Is Spy x Family the most promising new manga?
Is Spy x Family the most promising new manga?
its okay. Needs more chapters though
It got too popular too quickly for it own good. The latest chapter was shit and its fanbase is already shit
I am intrigued by the Luger Hi-Power.
You're not wrong. I just hope vol. 1 sells well this week.
Why is the image quality from MangaPlus so fucking shitty and jarring?
Owait, next month I mean.
>something got popular so we must hate it now
What is this? Yea Forums?
The last thread went to complete shit while the one before it was comfy as fuck. It's not farfetched to think that the thread quality is going to drop even further.
How does that affect the quality of the chapter? Besides the people bitching about the thread being shit were by far the most annoying thing in the last thread
I think it needs to take it slow. Lloyd went from just using Anya and Yoru to flipping out over Anya crying and almost blowing the mission after no real bonding time.
>How does that affect the quality of the chapter?
It does not. However there is a general paranoia that the more popular a series gets, the more likely it is that it will go to shit. I personally believe this to be unfounded, but there are many anons who will disagree with me.
Having a shit fanbase gives off the illusion that the series' quality has gone to shit
It depends. 5to has an extremely shitty fanbase but the series quality (and the impression it gives) has stayed largely the same.
Author has really issues with pacing. He can go too fast or too slow.
Though I think that its just Yoru being drunk and that Anya hits all the affection points well since she can read fucking minds
First 3 chapters were good, the latest one were kinda meh and repetitive
need more comedy and less drama, also repetitive gag will get boring really fast
>expecting threads not to drop down
at best you can only hope it would bearable
Its still in its introductory arc so I don't know yet
As much as cute Anya is.
Most of us came here because of this page.
Need more like this. Thankfully we got more shenanigans for Yoru and Lloyd since Anya have passed now
>Yea Forums didn't enjoy ÉLÉGÁNTÉ
>However there is a general paranoia that the more popular a series gets, the more likely it is that it will go to shit.
You are the only one with the hysteria here, how about taking some Prozac pills before posting?
I really wish we have more Yoru and Twilight chapters.
She hasn't really form a connection with them so far
So much this.
>repetitive gag
>less drama
Aha the plotfags/shitnenfags of gutter trash wsj manga series are already following Spy x Family. No wonder the threads are shit.
Not until we get more Thorn Princess Vs Twilight shit.
I need that Mr and Ms smith shtick
No. Stop reading it. So I can have it for myself.
I don't want you faggots ruining it for me.
And we don't want you to ruin it for us, faggot.
Glad we agree then.
Need more Spy and Hitman chaps
Hopefully it would focus on Twilight and Yoru nxt chapter
>The last thread went to complete shit
you're being hyperbolic. There were a few NTRfags but it was mostly business as usual
Yeah. It promises new plot for doujins. Anya ones would be the hottest though
I came here because of legs tho
>I need that Mr and Ms smith shtick
Plot-wise not going to happen. They work different fields. That movie was not that good because forced drama. Think more Fun With Dick and Jane.
First chapters were good, Anya a cute. Recent chapters not much, but i hope it picks up again, i wonder if Anya's school time, Yoru focused or maybe husband and wife charade
>i wonder if Anya's school time, Yoru focused or maybe husband and wife charade
probably this.
Lloyd is focus on Anya since she's his mission so both their developments are knot together. While Yoru is a different manner in a way that she has to fake about her marriage with Lloyd and brother make her brother think that she's doing well in order to keep her job and not get labeled as a spinster.
Anya's bit is done so we're probably moving to the fuck she would explain to her bother why she didn't invite him to her wedding and that she married a year ago