This poetic girl
wants all your poems, mister.
They belong to her.
Senryuu Shoujo
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Her titties are big
I'd give them a good screw
that doesn't even
make sense, you filthy faggot.
don't try so hard, man
Will paizuri do?
Or does she prefer creampies?
Maybe choking too?
when i eat melons
i think about my girlfriend
and her great big heart
Here we go again
Will Buchou ever find love?
Will she ever bloom?
Is it okay if
my pee pee is very hard
she have nice tee tee
waiting for erai
horriblesubs is so shit
you should do the same
Do not forget to
Set your font AA to smooth
For good looking text.
not my picture, my subs look fine, but good reminder to others
Unrealistic expectations
Will make her in the future
A cool wine aunt
we thought it was cgdct
shame that blonde faggot ruined it
we hate forced hetero
Pres is so pretty
I want to spend my summers
with a girl like her
take your faggotry
to the trash where it belongs
eat shit and die cunt
holy fucking shit
my nutbladder is hurting
she is very cute
Grabbing her twintails
While pumping her hard with cum
Dark dreams of all men
>my subs look fine
Not about subs but
About the text on top left
It's really jagged
Show up yet again,
Yurishitter? Prepare for
oh you meant the text to differentiate the versions, my bad user, but again this is just someone elses image that i saved so i don't think i can fix it
very illegal
predatory onee-san
hunting young shota
very rare image
behold the smug nanako
still adorable
Get a load of this
girl she is eating all by
herself what a dork
This little sister
Knows her onii-chan
Way, way, way too well
Collar sleeveless shirts
make my dick hard, please give this
women some doujins
Eiji is lucky
A sweet autist girl loves him
And she has nice boobs
Nanako is lewd
But not sexually, no
Lewd in a pure sense
This job, what the fuck
Only anime japs do this
What is the purpose
please tell me this anime is about her lewding herself
Dead Thread
For a Dead Anime
How Sad and Pathetic
>his company doesn't
>advertise using cute girls
Get with the times, man
A small Nanako
How hard would you bully her
You heartless monster
It literally
Just aired 1 hour ago on HS
Other shows are deader
You will never be
A father of a cute girl
At most an ugly one
I am glad they mix
Best romance of the season
Is this Sachiko?
When you go to the store, cute girls offer to try sausage for free too
Poor Nanako's dad
With such a pretty daughter
I'd go crazy too
Not even the gods
Could create something as cute
As this little dork
The luscious gaze
Don't have enough time
I wish I was her father
Prez is still the best
Penor in vagoo
Is what I think about all time
the blankie monster
is dreaming of char-grilled pork
i must protect her
I might be dumb-dumb
But that does not look like a
True senryuu to me
I like her swimsuit
I really don't have a poem
oh hey, how bout that.
Ei-chan a baka
Fucking confess already
Why are you waiting
The valley runs low
while the peaks, covered, rise high
Life giving mountains
Sleeevless blouses are
The best for showing figure
Buttons, easy access
OP is a fag
This whole thread is shit, goddamn
Except for cute girls
Working a hard job
Wondering why I bother
I do it for her
A man torn between
Feelings and reality
Will he let her go?
Papa only wants
His daughter to be happy
With someone she loves
the senryuu shoujo is actually quite busty
I think Nanako
Might be larger than Koto
We should test that out
God damn look at her
I want to breed Koto-nee
Sexy and lewd girl
Here have a tissue
For when you think about her
Don't forget to wash
look at that red cord:
now suppose you took the ends
and pulled them apart
I get 1 tissue?
Not enough for what I am
going to do now
in my mind: delight
in my heart: satisfaction
in my mouth: panties
ah, water goddess
your haters should remember:
brains aren't everything
she cut your limbs off
now Yea Forums has forgotten you
but i remember
How can she even
Utilize a pencil like this?
What in the hell.
Ignored by others
Her words unseen and unheard
All she needs is love
I wish they'd make a vn of this manga/anime.
Phantom is smarter
and Eagle is curvier
but you're still Best Girl
I love and miss this
S2 never ever
Gripen is a board
Prez is best girl
you know this to be true
as do all men
don't cry, Serval-Chan
Season Two never happened
you're safe in my heart
At the very end
Kyururu himself killed
The Japari Park
You forgot your fortune cookie
It says:
>You're shit outta luck
That top is bursting
Nice bakuretsu body
made to be bred with
I'm feeling lazy
So I don't want to senryu
Kino is so cute
You sick piles of fuck
Better not have some ideas
Like lewding kino
user shits out two.
Another four through his rectum.
Six last logs, pure black.
Wear lewd as fuck clothes
And give tissues for fapping
Great advertising
She may look pure, but
You know she's a huge pervert
Who draws during sex
That was a mistake.
