Would fate shirou technically be the strongest by the end of his life...

Would fate shirou technically be the strongest by the end of his life? He has no limiter(Rin/ in UBW) and completely abandon it(HF) basically goes on the seigi no mikata path alone until he reunites with Seibah in Avalon. Also would he eventually develop a reality marble

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UBW Shirou trumps Fate Shirou due to having better relations with Rin that can lead to him studying Magecraft and gaining power.

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Fate Shirou manages to reach Avalon as a mortal.
His Saber autism must’ve made him pretty fucking strong.

UBW Shirou > Fate Shirou > HF Shirou

UBW Shirou has the benefit of syncing with Archer which hastened his development. But ultimately Fate Shirou and UBW Shirou will end up at the same end point if Last Episode is anything to go by.

>during F/SN:
HF Shirou > UBW Shirou > Fate Shirou
>after F/SN
UBW Shirou > Fate Shirou > HF!True Shirou
>far future
UBW Shirou = Fate Shirou > HF!True Shirou

HF Shirou's position is kind of interchangeable in the last ranking. This is assuming he retires at the end with Sakura. Though the ending implies that Shirou can still develop a circuit in his puppet body but it will take a while. Assuming he continues training then HF Shirou would be above both UBW and Fate Shirou simply because he has the added bonus of being immortal.

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Where are the left and right Shirou's from?

Left Shirou is literally just Heroic Spirit EMIYA, right is Miyuverse Shirou from Prillya.

He definitely became a great hero, but I think UBW Shirou reaches a little higher and surpasses him in strength. Obviously both of them could body HF Shirou, who ends up having basically zero combat capacity.

The guy can die like every other human. Re-read the epilogue.

All he had to do to reach Avalon was be an autistic Saberfag till his end though. He doesn't need to surpass Emiya or anything like that, especially since that's the goal for UBW Shirou instead.

Fate Shirou still goes to the Clock tower to study magecraft he just doesn't hook up with Rin

Better question.
How chad would a Composite Shirou be?

HF and Miyu Shirou a best.

Shirou didnt study shit at the clock, he cant learn anything.

He would at the very least be strong as UBW shirou if not stronger. He just has a slower start. But he has a lifetime to surpass his UBW self who's going to be kept in check by Rin.

I like F/SN, but the autism of their fanbase made me hate the series so much. So much.

Shirou is low tier at his best. Only Counter Guardian Archer is even on the radar

I enjoy the pre-fate/extra flavors of fate autism.

>kept in check
*kept alive

She's only there to keep him from sacrificing himself when he gets nothing out of it. She herself is going to autistically pursue power, and she's pretty damn good at that. Combine that with the head start he gets from understanding his power and knowing what he can become and he's easily going to beat out a Fate Shirou who doesn't sell his soul to the planet for power.

She goes to babysit Shirou and make sure he doesn’t turn into EMIYA,

how can anyone like this clown

who's the white-haired girl?

>would he eventually develop a reality marble
Is this a question? He never saw Archer use a RM in Fate so I imagine the answer is no. He doesn't become Archer at the end of Fate, but he becomes Archer in a route similar to Fate where he "couldn't connect with Saber" according to Nasu.

>miss your one chance to fuck this
>become an anti-hero in a fit of rage
I understand his pain

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The clothes make it obvious

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How did Archer get his? Through the many battles he engaged in. UBW Shirou cheated his way because of his close connection to Archer but Fate Shirou would eventually get one too

The hair thingies are throwing me off

Left Shirou is likely from what I was talking about here . He's the version who couldn't connect with Saber emotionally and thus both her and him couldn't resolve their past grievances together and he went on to become EMIYA. Right is from Oath Under Snow (I think, I haven't seen it yet)

Archer is apparently some sort of esper who can live through memories each alternate reality/route. He probably picked it up some time after Fate. This shit confuses me and I'm sure some user has written a better explanation at some point

The same way they all got it, being turned into a sword by Avalon. They all have the same world inside of them, albeit with small differences colored by their experiences, which is why they're naturally good at tracing. It's just a matter of gitting gud so they can actually drag it out into the real world without imploding.

Because shirou is fucking insane, with avalon changing his origin to sword and his bizarre hero complex, this makes it easier to him to put his mind scape unto the outside world.
Shirou is the closest thing in the fate universe of a sword without being a literal sword.
Oath under snow shirou is the middle ground between HF and EMIYA.

