>TRASH season almost over; AOTY SEASON ALMOST HERE

What will you be watching, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Name a single thing on that list except Vinland Saga that doesnt sound like total shit.

Dunno, next season is a lot of "eh, might be good".

I see four isekais. I think you are lying.

Has anyone read Katsute Kane? Is there anything there worth caring about?

>Dr. Stone
>Cop Craft

Easy. What do I win?

Going to give
>Dr. Stone
All a shot.

And definitely watching Takagi-san 2

Anons have said it's the good version of Fairy Gone since the instant a synopsis was available for that trash heap

Lord El-Melloi II Case Files

Arifureta, DanMachi S2, Isekai Cheat, Okaa-san, Accelerator, Kawaikereba, Sou nan desu ka so far.

Yeah, this season is a complete ass. I literally didn't picked anything out of this shit season.
Thank god, last season we still get Endro.

>What will you be watching, Yea Forums?
Vinlad Saga
and maybe Melloi

Compared to "nothing good at all" aka this season.

You're wrong, but sure.

Is Melloi like victorian/jazz age-ish, or modern?

I'd be more interested in the former.

I'd love to know anything worth watching this season except maybe AoT & Bocchi. I'm pretty sure nothing comes to mind.

Personally i think the whole Clock Tower system/background/setting is very victorian/jazz age-ish (and the OST is too) but the main character, Waver is the Lord of Modern Magecraft Theory department and has a different mindset from those aristocratic magi so he usually deals with the case in his modern way.

Ao-chan is pretty good. Lewd minded girl x pure boy comedy. Otherwise there are only artsy shit like Sarazanmai and Carole&Tuesday.

RobiHachi and Senko at least. Also a bunch of shorts that may not be great, but well worth the time they take.

Wow that is a shit season, literally nothing that isn't generic high school, isekai, or shonen

If there's not cell phones and jetpacks, that might hit the spot.

/fit/ and dr stone are gonna be good. But you’re probably 30+ stone so I doubt you’d enjoy /fit/ the anime

>for sure watching
Dr. Stone

>will give it a shot
Fire Force
Vinland Saga
Joshikousei no Mudazaki

>people talked so much about milf isekai that I just assumed it was already airing

damn I really did not pay attention to last season

Might check

Oh, shit. You reminds me of this shinny gay shit.
They break my heart with its 1st episode. Too Gay/Fujo for me. All the anal shit are just over the top.

Fire Force, obviously

If that so then you will probably enjoy it i guess.

From your list alone
>Cop craft
>Case Files
>the MAPPA one

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I'll watch Vinland Saga, Fire Force, Dr. Stone, Kanata no Astra and Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e. I'll try BEM and Cop Craft.

It's a spinoff of Fate/Zero, user

What was that?

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Dropped. Troyca is the new Aniplex slave studio?

I see that now. Saved by the skin of my teeth.

Gross, nevermind

Yeah. But btw Case Files is in the same timeline with FSN (F/Z is a different timeline from both FSN and CF)

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Wait, I thought you already know that that series is also Fate shit.

>Most everything on here I could be interested in is from manga I've either read and discarded or gone far past where the anime will cover
>Only two originals this season
At what point do you just accept that Anime is a dead artform that only exists as advertisement? 'Cause I'm getting pretty close to it.

Most animeonlies aren't going to understand that though, unless they were to go out of their way and animate the grail getting dismantled and have Rin show up

I'm sure most people do not know that detail. Fate cancer is everywhere now.

Never overestimate the type of person who picks up series based on seasonal charts

>animate the grail getting dismantled and have Rin show up
They can't animate something that doesn't exist though.

Since 1970s

I forgot I want to watch Granbelm.

>all that fucking isekai

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The originals have some hope at least. 2 is better than 0.

I had no idea.

>Cop craft
Sounds good.

I was heedlessly optimistic for more Baccano lite.

Of course. Filtered.

17 out of 24 shows on the pic caught my interest. This season is going to be a blast!

Summer looks like the best season this year. Fall 2019 already looks like horse shit, half of the announced shows are fucking sequels.

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Looks like the worst season we had in years
Even worse than winter 2018


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No one asked you, retard.

I want that an episode of a cute girls show airs on every week day.

>Vinland Saga getting an anime
Holy shit, is it going to be glorious, or just a low effort abortion?


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CG boats

Winter 2018 was great you fucking faggot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Slow Start - 02 [720p].mkv - 0015.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

What happened to the 7 Seeds anime?

High effort from WIT. Ignore the CG crybaby spergs.

