without hints valided ch 67
>Fuutarou finds Ichika without hints valided ch 83
>Fuutarou will find Yotsuba without hints in the last chap of this arc
Next Itsuki /Nino who is the kisser
i think it's more like she understands not everyone can be happy, so she chose to sacrifice herself to make everyone else happy.
I think it’s quite evident that despite saying he’s moved on he hasn’t moved on. Even before the Kyoto trip he has trouble bringing it up
I would think the same, but i don't think that when she is rejected she will lose her accessory, in which case, the other rejected quints should also lose theirs
She wants nothing. She has no desires. Yotsuba has no purpose in life. Anything she has is taken away by her sisters. Anything she is, is also taken away by her sisters. She is nothing.
Only Ichika and Nino are done since they have no pending plot points other than getting accepted/rejected
>What do people even want with a Yotsuba reveal to Fuutarou? Will anything really change after that?
Nothing because 100% obvious that Fuutarou knows who is the true lolinakano and Itsuki is fake Rena .He confirmed it chapter 79
> Fuutarou finds Ichika without hints validated ch 83
Not really, it was just common sense for him to know that Ichika was the fake Miku
What’s Mikus? Another confession? More bread?
I think all she wants is Fuutarou at this point. He was the reasons she decided to try to be an individual in the first place
After everything that has been happening, I wouldn't be surprised if Fuutarou knows that Yotsuba is lolikano. And yes Fuutarou has moved on because of what happened in 7 goodbyes, but the only thing I can imagine that will happen is that everything will make more sense to him and he can help Yotsuba really move on emotionally.
What even is this comment so many errors wtf
>You know, you walk out the door. You see someone that you know, and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.
Part of me thinks it would have been better for Yotsuba if the quints had been split apart.
Nino still has to do her gambit after making her announcement in chapter 71 of making him prepare himself and she still needs to settle things her own way. She isn't done yet.
That’s kind of a yes and a no for multiple reasons
Yotsubas's love isn't based on the promise it's based on the fact that Fuuts is the only one so far that has genuinely responded positively to her efforts to change
Itsuki and Yotsuba probably won't win. They will probably be more focused on their own problems before entering the bowl in earnest.
Winner will be either Miku or Ichika since they were the two heroines that had early development with Fuutarou and are Negi's favorites.
>he can help Yotsuba really move on emotionally.
With sex.
Ichika the one who just dropped out? Miku who loves her family and bread?
what she'll do after graduation, getting to know Fuuts better and stop using her headphones are the plot points that are set up for her other than the romantic plot, Yotsuba's reveal as lolinakano will likely involve her as well since after helping her so much Yotsuba wouldn't want to pursue Fuuts without talking with Miku first
There was no risk in her kissing fuu during scrambled eggs since it didn't affect any of the other quints happiness. You can be selfish if it doesn't directly affect anyone. Since she was dressed as itsuki it doesn't affect anyone. She supported the other quints because she wants them to be happy, but like I said because fuu couldn't identify any of the quints when all were dressed as itsuki it didn't get in the way of the others happiness.
I will give Yotsuba her HAPPY END.
Wouldn’t she be expecting if Fuutarou could’ve identified her with LOVE?
i think the "i'll settle everything on Kyoto" was the follow up to the "get ready", if that's the case then what's left for her is one final attempt before winning or loosing but she at the moment doesn't have anything set up for her outside of the romance plot
That's still an unhealthy foundation for love. Yotsuba has serious mental problems and is just clinging onto the first person that responded positively to her changes. She can probably be fixed and then enter the bowl in earnest but given how long Negi delayed her arc I think its unlikely for Yotsuba to get a chance to play on an even footing without the mental problems holding her back and making her connection to Fuutarou unhealthy.
I genuinely agree with you that 123 still have stories to tell however the headphones thing that you and other mikubros keep mentioning I can’t get behind. Whether or not she’s wearing headphones being an arc doesn’t really make sense to me
>Yotsuba has serious mental problems and is just clinging onto the first person that responded positively to her changes.
It’s no wonder she killed her mother.
Plot twist. Two of the twins swapped before the start of the story and not even their family has noticed.
>"I'll settle everything in Kyoto!"
>Nothing is settled at all
Sasuga Nino.
>someone appreciates you and you appreciate them in return
>you only want them to be happy and for people to appreciate them
user, I'm gonna need you to sell this to me better
She’s not a retarded mental patient. She just needs emotional support
Only 2 or 3 can win since Fuu started to think of the bride as special on the day of the kiss and at that moment he only knew 2 and 3 had feelings for him
Yotsuba isn't clinging to anything. That's her problem. She's almost completely given up on herself.
