Mangaka loves the English fan translations and even helps them out by giving raws

>mangaka loves the English fan translations and even helps them out by giving raws

How come this is so rare? More often I see authors sperging out and threatening to quit because they're so triggered by foreigners reading their content.

Attached: ogu.jpg (332x168, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The ones that sperg are the ones that actually have a chance at official English releases
Far and away most don't

Big businesses don't like Artists who aren't over protective of their copyrights because it means they'll have conflict with said copyrights.

It's why before and during the early years of the internet, all authors would sperg out over fan fiction and demand it taken down or yell at people/pursue legal action against them until pre-insanity JK Rowling and the advent of the internet normalized it and the big business felt it'd be too much bad publicity

Right now the Japanese are stuck in trying to have the global market while dealing with a fanbase that is used to having to do things for themselves and so you still have a lot that sperg out over fan translation rather than realizing that demand is there so they should be pumping this shit out at the same time but that's hard for a bunch of xenophobic nips

Attached: fdshdfgf.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

I should've finished the thought

The problem is that despite most not having a chance at official translations, most don't even have it on their radar as a result
So what you get if a bunch of popular authors bitching, 90% being ignorant, and the remainder being the op image

Nah, small ones sperg out too. Followed one on twitch that immediately was like "Are you trying to ruin me?", "Stop that!" (looking at shit online). He was really stupid about it too. Instead of trying to maximize his income with something like "if you can't buy my doujinshi, come support me on twitch!" he would get a LOT of people regularly giving him more money to work with. But no, he wouldn't even mention anything like that. So ultimately, I think they may just be a bit naive and idealistic when it comes to this. Not too surprised, looking at the media they produce to be honest

I don't think that's the right word for the mindset that pirates are the enemy who ruin everything.

Sometimes artists just sell physical copies on limited amounts and exclusively for certain events, then get ape shit when someone scan their works that are already impossible to get on a way that could directly support them.

I think what you describe is just a symptom. The real idealistic part is "I'm gonna be an author who lives of doing nothing but what he loves" and "I'm good enough to pay for all my bills with my artistic works" or something like that. Because with that mindset, hell yea you will hate every pirate and refuse to take opportunities that might make you money. But for most artists, that's going to remain a dream

Wow, cool story OP, it's nice to see someone so cordial and polite. Their manga must be gre—
>see the manga

I'm done with this world.

Attached: 1505976760605.jpg (128x215, 17K)

Naive, arguably ignorant.

Reeeeee, stop pirating this story I wrote which only has 500 physical copies in existence!

Attached: ainz sperg.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

>The ones that sperg are the ones that actually have a chance at official English releases
lol no
The literally whos are the ones who sperg out the hardest because they think it's "harming their chances" despite the fanscans bringing their shit to attention it would never have received otherwise, but most importantly, they show their true colors by always sperging out about MUH LOST SALES ONE DOWNLOAD = LOST SALE BAAAAAW.

>hurr durr why don't authors not only allow people to pirate their work for free but also help them do it?
I wonder.

link to exhentai page?

If you cannot use piracy to your advantage and to spread your name in these modern times of ours then you're a complete failure as an artist and producer of content.

>OMG!!! Uh. Yeah.

Why do people write like that? I mean, why do they sperg out like an insecure faggot or valley girl, when they're typing shit out?

>More often I see authors sperging out and threatening to quit because they're so triggered by foreigners reading their content.
No you don't. You saw one dude make a salty offhand joke on twitter. He's not going to dwell on it or quit because of it. You self-absorbed weebs really blow this Overlord thing way out of proportion to suit your ego. Did you ever consider that the vast majority of artists are in the middle and don't speak in English but appreciate their readers? I don't see the mangaka of popular shounen series bitching about how their tweets are now full of cancerous replies by gaijin. I bet a lot of them find it cute.

Because interacting with foreigners, especially Americans and English usually means them telling you to stop what you're doing.

>I don't see the mangaka of popular shounen series bitching about how their tweets are now full of cancerous replies by gaijin
Because it would be a fucking PR disaster you retard.
You really think a SJ mangaka could go and publicly say FUCK GAIJINS AND FUCK AMERICA AND FUCK NIGGERS BRING BACK THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN without a massive shitstorm blowing?

