This was unironically the most anti-climactic shit ive ever seen

This was unironically the most anti-climactic shit ive ever seen

Levis squad death gives me goose bumps

Eren's mom death even gave me goose bumps

This shit? Like no music, no emotion, just, LOL
Are they even trying anymore?

Attached: attack-on-titan-season-3-armin-death-fan-reactions-episode-54-1172752-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 80K)

Lurk 2 years

This was the exact moment the manga went down the shitter.

Bad directing. It was more impactful in the manga.

lmao the absolute state of titiancucks

Attached: LuffyLaugh.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Good directing I would say, it captures the shittyness of the manga perfectly.

my god the absolute cringe
you guys REALLY watch this?

Only for it to redeem itself with absolute kino 2 chapters later.

Attached: Attack.on.Titan.full.2140341.jpg (3508x3854, 845K)

And last episodes' OST wasn't that great either

Attached: 1538942361949.jpg (1000x850, 393K)

Wait what? Armin died?

wait people still watch this shitty anime

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>he likes One Shit

Confirmed as worst and most cancerous anime

Attached: 1559191052204.jpg (540x422, 56K)

every optard is essentially a possible snk fan if not a diehard fan already

How realistic is it that he's still alive at this stage?

>muh info dump man

>being animeonly of fucking snk
Spotted the utter and complete fag


Except OP is gay and SNK is literally the best anime ever.



>he need music to tell him how to feel
Sounds like you're a child. You're not supposed to be posting in Yea Forums.

>reading a trashy shounen manga
>thinking it a virtue

Sounds like youre autistic

the real climax comes next episode

Attached: armin koffing.png (885x852, 354K)

because he didn't die you dumb fuck. As for Sasha..

I was asking a general question, retard. How realistic is it that someone can sustain so many burns and still live? Most asspulls are grounded by atleast a bit of logic.

age and nationality, please

17, Mexico

I rabu Piku.

Attached: piku's cute smug smile.png (720x444, 276K)

Yeah no, it got even better :D

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Possible, but a person would survive only for max 30/20 minutes