5toubun no Hanayome

Let the bloodshed begin.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ichicute a BEST

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Fuck you and fuck despair.

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Yotsuba is the bride bros.

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miku is best

Zetsuba always wins baby

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>hey look, we can see Kyoto station where we've just been
>wow, you're right
>eh,you're not taking it?
>don't follow me
>wow, there are charms. Let's buy them
>why are you following me? Go away

Attached: 1559532966444.jpg (580x831, 110K)

>ah, it's already this late
>geh, it's already night
>it's because you dragged me around
>Fuutarou-kun was also very into it you know
>(something). You don't have cellphone?
>yeah. Teachers are probably looking for me
>let's just ride the bus for now

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Wasted potential for 4s quints

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>I might have used all my money buying the charms this afternoon
>are you an idiot?
>that's because you bought 5 like an idiot. At least count your money before that
>ahaha, i did it
>just saying, all i have is this 200 yen. I'm not giving it to you
>well, take care

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>i lost it
>my family is poor, every time 5 yen(?)
>fff i should've used that money for coin phone. Oh well, someone will find us anyway.
>Fuutarou-kun, is it not hard not having money?
>what do you mean
>we are also like that

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>you're so mature
>I (ore), I (jibun) gave up because I'm just a kid. Situation and position, everything
>If I want to change, I will be the one to change it. That's what you mean, right
>well... Somehow it makes me embarassed

>I have a little sister

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Lolitsuba is so pretty in this panel. Look at Fuuts' expression.

>for the sake of my mother
>for the sake of Fuutarou-kun's sister
>let's study hard!

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>Yotsuba-kun, what are you doing?

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>fails basic education

Was baiting people to fall into despair part of the plan negi?


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>it's actually one and a half color.

looks like one more flashback chapter after this

Yotsuba x rope is truly OTP

Why do i always enjoy women's suffering?

So there's a page missing between here

Fatty is too cute.

So basically "it's fucking nothing" the chapter?

>loli nino wearing ribbons
>loli miku wearing headphones

both of those are there


Damn, Ichika really devastated Yotsuba by befriending Fuutarou

She looks so happy bros. I want her to smile like that more in the future.

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First page of the second row wasn't posted

Broken Yotsuba is S tier in the hotness scale.

Lads. Yotsuba is unironically going to win, isn't?

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Anyone typesetting these?
I can

Can someone put a montage together of every single time that Yotsuba's had stars in her eyes like this?

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Why the fuck does the nicest quint have to suffer the most?

It's not fair...

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Wait, WAIT
is Maruo not even a step father?
Did he just adopt the kids because he was their mom's doctor and knew how hard they were gonna have it when she's gone?

Why would you do that? Just wait patiently for the scans.

I think Fuutarou knows about
>who is the kisser
>who is rena
>who is lolinakano
But he keeps this for himself like he did with Miku's feelings

Yotsuba would rather hang than slit her wrists.

We got this...*cough*...hopebros

>Dat last page.
We finally get to see Yotsuba's darkness.

He wears a ring so he might have married her before she passed. Though they'd only be together for a month or two

Yotsuba won’t be the kisser. She is too much of a failure to even be successful.

Why not?
Nevermind, the translations are shit anyways

What if he took the ring off her corpse

Maybe that's exactly why the kiss failed

>Why not?
You should know why user. Are you new?

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>5 - 6 years ago
"Fuutarou-kun" (used by present Ichika)
What's the meaning of this?

She was always suffering.


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> 5 years later
"Uesugi Fuutarou-kun" (used by Rena in Seven Goodbyes)

I know he's a pimp from the start. Then Chadtarou took his hos.

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I don’t think Fuutarou can save Yotsuba with sex. It will be cathartic, but it won’t make her happy.

"""Color""" page

Give him some slack, coloring backgrounds are a nightmare.

What does the Zet mean?



aka Itsuki as proxy

I mean, the characters are also barely colored.

Th bottom picture looks like Negi took a photo and put it into a filter.

Now that's more like it.

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I love Nino sweater

Yotsuba needs to be put out of her misery

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I agree, LHT needs to learn their place after they got BTFO by Yea Forums and jumped gun. Not unlike a bunch of other retards who deluded themselves into thinking they knew better.

Lads this chapter has had me at half mast all day. If Negi kun delivers and has Fuuts save Yotsuba and deliver a mutual confession, I might just cream my pants.

It unconventional, but I hope the credits page is Yotsuba's scratched out face as shown in the early spoiler pics we got. It's oddly thematic to the chapter.

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Nino doesn't wear pants and probably underwear when she sleeps. How lewd.

>I, for my mother. Fuutarou-kun for your sister. Let's study hard together
>ah, I haen't used the 200 yen worth of prayer yet. let's split it 100 yen each for me and you
>so that we can be adults who are X(?)

>what did you wish for?
>you can't say it out loud you know
>Yotsuba-kun, what are you doing here

>eh, that person (referrign to Maruo) came here to search
>looks like he was asked by mom who was called by the school
>huh... But because of that you and that boy, fuu-what-it-was-kun, were found. We/I was worried, you know.
>I'm sorry, Nino
>he's still in this inn, right, that Fuu-whatever-kun. Ah it's a hassle, I'll just call him Fuu-kun
>he's here until the teacher form his school pick him up. I'm going to meet him once more. You want to go too, Nino?
>I'll pass
>eee, he's interestig, you know

Damn Miku Mikus and Yotsuba Yotsubas

It's probably more a marriage of convenience as to let him look after them after mom ate shit and kicked the bucket like a loser. Papakano is more of a hero than most real life people combined.

I want to see the real numbers.


Rena blushed while talking about him.

This page is between

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What if we go right into the next arc without these chapters coming up again for a while?

>after mom ate shit and kicked the bucket like a loser
Cut the lady a break, user! She only just died.

I wonder what was inside that charm Itsuki gave him


What if she got wet because she saw his big wallet

Where is the quint's real father?

It all makes sense now

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All she had to do was buy cold medicine and sport drink from the convenience store down the block.
>cut her a break
Cut me a break, every jap should have the basic understanding of how to avoid their cold season. And this bitch was supposed to be a teacher, what a joke.

The girl in the photo us going to be Ichika isn't she?



>Itsuki at zero
During the last chapter I can guarantee you almost everyone will be salty about Itsuki.

That could be a recipe of disaster. Just like evergreen.

>Nino preferred to call him Fuu-kun
Whoa, that nick went way back.
To validate that you've actually seen him somewhere before, you got to see him for once, Nino.

>Ah it's a hassle, I'll just call him Fuu-kun

How do the quints feel about being a ward of a person who doesn't love them and probably only looks after them out of guilt for killing their mother? They must know he doesn't love them and resents them. But hell, they probably hate him for killing their mother.

ESL N6 TLanon here again. Did I miss any page?

Yotsubafag here, I hate Miku, Ichika, and Itsuki. Nino is the only decent quint that isn't Yotsuba.

That's unironically more on them to get over, than him to feel bad about.

>Nino think Fuutarou is too long of a name since childhood
>Bride call him Fuutarou regardless

These two

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Alright, so the other thread is about to die so I figured I'd post this here instead.
In the interview Negi said he doesn't want to go for the cliched ending.
This has led to many anons saying that Yotsuba has raised several death flags up in the past chapter or two. However, I want to argue that instead this was all Negi's plan for a Dark Horse victory.
I want to bring into attention the fact that for a majority of the manga, many anons acknowledged that Itsuki was getting way more "main girl/Fuutarou Development" moments than all the other girls. When Itsuki was revealed as Rena, there was a bit of an outrage, many anons again saying that Negi was a hack for giving Itsuki yet another Main Girl Moment, especially one so crucial to Fuutarou's development since Lolikano is someone Fuutarou deeply holds special.
I argue that the majority of Itsuki's "main girl" moments were all a setup. A bait and switch planned from the very start of the manga.
This is what I think Negi meant in "cliche".
For him, the cliche of Main girl comes from the audience knowing who's most heavily favored as soon as chapter 1: First Girl = Childhood friend = Main Girl.
He wanted from the beginning for us to think Itsuki was the promise girl and bride..
But that's where the twist comes in, she (Itsuki) is not the promise girl, she's not Lolikano.
You could argue that "but Negi never developed Yotsuba, she shouldn't win" but as other anons have pointed out, breadcrumbs were placed throughout such as Yotsuba being the only quint to be friendly with Fuutarou day 1, Yotsuba confessing first under the guise of it being a joke and Yotsuba sneaking a kiss on the cheek.

You realize he can tell them all apart very easily, thus proving his love.

This will be another Shomin Sample. Itsuki will win just like that

>They must know he doesn't love them and resents them
>can tell them apart better than Fuutarou is
>fake a lottery win so they can meet their dying grandpa
>extremely overprotective
Doesn't compute

"Love" is just paying attention to detail. The quints aren't nice or loving to him either.

Sweet blog fag. Where can I subscribe without you deluding yourself into thinking I want my cock in your boy ass?


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It’s as if they had grown and can now say more complicated words, wow!

Shit taste brother, Nino deserves the be in the dumpster alongside Ichika.

No. Not this shit again.

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Cool falseflag Ninofag

Does anyone else get the sneaking suspicion that fuutarous mom will be revealed as maruos sister or something?


