Snakes are important

Snakes are important

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No, I agret my life.

I've stepped on 3 snakes in my life. The latest occurance was 2 days ago. Why does this keep happening to me?

dessss no

S2 soon

no steppu

That's what happens when you wear jackboots.

Important for killing pests?

Why was this anime not well received?

I received it well

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Why don't you put some clothes on, sweetie?

Snakes are not very important.

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why do sub-Yea Forums really love this shit?

Post Sexy Lamia.

Pino!! The lewdest of them all!

Snakes are very important.
Unlike 3dpd.

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It was well received enough to get a second season

It sold more than your favourite anime.

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how many?

One million dollar!

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That's nothing!

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Medusa is better.

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Attached: Snek f.jpg (1080x1080, 77K)

>complete psycho
>can cook


They are for cuddles

Important for weapons testing.

whoring slutty harlot

I make more than that in a day (probably)

She is not psycho. She just wants lesser devils to know their place.

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I want to lick her tummy.


I want to punch Yurine in the face for abusing Jashin!

Worst Snek.

Medusa is a perfect battered wife material.
Imagine her justifying horrible things you do to her and blaming them all on herself.

die psycho