Probably because they're really excited that the author for the work they're translating actually contacted them, user.

I don't know, why do some people write like they're on gamergate-era Yea Forums and insert 'sperg', 'autistic', and 'faggot' into every post they can?

>pre-insanity JK Rowling
Can someone explain this to me? Did she go off the deep end? In what way?

And you think that's a reason to act like a stereotypical effeminate faggot?

Nowadays acting like that is "normal". And that's a good thing, and it's wonderful.

>Nowadays acting like that is "normal". And that's a good thing, and it's wonderful.
fuck off back to your discord

Attached: 1552434578519.jpg (2670x1570, 855K)

JK Rowling wrote a series of average but very popular children to young adult novels in the late 90s to mid 00s.

During this time she was very in touch with the youth and young adults who worked on said books. At the end of the series though, she realized that her books did not contain very many "divisive" themes and so in an effort to become "woke" made Dumbledore gay after the final book was out.

What followed was a constant string of JK trying to prove how "woke" and "progressive" she was despite writing a book series about 3 white, good looking children going to an almost entirely white school with other good looking children with an almost entirely white cast.

Because "autistic" and "faggot" are part of the vernacular on Yea Forums, and "sperg" was used by the OP, you autistic faggot.

this about sums it up

No one was asking for you to state the obvious, you insufferable bitch. The point is that a creator getting vocally upset over their works being pirated overseas is a very rare occurrence, and not in the OP's words, "more often". You're just choosing to focus on the one happenstance out of a thousand.

Uh. Yeah. Could you like. Not.

>JK trying to prove how "woke" and "progressive" she was despite writing a book series about 3 white, good looking children going to an almost entirely white school with other good looking children with an almost entirely white cast
I mean, wasn't she living out of a gutter at some point? I highly doubt she's actually woke and progressive or gives a fuck about anything except not going back to the gutter.

Have you been living under a fucking rock?

I’ve read all the books, some of them like 4 or 5 times. I don’t remember Dumbledore being a fag.

JKR struggled in getting published, so I'm sure she values getting more books published over being pointed out as a complete hypocrite.

Also, YAshit is a total dumpster fire at the moment you retard

umm no sweaty

I'm obviously being sarcastic user. C'mon son.

Yes, but see, she's not the gutter wench she was anymore. She's one of the richest women in the world.

And now being surrounded by other rich people all the time, she has to deal with rich banter, in which her case, she gets reminded of what Harry Potter means and what harry Potter was as written was the story of pretty white people fighting evil white people. Not woke at all.

It was added after the books were finished when it couldn't affect her bottom dollar. Basically a little note added at the end.

Yes, user but that was 20 years ago. The JK Rowling now cares that she didn't care about being woke.

She announced it on an interview years later the series ended.

Holy shit, who hurt this artist. This wasn't 3 minutes in ms paint, someone put time and effort into making this, in their mind, as incisive and hateful as possible. What a no life.

You're missing the point mate.
Even if she's actually not woke at all, she has to appear being so because right now being woke is what is in and popular right right now. And when you're dealing with rich people society, you either fall in line or you know who does you know what.

She doesn't have to worry about shit. She can sell shit based on her fame alone. She's also filthy rich, so even if she never wrote or published anything again, she could spend the rest of her life spewing her retarded opinions on Twitter, and never have to worry about money.

oh shit, my apologies then. with how retarded the average person on this board is nowadays i can't tell who's pretending and who isn't anymore.

Fuck that dumb whore.

Hierarchy of needs user. When you don't have to worry about food and shelter your brain doesn't just stop being worried. You just start looking for validation on Twitter.

>Actually getting triggered by that picture
Are you a legit twitter discord tranny? Congratulations on making the artist's time worth it with your butthurt about it. Seems like it hit a tad close home.

>with how retarded the average person on this board is nowadays i can't tell who's pretending and who isn't anymore.
Really sad times we live in, isn't it?