I wonder how/if UBW sunny day shirou is, considering that he has seibah to teach him swordplay.

Fate Shirou is the strongest. Everyone likes to think otherwise but the infinite autism needed to infinitely search to Saber's infinitely wait proves that the other versions of Shirou are just objectively degraded with each new path.

At very least one must envy him his "free time".

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Seibah is shit at sword play.
She gets by on excaliber being bullshit broken.

Not saying that she is the best, but she is a lot better of pretty much everybody alive.
Heck, i wonder how OP would any shirou be if they where teached by sasaki, imagine the autist with tsubame gaeshi.

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>autism = power

Tsubame Gaeshi is actually not that great outside of special circumstances. It looks fancy, but the end result is just three slashes.

>shirou uses UBW spam to get closer to the enemy
>uses tsubame gaeshi plus the UBW spam
Seems quite good.

So EMIYA was the result of taking the forbidden Illya route?

No. I don't know where this Ilya route misconception came from but he's from an alternative Fate timeline where he didn't manage to come to an understanding with Saber like Fate Shirou did.

He has infinite autism in the other two routes. UBW autism consists of staying on his path no matter what while HF autism is focused on saving the woman he loves.

Fate Shirou sacrificed half of his circuits to Saber, remember?

>Skipped the sex scene.
He's never going to be able to reach his full potential after Saber literally ripped some circuits out of him.
The text said as much. Go read it.

Because he's cool.

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He also established some sort of bond with Illya.
Right before he got fucked in HF it shows the line "right before he leaves, Archer gives Illya a look of heavy regret."

UBW is part of his inner world retard, the more he gets to know about himself and his abilties, it only becomes a matter of time before he actually uses it.

I imagine he did because Fate Shirou took in Ilya after she lost Berserker. She lived her last moments before she dies with him so that's why he has a soft spot for her. It's also when he was fighting Berserker in Fate route to buy time for Rin and Saber/Shirou he could've likely killed Ilya easily with his UBW but didn't for a reason.

Archer claims he lost the use of one of his arms the first time he used projection, like how Shirou fucked up an arm in UBW. I think his route is a lot more complicated than that, and it may remain a mystery so Nasu can write Archer as having experienced everything significant.

Do you feel like you belong here now that you have been nasty to someone unprovoked?

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Fuck you.

I hope he sits down to write his story one day. Would be very interesting. Starting from the holy grail to his Counter Guardian days ending at his summoning by Rin.

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All Shirous inferior to F/KLPI Shirou because they don't have the power of a nii-san protecting his imouto

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I will throw my money at this.

Archer already has a technique that uses multiple slashes to create an undodgeable, certain-kill attack. It's basically the same thing but without the range limitation.

I love Shirou threads. They are much more comfy than the infinite waifu war between Rinfags and Sakurafags.

Shirou is pure and best boy
But he becomes even better as Archer
There's not much that can go wrong here, he's just good in every aspect

Is tracing a Shirou thing? Maybe if you just end up tracing so much into your memory it becomes a RM.

Shirou has always had a reality marble, or at least developed it as a result of avalon getting stuffed inside him. He was only able to externalize it in UBW as a result of viewing Archer's and becoming "enlightened" in his fight against him.

Tracing/Projection is usually a pretty shit, temporary magic, but his projection isn't "true" projection, it's more pulling things out of his reality marble in a way that looks just like traditional projection.

How does Shirou even come upon learning about tracing and projection?

IIRC, not that user, but he does it through instinct in Fate route.

His fucking origin is swords, he will use it eventually even without any help, cause sword autist needs swords.

Kerry taught him a little.
He neglected to teach him the proper way, so the way he does, by turning his nerve endings into a pseudo-magical circuit, is incredibly stupid and dangerous.

His body can die, but his soul is anchored by Heaven's Feel. His soul can't rot, thus he is by all means, immortal.

Unfortunately incorrect. With Heavens Feel you can become a perpetual motion unlimited magic energy immortal walking soul by manifesting the soul. But what Illya did was a sort of incomplete form that let him stay around long enough for them to give him a new body/terminal for his soul. In Nasu souls are eternal but they get a count down the moment they’re affixed to something physical.

So does his Reality Marble work like Nrvnqsr Chaos with his swords repairing wounds when he got cut up in Fate route.

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Yep, he is broken