I really love Asuka, she is super cute.
I really love Asuka, she is super cute
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, I remember that bitch. I prefer girls that aren’t trashy tsunderes.
I acknowledge your opinion and respect it, even if I don't agree 100% with it.
Now let's get to the real heart of this argument:
What is she doing here?
Oh , she's just one of those production line cardboard cutouts with a production model tsun "personality".
Was gonna ask who , thanks for saving me the trouble.
Playing all of Hikari's smutty otome games, of course. She's gotta find something to fill the Shinji-shaped hole in her heart.
You meant pussy
I agree
At least present an edit of the picture, you filthy pleb
>year of our lord 2000 + 19
>hasn't watched evangelion
Zoomer get out
>Deus Ex
My nigga.
No one truly knows.
Playing Mortal Kombat
playing route C of nier cause she hates happiness
She wish she could be watching TV with Shinji instead.
What do you think of this?
Very nice
>Tries to act superior
>Doesn't know who Asuka is
Edgy teenagers were a mistake.
wow ur amazing what a revelation wow
would she do it to herself?
Do you think Asuka takes Shinji to the arcade to hustle other kids on DDR?
Tsundere's are so fucking boring. Only plebs like that bottom of the barrel trash.
Man I wonder what plug suit sex feels like.
She would choose the choice she wishes shinji would take.
And then she sees herself kicking Shinji in the nuts.
Asuka knows the real cheat code to that game.
Is Asuka ready to ride Shinji's baloney pony?
What's she listening to?
Best girl coming through. Stay clear.
She acquired taste for what Shinji listens to, so probably some classical music and stuff.
How many times did Shinji get distracted by Asuka's ass during their sync training?
how often was Asuka facing away from Shinji?
How hard was it for Shinji to resist a tit grab on that last pose?
Pick one
Pick the megane girl with huge oppai.
>picking Mari over superior Asuka
For what purpose?
Mari has bigger tits in canon and the chestnut hair and megane is hot. Cute and spunky personality as well.
If I had to pick one chained up like that it'd be Mari, but I am not really into that thing so instead I will just get them all freed
This is manga Asuka, where Shinji just witnessed her beat the shit out of a gang of men the other day.
He is probably constantly being cautious and ensuring he doesn't even do it by accident and get killed.
God I wish that were me.
Don't we all?
>pinches his nose shut while kissing
>asks him to stop breathing
She wants to strangle him too, doesn't she?
The asphyxiation fetish is canon.
I guess it goes both ways.
speaking of which did we ever find out what album shinji listened to on repeat like 5000 times?
a few tracks from Ys and ode to joy mainly
Probably some complex from her mom.
I didn't want to say it.
>sega saturn
ok she's based after all
Its all they have apparently, 2nd Impact killed better vidya consoles
Shinji Ikari Raising Project.
Sort of thing starts happening ever damn chapter.
>you now realise there is an official Evangelion-themed R&B album produced by Loren & Mash
some of the songs are honestly not too bad.
And they're still using Nokia 2010s. I'm sure it's accidental and they just included technology current to when they made the show, but it's a great effect how only military technology developed in 20 years and the consumer market looks like Pakistan. Makes me think they could have an industry of diving to recover old stock electronics from sunken warehouses.
>I'm sure it's accidental and they just included technology current to when they made the show
They do it deliberately for the Rebuilds though, Asuka plays on a Wonderswan in 2.0 rather than a more modern handheld.
>hating asuka
beta BOYS who would never have the balls to talk to her.
I have a confession Yea Forums. I really, really, really love Asuka. I burn a prayer every night for her. I have a shrine in the corner of my room devoted to her.
The SDAT became completely anachronistic by then, too, so there was the addition made of it actually being older than Shinji himself and once owned by his father. But that was just Asuka and Shinji being hipsters, other devices were contemporary product placements.
fuck off Tiffany Grant
Asuka is BY FAR the best thing about the shonen anime called 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'.
We can only dream to compare to her pure love for Asuka.
I especially enjoy how she owns one and only one Shinji just so it can be tormented.
Tiffany Grant is a true believer, and her dedication and devotion to Asuka is enviable and admirable.
Mr. I got bad news, you are pedo
God that is so disgusting.
>40 year old woman with wizened eggs
>pretending to be a 14 year old prime breeding material like Asuka
Glad I never ever listened to a single dubbed line of Evangelion.