The ones that sperg out actually have the potential to get official English releases and want to protect their intellectual property so they can keep making a living doing their art. Very few are actually elitist xenophobes. The ones who actually embrace fan translations like that usually have another job or some other form of income to support themselves and their art is a hobby and not how they make a living. Especially so if they’re niche or doing hentai, since there’s a zero percent chance they’ll ever get official releases outside their original niche market.

Looks like it must have hit the nail on the head, based on your reaction. I mean, here we are, pissing our time away on an anime board on Yea Forums, and you think someone spending time scrawling up that thing isn't being more productive with their time?

Maybe because they don't want uneducated foreigners reading the stuff they put out because by exposing said group to it, it's intrinsic value is lessened. You know how we view spics on Yea Forums? That's how mangaka should view westerners

The real question is why did our guy Marmalade have to get hit by the nippon tax federation?

I'd love to see how long you autistic retarded cowards last before getting blacklisted from the industry altogether because you were too stupid to make one tweet in line with the party line. Calm your fucking titties, even drawfags off 4chin do that shit or avoid talking politics at all, unless they are a complete retard.

>even drawfags off 4chin
No we don't, faggot.

You do unless you are ngmi and don't have any followers or don't draw for money in the first place.


Dude, you're crazy. There's a gorillion of artists out there whose hubs are 99% politics an 1% art.

Nope. Not everyone takes it up the ass like you do, faggot.

>being blacklisted from an industry of homos

Imagine being such a kneejerk faggot that the mere mention of politics, even when it's relevent to the discussion, sends you into a fuming autistic rage.

Attached: 1552875198170.png (455x509, 328K)

>pedo happy he's spreading his disease FOR FREE

WOW, no wonder the others get mad

There's no need to project your issues here and get combative user. I'm a dude, for starters. Just amazed by that picture because the way the artist uses all of the media. It seems sad to use good shows like Yuru Yuri and Girls Last Tour for an ebin meltdown about how all trannies are dirty basement dwellers or whatever.

Like, the person drawing that is clearly a fan of a lot of anime, so weaponizing all of it to make such a hateful image strikes me as super self deprecatory. Really sinking the boat to get the captain, so to speak.

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It's a good picture.

Ogu's particular niche is literally impossible to legally sell in the West so of course they wouldn't mind scanlations

>implying J.K. rowling is under any risk of being blacklisted
>implying there is a secret book publisher cabal that forces their authors to tweet stupid shit
>implying anime

To be fair so is the Overlord author's limited release novel.

>who am i quoting?

t. massive poorfag who has no idea how high society even works
Trust me. Shit is straight up like from Mexican telenovelas, or worse.

I have never understood the need to act excited in the written form, I cannot recall the last time I unironically typed a sentence with an exclamation point. I blame it on normalfags.

>That triggered by a picture
Guess we know who it speaks to

White Privilege™️

>More often I see authors sperging out and threatening to quit because they're so triggered by foreigners reading their content.
Name 5 authors who did this.
You probably saw one or two authors making a joke about it and you got mad.
There was one writer (plays and literature) from my country who said that he couldn't care less about foreigners or the translations of his work because he was writing in our language to our people. Some American editors got mad, but the writer just said whatever because he was too old and famous to give a shit.

What exactly was he mad about again? Or was it just a salty joke tweet like said?

>please don't use good anime in a satirical piece
You're the only one here getting defensive senpachi.

Crimes of Grindelwald is the worst piece of shit I've ever seen, and that has nothing to do with any of the politics in it
JKR is a hack

>You probably saw one or two authors making a joke about it and you got mad.
Well yeah, OP reads some pedo fetish manga about urethral and vaginal experiments and surgeries on a 3yo girl. It's an understatement to say that OP has some mental issues.

So, what other amazing story between japanese author and fan translation exist out there?
The greatest example would be Ryukishi07 IMO, and the lesser amazing one is stuff like how Zero to Maria author was surprised that the novel is more famous overseas than in japan.

Then why didn't you mention those things from the get-go? No matter how you twist it, it seemed like you really did get triggered at the picture because it was spot-on rather than on the general effort put on a shitposting wojak picture which is a more reasonable response. Even I sometimes would rather pretend to think that these pictures come out to excitement on their own because it's a preferable to thinking someone actually put time and effort into making them. What amazes me the most is how quickly they seem to appear. If there's a big event, it's not even five minutes and there's already 10 new wojaks about it.