>Fuutarou is complicated word
Nino pls

(From least salt to more salt)
Who I want to win: Ichika
Nino winning: 0 salt. She deserves it.
Yotsuba winning: Very little salt. She's great.
Itsuki: Kinda salty. She's shit and does nothing but eat.
Miku: Salty as fuck. She's the most boring quint and she's carried the fuck out by everyone yet she still doesn't fucking do anything.
It's like... some kid dying of cancer so as a last wish he gets a full MLB team to play with him vs a bunch of other kids, but he fucking manage to lose the game anyway, god knows how. That's what Miku is to me.
Also it would please the Mikufags too much that their boring fucking moeblob trash won, and it would encourage more writers to make more boring fucking moeblob trash win in future stories, and so on.

>Shomin Sample
Oh, I recall the first girl with nothing to her winning. Did that cause any salt? I was a Karenfag.

Based Yotsubro. 24 best quints.


You don't seem to understand their interactions at all
High schoolers pushing their boundaries to their parent is all about love.
They're looking to prove that they aren't children anymore.

Author pussied out, what's her face, the fattylover, was a cunt for a ton of the manga.

>zero votes

Feels good man.

Who won?

Man, this really puts perspective to this scene
God, while i enjoy the current expose and despair i won't be able to handle it if Yotsuba really cried in the current time

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Despair won.

surprisingly good taste other than the nino votes that probably comes from mikufags

>why Itsuki changes her hair too
It's not over maybe shotarou has seen another quints after his moment with Ichika
>Itsuki, Nino or Miku
>Who told him" bye bye"
>Who spoke to him under "the bell" and the boat stuff

>Did that cause any salt?
The rage was hilarious. Literally nobody liked the ending.

Mother works alone for the family
>it's not hard for me
>but it's sad seeing mom works that hard
>it's the same for me. Of course, it's great if I had a rich family, but nothing we can do right
>you're rifht, but sometimes I think
>if I didn't exist, mom would have it easier
>that's why
>from here on, I'll study a lot and get into a company so that mom would have it easy.
>after that I think my existence will have meaning

No, stop this. We don't need more Lolikano.

The retarded orange hair one won?

What if Negi goes the Shinkai Makoto way and goes "starcrossed childhood lovers gets everything wrong leading up to their adulthood"?

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All I can take away from this is that Yotsuba is will win what she is owed, and anyone who disagrees actually has the wrong belief that it's okay to take cock up of the butt. As in their opinion is less than nothing.

Maid should have won, fuck you

Aika wasn't bad, she was just kinda meh. I mean she could be cute and funny but I can't really see her winning anything.

That'd be gay if they loved Maruo. I mean why?

>Nino saw Shotarou playing cards with Ichika for a brief moment
So it was true!
Has the only real red herring in the entire manga been the rustling bushes in ch41?

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>if I didn't exist, mom would have it easier
>that's why
>from here on, I'll study a lot and get into a company so that mom would have it easy.
>after that I think my existence will have meaning
Well that's a a sweet motivation for your bold declaration, good reveal.
Shame how that turned out, though

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She was a yandere.

How old are the quints here again? I can’t imagine totally forgetting someone like that.

Though maybe their mom dying caused it.

Yep, despite all the other girls getting more development and chemistry with the MC, only because she was first girl.

I don't get it. Do you not like nino or do you not like their fags?

>if I didn't exist, mom would have it easier
why do you do this, Negi?

Can the girl in the photo be Ichika?

I mean, it seems they didn't take the photo in day 1, and in day 2 Ichika already stole the spot from Yotsuba

Be honest toubunbros, I just woke up, is this the second, third or fourth spoiler thread?

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Aika is annoying as fuck.

>after that I think my existence will have meaning


>>after that I think my existence will have meaning
You're important yotsuba. Don't do this.

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>do you not like their fags?
this one. Her fags are tremendously annoying and autistic. Nino doesn't bother me at all and I prefer her to half of the quints. Her fags are just the most annoying ever to be known on Yea Forums.

Probably around 10-11. To be fair, children are stupid dumbfucks regardless.

I thought Itsuki was more connected with Yotsuba in this story shotarou because Yotsuba chose Itsuki to be fake lolinakano but it's nino

Maybe Yotsuba chose Itsuki because she knows she has no feelings for Fuutarou

third one

a red herring is not a fake hint but one that leads to a misleading conclusion, Nino recognizing the kid is still a red herring because it led people to the conclusion that she was the girl Fuuts met at Kyoto

> though I'm still in elementary school
>I too will study hard, become much more mature,
>when I make a lot of money, maybe my sister will live with freedom(?)
>maybe I'll become a necessary person, you know
>let's work hard, the two of us

and the quints are extra retarded

I really want a Nino win now thanks to this.

>all the quints met Fuutarou
Looks like that theory was wrong. Yotsuba is Lolikano and Ichika NTR'd her at the end.

The girl in the photo is Yotsuba. They took the picture and then she bought the charms.

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I personally don't hate any of the quints but I find that Ichika, Nino, and Miku can be annoying at times. Yotsuba's the best by a decent margin and I'd say Itsuki follows behind her. Although Itsuki was a bit annoying during the Kyoto arc by keeping up the Rena shit even after Fuutarou told her he didn't want to deal with it but she wasn't nearly as bad as the other three so i'll overlook it


I feel like this ties to the current Fuutarou's suspicion.
Even as lolikano the hints of her diminishing self worth is there, and he still suspected it enough to nearly sound it out. We really need some time to look into Fuutarou's head one of these times, it's crazy how a harem actually manages to make the MC an interesting character

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>It's because I like you ... Just kidding
>I've already gotten what I want
>My efforts have been rewarded for the first time ever
>As the one tying you down, I need to disappear (as Rena)
>I'll always be by your side supporting you with everything I've got
>There's no way that'd happen (about her and Fuu dating)
Why are other girls so shallow compared to the Yotsuchad?

Was the thread still polluted like the good ol days?

Fake. Ichika's pajamas is nothing

She's the girl with the most development.

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I love Nino

Probably a flash of Yotsuba's POV from chapter 1 to 86

>it was hovering at Miku, Nino, Ichika, Itsuki, then Yotsuba consistently with Miku being about 3 or 4 votes ahead
>all of the sudden Nino is 12 votes ahead
Would Mikufags really proxyspam a poll like this?

third one but the first was around bump limit when the first spoilers dropped

cute starstruck yotsuba.
this is the time he fell for fuutarou, right?

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>>As the one tying you down, I need to disappear (as Rena)
Huh, I can actually see this from itsuki. As in, she's doing it for both Fuuts and Yotsuba.

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So fellow Ninobros, now that we know Yotsuba being in love with Fuutarou isn't an asspull and she might win how do we discredit her and Negi? I am sick of this shit.

I don't want Ichika to win because she's a manipulative bitch but I don't want Itsuki to win because she's boring...
What's worse? An ending that makes you think "FUCK YOU NEGI" or an ending that makes you think "Well this was a huge waste of time."

i think it will end either when Yotsuba meets Fuu at their current school or when she recognizes him if she didn't do it instantly

Girls growing their tits over the course of a series is my fetish

I'm a Yotsubafag, also a Ninofag too, but I don't particularly hate any quint.

Yeah, probably, who knows? I'm fine with anything as long as it explains everything about Yotsuba.

Because they are her lessers in every conceivable way. Just as every family with more than one child, there is a clear favorite that is more important than the rest. Yotsuba takes that title.


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Onee-bull strikes again. 234 are all cucks.

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I'm genuinely surprised it took like 50 votes before Yotsuba got even one vote, I would've thought that even if nobody felt that way that at least some contrarian would pick it because it was the only one that was blank. I'm proud of you Yea Forums

And this is when he had his little crush?
It's kino if you remember with how Fuuts took pictures of Takebayashi.
> Old crush never looked back at him in his photos.
> Lolitsuba noticed him and even smiled.

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It doesn't mater. the #1 hated quint without fail will be the one who wins in the end. It doesn't matter who.

gooks not out yet on manamoa?
>those ant sized lolipits+latissimus dorsi region

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Being Lolikano is a deathflag lol
Yotsuba and Itsuki have had no romantic development whatsoever so they can't win unless Negi is a hack

Stop it user, don't give me so much HOPE

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Yotsuba frequently gets "second favorite quint" in a lot of polls.
That and it doesn't feel as forced as the other girls, along with Yotsuba having a very likable personality.

>another childhood friend win
and 5toubun will be yet another generic forgettable romcom


>Ah it's a hassle, I'll just call him Fuu-kun

think that Nino maybe realized like Ichika that shotarou = Fuutarou after Kintarou story that's why now she calls him "fuu kun"

> unless Negi is a hack

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>tsundereshit winning
That's even worse.

What would the quints do if Maruo truly loved them?

In half an hour maybe

Somebody please post that page where she really saw him playing cards!
The quint hive mind is too strong!

Fuck off subhuman

The most irrelevant girl right now.

Is þæt long-haired Yotsuba?

>have had no romantic development whatsoever
You can't seriously be thinking this, i swear the collective IQ of these threads drop to quint-tier everytime spoiler drops

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Yotsuba and Itsuki actually get along with Fuutaro on a personal level over the rest who enjoy just crushing on him.