EVERY FUCKING THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In my fantasies, I self insert as Giorno Giovanna in the Evangelion universe. I save Asuka by growing a tree on each of the mass produced Evas. After that I, Giorno Giovanna, fulfill my dream of ejaculating inside Asuka.
You just don't get it, newfag.
>not inserting as Rohan and abusing Heaven's Door on the whole cast
You said that yesterday also What is a Stand and what is a giorno giovanni?
The pathetic repetition won't get you acknowledged. You are the only person who keeps using this copypasta. Off yourself
Rohan's Stand wouldn't work on Evas, unlike a tree.
>EoE ending scene was just kinky foreplay
>only one Shinji just so it can be tormented.
Seems to be a common occurance.
Wonder if the opposite would be better, many Shinji all being bullied around by a single Asuka.
In the end
Yellow Dress Asuka >> plugsuit Sohryu >> rest
>doesn't like older women
I pity you.
t. older woman
Yellow Sundress
Standard Plugsuit
Punished Shikinami's hat and jacket
Soryu's casual wear
Striped Bikini with the zipper
The rest
2.0's test slutsuit
Imagine how much better Eva was if it was like JoJo and Eva's were like Stands with funny and interesting powers instead of your run of the mill shonenshit mechas powered by angst and anger.
asuka a bimbo
Its okay, last I checked she is 28 years old.
So I'm actually younger than her.
Shikinami is 28. Vanilla Asuka will always be 14.
She was 13 most of the series and 14 in December of 2015 when the tail end of the series occured, and so she would be 17 in current time.
>Shinji turns 18 in 3 days
I only come to these threads for pictures of Rei.
its ok user, we can't all have good taste.
Too old for misato then
>over age 30
I know, that's why these threads have to get started by Asukafags.
Just go to /c
>that End of Eva case she signed with "Not if you were the last man on Earth"
Both are trash. Manface.
post lifepartner then
my guess; she looks like a manhand.
Asuka wants to eat shinjis snake
Is ASSuka Shinjisexual?
Reminder this is canon.
I'm gonna treat this as a serious question and say yes, they are literally designed to be near-perfect complements to each other. The only thing that is getting in their way is their inept communication skills, and I highly doubt that'll keep them from each other for long post-3I.
If everyone's plans for 3I were suddenly aborted and they were free to pursue a normal life after Kaworu died, Asuka would remain bitter and alone until she either cracks immediately and moves back in to Misato's apartment, or moves back in with her stepfamily in Germany before she comes to realize that she sorely misses her stupid Shinji and ask to move back in anyway, more out of desperation than any real belief in a happy ending.
>If everyone's plans for 3I were suddenly aborted and they were free to pursue a normal life after Kaworu died
No such chance. If 3I gets aborted, and Units 01 and 02 still exist, there's no way the world powers wouldn't try to use them for a power grab for more land and/or global domination. And seeing as how Shinji and Asuka are the only two people capable of using their Evas to their full potential, there's no way these two don't end up on opposite sides of the battlefield, forced to fight each other.
NERV would probably maintain a hold of both Evas, and Shinji would never willingly fight her.
Problem is the other countries could keep making MP-Evas as weapons. SEELE mentions how they "only" have the 9 ready when they initiate their plan in EoE.
Also Asuka would still be in a slump without the events of EoE, if not the full coma, since it took having depth charges dropped on her head and her mama reaching out to her to break her out of it.
If other countries make MP-Evas then it only means that warfare changed to Kaiju-like battles. Kinda brings out my inner Kenosuke where I find something devastating as cool.
I think that Shinji would have nothing to do but visit Asuka in hospital until she woke up. I wonder how he would react once she does wake up because he lost/hurt everyone else (Kaworu & Toji; Kenosuke moved away).
>MPEVAs are probably expensive as fuck
>Barely above grunt tier in terms of a challenge
EoE was a perfect storm of bad luck, give Shinji and Asuka some guns and they're fucking dead meat. I doubt the world has the resources to make more than three dozen of them.
They were from an early 90s video game soundtrack and Misato’s VA performed both of them.
Lilia from Ys is the album, songs are “Blue Legend” and “You are the Only One”
Depends on your interpretation of how they fought in EoE.
Were they just fucking around and toying with Asuka?
Or are they more akin to dumb animals that SEELE only has general command over?
The replica lances remain an issue regardless if anyone else is able to make those.
Honestly even if Asuka and Shinji were at their best together in EoE, I doubt they'd win if the MP-Evas simply opened with the lances. Shinji went crazy and had 01 fully awaken, and they just lanced him to pin him in place and carry him away.
