>ywn quit your job and live on an island with your two loliwives, free from societies judgement
Nobunaga-sensei no Osanazuma
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There wouldn't be only two for long.
>sees the embarrassing BL stuff that a girl draws
>asks her to draw lewd stuff with girls instead for him
>then says that futanari and traps are fine too as long as they look like girls
Mad respect for this guy.
Those fucking subs though.
What the fuck is up with this framerate? Is it me or hs or just this ep in general?
>I don't want sensei to quit, how do I convince him to stay
>ah I know
This fucking 14 years old slut.
>falling for a guy because he likes dickgirls
wew lad
Cute Kichou
Is she the only one that won't lust for Nobunaga cock? Or will this change if he touches her?
It's not just you and it's not HS. They actually animated some of the pan shots on twos.
That tells you all you need to know about the quality control on this production.
Sensei is a bitch who reverse rapes a man with her tits and then refuses to accept his commitment when he's willing to take responsibility.
New slut
how many wives Nobunaga had irl? Did they already filled all the positions?
Useless boob slut.
She looks like a cutie.
A shit!
Wow what a surprise the one with glasses is fujo and shit.
>short hair
>socially awkward
I should've guessed honestly.
wtf I hate Biwajima now.
Only two?
you forgot big tits
Only saw these two
In this case, her boobs were merely making her desire to have them sucked. Clearly, she didn't actually want them sucked, but she probably wanted her boobs to stop telling her to get them sucked by Nobunaga.
That said, him actually saying he would take responsibility was hilarious and she should've accepted it, to be honest.
I'm surprised that this official art has a character who hasn't even been hinted at in the opening, let alone actually appeared in the show.
This. Literally worst girl. She's mad about something the MC can't control.
Jesus fuck.
What would you do with the males?
Why wasn't this cute muscle girl with white hair introduced sooner?
If any females somehow end up having large breasts, they can have those sisters.
I thought the full size would be too big, I guess I was wrong. And she's this girl.
>fine with me
>And she wears traditional Japanese clothing.
I thought we already had a great cast, besides Big Boobs. Apparently, I was wrong.
two eve
>tv friendly delusion
>manga delusion is MC pounding Kichou from behind against a palm tree while the other girl is begging him to be next
Sensei just needs the tsun fucked out of her.
I love casts with varied sizes so much holy shit.
More like Eve and Lilith.
The BD needs to fix that, and the manga needs to turn it from delusion to reality..
There was already some on-screen imaginative pounding anyway.
I'd appreciate it if you could post that page.
Why are daughterwives getting more popular? I'm not complaining but has society come full circle by making more wish fulfillment shows with younger girls as the love intrest? Also, I want to fuck the fujo out of the young fujo.
Is it just me or was the episode too low on fps this week? The image was jarring at times.
>I love casts with varied sizes so much holy shit.
Same. They were made by people with true taste.
I want to make those tits jiggle around while she's on her back.
>girl undresses
>nobody minds
I think they're used to it at this point
>oh biwajima's stripping
I love it.
Sacrifice them to the White Walkers for safety.
>I know, I will make you loose your job instead
What is this anime called?
are you retarded
sengoku basara
>throw herself at guy
>it's his fault somehow
blonde is shit
so that's why people hate the cake character, though It was pretty obvious she isn't amused by all that is happening, only Nobunaga was getting his hopes up. Nothing by jailbait for him
Thought it was my side fucking up but yeah must have been a bad source video
It's okay though
He held her hand once and it gave her the uncontrollable urge to have him suck her breasts because his Nobunaga powers awakened the spirit of his ancestor's wet nurse inside her. So it kind of was his fault.
I'm glad Nobunaga is here to teach us that you should never handhold before marriage.
Honestly the best part about this anime (other than the loli sex) is this guy.
Hyouge Mono.
>actually perfectly fine with the idea of fucking lolis, but holds back because he's afraid of the law
>also a man of taste who enjoys all sizes of tits
He's pretty great indeed.
Boku no Pico
He needs to stop holding back.
The lack of BEST girl in this episode is really unsettling
These girls are JK, right?
>14 years old
Nope, JC.
Is it cruel for MC to keep from No that she is probably infertile when all she wants is to have his kids?
Kitsuno? But she had his kids, Kichou was the infertile one.
Kichou is No en.wikipedia.org
Not even the recent QUALITY production horror show did this.
Oh right, I forgot about that.
I too would appreciate that.
The image in the OP would have made a much more interesting anime than the show we did get.
Is there porn of the glasses girl?
I don't know if there's porn of anyone, user.
There's maybe 3~4 mediocre pics of Kichou on Pixiv, but that's it. Who knows about Twitter.
How many episodes is this anime scheduled for, by the way?
Most likely the usual 12.
I don't want the show to introduce in the last or second to last episode though.
Yuno gasai vibes
>user never delivered
Need more Ari Ozawa lewd noises
I'm trying to look for that page now since they didn't, but haven't seen it yet. I am finding far too many pages where flat chests get no nipples.
Where are you looking? LHscan's pages after chapter 6 have only broken images.
came here to post this, thanks user
I didn't wait long enough before saying that.
Thanks, but again, where'd you find it?
Did he actually leave to go to an island with them or is this just imagination spots?
I only found magazine raws for the first 3 volumes, and the tank for volume 4.13dl
He was thinking about what he was going to do after quitting being a teacher.
>first thing that came to his mind was moving to a secluded island to fuck his two lolis all day
Oh if only he didn't have that final bit of reason preventing him from going all the way
Makes me wish there was a tag for 'stranded on an island'. So annoying trying to find h-manga/doujins with relatively common scenarios/locations like that.
He has too much reason, and they have too few nipples.
God I wish that was me
Is it just me, or does manga Kinchou look like a trap most of the time when naked? I think it's something to do with the width and shape of her shoulders and upper torso.
It makes her extra sexy.
It might just be your inner fantasizing and desires, user.
I want to lick her forehead during sex.
I want to cum on her forehead during sex.
I still can't believe they got away with this.
Oh they exist. But it's usually just some neet with a native girl. Not much variation in the scenario.
Full doujin of this when?
He's talking about a general tag for it, not specific ones.
Someone make a full doujin of this. Teacher and his students stranded together on an island with each other for years.
At least she has access to modern therapy now.
Which is just a scam
Why does Nohime lack of sexual appeal in this show? She is literally a semen demon in any other stories,
Doesn't exist in Japan.
I know. But shame theres not much content for tropical beach settings in doujinshi.
There really is quite a few doujinshi with that setting, it's just hard as fuck to search for them, like you (or that other user, or whatever) said.
damn, this show would have been so good if it weren't for the QUALITY.
Wait, does she have a dick? Maybe that's why she fell for him, she knows she has a shot with him.
No, she's just a fujo.
Looked like this week's episode was running at 8 fps
Why is this show so much more uncensored than Nande koko ni Sensei ga?
Because its producers aren't desperate.
Dumb dudes