For someone who has watched a lot of anime, is it worth it? . .. only pg?
Is it worth watching?
Madoka, Eva and Clannad are the only must watch anime in the industry.
No love for Lain, or veg? If this is true I will watch
Lain was good but it’s not anything special in the grand scheme of things. I do hover love the series even better than Eva by a long shot but I don’t consider it a must watch. I’d put Lain on the same level as Alien 9 which is also very good. I wanted to like veg but I found it boring. It wasn’t my kind of show but it looked great.
What about Lain?
Dear Alice, I wrote you but still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my pager, and my wired address at the bottom
I sent two messages through the wired back in autumn, you must not-a got 'em
There probably was a problem at the blood dripping line or somethin'
Sometimes I key down addresses too sloppy when I type 'em
But anyways, fuck it, what's been up?Alice how's your modem?
I hope you get to read this message, I just hope it reaches you in time
before you hurt yourself, I think that you'll be doin' just fine
if you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Lain
why are you so Vain? Try to understand, that I do want you as a friend
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the wired a couple weeks ago that made me sick
Some chick was on accela and drove her car over a bridge
and had her navi in the trunk, and she was busy with her new vid
and in the navi they found a tape, but they didn't say who it was to
Come to think about, her name was. it was you
I still can't get over this art style.
I liked it, for what it's worth.
The bad thing about Clannad is if you’re not a SoL fan you won’t enjoy the first season as much. The first season develops the characters and is kind of like a less intense but equally enjoyable Haruhi relaxing anime. Clannad after story is such a good story though that it’s worth it if you’re willing to relax and enjoy the first season for what it is.
Also don’t forget there’s 2 ova episodes of other girls from the series ending up with the MC and they play out nicely. One of those episodes are on my all time favorite list.
Yes. It's worth watching. First season is just routes that don't really matter at first but allow a sort of foundation for you to get familiar with the characters. The second season has some of it too but it progresses past school.
Considering this season has nothing worth watching, you might as well give it a try.
Yes, it's pretty good
No but read the VN.
It is VERY good. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You (won't) kiss 3 bucks goodbye.
You will have to tolerate S1 because it's a build for S2, which is in my opinion extremely good, i understand the people that can be angry with the ending but AF has a lot more than the ending, it's a really good ride.
S1 was better than S2 overall
But are there best girls?
The VN should be read, yes. But the thing is, I doubt he has 60$ to spend on a fucking bishoujo game.
So you buy your anime blu-rays?
Kanon: 9/10
Clannad AS: 8/10
Air: 7/10
Clannad: 6/10
Yes, and then watch Little Busters
what is this rating based on, I always heard Kanon and Air suck?
Kanon is old, but pretty comfy
Air isn’t very good though
It's hard to overlook the ending when it shits in the face of the most emotionally gratifying part of the show.
They do, user is a retard
>someone dying instead of living
>emotionally gratifying
Maybe if you're an edgy teenager.
The ending completes the moral that Tomoya should not have closed his heart off to others. The magical karma he received throughout high school and beyond in the form of those orbs is what ultimately brought him happiness.
Tomoya's growth is what's gratifying, not Nagisa's death. Nagisa's death is just the catalyst. Erasing that catalyst and waving it away with "but he remembers it!" feels cheap, it's bad for the same reason "it was all a dream" endings are usually bad, or reset endings are usually bad.
I think it's the best anime adaption of a KEY VN.
contrarians love to rate air above clannad for some reason, i mean air was good but not as good as clannad
I can understand why some people think kanon is just as good though. It's just as comfy and sad as clannad is.
First season is mediocre and After Story is mediocrity turned to complete shit by the magic reset bullshit. Everything that happens in Clannad exists only to milk the tears of retards; there's not a single moment in this series that feels organic, it's all just cold emotional manipulation for the sake of emotional manipulation.
it's comfy show , you may not like it but you're not going to hate it either so give it a shot
do people actually love VEG or is it just a meme ? i don't hate it but every thing about it was typical and predictable and it lacks unique elements
People who say "you have to suffer through S1" are ADHD kids watching it wrong. If you watch it episode by episode rather than waiting for "it", it's much more enjoyable.
Don't watch the first season knowing what the endgame is and thinking all the time "when does stuff happen", use that time to relax and bond with the main character, stuff happens at the end of the first season, but then goes back to relaxing/"side" stories in the second until it finally picks up for the final act.
madoka is 7/10 at best
lain is for pseuds
>the most emotionally gratifying part of the show
I understand that you feel frustrated about the end, a lot of people feel that way but for me Nagisa or Ushio dying weren't the peak emotional part of AF, you see, i don't think it's about a peak moment either but the story alltogether what makes AF so great, how Tomoya grows and becomes an adult who has to take care of everything, you get to see all the sacrifice he has to go through, how distant everyone becomes from each other after highschool, it's very realistic and beautiful. If i had to choose a peak moment it would beTomoya's dad departure.
I think the 'supernatural' stuff was better explained in the VN which i didn't read.
>ADHD kids watching it wrong
No, It's not about "waiting for something" what makes S1 really slow, when i watched Clannad i didn't know shit about it and i still didn't really like S1 because it's really SoLish and it can get a bit tiresome to go through 23EP of that specially when it has stories like the Fuuko's one who seem completely retarded and unnecessary, so a lot of people force themselves to go through that with the promise of S2 being worth it, and when you finish all you understand that AF alone would be complete shit without S1 built so you kinda end up liking S1 in the end, or at least understanding that it couldn't have been done in other way, it was necessary. At least that's my opinion