I'm not, I'm just pointing it out. Take it as you will.
I'm tempted to make one of those nino parallels though.

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Nino lost her tsun like half the manga ago. It's time to let go.

Negi being a hack is the only way Yotsuba or Itsuki win.

Yeah, no. Nino's ain't your generic tsundere bitch

At this rate the only ending that is original is Ichika end. Not only she's onee san type but she' s also too flawed. Imagine the salt when she wins

Yeah, eating bait isn't much better.

>Why are other girls so shallow compared to the Yotsuchad?
Reading this made me remember that kino panel where Yotusba says that all she wants is for Fuutarou to have fun on the field trip. That scene really cemented her as best girl for me

Which makes all of this suffering even more depressing...

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“You finally looked my way.”

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She's worse than your generic tsundere bitch, at least those hit your MC once or twice out of embarrassment and they are done.

>Yotsuba vs NINO SOON
>past vs Future
>lolinakano vs Nino chad

I thought as long as Yotsuba was lolikano like I always thought I'd be okay no matter who won, but now it'll kill me if she loses, and I'm sure she will.

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It's not parallels this time, it's a kinography of two starcrossed childhood lovers
do it please

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Nino is an alpha tsundere

What are you talking about, childhood friends hardly ever win and in fact it's considered a major lose flag, especially in the modern day

You'd think that with how often people bring up Negi's interviews they'd have fucking read Ichigo 100% by now but here we are and it's clear most of the thread still hasn't.

Fuutarou is such a slut

>childhood friends hardly ever win
fuck off newfag.

Then we'd have to deal with Miku winning as a fact.

I dropped it like 10 years ago when it was obvious Satsuki wasn't going to win

>if I didn't exist, mom would have it easier
Yotsuba, no, not like this.

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Ninobros my faith is wavering each time I see a despair Yotsuba. She awakens my primal instinct for bullying.

>post the ONE thing where a childhood love goes horribly, horribly wrong and KEKED the fuck out
user, I...
I'm glad i'm not the only one to save the god-tier OST, but fuck that ending

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What does Negi think about Ichigo 100%?

I mean if it's rushed and comes out of nowhere then sure but I think he could pull it off. I mean they're the two quints who are act the most like actual friends to him so it's not like there's zero ground to work off of

He likes it a lot, I mean
>main girl gets literally NOTHING
>"first" girl wins because she's the most popular

To be fair, Satsuki, the blonde and Aya are all decently developed
It was not until that one girl from cram school gets into the picture i saw the manga aren't going to get anywere because it keeps adding new filler characters when the initial three were already strong enough.

It's one of toubun's strong points for me, unless La Hermana came true and Takebayashi is brought back

Don't forget.
>She stopped calling Fuutarou by his name in high school
The despair goes even deeper, what the fuck?

I think Ichika only served the initial jab. It was Itsuki and Rena that delivered the haymaker.

But it's actually true, it's treated as a huge death flag nowadays

>I won, I'm no longer the same as the others
>Itsuki came with star hairpin

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Her left hand looks deformed user. There's a story there.

Next chapter'll end with Yotsuba failing the exam in both the past and present

Big oof, most of the despair that one user predicted came true

What will happen from now on?

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This makes me imagine the credits page being everybody in a wrestling ring beating on Yotsuba while she says "This is fine"

Too much to her to wrap up in a single chapter

childhood friend cliche lose to girl falls from sky cliche, and that's it.

>It's been implied several times he marries all five.
>People still fighting over who the "winner" will be.

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But negi is a hack.

That's why Yotsuba doesn't like Nino new haircut because it was too similar with her
>Muh I wants to be different

>unless Negi is a hack
oh user, you poor thing.

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Trends have changed over time. Childhood friends used to be a winning flag, recently it’s become a deathflag. negi is a hack so who knows

WTF bros. Now I want Yotsuba to win.

I'm not sure it will be next chapter but I expect that whatever incident this is referring to will be addressed at some point during the flashback.

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Don't forget.

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wasn't that about them almost failing a grade?

When does Yotsuba say that?

So rena gives a gift to her children before she dies
Ribbon, earrings, casque ect etc

No they lose to main girls, which is the category most "Girls who fall from the sky" fall under. They are usually the designated loser, which just proves that Japs have shit taste

Who won this again? was it guitar girl?

Read negis interview you dumb faggot. Harem fags need the rope like yotsuba

Chihiro, yes.


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Did Negi actually deconfirm harem end? You have a link?

>8 color pages
>5 of them are non-chapter promotions
I mean I don't want Negi to overwork, but this is false advertising haaard.

That and her feeling so guilty about him getting sick til she read his book with all the things he was going to tell raiha about (mostly involving yotsuba). Then their kino date.

Look it up in the archives

Yeah probably, but I don't think having one of your sisters fail a resit sufficient reason for holding a grudge against your old school. I maybe overthinking this but I always thought there was more to this than just Yotsuba failing her exams, nor do I think that this reason alone is enough for Miku to react in the way she did, since he did end up finding that they almost flunked a few chapters later but not that Yotsuba was the reason they changed schools. Who knows, it might just be me being retarded but I wouldn't be surprised if there was more behind it at this point.

That plotline has also been bugging me since the beginning and i hope there really is more to the story. Shit, this might be the first time that i hope a flashback arc doesn't end too soon.

Nino never has to pay rent with you around

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I got a feeling that this manga would end up like Nisekoi but in different way

Aka you hack fuck off to the Kaguya thread

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Ichika a fucking bitch!

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>naked lolikanos

She's making the V sign again. Do people still deny the hand gesture theory?

Poor girl

>naked loli quints
Oh no...

KR out?

>Yotsuba flunked
>finds her first love
>"This is fine"

>sideboobs lolitsuba
This is dangerousfor society

Birth of the Despair/Genki girl

I can't help but feel that Yotsuba flunked on purpose in order to get away from her sisters going by how unhappy she looked at the end of the chapter.

During the Kyoto arc I didn't mind Ichika that much, sure what she was doing was fucked up but it was interesting to watch and I interpreted as her just desperate to get her crush to choose her and very misguided. But this? She doesn't even know the guy yet. She's just being a cunt for the sake of it

>Try to fuck yourself over in hopes of finally being free
>end up dragging all your sisters down with you
>now you're still stuck with them AND you've made their lives worse
not to mention
>final page shows the other quints making friends/being content whereas Yotsuba is just depressed and lonely
Holy shit unironically how has Yotsuba not killed herself yet

Another hit

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Absolutely not allowed anywhere near China.

I mean her last narration is
>we can't be together anymore
Depending on the previous narration boxes, it might as well be true

>D E S P A I R 100^100^100^100

Cute Fatty.

> nino parallels
> yotsuba kinography
I like this. I can live with this.

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Miku really took after her mother

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Why negi? This is turbo despair. Get cucked by your oneesan. Get cucked by your sister being independent. Get cucked out of reason for existing when your mother dies.

I think Yotsuba flunked herself because she want to be herself alone(?) but ended up being followed by her sisters

Without context this looks like a page out of a villain's backstory.


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Umm, Negi...I don't think this is what you should draw after having daughter

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>revengefags awaken


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I think he draw the chapter in advance before her daughter has born

>Mom's death changes the family dynamic
And you told me 5Toubun isn't cliché.

Her hair's all fucked up. Stress is the obvious reason but I feel like we'll definitely revisit this part of the timeline.

Was a page missed between and ?

she even throws her hair over her shoulders the same way mom did

Kek Itsuki starting has ahoge after her mother died. Depression make something i guess.

The quint is starting to get their boobs

That beautiful face filled with despair and ready to ascend into a devil

Yotsuba will win in the end and Yotsubros will have the last laugh.

I just want her to be happy...

Who told you such blatant lie?
5toubun is as generic as it gets.


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Holy shit Zetsuba with long hair is fucking hot



I think of all the Nakano forms it might be the prettiest one.

>look! Look!
>ara, it's xute
>I tried imitating Yotsuba ans put on accessory too
>Your great effort is not wrong
>but even not being the first, each of you is special
>as a parent, I wish you all to be together. Even if anything happens...

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JCnino > JChika > JCtsuba > JCmiku > JCtsuki

>the important thing is not where you are
>but the fact that 5 of you are together

>Mom, we've become middle schoolers
>but there's no way we 5 can be together
>we can no longer
>be together

That's been known since half the manga ago

Hod did Itsuki get an aoge?

was Yotsuba failing the test what brought the sisters back together?

I know right? She's always pulled off longer hair really well to the point where i'm kind of sad that Negi changed her chapter 0 design. However it's a fair trade for if it means that chapter 0 Miku will stay dead in the pits of hell, that shit looked so ugly

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It sounds like Nino and Yotsuba have similar issues about their sisters going their separate ways. Are we really gonna redo the same problem from 7 goodbyes but for Yotsuba this time?

I laughed at this far harder than I should have. The overkill is delicious.

At this point, Yotsuba just straight up looks mad that she can't have one thing to herself

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Ichika fag here, but out of all quints forms JCnino is easily the prettiest one. Lolikano hairstyle + Nino's ribbons is absolute perfection. Much better than Nino's early chapters longhair.

And last but not least

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Negi just retreaded 13 drama when they reconciled in scrambled eggs, so why not?

