Since Wit Studio is dropping Attack on Titan after season 3...

Since Wit Studio is dropping Attack on Titan after season 3, which studio do you think can do the Marley and Civil War arcs justice?

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You know it

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You know it

Attached: Pierrot_logo.png (250x250, 25K)

Based toei

Attached: toei.jpg (443x667, 27K)

People still give a shit about Eotan Onslaught?

I rabu Piku.

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SnK > your favourate manga

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Didn't it already get downvoted out of that spot by mad GOTkeks?

So it's official then, snk anime is going to be opm s2 tier after s3


Post-timeskip arcs should be a movie trilogy like HF

Silver Link


lmao the absolute state of titancucks

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why do people hate bones? Mob looks pretty good

Bones and Production I.G are the best studio (also they are the only studio who treat their employes like humans).

>Since Wit Studio is dropping Attack on Titan after season 3
based Yonkou

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>why do people hate bones?
It's fucking Yea Forums, nobody is happy. Everyone here is miserable. We can't admit to liking things because REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>Ambiguous statement from a chink nobody
>So it's confirmed

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This is the guy who said HxH was coming back, it didn't.

This faggot also said Part 3 wouldn't split arcs.
He is a stupid, ape-like negroid of low IQ. Probably a Dr. Stone fan, too.

If we are being realistic here, then I would say Production IG. WIT is their sub-studio, so it would make sense that they or one of their other sub-studios will keep the cashcow alive.

>A literal twitternigger as a valued source
How low have we become.

Literally doesn't matter. Western Fags do not matter. Will anyone of those people buy the DVDs/Blu Rays? No. Japan does not give two shits if they liked it. It's a meaninglessness score on a western site.

>Relying on DVD/Blurays to make a profit on what you make
Damn, nips are retarded

It works and makes them money. Nips don't care what non-nips think. YOu aren't the target audience. The west liking anime is meaningless because they won't get paid and all that matters to them is they get paid.


Cringe and overrated.

Certain scenes are too big in scope to look good as a tv anime.
2 mini seasons with an OVA or two/a movie in the middle would suffice.

Good thing it's one of the current best selling manga in Japan, second only to One Piece.

Netflix. Eldians will now be niggers. All Marley will have blue eyes and blonde hair. Yelena will be mexican. Eren will be a strong black woman, and with her strong black woman sister, Zeke. The only one unchanged is Mikasa, because she's already asian. Except maybe the Ackerman family will be full asian.