Yotsuba is pathetic.
I heard rumors that this is gonna end at vol 12 because apparently in an interview negi said vol 7 is past the halfway point? If so we're truly at the endgame now.
As much as I like Yotsuba, revealing her flashback arc 2 volumes before the end seems like a classic setup for the "overcome your past and move on by giving up your first love" kind of thing. I would want nothing more than being proven wrong though. Imo after this arc, all of the other quints feel kind of shallow compared to Yotsuba, both in their struggles and the weights of their feeling to Fuu (123 all fall for him pretty fast). But even before talking about the Fuubowl, I just want Yotsuba to be happy and have a satisfying resolution to this cesspool of despair and suffering first.
On a narrative standpoint, it might be too late for Itsuki to join the fray now. Even until now, she didn't have any hints and forshadows that she even likes Fuu, unlike Yotsuba (rereading from the start with the recent reveal actually blows my mind on how deeply layered Yotsuba's psyche is). I also feel like Ichika's arc was truly done and she's come to a point that she can gracefully accept to give up now.
Nino and Miku have also reached a point where they've made clear their feelings to Fuu and are now just waiting for his decision, so in the end it comes down to a three-way battle between 234. Whichever girl wins, I hope Negi can wrap up everything in a satisfying conclusion in the last 2 vol.
The more we discuss Yotsuba, the more I realize
Besides mikus walk around with him and failed confession neither of them have had any real good moments with Fuu so what’s happened that’s made him think they’re special
That's chili.
What will other quints gain by removing their ribbon, earrings, hairpin? No matter Miku wins or not, her removing the headphone is the sign of growing up to stop looking like a shut-in
last two volumes there have been people telling Miku she's cute and how she should show her face more and since we know that she doesn't wear headphones in the future this sounds like foreshadowing for her to drop them before the manga ends but i do agree there's no need to use a whole arc for it, it could be as simple as one of her sisters catching her trying on some make up to look cuter and them recommending her to fix her hair and show her face
This is the sacrifice she makes as the despair queen.
Given his previous take on love before sister wars arc, I'd say she wasn't expecting that. During sister wars when talking to yotsuba he accepts the fact that nino and bell kisser love him and it also brings insight into how he figured out that miku has feelings for him. This shocks yotsuba. So it's safe to assume that at the time when the kiss happened his opinion on love was still closed off. So yotsuba was in the clear since that's how he felt until sister wars and he changed his opinion on things.
>yfw the genki Yotsuba we all know and love is actually the dominant personality that the real Yotsuba created to hide away from the pain which she calls Mutsumi
She wants Fuutarou to be happy.
That's the opposite of progression. These possessions are integral to each quint's separate personality. Losing that would symbolically giving up the experience they've gained.
Enough! It's clear that you have the intention to discredit Nino as a bride candidate with your bias.
By all means, go ahead & make a 100 pages of thesis for why both Yotsuba & Itsuki are the endgame like how Artur did about Miku, while denounced Nino
all scandis are ninofags
t. dane
And Fuutarou would be happier if she stopped being a bother to him.
Fuutaro's love and penis inside of her.
Since Yotsuba's story has a lot to do with her Mom I assume that their arcs will be closely related if not the same. Itsuki's even pretending to be Lolikano and everything
Every quint's story has a lot to do with their mom.
Yotsuba did force Fuutarou out of his comfort zone by making him class rep. That only caused him headache and rumors to spread.
>with this chapter
NEGI Croquis with Ninoxfuut cute
Since season 2 will focus on other quints, do you think Miku will be dethroned?
Nino also lost her butterflies and got a scrunchie.
1,2, and 3 are more or less finished products with little baggage.
Will Yotsuba ever get a solo magazine pinup?
Yotsuba instantly regretted it and tried to get Itsuki to fill in for her. Most of her efforts are failures.
Cute nino
Depends on how Negi chooses to use Nino in the upcoming arc or 2. For some reason Yotsuba asked Nino to come join her to see him again. For some reason Negi chose to show us that Nino coincidentally made the same name for him all those years ago that she is using now.
She just wanted to be in a position with Fuutaro that her sisters and him can never have as preparation for them being married.
>Someone split their heart sticker into 5 to give to each girl
What a Chad move.
at least post a decent resolution
It looks to be some drawings from before the one-shot since you can tell Yotsuba and Itsuki are using the old designs
The clues were there all along. Trying something and failing to do so is Yotsuba's biggest fear. That's why she is always doing her best for others while belittling herself when she fails.