So, Renamom didn't marry Maruo before she died from the looks of it, he just adopted the quints after her death out of love for her. He's also come to love them enough to tell them apart with nothing to go on and with no objection from the protective grandfather.
I think we'll definitely have to get a second flashback to elaborate on the relationship more since Maruo's an inevitable obstacle for the winner and there're probably loose ends on mama's death here.

I hope we also see middle school Fuutarou


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>And then..We threw the 200 yen together.
>"It disappeared" he said.
>Mom...I wonder if she really get better...
>Her condition seem to get worse after the field trip.
>Yotsuba,are you done drying your hair?Lend me the dryer.

I hope he and futs make up to an extent, even if he did not do the best job of it he still tried to be a father for them. Granted what futs said was not wrong for the most part but he should cut the guy some slack.

maruo wears a wedding ring so they probably did married

So that's where nino saw him.

Will Miku be Rena'd in the future?

Yotsuba is Chihiro 2.0 confirm?

WTF Maruo is HOT

I think it's the opposite though, Yotsuba seems to actually want to separate from her sisters going by this chapter.

yes, she'll marry a smart workaholic

Forgot a page

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Isn't this too much for one flashback? What the fuck Negi? This is too depressing to read.

I hate TWGOK comparisons. It's not primarily a harem, the competition only existed for a third of the manga, and everyfag calls their fucking girl Chihiro arbitrarily because there isn't any actual equivalence between her and any of the five.

Holy shit she snapped.

Soo who's gonna win ourguy Maruobowl again? My money on Itsuki.

So uh has Yotsuba known fuutaro is the child from back then? Has she been holding it alI this time? Ichika recognized him when he was wearing the blonde wig.

Nah.. JCYots is the hottest one.

Is Yotsuba's origin story finished yet?

Wouldn't they be the opposite? Nino wanted them to stay like they were when they were kids forever while Yotsuba wanted to break away and set and example but got shat on every time she tried

Atleast it's not boring like the last chapter 2 weeks ago

I've known identical siblings before. Never needed love to tell them apart, but I'm also not an idiot.

I hate how this series makes it so that you need love, even if it isn't romantic, to tell the quints apart.

>pre-highschool Zetsuba
Oh shit, my fucking dick.

>Yotsuba tried to become first to change so that they are no longer identical
>Itsuki imitated what she did right after


Miku is actually using her headphones.

So that nobody will hate Yotsuba if she win

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You can read, but not understand what did you read. Genius

I'm an Itsukifag but that smile kind of pisses me off right now.

i'm fucking heartbroken

Anons don't make me cry.

You hopefags will suffer despair soon enough at the hands of Itsuki.

Yotsuba's problem is too fucking big that her sisters problems look like childplay

Nobody really hates Yotsuba, but Negi's making her suffer like, what the fuck is up with Negi and his despair fetish for Yots?

Wait what happened here? Don't tell me she's gonna have more suffering

Jesus why does Yotsuba look like she's trying to convince her mom not to kill her?

> Bags under his eyes
Maruo must've cried as well, fuck.

How did we go from this
To this ???
>sees chapter

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>I won you know... I'm already in a different place than everybody
>It's not like we're all the same

It's only fitting, after all.

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How can anyone hate Maruo?
>successful doctor that runs a hospital
>adopts and raises the quints single-handedly after their mum dies, effectively saving them
>spoils them but also wants them to do well academically
>respects the fact that the quints don't share the same opinion as he does
>allows them to live independently
Sure, he's a bit out of touch and doesn't really like Fuutarou that much, but that's just him being concerned dad (read: chad).

Dear god, make the Yotsuba suffering stop.
I really hope she wins.

Silly goober, it's the opposite. Can't you follow chronologically?

>Ichika and Nino look happy
>Miku and Yotsuba look sad
>Itsuki growing an ahoge

>doesn't really like Fuutarou that much
This is solely Fuutarou's fault for calling him a dumbass.

So yes?

Was Yotsuba not genki back in middle school?

I don't think so, there's still the part where she fails at the exam and her sisters follow her. It's going to end with a callback to chapter 1.

>Hehe does it look cute?
>That ribbon looks good on you
>With this I won't be mistaken for my sister again.
>I wonder about that
>There no big difference between you no matter what clothing you wear
>Not only that!
>I studied better than my sister and got the best grade last time.
>I won.
>I am no longer in the same place with my sister.
>I am no longer similar.

My fucking heart. I haven't been as emotionally invested into a character as I have in Yotsuba for a long time. Now if this somehow leads up to an emotional closure scene where Yotsuba drops out of the race I would cry like a bitch please don't do this Negi just let her be happy for once in her life

I miss takeda posting.

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1 of 2 things
1. He needs to explain how Yotsuba became the way she did because a lot of readers can see her fake facade and then go on to fix it so she can finally become her own individual.
2. Same as point 1, but he also wants us to feel super sorry for Yotsuba so if she was to win we could accept it. With the amount of despair Yotsuba is getting, he wants us to feel completely sorry for her to a crazy degree. It's almost edging towards pity.

Miku just looks like normal
Yotsuba looks mad, not sad. Probably because everyone copied her thing and she's no longer unique (THANKS ITSUKI)

She'll be happy as Fuutarou's and Raiha's sister-in-law.

She was never genki, that was her facade. Even up until now she's still using that fake personality of hers.

You want this page ruined for you? Whether or not it turns out to be true, Yotsuba firmly believes her family life has been irrevocably destroyed by her mother's death at this time. We can see that all the quints appear to be separated during this period, arriving at home at different times. The family lights she's admiring are the ones she had taken away from her.

I'm guessing the sisters were rather distant during middle school, it wasn't until Yotsuba failed the grade that they all came together so she didn't had to be the only one that had to transfer, that's when Yotsuba decided she'll return the favor by making them all happy

>all of this because Ichika keked her

She's not. Remember what she said, she often went to despair park.

>Yotsuba has an identity complex this entire time
>sisters rip it away from her merely moments after she feels like she's made some progress

fuck, Ichika really broke her

Yotsuba is going to lose because Negi will be able to get more emotional mileage out of a beautiful loss than a victory.

>>There no big difference between you no matter what clothing you wear
>>Not only that!
>>I studied better than my sister and got the best grade last time.
>>I won.
>>I am no longer in the same place with my sister.
>>I am no longer similar.
Fuutarou too, became a misguided version of what he promised to Yotsuba 5 years ago. Now you're telling me Yotsuba is, too?
And both of them meeting up is literally healing them up to be the best version they can be? I can live with that, but i'm still sad.

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Looks like we're gonna have another chapter at their middle school/former high school until meeting Fuutarou and when she actualy recognized him as the boy 5 years ago.

Place your bets
When did she recognize him?
>directly from the start from the name
>after putting wig in the library

Was the first Rena her machination

I wouldn't go as far to say that she was never genki or it was all a facade but yeah she probably has to play it up sometimes cause she wanted to set an example for the others

This flashback arc just proves that Negi can actually write pretty well when he is focused on just 1 quint. The previous arc i think suffered because he tried to squeeze in something for everyone ending in a giant clusterfuck.

>The family lights she's admiring are the ones she had taken away from her
Yotsuba, not like this.

Attached: disgusted_luluco.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

Holy shit
Yotsuba is so ahead of the race it's not even funny.

either after seeing him with the wig or after the detective chapter Itsuki told her

shit you're right, this proves Negi has been thinking about Yotsuba tragic story since that far back.

Yeah, race to the rope

So wait, Nino wanted the five of them to be together but Yotsuba doesn't, so she flunk on purpose in hopes to transfer to a different school away from her sisters? I don't think Yotsuba hates (maybe she does) her sisters but she resents them in some way.

Wtf how do despairchads keep winning?



>had the highest grade
>now the dumbest

Does that imply the huge ahoge is somehow itsuki's stylistic choice? How

Wrong! Chihiro was no osananajimi! She was some normie outside the goddesses circle. So Yotsuba is NO Chihiro!

>directly from the start from the name
I'm betting on this. She had a real close look on his face in chapter 1 too, and you can see her expression being very surprised.

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I think she hates the facts that they are quints more than because their are sisters

Maruo always has bags under his eyes.

Attached: maruo.png (1683x1291, 725K)

Well I mean when you take an 8 year old with an identity crisis and then tell her that she's still the same as her identical sisters then of course the response is going to be negative

>Mother you hold dear tells you it's in a way pointless
>will to perform vanishes

The stars are her choice. She just grew an ahoge for some reason.

What? No.
Literally all that he said was just his interpretations.
Of course negi has been thinking about lolikano story since long ago, but it doesn't mean each and every panel has a deep meaning.

>hopefags thought the arc about her dead mother would improve anything
Despair wins again baby!

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I bet Negi's still gonna make her lose just because he enjoys her suffering that much


>Yotsuba is in fact the first lolikano he met
>Shotarou's osananajimi
>childhood friend can't win most of the time!
Once a despair, always a despair

In Fuutarou's defense, Maruo WAS being a dumbass.
It's not that Maruo doesn't care, he's just too autistic to show it properly.

i don't know, her calling him Uesugi-san instead of Fuutarou-kun could mean she didn't recognized him then

Yotsuba lost her reason for existing when Rena died. I can't believe the rope meme is real.

Fucks sake Ichika.

