
Why is Kamachi ripping off Araragi and Shinobu?

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Have you guys ever noticed that Saten Ruiko is actually kind of attractive?

Have you guys ever noticed that Saten's beef curtains drag on the floor due to years of overuse?

More importantly, why does Kamachi keeps making most of the important battles in Raildex offscreen? He writes them just fine in other series.

I can't believe index just shit on the floor like that

Everything is a rip off of something. I don't mind, I like both Arararararagi-san, Touma, Shinobu and Othinus

Because he is a hack.

Is that a loli or anorexia?

Thats a man

>last thread got deleted
>better make a shitpost thread

Theres another non-shitpost thread up

>MP immediately goes to it
Nice, bait and switch

Mugino posters deserve to post with us just as much as any other poster.

It's his bread-and-butter as a specialized hack.

Two is also fine

Why wouldnt he? I dont see enough of it.


What characters in Index can actually be called christian?
I'm thinking:
>the nuns from NT21
>Joan of Arc
>shota patriarch
>amakusa lads
Solid maybe:
>Dion (was IRL)
>Oriana (distorted)

because he is smart and realizes keeping the battles outside of literal words is important when words cant do the battles justice
it'd be one thing if the narrator was purely emotional/characterized, but it switches between stating facts and stating character's thoughts
that and a vague "mysterious" sense of the world is important for engagement in any world - name a good story which tells everything 100%

i'd even go so far as to argue leaving some important battles out is important to making a good work of fiction; the reader is not the world even if the world revolves around some characters. you ruin the feeling of a true world when one does not engage in restrain when telling of said world's qualities and battles.

Besides the most obvious buttmonkey, who's going to get a good whack with the suffering stick next volume?

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"The hero beat me and let the previous villain bully me!", featuring Coronzon.