Full CGI.

will watch by order of interest
Vinland Saga
To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
Fire Force
Are You Lost?
Dr. Stone

Cop Craft

looks like a decent season, 6 I plan on watching and 4 I'm interested in

More NNT (meh), LOGH Movies.
The TBA from studio IG could be interesting.

Summer has more potential, I agree.

Nigger Spring 2019 is one of the worst seasons in history.

Only if you're a faggot who enjoys pretentious garbage like VEG and Yuru Camp

Since it seems like people don't know much about Case Files, it is a mystery-genre light novel about the life of Lord El-Melloi II/Waver Velvet (a character in Fate/Zero) after the 4th HGW with his students. It takes place in Clock Tower - the headquarter of Mage's Association and focuses on its system/political stuff as well as magecraft info and the relationship between the main characters. The anime is an adaption of the 3rd case (vol 4+5) with some original contents and important parts from novels in the first half.

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>More NNT (meh)
And it's from Deen. The IG show also grabbed my attention.

The threads are gonna be a fucking disaster, I'll love it.

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>with some original contents
So it's going to be shit then.

So is it similar to manaria friends in the way that you don't need to know anything beforehand to enjoy it? There really aren't too many mysteries so I guess I have to watch it.

Don't worry, all Fate is incomprehensible garbage.

>Yea Forums + /fgog/ + /alter/ + /tmg/ in the same thread


Isekai should be banned.

>I forgot I want to watch Granbelm.

Yes, me too

>wakes up in fantasy world
>transported to other world
>whole class gets transported to other world
>crosses to another world


It's only getting worse. I look forward to future filled with a bunch of uninspired isekai and a bunch of low effort mobage cancer.

Can anyone explain to me why they simply cannot do fantasy series without some dumbass getting isekai'd?

The show can be the best adaptation of all time, I bet the threads will still be cancer enough to rival Chernobyl.

It's the new hot trend that will stick around for a long time and there are endless light novels in this subgenre. Making original fantasy anime is difficult. There aren't many good fantasy manga that can be adapted.

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everything looks awful
is dr stone actually good? might give it a shot

>you don't need to know anything beforehand to enjoy it?
Yes, they are going to explain it in the first half (the reason why Waver becomes the Lord, each character's ability,...). Also Rail Zeppelin's main setting is not the Clock Tower, but on a special train instead btw

>Edgy isekai, just isekai, (not) isekai.
FUCK. Next season is shit.

Amazing since there is pro

If you enjoy adventure shenanigans.

Somali to Mori no Kamisama, the White Fox comedy isekai and Ore wo Suki Nano wa omae dake ka yo are the only ones that look interesting.

Excited for Cop Craft, Case Files and Granbelm.

I'll try a bunch of other stuff (except for isekai or shounen) as well.

You got Goblin Slayer last year and Danmachi this year. Also there was Endro. All kinds of bad in their own way, but genuine fantasy is still made. The worst thing is that the bad traits of isekai slip into non-isekai fantasy more and more.

There is pro?

Okay but the MC being just allow rank knight/peasant/whatever in world would change NOTHING.

Symphogear, Granbelm, Takagi-san.


Guess I'll watch Case Files. I was looking forward to Fragtime adaptation, but that's not until the next season by the looks of it

will 3ep cop craft, sex club, the loli show and maybe cute girls Lost

>Isekai Cheat Magician
How did this get the greenlight? It sounds generic to the point of parody.

Sorry I am having a stroke or something. waiting for the ambulance right now

Anime is a chink money laundering scheme, there are assloads of straight fantasy manga and novels that will never be turned over for quick cash because they won't attract mindless retards looking for a new pseudoharem to buy merch of one girl from

More like Breastia

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Is re:zero peak Isekai?

>Vinland Saga

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No, Escaflowne and 12K are

I wonder if Satelight will be able to deliver.

does dr stone look like a good adaptation?

And the "long-ass title that is probably an exact summary of the content" award goes to:
Uchi no Ko no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai.

Did they delay it again? Good riddance, the preview looked like garbage.

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Yes. TMS does reliable work. Toho Animation is a good producer.

Jun 28, 2019

>Summer looks like the best season
>Full of isekaicrap
What a shit taste you have.

it's the way for the Japanese otaku that watches and buys merch to self insert, they can't self insert into some fantasy notEuropean dude but they can into Jap high school boy transported to no!Europe
if Isekai stories were just straight up fantasy instead of having the hook of a Japanese boy transported to the world they wouldn't be half as popular

Wow a sequel where the manga is better. A sequel that was supposed to air in Spring 2019 but the production was so bad they had to delay it. I'm not excited for anything from nuMadhouse.