>>Yotsuba's love for Fuutarou is based on her childhood promise with him and she has been hurting herself as a result
Her love wasn't based on a promise, she genuinely liked him as a person and vice versa and then they made the promise. Fuutarou hasn't changed that much since then so it makes sense that Yotsuba would still hold feelings for him.
And I'd say that Miku's relationship also isn't all that healthy as she kind of borders on obsession and follows him around like some kind of dog. I think that only Yotsuba and Itsuki have a normal relationship at this point
>For some reason Yotsuba asked Nino to come join her to see him again
he needed to clear up the red herring about Nino recognizing Shotarou when she saw the photo
May he be reborn in another world with a harem. Fucker earned it.
This is the manga world, fixing your mental problems is just called "character development".
Except it would mess with Fuutarou's emotions and make him see a sister in a different light as a mysterious kisser. It would go against trying to help Miku like she originally was doing. It will get in one of their ways happiness because Fuutarou would start seeing a sister differently by doing something like that. It changes everyone's relationships by quite a bit and it will lead to others losing their happiness.
seeing that image always reminds me of a certain someone
I'd probably like her even more
Yes but her death has even more influence on those two than the others, especially Itsuki
Why did she think pic related was a good reason to appoint him?
>Only Ichika and Nino got a 1 page color
>HI my name is Nino
I don't really mind if Ichicute loses provided Miku wins and we get the mistress position.
God I love the rainbow shine on their hair.
She wants him to have friends/have a fulfilling school life. Pic related is probably the result she's 4Dchessed out for him.
The first time communism and capitalism actually agree on something.
>Nino and Ichika get color pages
>Yotsuba and Miku get manga panels
>Bride and no Itsuki
Itsuki confirmed bride.
Am I the only one who desire a doujin of how the quints' biological dad made hot love but later "pump & dump" Rena?
And now that she's finally accomplished her goal, the thing she's wanted to do this entire manga, Yotsuba is finally able to free herself.
Yes because Rena is ugly as shit.
Agent guy knew she was snek from the beginning.
I want a doujin where Fuutaro fucks their mother and later have Six-ways to Sunday Oyakodon with her and the quints.
I live on the second floor.
>Plus, Fuutarou's already moved on
That's exactly why Yotsuba hasn't told him about it yet, she thinks he's moved on and doesn't want to burden him. That's what makes her so great, she isn't bragging about it or thinks she's entitled to him because they met in the past like Ichika. She just wants him to be happy
Still even though Fuutarou told Itsuki to fuck off cause he didn't feel like dealing with her "Spooky Rena Shenanigans" I feel like it won't be other that easy and he still wants some kind of closure
Yeah, but that doesn't happen until later on when he figures out who kisses him. It doesn't go against miku because how could yotsuba predict that her kissing him would make all the others lose. We the readers know this, but the characters don't. You can't apply the information that we have about him ending up with bell kisser with the characters during present day time in the story.
Nino will never forget the lamb sauce, will never burn the scallops, and will never bring out a raw steak.
>he needed to clear up the red herring about Nino recognizing Shotarou when she saw the photo
Denial!! If he only wants to clear up the red herring about Ninoxshotarou why Negi chose to add that Nino coincidentally made the same name?? for him all those years ago that she is using now
This addition is clearly here only to show us
"" The destiny "" "between Nino and Fuutarou.
You can’t fuck a ghost. Unless you’re thinking about /ss/.
AFRICA has good taste
>and are Negi's favorites.
Negi is literally the biggest Ninofag on the planet though
>best chapter poll
itsuki is on page 3 though
If it wasn’t for how outrageous ninofags actually are I could actually have a laugh about this instead of believing you’re serious
Imagine Fuutarou realizing the truth that the girl he liked was a depressed idiot.
Fuutaro falls in the water after Itsuki kisses him at the bell and travels back in time to be the father of Rena's children: the quints
Calm down there Yotsuba
Fuutarou needs to be forced out of his comfort zone though or else he'll just go back to being a loner. She wants him to have a fulfilling school life
I mean Yotsuba has clearly been shown to not be selfish to a detriment. She wouldn't just kiss him just because he has trouble recognizing the quints. Yotsuba would know that she betrayed her sister and that guilt would eat her up more than anything.
A fulfilling highschool life includes dates and sex. Yotsuba should provide.
In time, everyone should realize. There are no Ichika/Nino/Miku/Yotsuba/Itsuki-fags. Only HOPE and DESPAIR. When that time comes, I hope you'll know which side you'll be on.
I'm on despair, I love watching their relationship fall apart. They obviously hate each other!
What if there was no hope?
