He IS the biggest jobber in jojo

He IS the biggest jobber in jojo

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He has two solid victories against Inertia guy and Ice guy. He got fucked up but he won. Speedwagon never won a single fight.

I just rewatched part three and there is something that has been bothering me.

The scene where Polnaref tries to walk up the stairs to Dio and gets placed back at the bottom of the stairs?
I now see the scene with Dio stopping time, carefully picking up Polnaref and placing him back at the bottom of the stair.
Like one step at a time and carefully placing his legs onto the correct set of stair. What a weird scene if you think about it.

That's not "AHHH JOTARO SAVE ME" Polnareff

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Weird, but it's not so bad since Dio's goal is to confuse people about his stand's power. Otherwise he would have killed them instead of fucking around.

He IS the biggest ship pushed in jojo

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So I wasn't alone with that scene?
Huh. I guess it's not that weird when a couple of people thought of the same shit.

He loses every fight except for his first and the flashback fight where his “victory” dooms two of his friends.

He also wins the flashback fight against the rappers

Literally is. I wonder how animeonly Mistafags feel when death isn’t certain in Jojo l, anyone can die and here’s this dumb slut that gets (fatally)injured every fight

Unnamed standless thugs don’t count.

I could see an argument that he won against Ghiaccio. Mista didn't deliver the killing blow but he secured victory for his group if he stalled for time long enough.

But he was also without stand, friend.


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The point is that you can’t rank it alongside stand battles as victories for Mista.

him dodging all those bullets is what showed bucciarati that he has stand potential

But he always does a lot to help the group as a whole, doesn't he? It's not like the amount of fights he won himself is the only thing that matters

He would have died against Ghiaccio if Giorno wasn't there, so that wasn't really a solid win.

You do know that his stand can function without him being conscious. Those small little buggers are good for gathering info, which is key in a stand fight

They’re sentient, so he can’t take any credit for their work.

I'm really excited for next week, we are getting into the real shit now

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He doesn't always win, but he's mostly useful.

I'm going to be pissed if they don't do the switching behind the pillar scene justice.