Is it really fascist propaganda?

Is it really fascist propaganda?

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Politically speaking, SnK mostly reads to me as a work that thoughtlessly used some militaristic iconography on the outset, which has been challenged and criticized (sometimes brilliantly, sometimes clumsily) as its writer has matured. While there's certainly reason to take umbrage with *how* he's confronted his own beliefs in the story and whether he's done enough, I find it extremely hard to deny that he hasn't interrogated and deeply explored the feelings that he started his story with vs. how he feels now. I really like Attack on Titan as horror, as a character drama, as a puzzlebox, and as a glimpse into its author's evolution as a person over time. If other people don't, I totally get it, but I don't agree at all that it's fascist propaganda.

Yes, that's why it's great.

>ataque a los titanes
Andale andale

No,it's reality

It's not witty enough to make use of any idea or concept in anything other than the most superficial way possible or make any kind of argument, political or otherwise.


>being reasonable

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There is literally nothing wrong with Facism.

On what? I think I was pretty clear. This manga can't be fascist propaganda because it usually boils down an argument or a way of thinking into something extremely simple and digestible. SnK has no such thing. It doesn't mean anything. It only adopts some ideas in the most superficial sense. The militaristic aesthetics just looks cool; the protagonists motivation have no underlying philosophy beyond "ME WANT TO TRAVEL". There's nothing inherently wrong about that but we should keep that in mind lest we read too much into a stupid shonen manga. It's just a story that started as being about big scary man-eating monsters and devolved into complete garbage when they introduced that other nation beyond the walls.


back to pol

>the protagonists motivation have no underlying philosophy beyond "ME WANT TO TRAVEL"
brainlet cattle

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only if you're a brainlet

Bait in millions of people only to pull the carpet out from under them and make them understand how easy humans are controlled by lies in history books.

>imagine if Jews could turn in to monsters(they already are lol)
>Nazi Germany brainwashes them in to being self hating cucks
>Uses those cucks as living weapons to kill off all of the non-cuck Jews in Israel
>Israel Jews have the option of nuking the entire world(Samson Option)
>MC has no problem doing just that to secure a future for his race and future child

Yeah, I'm thinking SnK is pretty based for a Jap manga

The Germans could also be being used as the weapons
and then when it turns bad for the jews they blame it on the them
and cry about the Germans being the true oppressors to get the world powers to wipe them out.

Who's the fasces? Who is the supreme leader? This manga doesn't ever stop for a single second to have any explanation of who's in fucking charge anymore. How can it be fascism without a fuhrer, or even a strong state of any variety?
It's nothing but worthless shounenshit where the strongest person makes the rules, just wearing a seinen mask and dancing around.

pretty sure the author said its based on japans ocupation of china which makes sense considering paradis is an island unlike germany and israel.

you were meant to insult OP or shitpost, not post a reasonable response.

the first half of the manga very deliberately invokes some aspects of fascist philosophy (the centering of the military, the idea of the inhuman hordes of enemies threatening muh nation and muh peoples) which also lines up Isayama's apologism for Japanese imperialism. But Eren's character development now and the manga not having a clear good guy confuses the metaphor too much to draw a direct comparison to real life fascism. it's fascism-esque but doesn't make sense as an endorsement of "traditional" fascism, however you want to define that.

>the totally-not-Jews secretly controlled totally-not-Germany the whole time
>multiple characters saying "wouldn't it be great if the totally-not-Jews were never born?"
There's a good amount of detail that suggests it probably isn't intended to be, such as the different histories bought into by each side, but the story is still pretty easy to interpret as such.

>Israel Jews have the option of nuking the entire world(Samson Option)
Of all the possible things to be conspiratorial about, I never understood this one. The Samson refers to a nuclear deterrence strategy where Israel's last resort would be a retaliatory nuclear strike against an invading army. It does not mean that Israel would destroy the entire world.

dios mio

It is self insert revenge fantasy wish fulfillment for the author.

thats the spanish translation the latin one is ataque de los titanes which is wrong and retarded

Do you not know what Samson's story is? What the fuck

What is with americans and being unable to think in a nuanced fashion?
>me see armband
>me think jew
>hurr durr
There is really no way to translate it to spanish and it working while knowing what the title is meant to be.

This is probably the most sane and correct answer:
You pretty much reach by yourself the 3 reason of why the manga doesn't shy away of some fascist philosophy:
a) Isayama is a imperialism apologist.
b) Isayama like pretty much the average japanese had a limited knowledge of the History of the XX century.
c) Isayama is just mashing concepts he finds cool. Like all the christian imagery in Evangelion.

>imperialist apologist
>when he paints imperialist apologists as retarded cultists

if you are an antifa tranny then yes

then why not just letting it on english? dragon ball is one of the perfect examples that there is no need to translate the name of the series

>used their superior weapons and science to conquer and oppress the world
>now that's a thing of the past
>they are cucked into hating themselves
Eldians are white, not Jews. Marley are the Jews.

Nobody has enough nukes to destroy the entire world.

Destroy? It would be hard yes.
Blast into the stone age? Not that hard.

I rabu Piku.

Attached: piku's cute smug smile.png (720x444, 276K)

Probably not even that. The planet is big enough to recover even from losing all of its key cities.

starting a nuclear world war 3 effectively ends the entire world bro.

holy fuck how can people be this stupid.

Nuclear war wouldn’t end the entire world. Nothing but fear mongering.