They were 12, but your point still stands.

12-year-old, but your point still stands.


Because calling him Fuutarou already would be too overly familiar. It's only natural to call him by his surname when she's not sure yet who he is.

The fact that the background turned completely white for emphasis on that one seemingly irrelevant panel leads me to believe the same

There has to be light at the end of this tunnel!

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Most likely she prentended not to recognize him because she was ashamed of who she had become.

Why would you use the same calling name when you're trying not to be noticed?

Seriously? Damn they look so young

>Another chapte
>another week of shitposting
I just want to kno the bride is already. It could be Ichika for all I fucking care. Just want to be done with this and move on already

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Yotsuba going to be Tenri-ed, isn't it?

>I studied better than my sister and got the best grade last time.

Maybe hate or resentment are too strong but i do think she feels shackled by the whole quint thing and is just desparate to break free. Although this complex should be resolved probably next chapter as she doesn't seem to have this problem anymore in the present.

Link for the Korean scans?

I don't know why despairfags are celebrating. She is obviously going to come out of this arc with hope since the story will have a happy ending. Despair is only temporary.

Anons, do you think we'll see middle school Fuutarou?

It would be interesting to see how did he behave in middle school. I recall reading he got aislated from rest of his classmates in first grade of high school

>The moment she got a "no way fag", is the moment that Fuuts already let go of "her"
Sorry, it's a little too late

I forgot about this shopping chapter but I think it's likely that Yotsuba wasn't in on Itsuki's plans.

Usual place.

Will have a happy ending for everybody in some form*

>I recall reading he got aislated from rest of his classmates in first grade of high school
I don't recall this, which chapter?


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They're not even friends, Fuutarou didn't know her name. They only became aquaintances in that one whole day. If anything, you can define them to be as star crossed lovers who're doomed to fail or just the red string of fate because they were brought together again by sheer amount of luck or simply by destiny.

doubt it
we assume that they haven't re-met until back in high school

Despair must prevail.

> It was me.
> It was me all along.

>Mom..Didn't get any better at all...
>Now she no longer here...
>Its here
>Its still here
>Mother is here inside all of us
>From now on...
>I will replace mother.
>What will happen to us now...
>Should we go to grandpa house?
>I think we can all go together..?
>What are you talking about?
>Grandpa is also sick...I think....
>Maybe we should get separated and sent to different relatives...
>Excuse me.

He wasn't. He just chose not to interact with them.

Yotsuba won't do that to herself.

Well she still has her other problem of not being able to see herself happy or going after something she wants. So that complex of wanting to break free was replaced with a different complex.

Not really. They have completely different circumstances because Keima literally rejected her 7 years ago before Tenri even had the chance to tell him what she feels.

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Most likely, yes
>Hopefags feeding on false hopes as usual, while knowing full well osananajimi will never be victorious

I'm sorry anons. I can no longer defend this manga.

>if I didn't exist, mom would have it easier
Jesus Christ, how does it get even sadder?

we know Negi

Yotsuba seems a bit too edgy?

This. Yotsuba's issue is too fucking complex. Its like she becomes a whole new different character after the flashback

>Want to study to be neccesary to someone
>Not wanting to interact with any classmate

I'm very interested in middle-school Fuutarou. I hope Negi shows him in at least 2-3 panels of middle-school Yotsuba flashback

They're all bakas, user, especially during a young age.

And that light is a train coming to us at full speed to rush us?

I hate Yotsuba.

Chill down, Yotsuba

We know, Yotsuba.

She's just tired of it all. Not in a "kill myself way" but more in a "this is fate, nothing can be done"


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We know yotsuba.

From the rough translation, he wants to make money so that Raiha will live easy. Probably a one-track mind to be corporate wage slave.

Edgy? How? She's just sad about everything ending up like shit but she sucks it up and pushes forward with a smile despite that cause she still wants her sisters to be happy

She's the literal opposite of an edgelord

I'm not a hopefag though. Just a ninofag. I never said Yotsuba would win, all I said is she will reach some form of happiness.

Still, it isn't neccesary for Fuutarou to shut down rest of his classmates. In a sense, quints saved him

We know Negi

Yotsuba, put that rope on the ground !

With all these dark thoughts and her obsession about being special she had since childhood? Her smile is just a facade.

You'd be edgy too if all the work you've put into building up suddenly gets shafted because "THEY'RE QUINTUPLETS, THEY CAN ALL DO THE SAME"

Yotsuba needed to separate herself from her sisters because she wants her own individuality.

Personally, I hate you.


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Are you sure it's from Fuutarou side? I could be his classmate being dick seeing Fuutarou being serious in studying.

That's not edgy, you dumbass redditor

Please give examples, I've never seen it happen before but it could be my fetish too.

Surely, Negi isn't enough of an asshole to dump all this suffering on her and not have her win in the end, r-right?

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>gets cheered by shoutarou
>legit happy for it
>gets keked by snake sis
>mother dies on her and even her attempts on being independent cucks her
her life is a tragic comedy at this point

Why was she so obsessed about that in the first place? The others weren't and turned out fine.

>This is actually the first time i talked to you all like this
>I met you a few times before
>Yotsuba and I also met back in the school trip
>I will be taking care of you all.

It's wild to think about how Negi is giving her TWO gigantic issues to work through. One she gets past before she meets Fuutarou again, and the other I assume will be in the present with his help. I don't know why Negi would write it like this.

He's the one who one-sidely treated Itsuki as crap in chapter 1. So contradictory to his goal of being neccesary to someone

I hope Negi explores more what made Fuutarou turn into someone who did no want to make friends. I think we won't see it happening though

We all know where this is going.

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I am not a redditor and you aren't going to teach me what being edgy means.

>I thought my life was a tragedy...

Attached: 7b.jpg (600x600, 63K)

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absolutely based

> Why
Unironically, Fuutarou.
> The others weren't and turned out fine.
Guess how the other lolikano who met him turned out

Don't worry Yotsuba, I love you.

You motherfuckers all wanted Yotsuba to be relevant again.

So he didn't marry her? I feel bad for Maruo.

Woa calm mikufag.

Calling this now. Yotsuba will say this line to Fuutarou but in her despair mode.
>I'm sorry, Uesugi-san. I failed to keep our promise. People who break promises are the worst of the worst, aren't they?

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We need more despair

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Ichika did nothing wrong.

There's no way that would happen, Eusugi-san.

Swing and a miss, but it was a good effort.


>Unironically, Fuutarou.
She was thinking about this just before the football match.
>Guess how the other lolikano who met him turned out
And guess who told her she should not hold back? Ichika is really fine compared to the mess that Yotsuba is.


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I can see that happening. Thats how she's will reveal to Fuuts that she was lolikano.

>make promise that you'll study hard and become an adult that can ease up you mother's burden
>mother dies
>even if you wanted to uphold that promise you seem to be the dumbest out of all your sisters to the point you drag them down with your failure
It hurts so bad

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I think this arc should have been drawn earlier.

I think it was just bad timing for her. Her individuality woke up sooner than her sisters and she tried but failed to get recognition from her mother and said mother died before Yotsuba could seek closure on the issue so it's probably eating away at her psyche.

Sad =/= edgy user

>Why was she so obsessed about that in the first place? The others weren't and turned out fine.
Because she had something she cared about (Fuutarou) stolen from her by one of her identical siblings and decided she didn't sharing everything she has, so she decided to make herself stand out for some individualism but then was shot down by her Mom saying that they'll always be the same. It's basically a soft core identity crisis


Yotsuba has tried
The best she could however
Despair always win.

> She was thinking about this just before the football match.
She had the inkling, but went full retard after getting NTRed. Which I don't blame, the boy she just made a future promise with couldn't differentiate her after all.
> And guess who told her she should not hold back?
Yotsuba? I meant it as a joke, but you're right yotsuba has some issues.

Each quint corresponds to a difficulty level. Yotsuba just happens to be on hardcore mode.

What level would the other quints be?

>Eri cucked herself so hard she fucked herself over on another level by causing the series to be axed resulting in Aika winning

It wasn't just Shoutarou who was stolen from her by Ichika, even Rena was stolen by Itsuki too?
Yotsuba sure has it rough.

Attached: 1559428837099.jpg (941x678, 410K)

No, not like this...

>suddenly, Fuuts fall for Yotsuba in a blink of an eye
Such romance development with the recent retcon
>neglected the 7 goodbye outcomes
I cannot allow this to be a red herring. Fuuts subconsciously chose Nino all this time



Same to be honest. I think Negi made a bit of a mistake putting it after what he considered was the turning point in the series.

All of you shall know despair.

Attached: I_am__Yotsuba.png (1147x1511, 2.92M)

>you quints will always be the same, including that snek :)

Nah, the time is right. We have inkling of Yotsuba's mental problem throughout the manga and hints that Yotsuba is lolikano. When Yotsuba is revealed to be lolikano, it's the right time to see why she become like this.

I wasn’t too sure about this whole despair thing at first, but after that final panel of JCtsuba I think I understand why everyone loves this so much

But after despair
She will learn to love herself.
And find happiness.

Attached: kuraRoss .png (599x432, 159K)

>not even a Mikufag
Why are you like this?

Attached: concerned.png (1920x1080, 2.13M)

Hopechads will have the last laugh. The greater the despair, the bigger the payoff will be.