I feel like fuutarou is the one that has to chase the bride. If it’s yotsuba, it’s going to have to be him convincing her that he loves her. Regardless of which quint he marries I’m betting his confession is gonna be during a quint game and he recognizes his bride with LOVE
The look of guilt on the kisser makes me think it was yotsuba. A moment of selfish weakness that has helped fueled her self loathing
No it wouldn't since only 1 out of 5 kissed him and 5 out of 5 don't know he marries the one that kissed him. Yotsuba has made moves regardless of how her sisters feel. She went on a date with him and she confessed to him. I don't know why you think she wouldn't, she will make a move if the opportunity presents itself without the others getting hurt. Her guilt has eaten her up as well, it's probably why she won't tell him that she is lolikano.
>For some reason Yotsuba asked Nino to come join her to see him again
She wanted to introduce them to each other, not just Nino
>For some reason Negi chose to show us that Nino coincidentally made the same name for him all those years ago that she is using now.
I'm pretty sure it was just a joke user. I doubt they actually have a 6th sister called Mitsumi either
5Toubun has always been a family drama. Fuutarou may be a catalyst, but problems are usually solved by the Sisters themselves.
I had always though that even before the reveal
You wouldn't lewd this angel, would you?
Would Yotsuba have the willpower to lip rape F?
Same. Yotsuba has been more important than people realize. Her win will make 123 fags cry out in pain
Same. I honestly don't think it's 123 and It doesn't make sense for 5 to do it unless she's secretly been craving Fuutarou's cock this whole time. I just can't imagine anybody but 4
123 really are after thoughts in this story.
Her loss will be a empty cry into an endless void.
I don't know user. Just doesn't seem like a Yotsuba move to me. She makes moves now and again but a kiss seems too far outside of what she would do at the time.
I've always thought it was Yotsuba, but mostly because I've believed in Yotsuba-Loli since the moment lolikano was revealed. I'm pretty certain Itsuki is the winner though.
1 tried to do it before by the pier.
2 had been saying how she would do it all throughout the arc and after the arc she just stops trying.
I can't say Anything regarding Miku.
This makes more sense now that I think about it. Class rep arc is literally right after scrambled egg, which really explains Yotsuba's "There's no way it'd happen" scene after she realized that Fuutarou didn't realize who she is even after the kiss (and to rub salt on the wounds, he also went all "Absolutely no way" when the subject of him dating Yotsuba got brought up, and she probably took that to heart more seriously than she should)
In space, nobody can hear Yotsuba cry.
>validated despair
It feels good to be a despairchad.
Did you see what she did to his hand as a loli?
They're so cute, yet very rude children and they grow up to still act like this. Paparano should have spanked them more.
Same I fear you’re right and that’s the real endgame unfortunately.
Exactly. 123 wouldn’t feel guilty kissing him. But yotsuba would. She’d feel like she’s betraying her sisters
True end
I liked her because she was genki and because she was the one who accepted Fuutarou first. If she turned a 180, I'd probably hate her.
What if the reason why Yotsuba likes Raiha that much is because Raiha is what she wants to have: a sister that isnt identical to her?
Takeda deserves better than Miku to be honest. Miku is too pathetic to have a partner
Exactly. People have slept on yotsuba. She’s the dark horse winner
She suffered so much, she deserves to win.
Then it’s a good thing she’s going to be her sister in law
The expression Ichika had after her miku wig got taken is exactly like the one the kisser had post kiss. Now let's figure out what emotion both faces were having.
>Nino, Ichika & the bride are colored
Ichika & Nino confirmed endgame
LOL you guys trying hard to convince yourselves that it can't be 123.
It seemed far off before we got the context off fuu being the boy that ichika stole from her. She had that talk with ichika and ichika forgot about it entirely(which turned out to be false as well because we learned that she knew he was the boy from back then during sister wars). This probably added some assurance towards yotsuba making this move.
I think the kiss was her way of saying goodbye to her feelings for him since she learned that all her other sisters have feelings for him. Which would explain why the kisser looked sad after kissing him. That wasn't a kiss that was from a happy place. It came from a place of sadness. That's why I don't see it being Nino because why would she feel sad about kissing him since she made the declaration that appearance doesn't matter(ch 68 after realizing that ichika is her enemy), it can't be ichika because she confessed to him while disguised as miku then had that whole moment where she said it was her that he met when they were younger(lying snek). Miku can't be it because over the whole scrambled eggs arc she wanted fuu to realize who she was while dressing up as itsuki. Itsuki wouldn't do it since it hasn't been hinted at all that she has feelings for him, at least strong enough feelings where she would go out of her way to kiss him.
