Houseki no Kuni

How do you go from this ...

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... to this?

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By being a self important bitch and constantly fucking up when others tell you to stop

By being the protagonist of a manga written by a woman with pedo, torture and incest fetishes.


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You make it sound like Phos goes through all those things.

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What goes on in ichikawas mind I wonder

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Green kumiko

huh, this manga contains nothing of that

>in the morning im your mother
>during the day im your daughter
>at night im your lover

what did i read

Maybe in the end as he lays dying with no one around him he will finally understand.
"Maybe I would have been happy if I had minded my own goddamn business".

> pedo
100000+ y.o grandpa knocking up torture
Literally all the time.
> incest


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cant stop gemfapping bros


Is the great pospopilizliz gonna save us flesh bros?

i just want to see Phos eat a burger

why tho


Im going to try to make your dream become true, user

I second this.
Phos deserves a burger.

I made a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums by accident and almost got banned bros. I wouldn't have been able to cope without you all for 3 days.

no burgers for phos

Peak American right here.

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>makes his breakfast in the morning
>be his little daughter to everyone during the day
>has sex with him at night
I guess.

Ichikawa is based and Deleuzepilled
>detached object of a literal rhizome
>not bound by restrictions or blockages in the flows of desire
this can extend to Phos as well by being a quite literal body-without-organs passing over into a constantly modifying becoming-gem

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i wonder what will happen to phos in the future chapters

I want to get isekai'd to their world and let them touch my squishy flesh!

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The irony of that slut's words.


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If ch. 79 indicates anything, the sweet release of death.

The timing of the animation also the swap on the "AAAAAAAAAAAaaAaAaaaaa... tetete tete" kinda annoyed me

to this

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I cant take it anymore.

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to this.

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cute mug desu
I'd rather like a set of mugs inspired by gemstones.
that blue crystal effect just looks soo... unff
not that they were my third autistic obsession as a child or anything

Kill yourself retard, back to tumblr with you.

I’m sure a burger made of pure light can be arranged somehow

you should have gotten banned

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latino heat

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nothing is going to save you slugfags and your 20 year lifespans

wrong image?

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it's pathetic stop bumping your own thread

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