This is the only good isekai.
This is the only good isekai
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That is the correct answer.
Actually, your birth is the only good isekai. Have some good vibes OP!
The best Isekai is actually Wizard of Oz
it's fucking shit though
Theres also 8 Kingdoms, Inuyasha,A connenicut yankee at King Arthurs court, The divine comedy of Dante Aligeri.
Basically any og isekai, before the isekai became a trend and everything got filled with wish fullfilment bs, mmo and jrpg mecanic.
Alice in Wonderland was more enjoyable - Peter Pan was pretty good too.
In fact, many Western childrens classics which dealt with protagonists being whisked away to alternative worlds or other dimensions were pretty top notch and beat any Isekai modern Japan has produced in anime or manga form. I'm not so familiar on their literary or TV (film, drama etc) scene so cannot comment.
had high ambition and lot of potential. Only let down by bratty protagonist.
yeah villain of the week, what creative and fun writing
The protagonist was a pussy ass bitch.
He was pretty cool when he forced that girl to keep her rape baby, though.
He only did that out of his twisted sense of self righteousness and moral faggotry. Still pretty troll worthy.
That was the point you fucking brainlets, to show the disconect between the moral values of 90s Japan and that fucked up dystopic fluture.
Also it was a take on the clasic good shounen protagonist and it showed how such a mentality can be cripling, detrimental and downright fucked up in a more realistic setting
Brutal Legend
I just wish he had a really bad end for all his moral faggotry.
MC and main antagonist were both pretty annoying. Everyone else was good though.
This show fucked me up more than any other horror anime I've seen before or since.
Fuck this show for what it did to Sara in the last episode.
I love how whenever I happen to finish an anime suddenly there's a thread on Yea Forums.
The anime was great and certainly was a good change from more modern isekai, I really like the characters' interactions, how they think and why they think like that. However there's something that it made if for me a solid 7/10 instead of an 8 or 9, and it was the antagonists. Abelia and Hamdo are probably the worst antagonists I've recently seen that I can think of
There's so much wrong with this show. Not least of which they slapped on an unearned message of hope at the end. Despite the fact that the sun is still a red giant and the human race is literally on the brink of extinction!
Also the reveal that this isn't another world, but is our world billions of years in the future. That's really troubling. Because Shuu ultimately didn't change anything for the better. The human race is still destined to rape and murder itself into oblivion.
It wasnt that good.
hi syd
Sydsnap? like Gigguks girlfriend? I dont think she's covered this show.
This show sucked the soul out of me.
The stick?
If we are allowed to use western shit: I'm a bit of a fan of Gene Wolf's Wizard Knight.
As, for Now and Then, I used to use it as babies first anime. If someone I know didn't like it, they probably wouldn't like any of the other odd shit I enjoyed.
the only good isekai is where the guy turns into grass
It was kino
>Because Shuu ultimately didn't change anything for the better. The human race is still destined to rape and murder itself into oblivion.
Thats the point,he couldnt change shit in that world just like you cant change shit in this.The most he did was influence a couple of people,but the conclusion was mostly the same.
>As, for Now and Then, I used to use it as babies first anime.
You're a madman. You'd just throw someone into the deep end of the pool of despair wouldn't you?
and that godawful ending
Rumiko is pretty much the definition of creative and fun.
Which is the exact opposite of now and then.
The Chronicles of Narnia and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court can also be added to the list of “Western isekai”. Honestly I don’t know why we use the term “isekai” when there’s plenty of fiction where the protagonists are transported to a fantasy world that predates “isekai” anime by decades if not over a century.
Alright I am gonna say it, I think the ending was too harsh forcing the blonde to live in that world and not go back. Having water girl fade away was hard, but did she really have to stay in savage land. That to me made it almost unfair.
The writing is horrible
I don't think I watched this at the appropriate age. It really fucked me up.
>ripoff of Future Boy Conan is the only good isekai