Darling in the Franxx Manga

Chapter 44 has finally been translated.

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post some yabuki tits instead

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How many vaginas has Yabuki drawn so far in this?

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You're a few days late.

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You should have waited till next manga chapter. Then we would have gotten new one and translated one. Now it will get archived at 200 posts again

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Well, thanks for dumping. I already saw the chapter so I have nothing to discuss. This chapter was 2 pages shorter than last one. I hope this won't become trend and the chapters will get shorter as time goes on

>they don't need to eat
>they don't need to go to the bathroom

So many mistranslations in this. Are they translating from Spanish to English again? LH please come back
He says they don't bathe or shower either. No wonder 02 wanted to get away from them, the smell must be unbearable

Thank you for the Dump, user.

So manga nines are just like the adults? In the anime they didn't want to eat because they were already fucked up