>1,2 and the bride(3)
Truly a monster
I thought the Ichika being part of Lolikano was a bad choice at the time but I'm pretty glad it was introduced now. Thought it was the end of it to shoehorn in more sympathy for her on her way out, but it was good as a way to set up this flashback even if it felt a bit last minute. It makes the flashback a lot better to know what Yotsuba's motivation for changing was being mistaken with her sisters.
I’m going to laugh very hard when you rapid waifu fags get btfo
The genki is probably a facade but the Fuutarou acceptance seems genuine.
...opeful person.
It just doesn't make that much sense to me from a writers perspective. Why would I emphasize a kiss from a mysterious person when they already like him? It'd just be a very anti climactic reveal if it was one of them. It'd give nothing new to talk about
It has nothing to do with my preference or anything. Acting as if these three couldn't be embarrassed is hilarious when they love him and it would be their first kiss, kiss that they are doing while hiding their identity.
>Why would I emphasize a kiss from a mysterious person when they already like him?
They kiss him because they like him? The mystery is to know who it is, that is all. The motive is clear.
How does Negi go down as beloved and not hated by most of his fans?
Facts people are in denial about: Yotsuba's backstory has more weight than Miku's.
Negi doesn't want MC to fall in love at the moment of the final confession so he set up Fuu to have started to like one of the quints the day of the kiss
So basically the only quints with any issues whatsoever are Yotsuba and Itsuki. I'm not sure if that elminates them or not since it is so late in the game.
The quint that kissed him didn't have a face that showed embarrassment, it showed sadness. The one who kissed him was sad after it happened.
Because he's still a good mangaka despite his flaws and most of the complaints about him are just by a loud minority of spergs that can't understand basic writing structure or convention.
Miku still doesn't have a backstory so we'll have to wait for her next arc to know
Unless, of course, her backstory in intertwined with Yotsuba's
No I mean they super obviously already like him. It wouldn't be surprising or game changing if it turned out to be one of them. The only one that I could see it being is 4 or 5, the others would just be anticlimactic. Both for us and for Fuutarou as even he knows how thirsty for his dick they are
More like this fans are only being nice to him so that they hope he picks their girl to win. For example, what Mikufags say is if he doesn't pick Miku, he will never write another successful manga ever again.
Say this to me again after an Itsuki end.
I love when people say their favorite quint is the kisser based only on "feelings"
Yeah see, like this.
>yotsuba is the only one that had a clear defined design from the start besides ichika aka the source of most of the drama/conflict in this series
god i want 428 to win so fucking badly
Itsuki isn't my favorite quint though. I'm just using process of elimination and basic reasoning
What, you expect me to rely on some stupid bullshit like "evidence" when Negi could retcon it to hell and back to fit his whims?
> YotsubaBros is becoming new NinoFags
Cope more, retard
Miku is not the bride though
this is what awaits if Yotsuba doesn't win.
Hey man I'm not the one setting myself up for disappointment, just along for the ride
Cope harder
Dude, the surprise is the fact that one of the quints did all of this to kiss him under disguise. It doesn't mean that their identity is supposed to surprise us. The fact that they are quints is being exploited here.
Why would you want Yotsuba and Miku to win out of pity? If anything, she and Miku should handle themselves indivisually instead of thinking that having a partner would suddenly solve their problems
I imagine "him" go balls deep into Rena's fertile womb & pump his seeds five times in one night or once in five nights
Dunno how I got that
Negi has made some missteps here and there but on a whole, i am thoroughly enjoying his manga. This is the first series to have me craving each new chapter in years. For a debut original work, i think he has done a great job.
That's just one guy doing a copypasta. Cancer but not nearly as cancer as a whole legion of autists making copypasta's, charts, and docs about all of the PARALLELS and freaking out every time somebody says anything negative about her
If Yotsubros are becoming the new Ninofags, imagine Yotsuba being far more possessive than Nino and fighting for Fuu once the genki facade is out of the picture. just thinking about it is making me diamonds.
>Yotsubafags ignore this post because it means Yotsuba is not the kisser
Agreed. Miku and Yotsuba haven't done anything to deserve to win.
>If Yotsubros are becoming the new Ninofags
There is no way they can reach that level.
Nino could have been sad about how poorly the kids went. That was her worry. Also the way the kisser approached him seemed akin to that of a confident stride as they were about to kiss him.
We are gonna be here all night arguing this, so why don't we agree to disagree and end it. I have to go grab dinner, so bye user.
Ninofags are delusional. Yotsuba was going to win the moment she was revealed to be lolikano.
I'd like her more.