Attached: 1555751726468.png (540x1442, 843K)

Easy - Nino
Normal - Miku
Hard - Itsuki
Very Hard - Ichika
Hardcore - Yotsuba

No. We still have 25ish weeks until the end of the year if negi wants to end it. Revealing the lolikano secret too early would lessen the impact especially if the ending is too far ahead.
This is good, it's like a sprint to the finish line.


Ichika and Itsuki



>yotsuba had best grades
soooooooooo she literally was pretending to b eretarded

I think Yotsuba realise the only winning move is not to play.

But she won't be able to stop the emotions she had bulk within from bursting out

It's getting cuhrazy in here.

I've been calling it since March. With great despair must come even greater healing.

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Some think the first Rena identity is Yotsuba's idea. So she can say goodbye and not come forward as the girl who promised him to study hard together, and failed.

Attached: ZIAPFSjl.jpg (640x366, 38K)

>Yotsuba tried to stand out after a football & met Shotarou when individualism kicked in
>Itsuki followed
>Mommy Rena died later on
OMG, Yotsuba! You killed mom, you murderer!

Nah. Now is a good time. Yotsuba's backstory is too heavy to put in the beginning because it would trivialize all the other conflicts that come after.

Why am I getting FSN Sakura vibes?

she only wanted the best grades to help mom, then she died so Yots just gave up on that

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>Might controls everything. And without strength you cannot protect anything...let alone yourself.

She tried her hardest for her mom as promised to Fuutarou. But after Rena died she had no reason to continue doing so anymore.

How long did this take you to make?

>Yotsuba was probably looking from the shore line at Fuutarou and Itsuki while they talked

>Itsuki is the only one we don't see her face

I smell a hidden message there

What is this, a crossover?

For 5 years

The only thing I wish he did was not make her completely irrelevant until now

This, and some of the other points, but mostly this. 123 have basically completed their character arcs and they're just waiting for plot resolutions. If Yotsuba's problems had been brought up any earlier it'd be hard to even care about her sisters. Nothing to do with romance, it's just a matter of severity. The only real question now is whether or not he can top this with any plot still dangling off of Itsuki, and it really doesn't seem like he'll pull it off.

It's always darkest before dawn!






Senryu TSer is a yotsubafag who made this

>Nino - Hard

Top Kek. 1,2 and 3 want his dick so badly. 2 is the most aggressive. The correct order would be like this.

>Super Easy
Ichika, Miku, Nino



She's probably stuffing her face again.

And she never smiled again.

Attached: 1553373087472.jpg (1352x676, 340K)

No she was always retarded, it's just that after meeting Fuutarou she actually had the drive to try her hardest unlike the other quints and after her Mom told her that she'll always be the same as the others no matter what, she lost all reason to try anymore


Attached: 1538867007297.jpg (480x270, 21K)

>If Yotsuba's problems had been brought up any earlier it'd be hard to even care about her sisters
This is actually a really good point

Explain why her act was off when she ran into Fuu afterward.

Anons... I think I've fallen in love with Yotsuba

So the kid Yotsuba said Ichika was talking to, really was Fuutarou. And that really was the last drop, to force her "change".
And Nino did see him back then.

More like
>things we told that happened, well, they did

Why? cus she basically turned into a cliche trope-fest character?

>took this long
go away

Ok even if you disagree with where I placed them you have to admit that Nino was a lot harder than Ichika and Miku, those 2 were pretty easy, they shouldn't be in the same tier

We know, Fuutarou

Holy shit, someone's mad

She's always been my little angel

That's not true at all though

Better late then never user.

Attached: 1547355001523.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

I want to protect Yotsuba's smile.
But isn't protecting something fake wrong?

*than. Fuck.

So, does this mean that we don't know Yotsuba's real personality?

dude, Nino was ready to get bonded for life with a guy she had just met, Fuu at least had to talk to Miku and Ichika about their problems before they fell for him

This smile is genuine.

Attached: 1555860447367.jpg (1651x2048, 2.87M)

Simple, give her a reason to smile for real

We only have to transform that fake in a true, genuine smile

Can someone make a rope edit on this page?

>Foolishness Ichika, foolishness.

Yotsuba literally is:

>First quint who met Fuutarou
>First quint that join to Fuutarou side for tutoring
>First quint who confessing him(albeit playin as joke)
>First quint that kisses him(albeit in cheek)
>Also Fuutarou's first love

And somehow none of this will helped her winning because negi boner for her suffering.

>Its been a while
Oh no

Attached: hello darkness.jpg (1426x756, 494K)

she likes bikes and blondes.

I said I'd either stay on the Nino train and crash or jump back to the Yotsuba ship and sink there.
Guess I'm sinking.

Sounds like fucking nothing to me

Did someone say genuine?

Attached: autists.jpg (700x394, 49K)

>>Also Fuutarou's first love

Is there any reality where Itsuki's inevitable arc could possibly be better than Yotsuba's? It doesn't have to be realistic, just, I can't even imagine what Negi could do to top Yotsuba now.

Lol yotusba

Attached: 6CDB82FC-D9AA-4DC8-A222-79F0AE05DC85.jpg (739x1080, 301K)

I feel like Negi will put out a "alternate angle" chapter where we see Yotsuba's thoughts during events like those.

Wow Maruo is more of a hero than I thought. He saved a group of 12 year olds sisters from being separated.

But then again, considering what we know now, maybe it would have been better at least for Zetsuba to have a break away from the others.

Guys, the difficulty is not how easy or hard it is to bed them. It's the difficulty of the lives they've had i.e. how much suffering and despair they have gone through.

Nino and Yotsuba are the only acceptable end. I can always hope for Harem

She looks like a psychopath....

Holy shit this fucking ESL, my head hurts.

Itsuki's arc will just be a repeat of "I want to be a teacher"

Fuck off Ninofag, Yotsuba or death

Did someone say autists?

Attached: good irohasu minna-san!.jpg (736x1129, 112K)

You mean Yotsuba AND death.

fuck off yotsufag, she did nothing to deserve fuu, ontop of that she is a psychopath

Still to early to say. Her story doesn't seem finished yet. The Yotsuba we see at the end of this chapter is a 180 of the Yotsuba we know. There has to be a bridge linking the 2 that we haven't seen yet.

Has this been resolved yet or is it still in the air?

>Is there any reality where Itsuki's inevitable arc could possibly be better than Yotsuba's?
Definitely not. We already know what Itsuki's all about. He probably saved Yotsuba's for last because he knew he couldn't top it

So cute

Attached: 97498D14-F18C-4726-999C-1CB5487F20B5.jpg (1485x1080, 833K)

Itsuki looked pretty off when she said she would become the mother. Maybe she's not as well put together as we think.

Its probably either Iroha or Yukino. Next oncoming volume should wrap it up

Very very important question :
Did Maruo fuck the Quint's Mother?

proportions are fucked

At the rate Negi's going...

>she did nothing to deserve fuu
I mean has Nino?

>ontop of that she is a psychopath
Literally not true at all

God those breasts are so rude.

Miku has bags under her eyes for some reason. Totally not necessary. Why?

He fuck her corpse

did you miss
>I won.
>I am no longer in the same place with my sister.
>I am no longer similar.


Attached: psycho.png (562x274, 128K)

She was terminally ill. Pretty sure he wouldnt want to stick his dick in that, even with protection. Hes a doctor, he knows better

really now? I'm quite a fan of her, probably my favorite. What happened to Yui though?

>so she flunk on purpose in hopes to transfer to a different school away from her sisters
>got the best grades back then
>doesn't want to be with the quintards
>flunks on purpose to get away
>her sisters end up following her
Wait wait wait
Holy shit
What if she actually CAN study, but now, because of a fucking snowball effect, she has to pretend to be absolutely dumb, so her sisters don't learn the truth that is that she didn't want to be with them?
Worst part is that this shit game of pretend to be dumb hit the fan hard when she met Fuutarou, him now being studious, while she has to be dumb - so she can't reveal she's lolikano, because she's "breaking" their promise.

Attached: 1473976082724.png (669x682, 469K)

>she did nothing to deserve fuu
She has been his most supportive ally

>What happened to Yui though?

>Yotsuba the only with the bearsuit
Still going for that individualtiy huh? It's funny too because I've always noticed that Yotsuba was always the odd one out of them, even her ribbons don't correspond to her number 4 because you can only see 2 ends sticking up at the top of her head.

It actually makes sense now after seeing all these spoilers.

I think that's her name on a brief google search, the orange haired girl with a side bun, kinda genki

She.....we dont talk about her. Basically, Hikigaya pursued yukino rather than her, literally. She got toradora'd

>I think that's her name on a brief google search
I apologize, that went over your head. I was making a joke about how irrelevant she is at this point of the story.

>even her ribbons don't correspond to her number 4 because you can only see 2 ends sticking up at the top of her head.
the ribbon is meant to be a clover, 2 ends stick out upwards and 2 go downwards into her hair

She as a little girl with an identity crisis that just got told by her mother that she'll always be the same as the identical siblings she's trying to set herself apart from. Of course she would react that way. Far from being a psychopath

And she never tried to disguise as her sister except the time she at her granpa place.


She wears kiddie panties user. It's not because of muh individuality.