Ample funding from tracksuit lobbyists.

Neat, I'll check it out. Past few years haven't been good for mysteries, or maybe I just missed them somehow.

What's 12K?

More than 11K but less than 13K.

There isn't a single anime I would want to watch.

MaouChad Retry will be the best. The image used here is extremely misleading though. It's so colorful that I almost missed it.
Also interested to see how much of a CGI trainwreck Chuunifureta is going to be.

>manga adaptations by the assload
I'll pass.

>Isekai isekai isekai isekai.
Why just fucking why.

Why are you here?

Guys I have break at office and I this is my 5 minutes Isekai pitch I just came up with.

SUPER DUPER ISEKAI!!! (Suupa Duupa Isekai!!!)

>Ryutaro Hiroshima is a 3rd year HS student that excels at everything he does. Prodigy at sport, academics and martial arts with handsome face to boot, Ryutaro has one big flaw, he is a massive asshole and pervert who gropes and annoys people just for fun.One day due to mysterious accident, he gets transported to fantastic world of Penisia where his talents translate into in-world powers, turnining him into the strongest knighht there is. Ryutaro now has only one goal, to conquer this world and grope as many chicks as he can!

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I'm going to pick the one with cute girls in high school

It won't stay dead, it just comes back.

>new Kirara anime
Summer already saved!

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No one seems to be talking about it.

>no original anime
Miss me with that shit.

So, it's City Hunter Isekai'd?

Look at the entire chart.

>is dr stone actually good?
it's open world crafting survival vidya: the anime. if that sounds interesting to you it's worth watching

Is original anime dead?

Why shouldn't I? Those all look like trash.

Different entertainment mediums are available for you.

>/fit/ the anime

what show are you referring to?

There's trash in every media. I love anime. I love other media too.

Original anime has been dead for a long time. If there are 1-2 good original anime in an entire year that's a good year for original anime.

Fall 2019 will have SAO, so it's can't be shit by default.

You must be at least 18 to post.

You sure do love anime if you aren't willing to watch anything from a new season.

Still better than the whole isekaifuru season.
Also I hope that production delay will help.

what kind of retarded reasoning is that

Unironically how the fuck half of this shit gets greenlit.

I didn't know having to watch a current season anime was a prerequisite to like anime.


>I gotta get anime street cred! I gotta watch garbage!

Dororo is the only anime I am watching, zero regrets.

>Sounan desu ka
>Vinland Saga (will probably drop if the adaptation turns to shit though)
>Lord El-Melon
>Dr. Stone (maybe)
Pretty good season.

Don't be ridiculous. Just because nothing this season catches his interest, he doesn't adequately enjoy the medium?

*saves the Summer 2019 anime season*

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>you sure do love food if you aren't willing to eat anything from mcdonalds

The same way you've made it this far without learning how to properly use an adverb. People just don't care.

If it can respawn why it can't respawn in another world?

There's a whole 2

Haha I got you, I was pretending to be retarded. Epic

They should do a reverse Isekai.
Where anime character gets transported to REAL world with actual actors and shit.

No one ever talks about them until they air because no one actually reads them, they just circlejerk the magazine they're from

What will my cunnybros watch?


they will do this eventually with a superhero movie, 100% sure of it
its going to be goddamn awful

why you ask? superhero movies do terrible in Japan (bless them, they know capeshit sucks)

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Isekai Rance?

I love anime! I also hate anime because I'm a hypocrite.

I loveD anime, I am here for manga and that once per 10 years decent show.

So basically a Japanese version of Space Jam? Like Dimension High School?

>West keeps dabbing on Japan

>do terrible
>is probably second place in that instance
Try and stop obsessing over capeshit anytime user

>it's somehow evem worse
Jesus FUCKING christ

Everything is real aside the MC who is imposed anime character with anime like physics.

nothing can be worse than this spring season from hell

That Isekai Cheat Magician is so generic that I am almost impressed.

But this season has
>Fruits Basket
>Carol & Tuesday
>Hitori Bocchi
Compared to Winter which only had MP100 and Boogiepop, this is miles better.

Summer looks like it could have some potential with
>Takagi-san II
>Kanata no Astra
>Lord El-Melloi
>Cop Craft
But theres also a lot of guilty pleasure stuff. Hopefully it's well produced.
>Mommy Isekai
>Daughter Isekai
>Dumbell Ecchi
I'm hesitant to try
>MAPPA's Dangerous Ancient Beasts show
>Dr. Stone
until I hear some feedback on them. MAPPA has fucked me so many times and these three all have to potential to be next season's Fairy Gone from the looks of them.

