This guy is a fucking bore. Worst JoJo along with Jonathan

This guy is a fucking bore. Worst JoJo along with Jonathan.

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wasted quints, kys

Holy fucking quints of truth. Worst Jojo got the most undeserved ending. Bucciarati should have been sitting on that throne you golden spaghetti faggot.

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Hes just a sidekick. Bruno is the main character

Jojo ended at 3. Parts 1-3 were peak adventure, 4 and beyond is just literally who cares characters, who cares plot, nothing is at stake ever.

Imagine being this much of a pleb

Quints of truth. I have nothing more to say eventhough I love part 5.

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Good thread. Fuck Giorno and fuck Part 5.

Part 5 has been getting interesting again past few episodes but yeah don't have too much love for Giorno. He's not bad but really underwhelming compared to past Jojos, even Josuke. The gang as a group though overall is enjoyable.

>Not caring at all for part 6 or the AU
Add this to the list

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part 5 has the best gang, villain, and stands. giorno is boring but everything else makes up for it

Each part araki was changing bits of his formula. Part 3 was a big shift into adventure and stands, part 4 expands into not just being a battle hallway with more character development but it loses the adventure. Part 5 brought the adventure back into the mix while trying to maintain developed characters but he forgot about developing the main jojo. Part 6 main jojo gets the most development and the side characters and villain get a bunch, its adventure angle didnt start until 2/3 through but some of the stand battles were silly. Part 7 and 8 hes learned to tie it all together into great stories.
Tl;dr jojo gets better each part

Welp, not arguing with Quints Experience Requiem over here.
Rest in peace soon, Bucciariti.

>but he forgot about developing the main jojo.
You mean like in 3 and 4?

True except it doesn't make up for it. Giorno ruined the actual part and I'm so glad he didn't return in part 6. Based villain and best supporting cast, even the animeonlys agree and they haven't even heard the other half of Mista's backstory or seen the dope bossu reveal.

In part 3 jotaro developed a bit but was basically the same guy throughout . But it was all about the journey.

Part 3 maybe, Jotaro was shown not to be just an edgelord but an overly emotional teenager who was bottling up his emotions. In part 4 he was a calm mentor helping his successor attain his goal of protecting his city, in part 6 he was the protective dad trying to keep his daughter from death against a gay priest, and in part 8 he is Yoshikage Kira.

I can't wait for this scene to be animated

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You shut your whoring mouth johnathan is a saint and a pergect gentleman

>and in part 8 he is Yoshikage Kira.
I thought that was Josefumi (Josuke)


I don't really know, i always thought one half went to Josefumi and the other went to Kira. Obviously headcannon though.

Actually he's not that bad in my opinion. He has a noble goal of keep the youth off of drugs but thats overshadowed by cross country trish protecting, punching ghosts and memes.

Bruno and Doppio had more character development than main character. Actually, who am i kidding. Everyone had more than GioGio.

I think the "Kira" half's soul is deceased, so it's Josefumi's soul in a body that's a combination of Kira's and his. I could be completely wrong, like you said it's all very headcannon since it was explained very clearly.

Jotaro should have stayed a gentlemen.

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Borrowing confidence from your alter ego isn't development

>the other half of Mista's backstory
I dont think I'm ready for that one

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Neither am I brother

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oh shit

>part 5 is a good adapt-

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>4 4s

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Wait what is the other half of Mistas background?



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People who call Jonathan a boring JoJo are brainlets. But I agree with him being the lesser interesting JoJos along with josuke.

Are you an animeonly or a manga reader?

>all 4's
>four fours

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Mista moment
Mista moment over heaven
You have all been checked courtesy of the dubs inspector


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Hairposters are waking up at around this hour

How can anybody not like GioGio?

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Good boi

Best boi

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