Nothing defensive about what I said user, you were just making wrong assumptions and it was clear they were influencing your small cow brain that lights up when you see red, so I thought I'd clear the air to help you think better.

Apparently this dude translates twitter and pixiv manga with the author's permission

which manga?

I'm not even original guy you were talking to.
>Immediately throws a fit
Kek, yeah not defensive at all. Are you also one of those guys that writes an essay about how Shirou isn't a self insert?

Attached: 1555565670913.png (853x480, 375K)

okay forget abou it

look up ogu on sadpanda

- Mamare "Tax Evader" Touno have Q&A in Yea Forums
- Tanigawa Nico's first time seeing uncensored dick is thanks to Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

Struck a nerve i see

I checked her twitter once and she's one of those radical libtards that try to bring racism and LGBT into every single issue.

A lot of people don't seem to remember, but in the late 2000s, a common theme in newspapers, magazines and editorials was that young people weren't interested in politics and weren't protesting enough. Various polls showed that feminism was more or less dead, and most people considered the equality battle won. Female celebrities who were interviewed often claimed they weren't feminists, because they associated feminism with radicals or because they said they had never been disciminated against.
Then in a matter of a few years in the early 2010s, they just flipped everything on its head. It's fucking insane how a bunch of screaming apes and sensationalism in the media can create a generation of hysterical, spoiled morons who want to fight imaginary enemies for shit they already have. I wonder to what degree it was orchestrated, and to what degree it's simply a side-effect of social media becoming mainstream.

Just this week the Overlord author threatened to axe it just because someone translated the short story that came as a BD bonus for the S3 boxset

>come support me on twitch
To be fair, Japanese people don't like begging, getting tips or donations. They only want to get money for the work they've done. It's a different culture.

Dude, the post you're replying to is talking about that.

Kamiya does it

That's true and I did not consider it for that specific example. But there are other ways of achieving the same thing. A great example is for the Jin manga by Motoka Murakami:

This is not something that happens "often" like the OP said.

Kamiya is more or less his own man. He's not under the thumb of Shonen Jump like their mangakas (except Togashi who's the one who has SJ by ball in this case) are.

Imagine a toddlercon artist having more human decency than whatever asshat writes Overlord

Discord tranny detected

One can actually draw(I assume) and the other just leeches of retarded westaboos while not being able to write and having a shitty western inspired artist for his series. I wouldn’t give a shit if I hit that lottery either.

That reminds me of the time when Fukumoto Nobuyuki was at Desucon (Finland, 2010) and when the audience was asked who had read his manga in actual physical form, practically nobody raised their hands. Must have felt weird for him to be invited to a foreign event and then realize nobody is reading his manga legally.

Attached: IMG_1803.jpg (1600x1200, 155K)

Well, did the Finnish language version exist back then?

Does it exist now?

Did they invited him there because Moomin's face is shaped like his character?

He don't think he care, for example he was supporting a vtuber that was using an Kaiji avatar illegally, who had to stop because copyrights even though the author said he was ok with him using the Kaiji avatar

Considering how much money the media STILL gets to keep spreading sensationalist stories I'd say it's pretty damn orchestrated.

Obviously I was quoting

It's honestly really goddamn weird to me. I just don't get it, considering the entire setting of the series, you'd think that the author would be 100% a bro. I mean, he's clearly a westaboo, likes Western things, is heavily inspired by western works, yet he gets asspained that western peoples are translating a work of his that'll take like damn near a year to officially be translated.

Hell, it's one thing to simply say that it sucks, it's another to go: "Well, I think I'm just gonna axe my own series earlier and rush through it!". That's honestly more assholish than what JK Rowling's done to her own series. At least she's ignorantly trying to add onto it. This guy's taking away from his series out of spite.

Attached: 1508799152795.gif (512x807, 434K)

Ironically leftists hate her for being a white feminist "TERF"
Can't ever win

I think the point is that the written word gives you a moment to experience excitement and express it privately before constructing a response. There's absolutely no reason your reply needs to be written as a stream of conscious. It's especially jarring given that this is essentially an offer to work together and should be treated professionally, as the other person did. I would imagine it makes it harder for non-native speakers to understand as well.