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Sound more like Japanese Roger Rabbit to me

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Shit taste desu.

>shonenshit and LN trash: the season

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Moefags BTFO

What a wonderful opinion you have there. I have a feeling a conversation with you will add so much to my life.

My dick reacts favorably to that DFC main girl with leotard and stockings so you must be right. 3 episodes rule worthy for that alone.

Something like this.

Attached: big_1549577085_image.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

>implying that’s a bad thing
Truly the best timeline can’t wait.

New Cop Craft key visual out

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me at the back

What a horrible season, anime truly is dying

Thanks haha looks interesting...

It would be hilarious if Dr. push failed.



Picked up

Why does she not wear pants?
Picked up.

God I hope so. I hate stonerfaggots so fucking much.

>from the Teekyuu and Berserk 2016 studio
I'm worried.

That's your average LN writing really.

I don't hate anime, I have standards.

Yup, my dick is happy. 3 episodes rule it is.

It will be delicious to see your tears.

I am now slightly more interested than I was before in this show.

At least the original author is going to be handling series composition himself.

>this thread
Something tells me Yea Forums likes arguing more than watching

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I don't know if that's a good thing. I hope the LN gets picked up in English.

seems bad but i DOUBT it can top spring. worst season in years.

I hope with part is EXTREMELY important to the plot.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-31 a - ANIME - SUMMER 2019 - Anime Manga - 4chan.png (217x336, 97K)

>there's actually a 2nd season of Takagi
At last I can catch up with my backlog with only to shows to watch

>Uchi no Musume

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>Dungeon ni deai
>Nikai Kougeki Okaasan
WTF JC Staff

I still can't believe how bad spring is.


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Not my fault both spring and summer this year are fucking dogshit

This is going to be QUALITY filled.

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It's VERY important

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I still wait for season that's nothing but Isekai.
Just 20 Isekai shows.

Sounds like Unseen University, should be enjoyable.


god have mercy on us

Vinland Saga and 1 episode of El-Melloi
>trapped in game
>trapped in game
>Usagi drop
Amazing backlog season

I'm gonna be mad if they didn't assign their A team to Nikai. Pochi's art is too sacred to be defiled by shitty animators.

It has literally nothing to do with F/Z other than some mentions of Waver taking part in HGW.

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isekai is not going away anytime soon Im afraid
itll be nothing but isekai for the next decade

Not even going to try it with all the CGI I saw in the PVs


Definitely picked up. I hope this doesn't flop so main girl can have tons of rape doujins. God I can't wait now.

I am on board if they start to take a piss with the genre.
>I got hit by a truck and got Isekai'd as a vintage lamp in a princess' ballroom?!
>My whole family got isekai'd as a four wheeled peasant cart wagon and each member is a different wheel!?

I'll just skip watching the anime and move straight to the doujins

I will just lurk threads for stitches and webms.

Her fish.

How much can they even adapt? Not the Usagi ending for sure.

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Isekai is popular because you can throw average nip into a fantasy land and make their life a dream Gary Stu fest. It's a genre for people who hate their life so almost every nip salaryman.

But there is actually plenty of non isekai fantasy being made. Assassins Pride is coming this year and Majo no Tabitabi probably next year.

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>Goblin Slayer last year and Danmachi this year. Also there was Endro
All had "native isekai" yes I know it's a stupid term elements that detracted from the worlds.

just call it fucking fantasy retard

>native isekai

>Isekai is popular because you can throw average nip into a fantasy land and make their life a dream Gary Stu fest. It's a genre for people who hate their life so almost every nip salaryman.
Yeah. If anything, isekai popularity made it obvious just how much an average nip hates his life and wants to escape it. It's literally pure escapism: the genre, and I find it hard to imagine what would be able to replace it in the future.

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The only isekai that doesn't piss me off is the type that goes fantasy > other fantasy world.

terrible get

I wish we can at least get isekai that isn't combined with "cheats" or RPG systems.

That would be an insult to fantasy stories that don't throw in cheap mechanics like level-ups and adventurer guilds to attract the RPG gamer audience.

That's how nips call non isekai that still has RPG mechanics.

Accelerator, Fire Force, and Symphogear are the big three for me. Can't wait to watch Hibiki fist God.

