All six deserve to die
WSJ Axe predictions
Other urls found in this thread:
From left to right.
1. The Last Saiyuki
2. Yui Kamio Lets Loose
3. Samurai 8: The Tale of Hachimaru
4. Double Taisei
5. Beast Children
6. Tokyo Shinobi Squad
Is top middle yuri?
Shounen Jump should make a series where the protagonist has an axe and literally goes around axing shitty manga
LOL no mongoloid faggot, now go back to subhuman piece of shit
HxH soon
2020 soon
Is bottom middle yaoi?
Boruto and Chainsaw Man should be axed.
meant for
From worst to best
1. saiyuki
1. kamio yui
1. gay shogi
1. gay rugby
5. shinobi
6. samurai 8 (purely because of kishimoto's brand value, it won' get axed for a while)
Top left is great
Please don't axe it, but I won't be surprised if it gets axed because fuck WSJ. I wonder why mangaka still tries to enter the world of trigger happy WSJ.
Rent free
Samurai 8 and Shinobi Squad axed soon
It will be axed as it is mediocre and forgettable. Mangaka enter the world of WSJ because it brings them big financial opportunities.
Out of those 5 barring the newest one, I'd be glad if Saiyuki survives. Fuck the rest.
Can Shinobi Squad pull a Jujutsu and bring in the sales
No. The first chapter was shit. No fujo appeal.
No, pretty sure a lot of people got baited by the cover as well. It's just your average harem.
based loli fox goddess
Axing's just giving us the blue balls because the author will never get to finish his manga since WSJ didn't like it. WSJ only had One Piece to give them huge amounts of money to support their axing policy bullshit, but sooner or later WSM will take the lead and people will begin picking up WSM because they don't axe series instantly.
Why do you people hate Last Saiyuki?
when was the last time a rookie made a new relevant action manga in wsm?
Not action manga but Toubun is making it way bigger than it should and it's the author's first series.
yes but that is a romcom. something like saiyuki wouldn't have been published at all in wsm
>wouldn't have been published at all in wsm
they prefer veterans
Just did a quick research, holy shit Negi is really lucky.
Where's Bokuben, Chainsawman and Axed-Age?
Must be the 12 chapters of nothing but exposition based on a retarded concept and a cast of forgettable to reprehensible characters.
based truthposter
Is there a first chapter thread?
Regardless of how Samurai 8 turns out they won't axe it. That's their new baby. Though God the bottom 3 look so fucking gay. Bottom right less so but still.
It's a normal albeit nostalgic romcom. And both of them are the same person.
>what is Robot x LaserBeam
Saiyuki, Kamio Yui, Hikaru Go 2.0, Rugby will get canned. Haven't seen the last one yet.
Robot x Laserbeam was kept alive for a fucking year. Why do people keep bringing it up like it was U19 or something?
It was kept for a year. But it was axed when it failed to perform.
Yeah, but we're discussing what will be axed soon. And Samurai 8 won't be axed this year no matter how much you or me want it.
This is a general axed thread. OP didn't say soon.
Aside from Samurai 8, I think Beast Children will survive for a bit thanks to the world cup. The others will probably be axed soon-ish.
It's not gayer than your average WSJ series, if that makes any sense. But then tagain, it's hard to tell when there's only one chapter out for now.
>This is a general axed thread. OP didn't say soon.
Please don't pretend to be retarded.
>I have rules in my head.
Everyone adhere to them or else.
That's fucking stupid. Then technically every single series is axe material. Just give 5 to 10 years and all of them but One Piece would be "axed". And at this stage of Jump any series that lasts a year might as well be considered a success. Yes even Spring Weapon.
bokuben axed when?
We have these template axe threads for the new jump manga on a regular basis, retard. They're about U19 or early axes, not about what series will end in year or two.
Seething based retard.
Are you wearing S-grade yuri googles?
This looks like a job for Numa Shun.
Read chapter 13
they already did
>it's the author's first series
RIP Rengoku no Karma
2018 has 3 manga to still be in the magazine (Jujutsu Kaisen, Act-age and Chainsaw man) I doubt any of these beside Samurai 8 will make it to 2020.
How is Yuuna still alive?
How is Bokuben still alive?
They need a replacement first. Maybe WSJ are waiting for some artist (Yabuki or Tosh when he will be free from soma)
? Yuuna is in a much more dire situation. It didn't even make the list
He was only the artist of that one.
Saiyuki is fine but it has an obvious pacing problem which an editor should have noticed. Not surprised it's already below Soma in the TOC. Dead.
Yui Kamio is garbage. Shiibashi shouldn't be wasting his skills on something like this. Dead.
Samurai 8 had a great first chapter, and garbage since. Hachimaru is a terrible main character. Don't see this surviving long even if it's Kishimoto. 5 volumes max.
Taisei is one of the worst things I've ever read in Jump. Please put it out of its misery.
Beast Children's first chapter was good. I think it has the potential to make it.
Haven't read Tokyo Shinobi Squad yet.
Those three are literally my three favorites one in the magazine right now. JJK and AA are already well estabilished, hope CSM can follow them.
>Samurai 8 won't be axed this year no matter how much you or me want it.