>likes Western things
This is flag 1 for why he would be a completely hypocritical retarded whiny moron, not why he would be a bro.

Pretty much. Look at Type Moon. Nasu is a massive westaboo but the fucker has never once ever tried to bring his work to English speaking audiences 15 years. All you're seeing now is only thanks to Aniplex.

people are all different, some artists hate gaijins that "steal" their works, others stream, have a patreon and love any support the western fanbase can deliver to them. being a mangaka of any type is hardcore as fuck, I understand why some of them gets pissed as fuck for any kind of scan of their art.

I've seen this term used a lot here this month and only just looked up what it actually meant. I sure wish I didn't.

Attached: 1541355851845.png (443x382, 358K)

I don’t know what it means, and I have no intention of learning.

>One can actually draw(I assume)

oh yes he does


it's basically a woman (or man) who is so deep into women politics that considers other sexual minorities such as trannies oppresive to women

a horseshoe theory personified

Ogu is legit one of the most talented artists out there. If he ever made an all-aged manga it would look amazing.

Unrelated to the topic at hand, sorry. But people have been telling me that there were actually 6 trannies on this picture, counting Alice, but I can only see 5. I was starting to think that the area with the clothes scattered near the Xbox was actually where a tranny died and left no trace of his body due to it decaying completely, but it wouldn't make any sense since the smell would be putrid enough for them not to bother cleaning. Then I thought it was maybe the cat representing a furry faggot, but I don't know. Can some of the "there are actually six trannies here" faggots help me out?

Unless if it was a joke post I took too seriously. In that case, sorry for my autism and move on.

Attached: I'm tired.jpg (404x363, 15K)

>You saw one dude make a salty offhand joke on twitter. He's not going to dwell on it or quit because of it
In the past year alone I have witnessed multiple Japanese MMD model creators nuke their entire online existence while REEEing at gaijin because their stuff was becoming recognised by westerners. It wasn't manga or other writing, but the mentality is the same regardless. Just because you only know of one twitter joke doesn't mean it's not a thing they do.

what to do when your favorite futa artist feels uninspired and you have a lot of ideas for his original characters doing lewd things

Doujin artists can be like this. But mostly if they don't profit from it.

>But people have been telling me that there were actually 6 trannies on this picture, counting Alice, but I can only see 5.
I only see 4, I mean 4, and apparently there's a fifth person. I'm tired.

Attached: Autism.jpg (225x350, 27K)

What author?

Ogu is actually a fucking god, he even put a cameo for LittleWhiteButterflies when they still translated his stuff.

Under the bed, and in the hole in the wall?

Is this THE Ogu? The Oshikko-sensei one? NOICE

I don't care if you prefer fan translations for being more "accurate", think the official licensing industry is a cartel of jews, or pretend you import the Japanese releases to sippo the author. But at least have the honesty to admit that ultimately all your support for fan translations is because you want free shit. It's what I do.

Attached: 1542062838015.gif (282x300, 60K)

>I understand why some of them gets pissed as fuck for any kind of scan of their art.
If they're doing it to support their livelihood I can understand, especially if their work has an official localization. But in the case of those artists who don't release their work to any retailer (Digital or otherwise) I'd like to ask how much money they think they're losing from foreigners looking at their stuff

>hole in the wall
I saw the one under the bed, but not the one hidden by the hole. Thank you user!! Wonder why I couldn't see it before.

Attached: ERIKA.gif (116x110, 66K)

Where did he sneak that cameo?

There's nothing funnier than a hardcore leftie getting hounded and eaten by other lefties because "she's not progressive enough anymore". It's never ends, it's never enough with those people.

The TV in chapter 5 of oshikko sensei I think, the brand name is LittleWhiteButterflies

Actually I see why my mind overlooked that spot. It's because I thought it was yet another dirty stain.

Attached: 7cba4b695afb508ad60cc3987663e4a5b04457ac1d95e7e2bbe3846a13be6d09.png (766x771, 388K)

Why is free stuff so much better then stuff you pay for?