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They don't do that. It's a term forced on Yea Forums for shitposting purposes.

no user that would mean having characters trying hard to obtain things and the self inserters wouldnt be able to relate
as for rpg systems: its so hard to write good world building and writing your own fantasy setting requires creativity! have mercy on the poor LN writers!

They don't. It's a single retard who forces this shitty meme

lol no it's Yea Forums shitpost term.
Native isekai is just shitty fantasy.
The term isekai comes from "transported rom world", that is the core of Isekai.

Shinju no Nectar. Or all the pre SAO isekai series.

As garbage as Isekai is, just look how fast Isekai threads get maxed on Yea Forums. People carve this shit.

Just give me Isekai where MC is transported to world of 24/7 horny big titted sluts.

lolithreads max fast too wheres my loliharem shows

it's the high fructose corn syrup of fantasy.

True though

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Just give up, turn off your brain, and start watching isekai

I can do that by going here and it saves my data.

Fire patrol, looks decent but the fact that the manga isn't popular yet everyone knows about it, is a huge warning sign that it isn't all that interesting.

Vinland Saga, looks decent, all the 2d animation looks bad, all the cgi looks good, the manga goes to shit pretty quick but the anime might not get there, until then it's just chunni shounen battles with ninja vikings, dumb thoughtless fun, i just hope its well animated.

super cute, can't wait.

Dr.Stone, same as fire force, the writer has no idea what he wanted to do at first and the early parts are pretty meh because his trying to find his rythm, it takes a while before he sees that the side hero is the interesting one.
But again, it's a series everyone is a where of yet not interested enough to talk about it, a bad sign.


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Can't wait for Symphogear S1 to still be the absolute best.

That says a lot about the current quality of this board

AHAHAHA embrace your isekai overlords!

Come on, you don't want to feel left out when everyone is discussing who is the best girl in Seasonal Isakai #12.

I haven't watched a single show since early 2018 and haven't been watching many shows in a season since 2017. Just tell me that I am just jaded and it's not that new anime sound like shit.

Eh, more like anime fans in general. Isekai is kinda the bottom feeder shounen shit of modern age.

I won't deny that Yea Forums allows garbage now, I remember when Narutard threads were banned on sight.

When the fuck is the Otome Isekai revolt starting?

Kotobuki was by Berserk's (CGI) studio and turned out fine, and as shitty as 2017 was it has pretty good direction where it counts

Impressive, not a single show that is worth watching.

>Firefighter anime
W-will it be good?

Soul Eater author kino.


Begone otomenigger one plague is enough.

i bet you finished all the bland seasonal waifubait of this season too. tell me, which unremarkable flavor of the month got you this time?

The animation looks amazing.

>will watch
Vinland Saga
Takagi s2
Isekai Drop
Cute girls Bear Grills edition
Sex grills (the comedy one)
Sex grills (the drama one)
Mudazukai because of my spirit animal, Baka
>might check
Mom Isekai
Cop Craft

>yet more isekai LN trash
Why do they continue making these low-effort shit?
They could've used the budget for those to make an interesting original show.

Nah you’re just here to suffer

Isekai is the new yakuza money laundering scheme.

>m-muh interesting original
How is Fairy Gone user? Did it stop being absolute garbage?

Definitely going to pick Astra

Attached: Astra-Lost-in-Space.jpg (1080x847, 211K)

A rather unhealthy amount of assumptions.

I'm looking forward to the anime girls on a deserted island one. I love that kind of shit.


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I dropped anime long ago.
Gyaru romcom manga is the future.

>How is Fairy Gone user? Did it stop being absolute garbage?
Not him, but yes. It improved. Still not amazing, but it got better.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Fairy Gone - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.15_[2019.05.05_20.07.35].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

They are fantasy anime, you brainiac.

Shouldn't you read the manga instead?

Picked the fuck up.

This looks kinda cool, it's not shounen shit right?

What the fuck, that actually looks fun.

Of course it's shounen. Everything about it screams shounen. It's not a bad thing.

>Shitfureta, a serious contender for the worst isekai story ever
>Isekai cheat magician, a story that can't figure even an original name let alone a story
Sausage elevens, whoever chose those two probably would enjoy a full buffet of shit, in a venue of a septic tank.

Based. She is best girl don't ever forget it.

Murata you absolute madman

Some of it is entertaining.

Isekai is becoming just like Mecha became, a vehicle to get people interested in a story you are trying to tell that is ultimately not really about the the fact that it contains isekai/mecha settings.

Japan is nothing but FGO and isekai shit. Maybe PreCure too.

Even idol shit is dying.

