ITT: Side/minor characters that become fan favourites

ITT: Side/minor characters that become fan favourites

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I can't believe she's fucking DEAD

>Touma is the MC

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OPM has a lot of these, the minor characters are just so good

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>can't believe it

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He's pretty intimidating for a pretty boy

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Some one Piece Characters became super popular before they even did much in the plot. Ace was always ranking super high in every poll despite only being in the desert for a few chapters at that point.

Still waiting for the Zombieman noir detective spin-off manga where he solves murder cases.

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that's because he's secretly a monster

if only
zombieman best man

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Do the fusion in DBZ/GT/DBS count? They have almost no screen time at all but the fusion are super popular.

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Speaking of DBGT, I wish we saw more of this sexy daughterfu.

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>allowing your daughter to dress like a literal street walker
jeeze vegeta mellowed out too much

Gouhin is a goldmine of reaction pics

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>broken dom on her knees, submissive before her conqueror

Light Yagami clone.

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Would you really call her a fan favorite if people only remember her cause she makers their penises hard?

Based KomekkoCHAD

Though I guess it's a stretch to call him a proper fan favourite.

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You mean he wasn't the protagonist??????

Fuck Jinka, Senya is alright.

we needed more honestly

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It helps that the 'main character' is off-panel 80% of the time. That's not a bad thing, though, because it frees up space for world and character-development instead of the typical hero-focus in shonens.

Goddamn, Boichi draws luscious women. Dr Stone is full of women with backsides capable of denting a Buick.

any brown girls similar to michelle in Dr stone?

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>Aoi Yuuki voiced goth Loli.
How can you make it any better?

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She didn't become a fan favorite, she became dead by having her head smashed by Sweet Mask. As all monsters should.

When was she ever a fan favorite aside from horny virgins on Yea Forums


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