At least the cool artists realize accessibility is important and put their stuff up digitally for people that legally can't own a physical copy.

With how corporatized everything is nowadays I'd rather just pirate the fuck out of anything I consume and if I like it try to contact the creator directly and send them the money directly too. Fuck "supporting the author" all so that Yen Press or Kadokawa or whoever ends up pocketing 99% of the profits.

No buyers remorse

I’m scared of whoever drew this

Unironically trannies are oppressive to women.

I want to translate manga/weeb games and get minimal wage out of it, how doable is that? Have translated some free games for free before, know how much effort and boring work it takes.

Sol Press were talking about hiring inexperienced fan-tls a few months ago. If you wanna make money you gotta freelance for a localization company, fan-tls do it for free.

Not really an achievable goal unless you get a actual job as a translator or end up one of those scanlators that beg for money ad delay releases for more adbux.

Oh fuck it's that guy

Forgot link

I do like free stuff, but the quality of official releases just do NOT satisfy.
>One Piece manga renames Zoro "Zolo" even though the former is how it's written in English on his wanted posters in the original manga
>Funimation still calling Freeza "Frieza" even though the former is how it's spelled in English on his poster in the Super anime
>Sony Playstation adding in big white censor rays all over the English releases of their animu tiddie games
>Loads of video games coming without the original Japanese language track included, or selling it as DLC

I don't want to pay money for an inferior product. Fan translations of anime, manga, video games etc/undubs are so often just as good if not better, and without retarded censoring and localization decisions.

It depend on luck, just like real life.
There's a now-retired RPGmaker translator who get $2.000 in donation for his works.
If you can get the correct audience, you will get what you wanted.

That sounds nice, I sure hope it won't require fluent speaking as their actual translator vacancy does.

You don't.
Translating weebshit is a job for failures who couldn't become "real" translators and have to settle for this. Why do you think so many of them hate weebshit and do their utmost to re-write as much whenever they can and inject their politics and personal grievances on it? It's just like how so many game makers, like Kojima, are people who had to settle for making videogames instead. It's why you see so much of a push for cinematic games and hate for "video-gamey" things on videogames from such people as well.
In short, the "pro industry" is not worth it at all. Just start a commission translation group and start uploading shit on sadpanda. You'll make way more than minimum wage if you're good enough.

Explain on your releases how you've had to look after your sick mother for the last 15 years and ask for donations.

The sad thing is that he will get no recognition even though it looks good.

>You self-absorbed weebs really blow this Overlord thing way out of proportion
What Overlord thing? Did Maruyama say something?

Good. I'm fact, I'm sure he wants, likes it and prefers it to be that way.
Making OC for the sake of OC rather than for attention whoring is how it should be.

You must never idolize any people ever in the world, you're so edgy

>The translation for the limited edition novel (only around 7000 copies available, goes as much as 200.000 yen in auction) is also posted in reddit beside the usual place
>Someone (a japanese) noticed it and tweeted it to Maruyama.
Maruyama then tweeted something back, which you should read and translate it yourself to decide whether it's a butthurt response, or an off-hand joke.

people should be rewarded for their hard work

making memes isn't a job

Attached: 37064d0db142537f7c83bf197a8ed92d.jpg (500x375, 21K)

yet its monetized by the worst people

What the hell, it's like those fucks who gatekeep MUGEN characters. Why are people so spergy

It's past your dilation time.

>scan group messages mangaka
>mangaka spergs out and scan group has to stop
Why are groups run by literal retards

I'm not that user, but I am also mystified as to why he put so much effort into this. I'm a draw fag myself and I can't imagine maintaining the emotional state to do something of that's scale. I don't believe anger fueled this creation, so I ask myself, what did?
People churn out these large scaled and highly detailed wojack stuff (like those Satanist female wojack incel ones) so quickly, and I'm left asking myself "why?"
It's all amazing to me, a level of artistry I will never know.

Oy vey that's anti-semetic

I think it is because some doujin artists works in the industry. Some companies forbid artists from spreading their own work without being published from them. Doujin artists the disguise their artstyle, but there's always the chance that their companies find out one way or the other.
Another theory is that artists don't want their companies to know what kind of art they do. Lolicon art, for example, is frowned upon in Japanese mainstream culture.