Is this one going to be a complete adaptation?
If so, I hope they don't rush too much and at least make this 2 cour.

Arifureta is going to be THE Chuuni Kino of the season. Screencap this.

>Arguing about shows that haven't even aired yet
Is there a more pointless endeavor? Or arguing about isekai. If you don't like it, don't watch and igorne it, it's not going anywhere.

>I look forward more to hentai releases than actual anime

Attached: 1235436463.jpg (285x257, 7K)

>it's not going anywhere.
It's getting bigger.

Arifureta is the one isekai I've heard nothing redeeming about. Even shit like Smartphone was at least so stupid it was fun.

The buying habits of their primary audience will dictate what is made. The Nips are eating up Isekai so they will make more. They used to eat up mecha so they made mecha.

And? This is fucking Yea Forums, you will never affect shit. Just go read a manga or heck, stop coming here. You'll feel better that way too.

>You will never affect shit
>Just sit down, be humble and accept the state of things
Fuck off Nip, we in the west like to debate about low quality products incessantly.

you are right. anime is dead

Imo not smartphone bad, just check the manga.
>implying japs don’t do the exact same shit on 2/5ch

Non-westerners really don't understand the importance of having a good moan

I really don't see it being an incomplete adaptation.
I mean, where the fuck are they going to stop?

>isekai everywhere
>most of what's left just crams the entire high school into a setting instead of a single highschooler.
Looks barely better than this season.

>waah stop shitting the things I like
I see shit, I'll call it as the garbage it is. Deal with it faggot.

>>>/reddit/ is two blocks on the left if you want a safe space where nobody complains about anything

>Fairy Gone Season 2

>assassin's pride
I hope the anime keeps the leotard battle costumes with skirts. I love how the girls look like ballerinas.

>implying I give a shit if it's garbage
Nigger you fucks do this ever season. Every fucking season there's always complains about how it's shit or how anime is dead. If you don't wanna watch it be my guest. I just don't see the point of repeating shit everyone and their mom says so often that it might as well be second to breathing air. Make your own threads about how shit anime is. Yes isekai is shit yes kirara stuff is shit yes originals are dead anything else you fuckers need to mention Sherlock fucking Holmes Mr state and bitch the obvious while doing jack shit you absolute goblins?

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It was always split cour.

Split cour retard

*hopes in mexican*

As always I will watch every first episode even if the series sounds like (and is most likely) absolute dog shit, so I can't tell which series I will watch in the end in general but I am sure I will watch (and most likely enjoy) Vinland, El-Melloi, Kanata no Astra, Sounan desu ka (at least I hope it's good) and maybe Katsute Kami and BEM although the last two might as well be another shit like Fairy Gone but let's wait and see. Have not much hope for the rest but as said, I will watch the first episodes nonetheless.

Hmm. I got a list of 12 shows off that, although I'l probably drop some. Much better than this current pile of shit.

hello where is the moe and the high IQ anime

>will watch
Vinland saga
Fire Force
Dr. Stone
DanMachi s2
Takagi s2

>if I'm really bored
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
Lord El-Melloi

Did I miss anything?


Cop craft
Vinland saga

Fun fact:
Digimon, Fushigi Yuugi, & Inuyasha are all isekai.

>Cop craft

Is it a good idea to wait patiently to binge vinland fire and Dr.stone?

>No more Jojo
>With luck, in 2021

The wait is already killing me

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>DanMachi S2
>Isekai Cheat Magic
>Okaa-san isekai
> Kawaikereba
>Sou nan desu ka
>Machikado Mazoko
>Vinland Saga
>Arabruru Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo
>Uchi no Musume no Tame
>Dr. Stone
>Joshikousei no Mudozukai
>Maou-sama Retry
Alright, this makes 18 shows I'm interested in. Can't wait!

What's Granblem?

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Are you a living trash bag?


Eh, Chuunifureta will be fun if you just amuse yourself with it as a CGI trainwreck
The good stuff will be MaouChad Retry.

It doesn't have much CGDCT and lolis, but it has some so it's decent.

I personally can't wait for Okada's Manga adaptation. Is gonna be so fun

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What's gotten your underwears in a knot?

What's he doing?

4 isekai
+ Dr stone
+3 straight fantasy
we have 8 dudes/dudettes having adventures in a pre-modern magical world

Anons are gonna shit on you for your post but fuck them, there’s nothing wrong with having an open mind and casting a wide net in a hobby you enjoy.


