Whatever anime you think you like, Golden Boy was better.
Golden Boy was better
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It has literal toilet sex.
That is all.
baribari densetsu
But wasn't that a metaphor for how the audience's mind was in the toilet?
Don't you dare let a Golden Boy thread die out!
we must shape this brave new world, and artificially evolve . .. into golden boys
do not @ me fag
Is that a challenge?
It's for those with refined tastes
the fact that this thread is dying is evidence enough that Golden Boy is the best anime of all time
Who was best girl?
I liked the yakuza daughter
what about swimming waifu?
it's neither Akagi nor GTO, so it loses by default.
Golden Boy with Akagi would be...interesting.
incel the anime
fuck off
The manga is better
I'm just glad this masterpiece of animation has inspired such robust conversation
The OP was bomb tho.
Loving that 90's bike scene vibe.
I'm surprised the dub was actually well done.
Fuck no it isn't.
>Sudden cuckold plot.
What the fuck were they thinking.
You might be joking, but genuinely think that.
Kintaro is my hero.
fuck off faggot
He actually gets laid. In the manga anyway.
not him but the dub was good
also there is nothing wrong with dubs if the seijus are better
name a better anime hero
he is an inspiration to us all
>also there is nothing wrong with dubs
Literally everything is wrong with dubs.
No one with properly functioning brain would even consider watching any dub of any media. It's an option for literal brainlets and pre-grade school kids.
All due respect, I have been watching anime for a long time and I avoid dubs like the plague. Why listen to unprofessional actors recite lines without direction from the actual people who made the source material?
Dub fags weigh in please
Even better than Captain Tyler?
Cromartie, Pokemon, and Mad Bull 34 are better with dubs.
Black Lagoon makes more sense that way.
You're still (mostly) right.
german dub of Inu yasha was pretty well done,
english and german dub were better than original dragonball
no i'm not a shounenshitter, but those were early anime i've watched as a kid.
Original doesn't always mean better, true to the source material doesn't mean better either.
Sometimes Adaptions are better, Sometimes the Original Seiju's aren't the best.
>are better with dubs.
there's no such thing
It's fucking impossible by the definition of the "dubbing".
You're making an academic argument, I'm making a practical one.
These things exist, whether they should or not.
Kintaro's dub is goat. In my opinion it's even better than the JP one, but that might be my nostalgia speaking.
I like the German one as well. I usually stay away from dubs, but the old German MTV ones are pretty good
EN: youtube.com
JP: youtube.com
I am just happy I inspired a Golden Boy thread. For the first time in a long time I am proud of Yea Forums . . . how educational
I think about Golden Boy, OP.
You lost.
Too bad the manga was shit
I wish there were more of the adventure type settings around. Going around from place to place helping around and seeing some growth
Eikichi Onizuka>any comedy series main character
The manga was very educational.
>Whatever anime you think you like, Golden Boy was better.
I like Golden Boy. Was Golden Boy better than that one?
When will backwards caps and fanny packs come back in style?
kintaro's dub actor genuinely carries the show for me
Onizuka and Kintaro are the ideal role models for any boy
Where can I watch all of this again? Its been ages.
50% there already
babby's first ecchi anime
i started biking bc of a chinese straight to dvd cartoon
fuck why can't I go back to the 90's
My Golden Boy > your Golden Boy
>Toxic masculinity and rape culture
Superior OP coming through