Just give one or both of them some bulky-ass arm shields. They can have a huge Glock in one hand and a riot shield in the other. Have fun catching javelins while you fucking blow their bodies apart.
Also, the concept that they're intelligent beings has always been stupid. They're retarded animals that follow their directive to kill. Maybe they're akin to a pack animal in terms of intelligence on a good day, but they're still just animals.
does asuka have smelly feet?
do i watch the rebuild movies
She's a bitch
No they fucking suck, I've seen better fanfics
Does anyone know what the fuck this is from?
>now that I'm more than twice her age I find her more cute than sexy
>you're still not jacking it to teenage girls at 30
Don't fucking correct me if you are
Should I watch Rebuild immediately after finishing EoE and Eps 25-26?
At least give yourself a break to ensure you can isolate the Rebuilds and not have it ruin the main experience.
Also, you can honestly just skip Rebuild 1 since its just anime episodes 1-6 with only a few minor alterations that don't really matter for Rebuild 2.
>thumbs up
savor the enjoyment you got out of eoe and the tv series
savor it to the fullest
because you'll regret that you didn't once you start rebuild
If I had to guess, Girlfriend of Steel 2?
It certainly wasn't in the first.
Follow the first part of what this guy says (give yourself some time before moving on to Rebuilds) and absolutely ignore the latter (Rebuild 1 is personally the best of the three to me so far).
Did they know we were going to have widescreen TVs in the future instead of 4:3 back in 1996?
How fitting.
What is the best dish that Asuka can probably cook?
I would.
I know right? Makes it more spicy.
yes just to shit on them
Spriggan Movie (1998)
JPTitle: スプリガン
Est Time: 00:42:14 / 01:30:31
i choose hikari
Yes. Widescreen TVs were a thing in the 90s. It just took them a while to catch on depending on where you were and (obviously) they cost a lot more than regular TVs.
I really want to watch Asuka wet her panties.
this is true, kuuderes are patrician tier though
>tsundere's are so fucking boring.
i hope you're not saying this as a rei fan
you better be a fucking misato fan
or i swear on me mum i'm gonna say the y word
get that cancer out of here
you don't know the ultimate reifag, what a newfag
yanderedev is Yea Forums spillover, keep the cancer contained
Why are we doing all these TV edits?
tell me now
are you a reifag
or something that is actually not boring like misato or even maya
anything is is literally less boring than rei so i don't want to hear "xx is boring i like rei"
this isn't even in defense of asuka, i actually dislike asuka
i just hate the hypocrisy of reifags
Why not?
None of that even matters. Yea Forums stays on Yea Forums, period. It is the single shittiest board on this site and it needs to stay the fuck away from Yea Forums.
Also, do you have the png for this?
answer my question bitch
kill yourself, Yea Forumseddit faggot
Yes, made this however my MS Paint editing skills are rather feeble.
Kinda a pain to edit images to match the angle of the TV.
ginger bitches are a no no
seems like you're a reifag then, clearly trying to hide it with this nonanswer and deflecting even though i had long abandoned the topic from Yea Forums and went straight back to eva talk
All (((girls))) are trash
>german screenshot
i appreciate the extra effort user
None of the above, but kuudere is my favorite archetype.
this basically
but that's rei
how do you get off calling anything else boring when rei is like the quintessential boring one
even one of the background girls from rebuild would be less boring of a choice than rei
her entire concept is meant to be dull as fuck
so i'm gonna take your word of none of the above as not liking rei either but i've got my private eyes on you, and they both look like hall and oates
That's actually difficult. I wish I knew how to make the image fit inside the screen on GIMP. It's easier just to use the other format, like this.
Rei is a dandere, not a kuudere. She isn't shy or harsh. Rei lets Asuka and Gendo step all over her.
For me it's Rei Ayanami, the best Eva girl!
guess i was wrong then
carry on
well, she's german
>She isn't harsh
She slaps people who bad mouth the few things she cares about, and refuses some phony bitche's attempt at creating artificial friendship. She's pretty harsh.
someone got it right
the trick is to just pirate photoshop
But then I'd have to learn how to use photoshop
Only in that instance, when Asuka bad mouths her repeatedly Rei never answered back. Rei always stands there stone faced. Kuudere's tend be good with banter and I don't remember Rei ever being sarcastic or tearing Asuka's horrible personality to shreds.