>trannies (men) calling women bigots for questionning their ideology
We're reaching levels of retardation that shouldn't be possible. What's next?

Attached: 1507627012761.jpg (268x265, 16K)

The artists I know of are pretty cool about it at least.

There was this one artist who personally didn't mind his stuff being translated, but would prefer it if people at least ask permission first. He even offered to provide better quality raws if people contacted him directly.

For these chill artists, their primary rule of thumb is as long as you don't profit off their work, they're cool with it. And at the very least, if it's a recently released book, wait for a while before translating/scanning it so that they can maximize the sales and consignments within the immediate few months. For their older stuff though, some artist just outright give away the raw book files too.

>I'd like to ask how much money they think they're losing from foreigners looking at their stuff
You think the wrong way.

They probably don't even care about gaijin reading their works.
But it's damn sure that they'll lose sale, because they know when translated stuffs is out there, so are the untranslated ones.

I think they just hate dirty gaijins seeing their works. Most of them works are intended for a japanese audience and the authors want to keep it that way. Its my guess at least

I can never tell if that's supposed to be a child on the bed.

I always laugh my ass off when I spot one of OGU's mangas on panda, because I always know exactly where things will go (which hole they'll go)
cool to see they're a nice person

>Did Maruyama say something?
he wants to quit and used the fan translation as scapegoat

Nothing amazing, but Dowman Sayman asked about a phrase from Oddman scanlation.



You just have to pick which group is more oppressed. That's basically what social justice is: groups of minorities arguing who is more oppressed.
Thankfully this ideology is still alien to most of the East, especially the 3rd worlds.

I know a lot of eroge devs that do this.

You sure about that statement?
Because from what I've seen, the bitching is about chink uploading their game(piracy).

At least he is not an asshole about the VN.

>actually 6 trannies on this picture
Actually, there are 7 trannies. One of them is a tulpa.

But.. but.. you don't know Japanese so how can you tell if something is of a better quality

Holy fucking shit.
I've seen this picture a billion times and every time I examine it further I find something new.
Whoever made this is an artist, this is a gift that keeps on giving.

Attached: 1328652256204.gif (320x244, 1.9M)

Not him but I know Japanese and can confirm that official translations are usually bad.
Not unreadably bad, but they suffer a bunch of little things that are caused mainly by:
>It being a business and having to conform to certain standards
>The translators often not being fans of the series

Randos in Yea Forums threads consistently produce translations that are much better than anything official.

I heard that it all depends on their big daddy translator. Every company has their own view on how translations should be handled so even if you produce a translation that's faithful to the original companies might want you to localize them even further. 'It should read as if it were originally written in English or whatever.

It always baffles me that randos deliver a better quality product in a shorter amount of time

I only know Jap from watching anime and that's enough to tell stuff like pic related gets a garbage translation. You can hear characters call each other "nii-san", meaning they refer to each other as brothers. What does the translation say? "That gem", or "they", because they are technically genderless and that's the narrative they want to push. Disgusting.

Attached: phos.jpg (720x406, 38K)

>Hell, it's one thing to simply say that it sucks, it's another to go: "Well, I think I'm just gonna axe my own series earlier and rush through it!"
People are ignoring context. He's not going from happily pushing out novels to wanting to half the series run length over this one translation. He's been saying he wants to reduce the series length for years because he's tired of being an author

it's because they actually like the series randos produce better quality translations
compared to a "professional" who could hate a series and is just doing his job

Tsugumomo's mangaka also said several times he support fan translations because otherwise his work would be completely unknown overseas.

He seems to be fine with fan translations, he had posted a few panels from them on a blog of his a while back. It's nice.

He don't fucking care about the west he is a rich man now. Nasu became a lazy piece of shit who don't give a single fuck about his past works, money is scary. FGO was a mistake.

>compared to a "professional" who could hate a series and is just doing his job
Some publishers hire translators from Japan, which results in the straightforward and sort of mechanical translations. Whereas the translators with a stronger grip on English can make it sound more natural, but also occasionally do stupid translations like Tokyopop and Seven Seas

I would hang out with these people