Well Yea Forumsnons?

Well Yea Forumsnons?

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>implying i have a job

I only just started, but I'm not gonna lie, that is my relationship goal.

I’ll only accept if I were a shota with a posse of other shota-Anons ready to dump a load on her together in this scenario

What Job?


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0 times 2 still means 0

Isekais are more grounded in reality than this.

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>Monster Musume but with /ss/

>beautiful, intelligent woman w/ six figure career offers to let you stay-at-home dad while she provides for the family
name a better fantasy, I dare you

>cheats on your with her boss when she's "working late"
>kids are actually his but you don't find out till you're 40 and doc tells you you've been infertile

I'd still take it. Basically means I still got to do nothing for 20~ years and now I don't even have to worry about the kids because they're not mine.

>that they need you in their life
that someone can actually love them

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It'd suck.

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sensible responses by anons, how quaint...

Good mantra. I will remember this next time I want to kill myself.

How the fuck do you ensure your woman doesn't cheat on you and make you pay for another man's kids? Be poor?

Marry 2D.

Damn this is actually my dream life. I don't want to be a wagecuck salaryman like everyone around me I just want to cook good food so my wife can be happy.

Wholesome as fuck user. Thanks.

Campaign for mandatory paternity tests.

find a yandere

chances are most anons here have yandere tendencies either way

Literally what is the downside of being a househusband? It's basically being a NEET except you have a lovely wife and cute kids to take care of. It's basically being an evolved NEET

Jesus fucking Christ shit like this is depressing
>his only biological child is the social outcast who gets bullied
That's gotta hurt, fuck that guy's wife, why do some women have to be so cruel

Does her arm not strike you as unreasonably long or thin or bendy anons. Or is that blurred rodlike object not an arm at all but actually a dick??

Where's the first page user?

>actually being able to tear your eyes away from her boobs

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Who can some people be so blind and not notice their partners don't love them?

Is that what insin woman tell themselves along with that shit Monroe quote to excuse themselves?

Maybe they just don't have anything to compare against.

They should've watched anime.

I wonder how common children being another mans is. I feel like there’s a lot of stories like this

It's illegal to get paternity test in france because it would "threaten sanctity of marriage" so probably a whole lot.

Your woman doesn't respect you because she is the provider.

Oh no no no no

>shit is this bad

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>You will never be taken by a girl and be reminded that you belong to her and only her

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>Paternity tests were banned in France 15 years ago. If French customs intercept DNA samples or results in the mail, the perpetrators in theory risk up to a year in prison and a €15,000 fine. The French Council of State upheld the law on May 6th, saying it did not want “to upset the French regime of filiation” and that the intent of lawmakers was to preserve “the peace of families”. On May 15th, the German Bundesrat adopted a similar measure.

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People who kill for life insurance anyways get caught its laughable.

Yep, and that means they've never loved anyone too.

huh... somehow france keeps reaching new bottom heights

As long as she buys me a new graphics card

Honestly true. I'm so used to uncompromisingly doing what I want I can't imagine having to share my life with someone. It'd have to be like 2 independent people just living together with brief exchanges.

Really makes you wonder how women stand being supported and disrespected by their breadwinner husbands, to be honest.

Why did she just hand something like this over to snake? Is she trying to get them to fuck and break the law?

You're basically useless and fucked if she decides to leave you. I also personally couldn't stand living like a NEET 24/7. That being said, I can understand why some people would be ok with it though.

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Women complain when theyre a housewife, then complain when theyre the provider. What the fuck do they want?

It's over, my debts start being debts this month. How do I make money? I hear drawing nasty ass furry commissions pays well, the only downside being it's fucking nasty ass furry commissions.

A job?

>cerea going straight for the kill with no hesitation

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Because like a househusband it has all the benefits of being a NEET but it's more accepted since it's a historical/cultural norm in most societies. I completely agree being a househusband sounds amazing but the other user is right. You don't get respected by society.

>>stay-at-home dad
What the hell are you talking about? You're not the father, you're her pet.

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Any rich idol interested in making me her slave?

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You to tell them what they want.

>pony tail
I am hard.

No wonder he got cucked

>take the offer
>use my surge of free time to engage in a lucrative enterprise
>suddenly have more money than her
Your move, wife. A marital arms race has begun.

It's only 4 pages including the OP image.

>husband has to pay alimony and child support
>on top of the wife's current earnings

>My sister is a model student who is actually a pervert that constantly fucks me dry
Name a more generic and over-used setup.

I have a job but I never find a girl like this.

your mom

This isn't exactly true. Paternity tests are legal in France BUT you must use a court-sanctionned laboratory to perform it. You cannot use a foreign laboratory or over the counter tests. So while legal it's a lot more expensive and requires a lot more red tape than in other countries. The goal is that only people with strong doubts bother to have a test.

>implying I'd ever, EVER get in a relationship with anyone
It'd never work, my trust is so low that I could never start a relationship with someone no matter the benefit. I mean sure we could be friends but that's it, no more.

If you're from /ic/ you'd notice that the perspective is fucked up.

>yandere dom onee-san NTRs brother's girlfriend

Read beastars and go the furry route, you will come to like it, don't draw the asshole in detail though that will ruin your mind.

Going to bed on a full tummy and never waking up

>The goal is that only people with strong doubts bother to have a test.
More like the goal is to prevent men from knowing whether their children are really theirs while pretending they're all about liberté.