But how is that a surprise in the slightest? Girl who wants to fuck him gave him a kiss? That's such a meaningless surprise and them being designed is pointless. The scene clearly is meant to to pose the question of who kissed him, otherwise it would be revealed already
I start thinking they will become new NinoFags when the time comes. Not offensive but WaifuFags are still waifufags. When their waifu is getting arc or good development they will change. Just like NinoFags, no one give a shit before her confession. But everything becomes worse after that.
>true personality
>copy from Kaguya
Here's a rope for your hope.
At least Ninofags use craft their theories from the manga instead of purely from headcanon
And the others did how?
Inb4 Negi shoehorns Nino to solve their problem ....again like previous arcs.
I have all you faggots wrapped around my finger. You're all eating out of my hands like the pigs you are. My plan is to make Yea Forums choke on my dick every week. They love it, and they can't get enough. They always moan "negi tame-" Like a bunch of filthy whores.
I can't believe Nino assisted suicides Yotsuba!
Sad but true. At least those annoying fags craft their shitty theories from manga.
Now make this where she says 'Omelette du fromage'
Nobody is saying that they want them to win just out of pity though
Negi's real pottery will be revealed when Yotsuba uses her ribbon to hang herself.
Miku should just die to make this spicy.
Also fuck Mikufags.
Nino at least has explicitly declared her feelings to him many times, and has moved to attempt to grab his heart without bullshit drama related to other people that shouldn't have been involved in her relationship with Fuutarou in the first place, like the other quints had. If anyone actually deserves to win, it's her.
This is not funny because it's decently possible.
>Girl who wants to fuck him gave him a kiss?
user, what the hell is your reasoning? You are saying that the kisser didn't want to kiss him? I repeat: the identity is not meant to be a surprise, it is the kiss itself which is the surprise. The identity is the mystery.
How many Yotsubas does it take to screw in a light bulb? None. She can't do it on her own. But she'll help someone else do it.
They WILL... given how they bought into the collective delusion they've made about how sasuga the 4D chess shenanigan they're lobbying along with why she should win out with pity. Telling us to conform Yotsuba win or die a heretic
>otherwise it would be revealed already
The kisser is the bride, why would Negi reveal it?
If dubs, despair wins
Even if they do something, they need to improve on themselves first before ever getting into a relationship. They're both extremely insecure
Each quint has shown that same stride in the series. Nino wouldn't be sad about a kiss. Even if a kiss sucks she would still feel happy because she got to kiss fuu which was her ultimate goal during scrambled eggs arc. So why would she feel sad after achieving her goal? That makes no sense. Enjoy your dinner user.
Why does Yotsuba try so hard? All she does is drag others down with her. She's good at sports, but doesn't join a team because she'll inevitably burden them. She really should just disappear.
It's literally the opposite. She's been cursed with the ultimate loser flags
Have you been reading the threads? They literally say shit like Fuutarou is in love with Nino cause it looked like he was staring at her in a panel. Someone saying that they think Yotsuba's chances are much higher now that she's Lolikano is tame compared to that
Well of course, after all, Nino is the only quint that hasn't had psychotic episodes. She's the only sane quint.
Yotsubafags aren't remotely as bad as Ninofags. Not now, not ever. Fuck off and stop trying to pass the buck. We're still in the middle of a fucking Yotsuba chapter and Ninofags are still the larger chunk of the shitposts here, it's fucking ridiculous.
Seven Goodbyes Yotsuba was worst Yotsuba.
Yotsuba has done the most though.
I mean yeah waifufags are annoying but there are tiers to this. Ninofags literally spammed the threads even when the chapter had nothing to do with her. Yotsubafags making theories on chapters related to her is perfectly fine
Everything Yotsuba has done amounts to nothing.
>They literally say shit like Fuutarou is in love with Nino cause it looked like he was staring at her in a panel
Kek. No one actually believes this is proof for him loving Nino, but it is evidence in her favor, and we are just collecting evidence. Actually, YOU are the one who concluded that.
>Yotsuba becomes a meaner, darker, more aggressive, more possessive girl who won't take shit from her sisters.
Jesus Christ, my dick can only get so erect.
Nino is irrelevant. All theories about her are delusional.
It’s flavor of the month fags jumping on the latest bandwagon. They’ve sullied a lot of Quintfags names.
Yotsuba hasn't done anything to win over him. Everything she did was not in a romantic sense. She has never tried to advance her love with him, except maybe with that fake confession, but she quickly took that back like Miku.
If you think about it, if you remove Yotsuba from the story, the sisters would be better off.
How does that make her deserving though?
>Loser flags
>From past shit harems that had cookie cutter story
If you haven't realized by now, 5toubon isn't your Nisekoi trash.
i don't know, she has some good parallels
Let's see after her arc. Just like NinoFags after Nino confession. I have a feeling that they will fall become annoying fags like other WaifuFags. Until Yotsuba get GTFO by Fuutarou that will stop them spamming like Ichika or Mikufags.