In that instance of Rei not wanting to be friends, I just think Rei didn't understand those human emotions. I don't think she intended to reject Asuka.
she mostly just ignores asuka. Honestly I'd do the same thing, all she can do is talk shit.
I disagree, feels like she was definitely portrayed as being annoyed. The facial expression, her tone, her specific choice of words. If we was confused and bullshitting her way out of the situation she'd have been slightly more agreeable.
As for not answering back to verbal attacks, she's got no ego of her own to hurt, she completely, pathologically selfless. Attacking her directly won't have any effect, it's only by trying to attack the things that matter to her that you can get a reaction, and in those situation, she can be harsh.
The real answer is that Rei simply did not see or understand the point of friends. Despite the fact the 16th Angel showed that she feels great loneliness deep down.
Piko Piko Middle School
I made the template the other day, and everyone seems to be having fun with it. I am become op shit-poster of threads.
Any of you guys got a link to RE-TAKE? All google is giving me are dead links and tvtropes
>"Hey Shinji, look at me get fucked hard by this guy, met him at college back in Germany"
She went to college in america
Even better
Was it specified where she went or what she studied? I took for granted that her mom never left the Second Branch and her dad left her there with step-mom.
>pathetic numale from reddit absolutely triggered and projecting himself onto chad
male feminist = permanent virgin
I think the manga said what college she went to. The anime though just says she graduated college. Pretty much she's in school with the others for social interaction and to learn Japanese Kanji.
>reddit 'humor'
fuck yo faggot fuck you burn in hell.
Nobody ever talks about this but the fact that she graduated college while barely in the double digits is messed up
>little girl Asuka in college shitting on her professors in class and regarded as some weird in-between of an intellectual demigod and a freak of nature by the other students, ending up completely alienated from them and all alone just like she wanted
>like always this just makes her feel like shit
>objectively smartest, greatest person in the entire facility and still likely empty and bitter inside anyway
Asuka's life is a fucking tragedy on all fronts. I hope she got better after the apocalypse.
Hahaha, this faggot wasn't abused as a child and doesn't like women treating him like shit.
Everyone point and laugh.
Her abnormal childhood is likely a large part of why she is especially pissed at Shinji's piloting ability.
She surrendered a normal life to be the best, train to be an Eva pilot, go to college to prove she is the smartest too, and as a result had no real social life or friends before coming to Japan.
Then she learns Shinji just got plopped in an entry plug one day, isn't even really taking it to heart, but he quickly caught up to her sync record that she worked so long to attain. It makes her feel like she wasted her entire life up until that point - and while we don't know what she studied, its clear no academic knowledge is useful in her situation so its extra frustrating.
>tfw the segment in EoE where Kyoko is split between telling Asuka to die with her and live, as well as the general situation of her post-accident self, heavily implies her soul was fragmented and broken on delivery to Unit-02, like a faulty piece of machinery, compared to Yui's clean assimilation
>Asuka was playing with a presumably large handicap since day 1
Again, Asuka's life is absolutely miserable in every possible category. She couldn't even get placed on an even playing field with piloting.
The killer part of it is that Shinji isn't even trying to show her up. It'd be different if he was being a douche about his sync rate, but he's not.He's genuinely doesn't see what the big deal is.
She definitely had expectations for the other Children and what her relationship to them was going to be. She was stalking around a flight deck in her best clothes to meet the Third Child and he didn't look cool enough, she directly propositioned the First for friendship, she wanted a friendly rival and a gurlfrand to gossip with. Asuka thought she was on her way to join her people, the proud chosen elite protectors of humanity, who were trying to be the same thing as she was and would think the same way she did.
Um, okay?
>Shinji fucking Asuka .gif
>"Let me come up with very shitty bait"
Your tricks wont work here
I'd honestly like to see what would become of that scenario, one where Shinji does play the role of her rival who butts heads with her for supremacy
She thought she'd end up with her ideal people, but just got people exactly like her. Broken goods. Poor girl.
More than 20 years and people are still discussing and dissecting Eva and it's still fresh,
Layers, my boy. Layers
Kaji actually hyped up shinji quite a lot for her. (Best wingman).
And honestly i think he did live for some of the expectations early on, with the dance amd the lava save.
But then he retreated, ignored her, showed that he was a wimp, and it made it much harder on her as he kept getting the best scores.
Is Keel actually an ogre?
If only you knew the truth. . .
She is actually my wife, don’t talk about her like that...
holy shit based
If she is a "kuudere" it is the classic one, the new one is different. Now they are just lonely and shy, but with an ice cold exterior. Thawing that exterior makes them all soft and emotional. That is sweeter than most modern day tsundere.