Nino is more than acceptable. A 24 win would be the best. 5 would be the worst, 3 would be alright and 1 is now impossible.

>She wears kiddie panties user. It's not because of muh individuality.
That's what Negi wants you to believe.

We are supposed to interpret Yotsuba's ribbon by focusing on the knot in the centre. From there, you can see the ribbon split into four parts. 2 forming the bunny ears and 2 going into her hair.

This chapter doesnt explain how Miku is the best at imitating her sisters. Is it a possibl plot point for her in the future?

Attached: 3n4.jpg (2048x2048, 505K)

If you untie the ribbon, it's still the 2 same ends though.

You don't need an dedicated explanation on how a identical quint is able to imitate her identical sisters.

Get back, Takeda.


Nice speedreading.

Where's Fuutarou when you need him

Attached: __.png (1346x762, 1.82M)

>everyone and the world bends over backwards to help Miku
>everyone and the world bends over backwards to hurt Yotsuba

Attached: ty_lee.jpg (459x447, 24K)


Nino hugs Fuu-kun

I'd honestly prefer a 5 end to a 3 or 1 end

I dont have the pic, but wasnt it confirmed by negi that Miku can copy her sisters personalities very well? There was something like
>this is the fifth sister, or the third. Shes definitely the fifth, in fact shes more like the fifth than the fifth herself
or something like that

After the "i want you to know everything about me" line it would make more sense for Miku's exposure to be done while talking to Fuu about their past, maybe that's how he learns about Yotsuba, he tells Miku the lolinakano story and she connects the dots and tells him the truth

That user means Itsuki had no much development and 1st girl trope. That why it's the worst.

Yotsuba is for love, not despair. Negi fix this at once.

Attached: 5jzzu0rt0mz21.jpg (1024x622, 146K)

>This chapter doesnt explain how Miku is the best at imitating her sisters
>This chapter doesnt explain why Miku has such low self esteem

Negi just doesn't care.

Fuu-kun lookin at Miku

And he looks annoyed by it

Or Yotsuba just hurts herself.

this. She's putting a facade to make happy

being dumb is her purpose in life

>Holy shit
>What if she actually CAN study, but now, because of a fucking snowball effect, she has to pretend to be absolutely dumb, so her sisters don't learn the truth that is that she didn't want to be with them?
As funny as that would be I don't think it's the case. I think she just got the best grades cause she was the only one actually trying back then

I'm actually forced to believe now that she failed the exams on purpose just to get away from her sisters.

I'm also forced to believe now that Yotsuba didn't decline the track club's request because she wants to avoid Fuutarou for the time being

But hey, it's just a dumb crackhead theory.

I mean, that could be a possibility but I'd rather hope for the best. Only the future chapters will tell i guess

Attached: cute.jpg (1133x1600, 206K)

Take your stupid theories to discord.



Would you rather the threads just devolve into "X is so cute"?

Ironically, he looks at Nino all the time

Yes, he is.

Haven't you seen the multiple daily threads during the weekdays? It's all waifu posting. On the one day we can actually get discussion, they still don't want it and would rather waifupost.

Because he's pissed off.

I was talkin about the picture but k

I love you yotsubafags but I'm going to you two delusional before the other user does.
Yotsuba worked extra hard because of her mother, That's what she promised to Fuuts. Despite that, mamakano said that isn't what she wanted and once mamakano passed away, she simply lost the motivation.

I won't deny that some of her actions are to blame but I'd say the majority of the bad things that happen to her weren't her fault

he's always turning his back at Nino's advances


Oh God, don't tell me you're one of those faggots that draw lines at which direction Fuutarou is looking to show how "totally in love with Nino" he is



X is so cute!

Attached: beautiful.jpg (1080x1080, 61K)

>I'm not going to confess because he doesn't like me and I don't deserve it
>no, try it, he likes you, he even had a wet dream thinking about you!
>*dramatic scene where she realizes she loves him and runs to confess to him*
>gets rejected
This was retarded. What the fuck was the author thinking?

Better than P A R R A L L E L S

Yes, but her selfless is becoming selfish. Not only hurt herself but also affect other people especially her sisters if they know the truth.

He's the samefag who corrects any mention of other girls with Nino.

She hacked. I don't mind Aki win but HOW she wins. It's beyond retard.

But Nino has all the most powerful paralle-OHNONONO

Attached: Soon.jpg (1600x6000, 2.77M)

Basically, yes. But NinoFags love to spam those parallels and it becoming annoying AF.


>Yes, but her selfless is becoming selfish

you know whats becoming annoying AF?
Yotsu theories

I don't think you understand just how dumb Yotsuba really is.

>same voice as Yotsuba
Well, I'm rooting for her

Yeah, Yotsu theories are becoming annoying recently because of the spammers.

Umu. Good you understand.
But if I had to play along, then this would mean that yotsuba was truly happy to get away from the sister's shit.

Attached: 78 12.png (1115x1600, 495K)

Ninofags can genuinely be super annoying sometimes. I thought the parallel posting and line of sight drawings was ironic at first because of how studio it was but nope

Oh no.....please dont make the last one a parallel Negi!

>Yotsuba chapter has discussion about Yotsuba
I find Miku Posting and Nino Posting much more annoying along with 24/7 threads.

>complaining about Yotsuba theories
>in a yotsuba chapter
>in a yotsuba focused arc
That's like complaining about chinese food in a chinese restaurant because everything they serve is chinese.

Last one Nino will giving up Fuutarou after knowing Yotsuba past histories with him

The chapter just came out, sure some theories are a bit out there but of course people are gonna start thinking of stuff when the chapter is still fresh in their head. nobody said anything during about Ninofags during chapter 59 and 60 but it's when they post the same parallels over and over again 20 chapters later that it starts to get a bit obnoxious. Mikufags can also be annoying for similar reasons

Except she herself said it doesn't matter since she loves him the most. She won't let anything stop her from competing for Fuutarou.

Attached: x10.png (1115x1600, 643K)

This. Yotsuba was memed as being irrelevant and forgettable. NOW LOOK WHOS IRRELEVANT, FUCKERS!

Remember when nino was lolikano because "taking pictures"?

Yeah because
>yotsuba first girl confirmed, shes going to win!
>yotsuba deserves to win because shes sad!
Just accept it, every quint posting has become shit already

Of fucking course had to be a woman who wrote this spiteful ending. Women value the act of winning over a man from other women more than the man they've won over

There are yotsu theories out there, layering her face on the bell kisser, come the fuck on

No.I mean in in the recently. Some retards spam reddit Yotsuba theories 40 pages on my newfeed and some manga page makes me annoying.

Remember when Fuutarou was supposed to recognize Ninos back hug connecting it with the bike ride? Lmao

Or waifufags are annoying.

Miku has nothing left. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

>>yotsuba deserves to win because shes sad!
That's not the reason user

this desu

You mean like the theories for Ichika, Nino, or Miku being the kisser?

Oh you mean the Reddit Docs/charts and shit? Yeah nobody likes those but they exist for every girl. Best thing to do is to either ignore them or laugh at them

Kek. Feels just like yesterday

I did not see a theory for nino's face being layered on the bell kisser, they are fucking quints, fuck off.

Remember when we had 5 posts per minute shitposting?

Miku has her 2nd most screentime. Otherwise, nothing.

remember when we got 1000+ posts with 300ish IPs with literally nothing to discuss, just pure shitposting?

Career? Gym tickets?

The one comparing her cherrypicked running pose to the kisser is equally ridiculous.

We reached like 4.6 in the previous thread

What does Negi have to do to recreate such a mess?

Do you have a link to this theory? I'm genuinely curious if it actually exists

We can do better. Remember when we had like 3 threads in a row hit 1k. Fuck I can’t remember which chapter, it was like a month or two ago

BTFO Nino. It would spawn at the very least 3 days of consecutive threads of pure shitposting

>Best thing to do is to either ignore them or laugh at them
This user get it.
Some are plain dumb, but you'll die faster if you respond to them each time. At least get a laugh out of it.

Oh yeah that was awful. A 1000 post thread of just Nino posting. The worst part was that they were actually proud of it, like it wasn't cancer

You mean the backside chapter where everybody was helping miku?

The power of ultra autism

Kek. It was really bad

I present to you, the truth that the quints have the same faces, shocker.

Attached: trash.jpg (715x845, 248K)

You mean chapter 59 spoilers?

Looks like Nino to me though

wait a minute, have we look into this before?
this could be the key to everything

Holy shit, this is actually legit. It's like negi reused the same panels. NEGIII DAMEE

Ichika has this face too


Yeah man, i can't believe the face of a quint fits ontop of a quint, unbelieveable

Nice try Mikuspic.

Don't even bother

Attached: D42V9qxVUAAgbER-orig.jpg (640x688, 44K)

There was a similar one for Ichika.

Put the ones there, where Fuuts pulls Ichika's wig, and Miku is about to cry, when Fuuts recognizes her in 67.



Dont even try to play it off


Holy shit. It makes way too much sense! I think he's cracked the code!

Yeah around the chapter 59 and 60 period iirc

I'm fairly recent to the toubun threads, I only started visiting by chapter 62. What was it like? does anyone have a link for the 1000 post thread?


Negi is a fucking hack. Hes never gonna reveal the bride, is he?