He who seeks, finds, user. He who doesn't, won't find.
Desperate actions from a desperate woman. Fuu doesn't acknowledge her feelings for him at all.
Yotsuba's best parallel will come in the form of her hanging herself under the church wedding bells in present day.
>All theories about her are delusional.
Nah. Some of them are goods. They crafted it from manga details and panels not by headcanon. Until they spam like an idiot which makes me feel annoyed.
But does she have good perpendiculars?
They are good parallels
user, you think after a kiss like that she'd be all happy and smiling or what? I am not even a Ninofag but certain things you guys say are beyond ridiculous.
Yotsuba now has parallels, so meh
Yeah but I doubt that guy wants Fuutarou to just see how sad she is and marry her because of that. When you see your waifu sad you naturally want her to be happy and wanting her to win the bowl for her to be happy isn't even that bad it's about on the same level as having your favorite win just cause she's your favorite
Now this is headcanon.
>Itsuki is irrelevant. All theories about her are delusional
Nino was made to lose. Watching ninofags get btfo'd by fuu rejection to her will be joy to the rest.
So irrelevant she's everywhere
Yes she does
>Wallet didn't get lost
>Never met Shotarou
>They're still gonna change their hair because of Itsuki
>They're still dumb
>Miku not playing that sengoku game
Anything else?
That's what flags are user. It's up to the author whether they want to follow those or go against them
>Nino is irrelevant
Yeah... And Negi shoehorned Nino to other quint arcs. Sure. Let see Negi will shoehorn his shitty overrated waifu to Yotsuba arc just like other arc and you will say it's irrelevant again.
What if yotsuba has made making fuutarou her life’s mission since her original one (helping her mom) died. But she doesn’t think she can be the one for him and that’s why she’s rooting/supporting him with her sisters. That ichika disguising herself as her as kids and following despair destroyed her self worth. The kiss was a last gambit to awaken (Love) so he can recognize her and that fail.
Gotta feed the delusional fags for $. Your obsession is easy to cash in on.
Not to mention that she actually has pretty fucking direct foreshadowing for an eventual victory
>Thinking that Ninofags level of despair can match a Yotsubros
You don't get it. Yotsuba can't win. She won't allow herself to. She has absolutely nothing to give anymore, which is why she latches on to others to give "support". Yotsuba is nothing. You can't love nothing.
You sound upset.
>They're still gonna change their hair because of Itsuki
They wouldn't, Itsuki only imitated Yotsuba in the first place.
She wins when fuutarou chases after her and uses love to tell her apart and confess (after enlisting all her sisters to help him)
Ninofags in full cope mode.
Is it just me or does removing Miku not change anything for the sisters. Isn't Miku the truly irrelevant one.
Yeah, Ninofags are definitely the most profitable. That's why he will make her win.
I mean if the current threads are anything to go by then it's pretty tame compared to either Ninofags or Mikufags when they get a chapter. Yeah there are some bad thing but it's not nearly as terrible.
That being said I have a feeling that there are gonna be the eventual falseflaggers trying to start shit to make the other fanbase look a lot more cancer than it actually is like in every romcom thread as soon as 1 girl gets any spotlight. That's honestly one of the things that makes me hate this website
I've seen it before. And it ended terribly. Yotsuba is better off saying nothing, otherwise pic related here
No. Removing Miku actually changes something. Ichika's character wouldn't have been ruined. Removing Miku is actually an improvement.
So how mad will you be when Onee-best wins?
It hurts...
But she stole Fuu from Yotsuba at a young, she was already a cunt and deserves shit.
I'll seethe when Miku wins.
>Ninofags using the good old Mikufag popularity argument
And we've come full circle
>Yotsuba is nothing. You can't love nothing.
It's already happening with Yotsuba
>Mikufags claim their shit waifu is the most popular
>Slow merch mover
Removing Miku might have also improved the absolute stinker that was Sisters' War.
Yotsuba and Miku sharing the rope
Shitty falseflag Ninofag. No one brought up Miku solving Seven Goodbyes then being Faketsuki after she'd already had her arcs. Meanwhile you fucks are pretending that Nino's some all benevolent goddess when she hasn't had a chapter for two fucking arcs, while calling Itsuki irrelevant when she gets a dedicated chapter every arc and trying to steal the conversation when Yotsuba finally gets her spot light.
Its okay when Ninobros do it....
