Which one has better character development?

Which one has better character development?

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One piece's strong point isn't really it's character development, Hunter x Hunter is more psychologically focused and character driven so it's kind of unfair to compare the 2

One Piece.

One Piece has barely any character development save for like three dudes

>character development
pick one
plus the female cast is just an excuse for fanservice

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Manga/anime on the right

One Piece's character development can be boiled down to
for every character and very little change to the actual character as the story goes on.

>character driven

One Piece.
HxH characters don't develop and mature. If anything they devolve and become more one dimensional as time goes by and Togashi forgets what they were about (see: Gon)

HxH has like 2 good female character though

why is it unfair to compare the two if character development is by far the most important aspect of a series? if you presented me with a turd in every chapter and the mangaka said "it's not really a traditional character-driven or adventure manga. my intent is to elicit feelings through showing you this same turd every week", i would say that the manga is shitty because it doesn't have character development or adventure or anything.

And One Piece characters do? Luffy has been the same autistic faggot for 16 years, much like yourself

The Great Debate 2: Electric Boogaloo
Seriously, just call this thread what it really is.

the only aspect OP DON'T HAVE is character development, don't fuck with us and say the obvious answer, HxH

Neither. They can't even come halfway close to the best ongoing manga.

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First, kill yourself and stop making these stupid threads. Second, none of the two series you posted have any character development. Hell, in OP the characters keep commiting the same mistakes.

wan piss dum shit for babies

2 more than OP

HxH has like 2 female characters

=> assblasted

>One piece doesn't have character developement

oh right, I have forgotten the tremendous background story that every protagonist has
such development here!

Is this what you OPfags consider character development?

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I won't say that one piece has a tremendous amout of character development, but if you believe it has none at all you clearly haven't been looking. Have you recently read through any of the older parts of one piece? I did, and there was a lot of stuff in it that I didn't appreciate 6 years ago. The most clear usage of character development probably comes from Usopp. When he fights Luffy for the Merry, he isn't just fighting to keep the Merry. The Merry is being left behind because it's weak. Then why shouldn't Usopp be left behind as well? He's very weak; what is his place in the straw hat pirates, but a burden? In the fight against that wolf boy, later in the arc, he decides to stand his ground and fight, only for him to be a burden to Zoro and to get beaten up. But then later, his sniping skills save Robin and he stands firmly next to the strawhat pirates. In the thriller bark arc he's the only one who can stand up to ghost girl and in dressrosa, he decides to stand up to superior foes, not by overpowering them, but by outwitting them. Even if he doesn't succeed the way the wanted to, he's ultimately rewarded for it. Because that's what one piece does: it rewards those who stand up for themselves and others, even in insurmountable odds. Usopp tried to be strong. He tried to be someone he wasn't, a super hero: Sniper king. But ultimately he's best of being himself and his character arc is about finding that out and finding a way to be useful to the straw hats. But of course, One piece doesn't have any character development and is a show for autistic teens etc. etc.

Uh, no. Why do you ask?

I don't quite get your point you want to make.
Do you mean Zoro is the example or this particular page?

> won't say that one piece has a tremendous amout of character development
>Have you recently read through any of the older parts of one piece?
god, OP needed 900+ chapter for a minuscule development? fucking kek!
>He's very weak; what is his place in the straw hat pirates, but a burden? In the fight against that wolf boy, later in the arc, he decides to stand his ground and fight, only for him to be a burden to Zoro and to get beaten up.
mixing character development with power up, plus Usopp has faced his fears and enemies since Arlong Park, so that's a no development

Full Metal Alchemist

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