>Saying "Thank you for the food!" or "Let's eat!" (or any variation) when characters are about to eat
Just eat your fucking food, shitheads. If you have to thank the provider of the food, there's no need to yell it out, even more so when the whole group is in sync. It's even worse when a character is eating by themselves and say a variation of the lines. How common is saying this line in modern Japan anyway? Is it like saying grace in America, but more common?
>anime isn't set in Japan >everybody has Japanese mannerisms like bowing or saying itadakimasu Your picture is an example of that, there's an episode were Lotte bows to a policeman despite being in England and her being finnish
Adrian Wood
>ignorant americanus can't tolerate even minor cultural differences why are you even watching anime?
Michael Gutierrez
>and say a variation of the lines. Haven't you noticed that they're always saying itadakimasu? There is no variation going on.
> racism huh?
Wyatt Adams
Insulting japanese customs and culture because it's not 'murican enough
Zachary Reed
That's not really racism though. It's ethnocentrism at most.
Justin Thomas
>He can't understand the concept of gratitude What an autistic little piece of shit you're growing up to be.
Logan Foster
kill yourself faggot
Adam Watson
Your parents must be real proud of you
Sebastian Martin
more like the typical american retardation
Nolan Gutierrez
go back to /pol/ if you condone this kind of faggotry
Benjamin Davis
>Not 'murrican enough But proper god-fearing Americans say grace before every meal, they wouldn't see anything strange in this
Noah Walker
>LWAtards also has no manners when eating This is why your fanbase always stay shitty and unironically even worse than Naruto,HxH,DBS fanbase combined.
>Not sure if bait I'm surprised you guys took it too. Thanks guys :^)
Logan Robinson
Not him but I already knew this was bait. I'm just surprised this many anons took it.
Elijah Gomez
>I'm just surprised this many anons took it. How? >Go to website full of autists and anti-socials that treats Yea Forums as their sanctuary of escapism from the real world because of "muh life" >Visits one of the most autistic filled boards on Yea Forums >Me: "Anime and Japan in general is trash lol" >Everyone: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Way too many """people""" here takes posts too seriously. And I'm not even American. They just assumed I was because I insulted a Japanese tradition. It just goes for show how much resentment these """people""" carry over the United States and literally let them live in their mind rent free.
You must ALWAYS show your gratitude before a meal. No exceptions. Awhile back a friend and I went out to get a bite to eat, and he refused to say grace before eating! Well, suffice to say, he isn't my friend anymore.
>saying itadakimasu >not even in Japan >most of the characters aren't even Japanese Maybe if they were in America they'd say their graces in traditional families, but this is fucking Finland with mostly these fugsXD at the table, so I don't know what the fuck they do but I'm sure it's not say "Itadakimasu!"