>I'll feed you instead
Please feed me via your breast milk desu

>Paternity tests are legal in France BUT you must use a court-sanctionned laboratory to perform it.
It has to be court ordered not just court lab.
You have to go nuclear and you're screwed if you were wrong.
If you can just order one you can do it in secret and make decision from there.

Immediate impregnation will follow.
If she says it's a lie I will then proceed to cry my soul out.

Name a more generic and over-used response

Blacksad would be better to read.

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This, and mother must agree to do them. If she doesn't then tough luck, the kid is yours.

I'd split up if my so became the breadwinner

Around 30% in the US IIRC.

Holy shit I think I've decided I'm never getting married

>If French customs intercept DNA samples or results in the mail
Can't the labs email you the results? It's 2019.

I don't get this logic. Are people who do this just gigantic little bitches who think that your partner earning more money is somehow them beating you at some made up game, or find it embarrassing that you're doing well financially, just not by what you earn alone?

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It all boils down to instincts. One of women's instincts is wanting security from their men. It doesn't matter how much she earns, if she doesn't feel secure with you, she won't see you as a man. It's why hypergamy is a thing.
They really shot themselves in the foot with the whole feminism thing.

If a man fails at something/his woman is better at something that is supposed to his role, he feels emasculated

There's another example of instincts kicking in. Feeling emasculated = realizing you aren't seen as a mating option.


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I think nowadays, it's just feeling financially secure in general. There's a lot of things you can purchase if you have ample money: Good skincare, spa, big houses, branded clothes, vacations to show off on insta etc.

It doesn't need to be a man either, I think feeling financially secured from a stable job and supportive parents should be enough for millenial women.

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Not just financially secure. Be big and strong so you can protect her from creeps and would-be rapists. Be skilled in many things so you can build new shit or repair shit that breaks at your home. Be smart so you can solve other problems. Basically, show that she can leave everything to you, and she'll want to fuck you and do other stuff for you like cooking.
Again, feminism has made things harder for everyone. Maybe we indeed kept women down and forced them to be weaker, poorer and stupider than they could've been, but at least everyone's reproductive instincts were satisfied that way.

it's more of the power dynamics within a relationship

the ideal house setup was that the mother would take care of the children, but that can no longer be done today, which results in a lot of broken families.

There's no way it's that high.

>Not just financially secure. Be big and strong so you can protect her from creeps and would-be rapists. Be skilled in many things so you can build new shit or repair shit that breaks at your home. Be smart so you can solve other problems.
Women are capable of all this too, no reason to divide things up by gender. Both men and women can have money and smarts and both men and women can be nurturing

But then you get women whose dating options are limited due to hypergamy and men who can't find a lower-status woman.

I went deeper. It is 32% on people who take paternity tests, meaning they have reasons to be suspicious. On the average population it is between 3-10%.

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Reverse image search dude.
That's how I found it.

That means he can just kill his wife and groom the daughter to become his future waifu

What your mom moans when I fuck her in the ass


No thank you lady
I'm not a puppy

I call bullshit

How did he not know?

Why do this hit so close, bros?

They are all cruel

Wtf bros, my father made it somehow. He stay home doing house labors while my mom go to work

I'm going to kill myself today.

nice, see you tomorrow!

Do something before you die faggot, get tons of jew loans or steal from bad rich guys to help people or have fun before you go.

Men will always believe two thing about a women if she tries hard enough to convince him:
She could use his help
She finds him attractive

IIRC the stat is 30% of relationships aren't totally monogamous (including both cheating and consensual open relationships), not that 30% of kids are born from cuckolding
That was a single digit percentage, if I remember right, still pretty horrible but not 30%


Never gonna get in a relationship in my life, never have never will

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Maybe you should try getting one

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What, just so he can quit?

don't worry, your mom still loves you


>ITT herbivore males

at least go out in a dramatic way, crash a plane into a school or something

>being a non herbivore men for whores

>being so beta and whipped at the idea of being a man that can stand up for himself that you actually believe this

>remember that no woman will actually bother with your sorry independent ass
bros why does that have to be this way?

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Have empathy

God, I wish I could, mommy.

Seriously though, without a job I would fucking kill myself out of boredom.

Why, so that he may work so miserable job for shitty pay which he will hate?

is this considered reverse findom

The downside is that all women want to be provided for and protected, not to have to do that shit themselves.

I'd rather be independent and lonely every now and then than dependent and believing my own well being and survival is the responsibility of someone else.

Just because you have been programmed to think like a fucking wageslave doesn't mean all of us are. I can just play games, watch anime and shit post on chan all day long without ever getting bored.

Go for a girl with abandonment issues.

i fucking wish

You mean a girl who'll give it up to any guy who shows her a bit of emotional commitment?

Face it, all women are disloyal and prone to seeking out better options by nature. The most you can home for in a relationship is one who can fight through that inherent urge because you provide security.

How long have you been here? I've got 11+ years under my belt. Yea Forums got stale long time ago, I'm coming back here only out of habit. Same goes for games and anime. There is only so much times I can replay Baldur's gate trilogy and rewatch Banner of the Stars before it gets boring. You will get to my stage in few years.

That arm creeps me out


My fucking brother of excellent taste.

I started using chan some 10+ years ago and no I don't get bored there is always new games and anime to look forward to. Just from this year I already finished REmake 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, DMC V and enjoyed them all. For the rest of the year there is Death Stranding to be excited for.

For anime, while this season has been absolute trash I really look forward to summer one since it looks really good.