Should have been "ass", not rectum.
Will go sudoku.
Only if Kino
Paints appropriate portraits
To alternate through.
Your meter was off,
That last line didn't need 'good',
But I agree, though.
This dad has no chill
Nanako's virginity
Belongs to Eiji
Don't bully Nana
She is a sweet but shy girl
who deserves nice friends
My favorite eps are
The ones where everyone's nice
And everyone's friends
It honestly is
the ultimate cuckoldry
time to hit the pipe
>First lotion in every hole
>Then tissues for fapping
Next thing is
Swimsuit model
And then
God bless
I still think that hers
Are still smaller than Koto's
Even just slightly
She does not speak, yet
HanaKana voices her
She wears a straw hat
Nanako exists
for impregnation, she does
I want to hold her
sun hats in the wind
by the river a soft smile
my heart a flutter
Pink-haired pony-tailed girls.
Instant aphrodisiac.
Gotta go fap now.
That should be a song
By someone like ZZ Top
Frank Beard has no beard
it literally isn't cuckoldry if the result in producing something with your genes.
what a retard.
Don't reply to anyone who talks about cucks. I don't know why the internet suddenly got so obsessed with it but it's always some retard.
Hard to tell, it's not even a /pol/ thing since news articles have been made about how you should let your spouse cheat on you. That image in particular is just a meme though.
It's just a joke telling you to fuck your daughters you knobs.
A good little girl.
Tries to be dark and edgy.
Still loves her momma.
I think she's growing.
They seem bigger every week.
And that's a good thing.
Cookie forgotten.
Crack it open and it reads:
"You're shit outta luck".
Big chested autist.
Not a downie or a sperg,
but a true angel.
You have never taken and actual drawing class have you? The lead in artist pencil have varying hardness but still much harder than a standard school pencil. You sharpen it this was so you don't have to get up every few minutes to resharpen. You also don't press down as hard, more like flowing motion than writing an essay.
Condensed into a Senryu:
Raise a girl for years.
Only to give her away?
Seize her for yourself.
Eiji, face, weird.
Everyone looking.
Shocking truth!
>Gotta go fap now.
All I can imagine now
Sonic X remix
Desire to protect
My heart wants nothing more than
To protect this smile
Hello there user
Please don't be mean to my wife
Bullying is bad
Nanako makes some
lovestruck maiden faces here.
My heart is bursting
How do they even
Make money by gifting those
Could it be a scam?
She really does them
Her dad must be careful now
A grandpa he'll be
company logos
and advertising info
are printed on them
I hope all anons
Find someone worth living for
Just like Nanako
Good work, user.
Pony tails are great
They are cute but functional
and we can see nape
if, Miss Darjeeling,
you could tell what I'm thinking —
you would spill that tea
her finest feature
is her eyes her legs her tails
and everything else
Holy Fuck Koto
How can one girl be so lew
I mean goddamn, girl
somewhere, in my heart
she has all the food she wants
and all the weapons
Stupid mute girl!
Fill her shoes with tacks!
Cocky little freak!
she's all alone, with
trillions and trillions of yen
we must protect her
Do not bully girls
Especially the cute ones
I will murder you
Trillions of yen?!
That is quite the treasure trove.
It's almost 8 bucks!
poor lady Nagi
no-one here remembers you
I'm the only one
FFS Yea Forums can you sort out your formatting
why are you breaking a 4-word line? why???
just because it's next to a picture?
hello, pink-haired girl
I wish I knew who you are
you look outstanding
so dumb, so lucky
and yet she's great (don't blame me -
I don't make the rules)
hello, Serval-Chan
people say you're dumb; I say
haters gonna hate
wait, wat. I did not.
is this true? someone tell me
how did I missed it?
She has some nice tits
To nut in her sweaty gap
Would be most divine
>You have never taken and actual drawing class have you?
No, I have not.
That shit is for fags and girls.
It makes sense though.
Just short of legit.
First and third are missing one.
C+ for effort.
Looks soft and squishy.
To squeeze her chest or her hips.
A tough decision.
Complete injustice.
Yet men cannot help but seek
Such magnificence.
Koto is too lewd
She'll corrupt poor Nanako
But look at those boobs
Don't know why, but I
thought it was four-seven-four,
not five-seven-five.
Watched 12 episodes
Milfuelle is super cute
I love her voice too
Wow those are some nice Nanakos
They seem bigger than in that Kanokari crossover chapter
How's the anime?
I've only read the manga
Threads seem comfy though.
Pretty good really
Maybe my season favorite
Watch it and join us
I am a bit late
But thank you for having me
I'll be in your care
A word of advice
HS fucks up sub order
So watch erai-raws