Attached: 1556862651547.jpg (1072x505, 100K)


The beginning of my hate for yotsufags.

This looks way more accurate though. It's all about the expression.

How many chapters are likely to be left? I can see if Negi does a timeskip straight to the wedding instead of resolving competition between the quints

Shut your spamming and shitposting already Ninofags, my wife Nino hasn't done anything and she is gettting involved in your bullshit annoying P A R A L L E L S !

This is why the toubun threads reach high post counts. Because of retards like these

Thank you, user.
holy shit it's real.

ends in either vol14 or 16

Oh that was ages ago, you can probably find it if you look through the archives around the time chapter 59 was released. It's about what you're expecting though just a bunch of people posting pictures of Nino and when image limit was reached they just spammed "I LOVE NINO". It was kind of sad desu

They're fucking sisters, of course they have the same facial structure.

These threads are full of low effort 1-3 word posts.

Attached: file.png (374x324, 152K)


There's no way that'd happen.

There there user. How does this make you feel?

Attached: 1538217723926.png (492x774, 381K)

If Ninofags were like you who just wants to love Nino, they would probably not be hated so much. They just wanna spam shit and make the threads insufferable, to the point that I want Nino to lose just to see them eat shit
Estimates say about 30ish chapters, but with how the sales are going I wont be surprised if it goes on longer

>I skimmed through and felt my IQ drop by 6. Holy shit it's almost as bad as the yahari threads of way back when.

Why nobody like Raiha

Was this the pure shitposting during GW break?

>different eye expression
Nope, that aint her chief.

Oh come on user I'm only joking. Its much more fun to laugh at that shit than to genuinely get angry about it

Pls dont remind me of GW threads

What is this user?

I’m not talking out plotlines, i’m talking about roles. Miku’s not Lolikano or the bride. She has nothing.

so around 9 chapters per volume, that gives us what, something like 45-60ish chapters, that's quite a lot since Negi managed to do story intro, fireworks actress arc, Rena intro, and midterms in 45 chapters.

Noice, nino a shit.

i would say at most it ends with volume 16, it would give room for another set of quints covers and enough content for 4 seasons of the anime

>yahari threads
Oh God user, don't remind me. Those threads are famously cancer especially the Yukinofags. Those guys won't even take a joke in their waifu's jest without sperging out


Im getting PTSD just thinking about all the shitposting that went down FUCK

It's a very old character poll. Just ignore it.

Popularity vote before chapter 60 iirc

>She has nothing

I disagree.

Attached: __nakano_miku_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_noto_kurumi__4d9f234957414f47f21662ada3a2b919.jpg (1479x882, 597K)

Fuck I didn't mean to greentext that.

So the were the ye olde Ninofags?

It's fine. You'll get used to it when your quint becomes more prominent. They fear the winners.

Attached: 1544753754810.png (354x127, 70K)

i'm assuming this will end around graduation, sister war ended in late May and graduation is in March of the following year, other than the final test, no arc has covered more than a month so there's a lot of time left to cover

So nothing, thanks for confirming it

When's the next one coming out? I'm actually curious to see how much it'll change

1. Miku
2. Yotsuba
That's all you need to know.

Soon, it was announced recently(previous week iirc)

Attached: 5474634.jpg (444x591, 60K)

Ninofags, Irohafags, Rukafags, and Marikafags are all essentially the same fags.

kekkk based mikubread.
have bread nincel.

Oh, dear. If Miku turns out to be the bride, you will be the first one to scream asspull, cause you already decided that she won't, even when the story is still ongoing. It's perfectly fine if you don't believe in her chances, but let's not be hasty.

It depends on how much Negi wants to jump around. Remember all of the final exam stuff was them studying for supposed months in advance but was covered in 5 chapters.

>activate windows
Fuutarou, stop posting here

>she has no plotlines
>yes she has! Posts fanart

will Negi do a ben-to like ending?

Even as a Mikubro, I'd have to say Miku has a low chance of being the bride right now. Let her get to know Fuutarou a bit better. Have patience Mikubro

Much worse it was like an autistic hivemind to the point where nobody could believe it was more than 3 people samefagging all the time. Yuifags were pretty chill, Irohafags were ok, but Yukinofags would make Ninofags look tame. Its like some kind of neck beard initiative

Thats a manga panel tho. Also, that greentext was horrible. What the fuck were you trying to do?

This desu. They'll claim that Negi is a hack, has no integrity, "is burning it all down" etc etc. You can already tell who'll be the saltiest fags if the bride isn't Nino.

i am considering a few time skips, after all it took negi 10 volumes to cover 9 months in universe and graduation is 10 months away
i think we'll speed through june/july and he next proper arc will be on the august break, then on september they'll celebrate one year since knowing each other and maybe skip until christmas before slowing down for the final exam and maybe finishing the career paths question

It's sad that no matter what happens Miku will still probably be number 1 for some reason

Really? Sweet. Do you know if voting is open yet or are they waiting to finish the flashback arc first?

Oh...Oh god. For real? Can I get some titles so I can go archiving?

Read the one before where he posted a fanart

Nips love Nino now tho, right? r-right?!

There is best episode polling with this chapter, dunno where the best quint polling come from

Garbage series.

I can't, it happens like every single thread. You would probably be better off just searching Oregairu, Yahari, or just Yukino into the archive and scrolling to see which threads have the most replies. The more replies the more cancer it is sure to be

Nice bait

>140+ IPs
>800 posts
Is this thread worse?

It really depends. Those 10 volumes in universe were done in 9 months, but in real life that was about 2 years worth of work for Negi. I think Negi is trying to end this series by the end of this year or early next year like he said.
If he is trying to end by the of volume 12 we are looking at about 4-5 more months of work. If volume 13 then about 6-7 months which fits around where he wants to end it.

No, on the merit that it's actually mostly discussion. The Nino thread was just Ninofags jacking each other off

Eventually, Yotsuba will fall into the abyss. There's no stopping it.

No. There's no Ninospamming.

If the manga ends by volume 12, I'm convinced that either Yotsuba or Miku is the bride

Are the flashbacks done or is there going to be a Fuutarou chapter?

Probably, 59 was pretty fucking amazing and Nino was even trending on Twitter when it came out. But they have some undying devotion to Miku for some reason

> Miku
Nah. Based on this development progress, shitty Nino is better than Miku.

Itsukifag here, are there even a dozen of us?

Attached: 1555385259781.png (275x280, 57K)

My guess is that there's probably one more. What that will entail is up in the air

DIdn't she also trend the following week with chapter 60 as well?

It has just started user. And you'll like it.

As a Mikufag myself, I'd say the undying love is unconditional. She may be sinking, but Imma stay loyal.

I'm thinking that Miku is the next to go. She's been focused just as much as Ichika at this point. Top 3 will definitely be Itsuki, Nino, and Yotsuba

Maybe half that on a good day

I like it, but I feel like Negi's covered most of the plot holes on the two chapters.

how many ninofags will commit sudoku if yotsuba wins

That does ring a bell, yes. I remember there was a bunch of Jap Twitter memes so it wouldn't surprise me

Its not about the development, at least for me. I just want Miku to have a happy end with Fuutarou. Its unreasonable, but I have the freedom to choose what I wanna ship, even if the ship is sinking.

we're already on vol11 and by the title of this chapter there's going to be 2 more flashbacks at least so for it to end at vol13 it would mean 14 chapters for Fuutarou to learn the truth, deal with the fallout from it, give Miku some exposure on why did she changed as she's the only one left, decide on future career paths for the quints and Fuu and Fuu realizing what quint he likes and reject the others at the bare minimum
assuming Negi doesn't introduce any other plot point

Does a 45fag count? I'm fine with either of them winning.

all the ones who posted all those P A R R E L L E L S

Agree. Nino had strong and enough development. Itsuki or Yotsuba can be the end game if Negi focuses on them right now.

And that's fine it's just I didn't expect Miku to be the one they all flock too out of all of them. I knew she'd be popular just not THAT popular

at leas two more, this chapter is titled "that boy and I 1" while the previous one was "my sisters and I 1" so we need to get part 2 for each

All of them will probably drug their tea and drink it in honor of Nino if she loses to anybody in general, never to wake up again

Well, regardless of what Yea Forums says, Miku does put in effort for what she wants. Effort is respected. Thats why Nino rose to popularity after all. I'd like to think that at least. It could just be a Saekano Utaha kinda thing where the character is loved just because of her lewdness and black stockings. That being said, Miku isnt really a fitting comparison to Utaha senpai

Attached: i mean....jpg (700x699, 71K)

so next chapter will be my "sisters and I 2" to give more insight as to how Yotsuba feels/developed along side the other 4. Probably some flashbacks to previous chapters.
Meanwhile there's a good chance we get either a reveal or Yotsuba admitting to herself that she still has feelings for him in "That boy and I 2".

I'm convinced Yotsuba actually despises her sisters. Post proof to prove me wrong please

Utaha was the best girl in all aspects though

The entire manga

i fucked up, it would be 23 chapters left for all of that

I can't wait for the chapter title to be "My sisters and that boy" to show that yotsuba resented all her sisters all along.

I mean, yeah. I'm just saying her character was really popular because of the lewdness. Her characer played a part in it too. Also, Miku is also best girl so theres that
>All that in 23 chapters?