>danmachi 2
>isekai cheat
>takagi 2
>waver anime

I already have more to watch than this season, if it wasnt for senko an isekai4 this season would be completely hopeless

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>3 straight fantasy
>1 of them is a good ol' magic battle academy
I'm glad the genre is gaining terrain again.


>I'm glad the genre is gaining terrain again.
Your nostalgia and hate for isekai is clouding your judgement.

Isn't that mom isekai illustrated by Pochi

Everything but Accelerator

>all these Yea Forumstards here watching less than 5 shows
Kill yourselves.

>implying isekai is any better
Go back to eating shitty power fantasies, zoom zoom.

Netflix shit does not count?

40+ series as usual, if you aren't watching this many you need to go back.

I try almost every show, I just doubt they have staying power.

This guy gets it

It literaly calls 'cheat magician', at least it's being honest about his MC.

Another fun fact: Isekai has existed in roughly the same form we see it today since 1983.

based retard

To watch too many anime is harmful.

user's are shittinf on him because we want whats best for this user. Too much of a good thing is always a bad thing

Fuck off to Yea Forums and Yea Forums then.

Ok, this is my list:

>Dr. Stone
>Lord El-Melloi II
>and maybe Sounan desu ka?

user's are shitting on him because we want whats best for this user. Too much of a good thing is always a bad thing. I binge 10 anime every week but keeping up with seasonals every week will lead to a decrease in the experience.

Is it though? I mean, I would imagine he probably expects to drop some of those shows when they don’t live up to his expectations, and even if he doesn’t that’s only like 6 and a half hours of time invested per week on new shows assuming he watches all of them and they’re all ~22 min. Is less than an hour a day really too much of a good thing when it comes to a hobby you love?

Watching too many anime at the same time is harmful.

>WIT studio
Only anime I'm 100% on boat.

>Cop Craft
>Dr. Stone
Going to give it the 3 day rule. Everything else is meh or shit.

Juunikokki. Very good. Go watch it now if you haven't.

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>Danmachi S2
>Dr. Stone
>Enen no Shouboutai
>Mommy Isekai
>Daughter Isekai
>Do you even lift
Goodbye backlog, best season of the year is here.

Fruits Basket is the best anime ever made, but that's pretty much it, yeah, Hitoribochii and SnK are also worth to watch this season, that's 3 fucking shows, just by this early look of Summer I can easily tell, Summer > Winter > Spring


I'm already watching 25 anime this season. How the hell am I gonna survive the next one?

I dunno what she is, but I want to breed her

>All these Cop Craft hype
Have anyone watch Cop Craft's PV though?
It looks like cheap hentai OVA.
Well, I don't hate it, I just want people to know the risk they're about to witness.

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Winter had... Kemurikusa and... I swear I watched like 20 shows on winter and I can only fucking remember Kemurikusa, oh yeah, Bermuda Triangle!
Spring is just fucking shit, even Hitoribocchi have better animation than SNK3 and OPM2, what in the fuck, I particularly hate Spring since I had so much high hopes for it but good lord, what I have done to deserve this.
Summer have isekai mom, I mean, it doesn't matter your opinion or your technicalities or your deep analysis on the subject, this is the best anime ever made, 100 years of anime and all was to get to this moment, isekai mommies, everything will go downhill from that point, there will be no reason to keep watching anime after it airs, unless we get more mommy-centric anime, now that's the stuff.

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>Sounan desu ka
>Machikado Mazoku
Better than spring at least.

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>isekais and battleschool harems
BASED season

Thanks man.

I watch one anime at a time.

the cutest and funniest character of the season

This season looks pretty good, The fucking Mom Isekai will be delicious, That MAPPA show sounds alright too.
Dr Stone and Vinland Saga I'm hyped for as anime only.

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>muh manime autist

>having a single shred of faith in MAPPA

Enen no Shouboutai looks amazing


Age of Isekai will lead to the age of milfs which will lead to the age of office ladies.

I mean Banana Fish and Dororo are good.

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People see these charts and still prattle on about how anime gets better every year?

which ones will have uncensored nipples? I'll wait for fapservice previews to decide.

Inuyasha is time travel

Hard disagree. Dororo had some of the worst looking animation and off-model bullshit I've seen all year before I dropped it. Banafish looked terrible, but that was more an issue of the shitty backgrounds and setting in general.

I will actually say Sarazanmai looks great and I just learned they're working on that too.

only watching Vinland Saga and backlog list
that’s all

>dr push but still not selling
Can't wait for this to flop like the manga. Gay ass harvest moon shit.