>Fuu never figure out that each sister is good at one subject
>Fuu never learns about the fireworks so Ichika and Nino don't open up to him, Ichika keeps her job a secret
>Fuu never promise to dance with Ichika at the bonfire
>Nino never returns home after 7 goodbyes, Yotsuba is trapped at her team forever, Nino never falls for Fuu
>Quints fail the final exam and transfer away from Fuu
>manga ends
Yotsuba is nothing. But not to Fuutarou.
It's okay since it's not the only argument for a Nino win.
Why is Miku so popular again? She doesn't do shit and doesn't proactively do shit to get her out of her predicament. Always, someone picks up after her mess.
>you fucks are pretending that Nino's some all benevolent goddess
That's because she is. I think you need to go to a ward. The Ninofag obsession has made you looney
Quick reminder that Yotsuba means to Fuutarou as much as Rena (Itsuki) meant to him. And he basically told Rena to fuck off, so he indirectly told Yotsuba to fuck off.
>>Fuu never figure out that each sister is good at one subject
That was because of Yotsuba at the theme park tho
Better post suicide hotlines when nino get's btfo'd. The ninofags will need all the help they can get.
>Man this thread was so good earlier what happened?
>Sees a bunch of pictures of Nino
Goddamnit, come on guys. I'm a diehard Ninobro but even I have to admit most of her fanbase can be super obnoxious. Can't we just have some civil discussion without shitting on the others or flaseflaging for once? Please?
I can't wait for Nino to win to have so Mikufags salt.
Her arc and everything related to her is utter dogshit. Her character is a cluster of wasted potential. She could have been great, but she was just a disappointment, and I say that as an early Mikufag.
Fuutarou wouldn't have to tutor the quints at all since it was Yotsuba who was holding them all back. Though Isanari still has connections with Papanakano, so it's still inevitable for him to get involved. Since Fuutarou's grades were good, Maruo might have taken him as an intern to his practice.
>Yotsuba was the only banner that didn't sell out
So why does anyone think Negi should let her win? Shit would hit the fan and it will be literally TWGOK 2.0. Yeah, he's preparing the audience for it right now if that is what he is aiming for, but I don't think the reaction would be any different in Nipland.
Because he has integrity, has nothing to do with sales or money.
This. Fucking trash of a character. They wasted so much chapters on her but nothing really fucking happened. But hey she's still cute right?
You know talking about Nino doesn't automatically halt every other possible discussion right? Why are you talking as if posting about Nino means that no one can talk about other quints? Or is it that Nino has that much of an presence on everyone's minds?
The only thing Negi is preparing is a ____
>implying they are true ninofags
saving Yea Forums images for shitposting is not that hard.
That's an old image. Dunno it's date.
Yes but you can also blame it on the Ninofags and antiNinofags biting each other's bait. I mean there's even one dedicated shitposter now that you can tell is the same one but some still bite his bait.
Let's talk about Yotsuba's accomplishments after meeting Shotarou. I'm sure there are some.
Um your forgetting that yotsuba was clutch in a lot of that. Lmao desperation is real
What if I really hate Miku and Mikufags?
I wouldn't say it changes nothing but yeah she's probably the one the manga would suffer the least from if she was taken out. I just like her cause she's cute not cause of her relevance to the plot or anything
Look at the filename fag
You mad? Seven Goodbyes arc, Miku helps Nino, yes. But Nino is the one who resolved her drama and Yotsuba problem too. In Sister Wars, she and Ichika resolved problem (with Yotsuba and Itsuki support). Don't mention that she saved Fuutarou ass in first exam in deus ex machina way.
It's a fact. Don't be headcanon and give your hating shit through your mind.
What? What’s this false equivalency, is your asshurt that bad?
Does someone actually believe Miku will redeem herself? She blew so much opportunity that its hard to even get invested in her story.
Didn't she get 2nd place on the most recent poll? Plus Negi isn't a hack who would just change his story for money
make her family falls apart
>Ninofags are this bitter because the others have a chance
These threads are hilarious.
Utaha a best. Nino a shit.
Fuutarou thinks Rena is lolikano (Yotsuba), and based on his attitude to her, he doesn't feel anything special for her.
Ninofags sure are obsessed with Miku
Harem genre is a mistake. Fuck this shitflinging I'm going to read the manga in peace.
This. Honestly I can say that this thread is the least worst that Ninofags have been. I've seen much worse but alas, one Ninofag post, then a large gap of discussion is not enough for the people that exaggerate.
Ninobro here, I would fuck Miku too.
Makes you think
>Thinking that merch sales should affect the story narrative
You are the cancer of this fanbase.
Cute and canon.
>Another thread ruined by Mikufags and and falseflaggers
>Needs to falseflag
I bet you posted that so you can constantly link yourself, pathetic.