It will if it doesn't do well thats the point. No amount of slapping Kishis name in our face and pushing it to the front can save it if it doesn't
>Dude it gets good 13 chapters in I swear!
No thanks
I mean they are pushing Dr. Stone for years and the sales barely get better. They will do the same thing to S8.
It really will have to be a massive flop.
Dr. has good sales and positive reader reception. Seethe when the anime boosts the sales you bitch. Summer is coming.
>I doubt any of these beside Samurai 8 will make it to 2020
That's only 6 months away and everything else this year looks like axe fodder so they'll make it
By the way does anyone have an updated version of pic related?
I don't even hate the manga, I'm just saying what they are doing. Calm down.
Might as well remake it desu
Why are Dr. Flop fans so delusional? Its worse than BC fans at this point
MHA and BC fans are the worst
Let's not go there.
2019 is just as bad as 2015
>Beast Children's first chapter was good. I think it has the potential to make it.
I don't see how it was any better than any of the other ones you mentioned. It's as basic of a sports manga as you can get.
I hated everything from 2019. Filler year.
D-don't worry. Next round will be better.
This is your Reiwa era.
Reiwa only has 4 series so far though
this is the man that will save Saiyuki's ToC rankings
Like the Ziga shark waifu did? Kek.
I wish.
I agree with you but looking at this chart I don't see any year with multiple series that turned out to be amazing. If one new manga from the next batch turns out to be good i'll be content.
Shit this was meant for
2012 is probably the best of the bunch. It came out with two series that I loved, one that I used to love before it went to shit, and one that I don't care for but still does well to this day.
I didn't say it gets good 13 chaps in, but I felt like the issue with exposition stopped in that chapter. How come every other person in this thread is a turbo autist that can't just respond with out some cookie cutter response? Also, it takes hardly any time to read 13 chapters.
Chapter 13 isn't even translated yet, are you autistic?
Imagine seething over a simple typo
>can't read japanese
Are you actually autistic?
>Must be the 12 chapters of nothing but exposition
>Read chapter 13
>Chapter 13 isn't even translated yet
>Imagine seething over a simple typo
12 isnt exposition you seething retard
Are you just fucking retarded? The axing policy is older than the magazine's massive success. The competition is what made the magazine so successful in the first place. It's been this way since the 70's. The authors often come back or go work for other Shueisha magazines. Also, while every hit from Jump has gotten sequels there are also a number of times where an author made sequels to their failed Jump series.
>he fell for the Saiyuki meme
Dude this
Wasn't me, I was
12 is literally
>exposition into exposition
>something appears
>dudes oneshots it and starts another exposition
You're fucking delusional. Are you a shotafag degenerate or something?
Ripoff of the mentor from Sousei no Onmyouji.
You're talking to a second person buddy, I was
Do you even have the raws for it?
>any form of text is exposition
You're low IQ, refrain from posting again. I'd hate to see a brainlet like you try and read HxH.
Saiyuki: I like it but won't be upset when it's axed, would have preferred to keep Higuma
Kamio: for a veteran author, Shiibashi is a total idiot, he totally messed up the start of this series, what the fuck does he even want it to be, it had so much potential and now it just looks like it will justifiably get cancelled before figuring out anything
Samurai 8: garbage, will last 100 volumes
Taisei: I like it, but have no idea where it's going to go
Beast: hard to enjoy it, rugby is not a sport you can have a small runt and make it convincing, at least with all the emphasizing of getting bloody and beaten
Shinobi: looks fine but also generic
Axe Dr. Stone first, that farming manga needs to fucking die. Most obnoxious low IQ fanbase on Yea Forums, too.
c o p e
>Most obnoxious low IQ fanbase on Yea Forums, too
It's just one or two guys claiming that the anime will finally make it relevant.
Literally why try anymore
Maybe one of those can survive a year
You'll need to when summer comes.
I'm starting to doubt you even read Dr.Stone and only use it to shitpost.
They all suck. Try again in 2020.
what if I'm not alive?
I read chapter 12 thanks to this conversation, after having dropped the manga on chapter 3, and yeah it's mostly just boring conversation with some standard fighting. Nothing about it makes me wanna give it another chance.
Everything will be axed except for S8 just because of muh Kishitmoto
shinobi squad goes into how bad globalization so thats somethin
Doesn't look to bad, the action is simple but easy to follow. Art is clear and well done, characters are rather generic but interesting regardless. Can't say anything about the plot obviously.
Why would you scroll through this chinkshit when mangaplus is out?
Didn't realize it was up. Thought it wasn't translated yet. Thanks for the help.
Oh no, the author of ninjashit is summoning /pol/
based oda made jump his bitch
It's literally /pol/: the manga. Threads will be a shitfest.
And it's actually the best debut out of 4. What a shame.
Also, the first chapter of rugby manga was kinda nice, but the second one is trash. I'm disappointed.
Tokyo Shinobi Squad was alright I guess but damn if it isn't /pol/ bait.
Is it scanlated already?
There's a thread out.
Every Jump manga (except Yuuna) is released in english officially nowadays, thanks to mangaplus.
>Cyberpunk Naruto
Is this the fabled Samurai 8 killer?
Naruto, but the MC has a brain