They gave Rei more personality in rebuilds but it didn't quite capture that, probably because of Anno's hatred of that archetype.
He was still being nice and attentive when she started cracking up, part of that was flipping it in her head and deciding it was patronizing. Shinji by this point was avoiding school in shame since the dummy plug, had some revelations from inside Unit 01, and understands Kaji is dead.
Pretty close
Virgin and retard
>when you break through my emotional barriers my intimate self will be revealed and because it's so rarely shown it will be especially sweet and strange
>yes only you will ever get to see this side of me
>it will be our secret
Ryuuko is better!
What did she mean by this?
I feel like since there's a comma after that she was about to give more context
also a figurative description of their sex life
>ywn get to watch Asuka on the verge of an emotional meltdown receive a hug by Shinji and fall apart in his arms
>ywn get to watch her bawl onto his shoulder and gradually burn herself out
>ywn get to listen to Asuka murmur some backhanded compliment to Shinji and thank him in the process before telling him to shut up when he suggested breaking apart so she could fall asleep like that
>yw* get to watch Asuka on the verge of an emotional meltdown receive a hug by Shinji and fall apart in his arms
>yw* get to watch her bawl onto his shoulder and gradually burn herself out
>yw* get to listen to Asuka murmur some backhanded compliment to Shinji and thank him in the process before telling him to shut up when he suggested breaking apart so she could fall asleep like that
The context is Shinji is worried about someone Asuka would prefer he not worry about and searching her home for clues, and Asuka starts talking about stuff they could do unsupervised if they got a place like it without Misato.
Asking for a friend
Feel like Shinji might need those hugs more at the end of whatever continuity.
Naw you wont. Too much pride
is she playing stalker on console? now that's pretty next level
Girlfriend of Steel. The art is awful.
fuck. this is how it should have ended
is that a Sega mega drive
I think they forgot that Asuka would now have the mind of an adult in their mid 20s despite still looking like she's 14. Then again women seem to reach mental maturity rather slow these days.
Given that misato is on her forties and was acting like a fucking retards in 3.0, im not sure about what to think of shikinami.
Think Shikinami has had any dates over the last 14 years, or does her job leave no time for that, or is she unable to find anyone who would want a woman stuck looking like a kid?
Given how pandering as fuck 2.0 was, i believe not, in a mix of broken heart for 2.0 shinji, hard job to do, and the fact she isn't 100% human anymore and people on the base probably know
>unable to find anyone who would want a woman stuck looking like a kid?
that's funny user, you're funny
As ridiculous as it would be that she never got over her crush on Shinji after 14 years, I guess I'd believe it given the writing
Okay, more of she might feel too ashamed to even try finding someone because of it.
It's not even like she's thinking of him for the first time in years, because she had pent up rage and sorrow to punch a window at him, and it's not like she's just mad at him, because she gets to there after praying to him to save her in space and staring awestruck when he does. I gotta hope there's more to this than she kinda liked him for a few weeks half of her lifetime ago.
I want to have sex with asuka until she gets pregnant with decuplets then have 9 months long vaginal pregnancy sex with her until she goes into labor then have anal sex with her until she gives birth then do it all over again until she runs out of eggs, and all while she is still in Junior High.
>while barely in the double digits is messed up
What you mean? You sayin' Aska's gotta sub 100 IQ? Imma mess you up dawg.
Actual virgin Beta male and incel
That thot would get roasted on /cgl/. Plenty of better Asuka cosplays there (including mine)
I've heard theories that the events of 3.0 may not be the first time Unit-01 burped up a Shinji, or something that looks like Shinji.
Which could explain WILLE's attitude toward him if they are not sure what they are dealing with and Asuka's initial whirlwind of emotions toward him.
He might be Shinji Ikari, but they're positive he's Buster Machine 03.
Feels more like the writers were lazy and wanted a time skip for the plot without actually commiting their main characters to change from the time skip.
Shinji should've been killed on the way
Pure dumb pandering without thinking it through.
In NGE, a relationship between them was possible because theh lived together for months, went through a lot of shit together, had feelings for each other, kissed, fell apart, hit rock bottom, and shared a lot of parallels.
But the rebuilds are rushed and make no sense personality wise. It is held up entirely by nostalgia and previous knowledge of the series. Pure pandering.
When you judge the rebuilds by themselvesz they fall apart real quick