Moshi moshi, Bogdanoff here

>Moshi moshi, Bogdanoff here
>They reached the Colosseum?
>I'm on my way...

Attached: Double Vinegar Here.png (605x600, 465K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Very funny

>Very funny
thanks bro.

>Yea Forums

Attached: 15567159531.jpg (640x794, 92K)

What’s the Bogdanoffs’ favorite anime?

>Yea Forums

Bogadnoff is an enlightened being, above the petty need for entertainment simpler minded beings require.

His favorite manga is 20th Century Boys.


Who is the shopped guy?

Attached: 155548886.png (710x663, 924K)

>this level of newfaggotry
my lord...

Why would netizens of Yea Forums care for these people? You are the newfag here.

Yea Forums is really dead.


old enough to know your Yea Forumsermins like to spam that image in your containment board you mong.
Just fucking kill yourself.

serious bruh moment here

>Yea Forums is really dead
Yea Forums died when he left us

Attached: OUR GUY.jpg (1594x2057, 583K)

posting on based thread

Attached: MUDA.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

top cuck

looks like green day is having a bad day

Even the blue boards are 18+. You'll have to come back in a few years.

Fuck you guys I thought the Bog post was funny

I'm sure I'm older than you ;^)

Go to reddit's r/shitpostcrusaders

OP here, I guarantee that if I were to have made a Keit-ai post none of the newfags would have liked it anyway.

Pleasing /u/ and /c/ is hard.


check 'em