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It looks really bad


>TRASH season almost over
your taste is a trash

fuck netflix

t. normalfag

I dont care about gook social lives so slice of life shit doesnt work with me.

Are you ready for the real ATOY?

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>unironically watching shonenshit and LN adaptations
>calling anyone Yea Forums

I've been ready for ten years now, this and the hope that Dorohedoro won't be mostly CG are the only things I'm looking forward to for the next year

Blessed season

>another trash season
Is anime finally dying?

but /RBMK/ is one of teh least cancerous general of Yea Forums

Only when they aren't throwing a shitfit over Ulana.

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>Takagi-san 2
>Mom Isekai
This is truly a wonderful season.

Joshikousei no Mudazukai also sounds and looks nice, I'll give it a try.

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>What will you be watching, Yea Forums?
Everything then drop 90% of it after of each's 3rd episode.

Cop Craft will be AOTS

I have a busy life and don't have much time anymore to watch anime. That's just what happens.

>Fun fact:
Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and John Carter are all isekai.

Vinland Saga
Dr. Stone
Cheat Magician
Cop Craft
Whatever that Silver Link and Mappa shit is

That generic seasonal shit is just a waste of time, man. Once you get a job it's backlog + cream of the crop. Looking at Summer and Fall I could only 4-5 that I would consider watching weekly. And even in this small group most of them are hard maybes.

What's the difference between a hard and a soft maybe?

How much I want to fuck you

> radiant season 2

Retarded normalfag. Besides, you don't even know what the best is. What Yea Forums or other sites circlejerk around most is usually mediocre, and the shows I enjoy most are hidden gems and underdogs.

>Once you get a job
My brother have 3 works and work 18 hours a day, and still have time to watch seasonal shit, stop looking excuses for your normalfagottery.

>work 18 hours a day
That shit's not healthy.

To think the only ones of this list I'm kinda looking forward to are the gacha ones. Maybe it's time to off myself after all.

>still no Kyoani

I cant fucking take it anymore. How much longer do we have to put up with cheap dogshit productions?

Absolute garbage. Pathetic that you need the validation of a bunch of reprobate neckbeards to feel good about what you want to watch. Yea Forums's taste is shit, always has been, and always will be.

Way too much overhyped isekai bound to fizzle out halfway into its run.

>3 works
>18 hours a day
>"Once you get a job"
I had one job and it was 12-24 hours a day days a week with maybe a day off and still watched seasonal shit, and even THEN I still wouldn't try to play the "I work this long so you don't have an excuse." Some people are actual adults and have responsibilities outside of just work. Only reason I could work as long as I did was because no family, and if I did have them they would be thousands of miles away.

So nice try but your argument is invalid.
Also Only thing I give a shit about next season is Dumbbell

as long as Kyoani isn't making anything, we don't have to put up with wasted money on expensive dogshit productions.

no, you just have disgustingly cheap and lazy tripe instead

>dr stone
depends on direction 2/3 episodes
>isekai magician
trash, but manga was fun but it's slow as fuck and i don't care for the wn or LN. 3 ep
dropped the manga, but Soul eater was a really good anime 3ep
hoping it's not CGI trash and has good pacing i'll watch it
okamoto is always a ton of fun as accell, manga has terrible art, so this can probably save it
>el melloy
as a fatefag, i have to
>ripped grills
seems nice 3 ep
i can give Mappa some credit 3 ep


overall pretty bad season

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I dont think ancient nips full of Yokai shogun, user-kun.

The only series I'm still keeping up with this season are fruits basket and sarazamai.
The daughter isekai thing is a fairly easy sell I think. I'll consider Araburu Kisetsu.
Vinland is the one I'm most looking forward to, but I'm wary of the possibility of bad cgi.


that's it

>All those isekei series
>AOTY season

Pick one

It is very valid taking in count your original post you moron, stop making excuses and get away from Yea Forums if you are not watching anime.

>Vinland right after Snk s3
Holy shit, WIT is saving anime this year.

Aots of summer will be Damberu.

Probably gonna watch every single show once this next season starts. I did it last Summer, as well as last Fall, but fell off these past two seasons. Wish me luck!

honestly this, everything else that isn't being carried over from spring season looks like dogshit

I did that once a few years ago

>Vinland Saga
>Case Files
Those are going the ones I'm going to watch all the way through. Will check out the Isekai's and other shounens to see how they hold up but will likely drop most of them.

Looks mediocre

Dr. Stone
Fire Force/Enen
Maybe Vinland

>Fire Force

Great season.

Vinland Saga FTW.