>penis jokes
>sex jokes
>"haha bro...this is my g-spot"
>white liquid jokes
And it goes on for 2 season. Am I supposed to find this shit funny? Is this how low japanese anime industry has became?
>penis jokes
>sex jokes
>"haha bro...this is my g-spot"
>white liquid jokes
And it goes on for 2 season. Am I supposed to find this shit funny? Is this how low japanese anime industry has became?
The manga/anime is not for you, Move on .
Blame yourself cheapskate.
Hey man, you forgot about periods and anal.
Aria is pretty unfunny and obnoxious when she talks
I want to give Suzu my white liquid.
You forgot the cute romance that gets resolved at the end of the movie, you dumb fuck.
>gets resolved at the end of the movie
You haven't seen the OVA after it, have you?
The best thing about SYD is the cast and relationships between characters. Sex jokes are just a background to it.
It's Sex Jokes the Anime.
>And it goes on for 2 season
and the 4koma runs for over 520 chapters and is still going.
Still better than other modern highschool anime.
That applies to Shimoneta as well
and its way better than SYD
It has a 520+ and counting chapter manga to adapt from, if each episode contained 5 chapters or so and each season contained 12 episodes, they could go for 5 more seasons just off what there is left and have room to spare. It is Gohands’ golden goose series, like Monogatari and Fate, they could go on with it forever adapting a new season of it every year or so and people will still enjoy it. Too bad they don’t put out that much.
I bet you suck dick OP
>Dude Sex Haha: The Anime
Its awful and feels like it was aimed towards the Japanese equivalent of trailer park people
People only watch it because the girls are cute. The pitiable ronery virgins audiences' brains are already mush, no need to confuse them with complex innuendo.
Pretentious asshole
Sexual innuendo is funny if done with even a modicum of wit. The jokes in SYD are shit that may make you comedy king of eighth grade, but "It's tight down there..." is about as funny as taxes.
But the jokes are not funny.
friendly reminder Tsuda is a heartless manwhore
Hata is the savior of the series. I can't get enough of that deadpan.
It's unironically the worst shit I've ever watched of any medium. There is no entity worse than this piece of garbage. The lowest point of human culture.
poopoo peepee hee hee
I don't like when you do it because there's no girl to rub my wee wee to
So hikki?
It really became jarring when they repeat the same joke a million times.
This is why loli became my favorite character. Because her joke of being so short is like a breath of fresh air.
Thing is that short jokes aren't even original but it was one of the "funniest" things in that anime. The gags aren't even bad if they don't imply anything sexual.
>look at me I'm so mature
Shut the fuck up
japan is a naturally unfunny country but dick jokes are universally funny.
>That applies to Shimoneta as well
No, I mean it is sex jokes the anime.
>if they don't imply anything sexual.
99.99% of the time it's sexual, though.
It took me a while to realize that Aria's penchant for anal is caused by her chastity belt blocking her vagina.
Ignore the gargantuan faggot that is OP, this is now a Seitokai thread.
stick to Yea Forums faggot