>a) Isayama is a imperialism apologist.
True, Grisha is totally not portrayed as a naive retard here

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There is
You forgot the "s"

>pick two

>takes place in Madagascar, which is where Hitler originally wanted to exile the jews



Wut? how? Are the Jews secretly giant monsters waiting to literally crush society underfoot?

dude, assuming you don't live in a city and just die, your power would be out, with no hope of it returning, because all the infrastructure to repair it would be either destroyed or unmanned, the food supply would be utterly fucked, again, because of either destruction, lack of man-power, or because law and order has broken down and stockpiling guarantees it never reaches you because of armed bandits (probably ex military with military grade weapons). same for medical supplies, which you're gonna need a lot of, because of all the added cases of blindness, cancer, and just mundane shit like diabetics who need their meds...

welcome to the stone age, motherfucker, sm0ke em while you got em.

>country builds a wall to protect itself from peaceful immigrants
Yeah, sounds like fasci--
>people in the walls and the immigrants are the same people

>getting the rope
pick two

That's not stone age, fool. That's middle ages at worst.
The Internet is full of information about how to survive in apocalyptic events and rebuild technology in case we lose it, and you know there are nerds out there who have this information printed safely on paper. It will be their time to shine. Plus most of the cities have enough population to organize themselves for crises like what you've described (unless they are full of shitskins who'll just use the occasion to pillage and rape, then those cities are fucked). It will be tough, but humanity will survive and repair the civilization.

let me guess, global warming is a myth, plagues are overrated, there's zero chance of us not detecting an asteroid, supervolcanoes are fake news, and the only thing we have to fear is god taking a big smelly shit on us.

>getting the rope
Pick two

Well if that’s you believe then by all means.

>it's medieval

semantics, motherfucker. your ass is grass. it would take hundreds of years to get anywhere close to where we are today. generations of absolute poverty and lawlessness, except with bullets, the occasional tank, and a shitload more cancer.

No, the Jews were the Reiss family that controlled humanity and would create false narratives to keep their power unchecked.

Wrong. We have scientific knowledge and aren't sucking the church's dick. We'll manage.

"i didnt read the manga"

the post

Nothing in his conversation with Krueger portrays that Grisha had a wrong objective (overthrown Marley) he only doesn't know the "truth" and lack the "power" to achieve sucess.

Also, i must clarify one thing. The 3 reasons i pointed out for me are equally valid. You can point out the use of WWII imagery because he find interesting, because he think there are no form people miss the allegories he want to made, etc. Isayama like all the nipps will never spwak out his mind in a direct way. Also, like many japaneses, his understanding and views of the world sometimes could be totally aliens for foreigners. Don't even dig in their knowledge of history or (((facts))).

that plot died ages ago, user

>we'll manage


They're both. Between the Eldian Lebensraum, the whole world uniting against them, them being subjugated and their descendants denying the atrocities of their ancestors, and life in the ghetto, a perception of distinction by the rest of humanity, second-class treatment and a question for a state propped up by Samson titans, you can't distinguish Eldians as one from the other. It's actually quite brilliant, infusing the troubles of both Germans and Jews.

user, atleast read a plot synopsis before pretending to know what youre talking about

> imperialism apologist
imagine being a gook and chink nationalists bootlicker

I read 105 chapters of the manga. It was never great and it went to shit when they introduced the other country.

Yes. It has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with the disparagement of non-military values and civilian life. It's set in the world as envisioned by fascists -- a lone beacon of civilization constantly beset by beasts. Of course, the militarists are right in AoT, and the weak, effete civilian government is wrong. Because it's set up that way.

>"Is X fascist?"
Before anyone can answer that question, can any of us agree as to what constitutes as "fascism" ?

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Do you even sleep retard?

But in the flashback with Shadis (when Grisha cucks him) doesn't the author make it clear that it's okay for persons to not fit the archeotype of a "great person/chosen one". Hell, Carla even says that Eren's already special just by being born into the world. That coupled with Hoboren's talk with Falco about war and how "no one would push themselves into hell if they knew that this was what awaited them".

I wish.

this, Isayama said noting wrong, fuck off these chink and gook shills

Guess he walked it back a bit. But the first couple volumes are pretty openly fascist.

Russia has a bomb that could destroy England. They have about 6500 warheads. The US has about 6000 warheads. There are about 1000 nuclear warheads left between the rest of the advanced nations.

If you don't think a nuclear war would spell the end of humankind you have not been paying attention and don't know what you're talking about.

Only the scouts were ever portrayed as heroic with the rest of the military being shown to be increasingly lazy and corrupt

In the opening everyone in the walls dunks on the SL. Hell even the other military and aristocracy shit on them for being a waste of resources. Being SL isn't the "cool" thing to do. Joining the military was, from a world building pov, a good choice if you were poor and had no prospects.

Yes, but SNK threads move slow enough for me to still post in most of them.

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Keep up the good work then, user

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Wait so nazis are the "bad guys" again? Dropped.


Pick two

>the manga that had an entire arc dedicated to overthrowing a corrupt fascist regime is itself fascist
Very cool, my dude

Imagine being this obsessed

No. Isayama just rused everyone and made it seem like that at first. It's literally the opposite, it even has Nazis, Jews and Jewish extremists. The main theme is actually that hate breeds hate and the cycle will never end until someone decides that an eye for an eye is a fundamentally flawed viewpoint.


All anime is fascist propaganda.

SNK is just a "War is bad" manga

>bad guys