Muh attractive autsitic girl falls for the first male who treats her remotely like a person

>muh attractive autsitic girl falls for the first male who treats her remotely like a person

If you enjoy any of these series you are actively killing anime and manga as a whole.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>stop enjoying things!
Go back.

whatever you say shounennigger

>OP doesn't understand human interaction

if it's so realistic why hasn't happened to me yet?
on second thought, maybe that's why it's realistic

You would have to treat girls like people for that to happen

It's essentially wooing a girl. Just one of many tactics, just because these types employ what you've said doesn't make it shit, at-least compared to what else the Japs use. Also in real life this does happen, it's either a bullied girl or an emotional unstable one

Yea Forums in a nutshell

I treat everyone like people
But no one treats me like a human being

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Yeah, the great irony of this fantasy is that it requires the guy to actually interact with the hot, autistic girl first, typically doing something admirable or cool. Which many of the guys (and gals) of Yea Forums are not willing to do.

Anyway read Komi-san Can’t Communicate it’s adorable


no wonder, I don't consider wojakposting Yea Forums scum to be humans either

based & truthpilled

go back to Yea Forums

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based. someone had to tell the truth eventually

This absolutely happens in real life too if they're sheltered enough.

im not from Yea Forums, im from reddit

Which mangas are these? I know of Komi san but not the other 3.

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>oh woe is me I'm so beautiful and no one treats me like an actual person

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No different than isekai harems, it's just trash for teenagers.

Must be new. Yea Forums knows it's wish fulfillment for losers, it's nothing new. It's nu-Yea Forums ilk who need to rationalize it.

At least it's not as shameless as
>she's very assertive and slutty, but she's actually pure and is only slutty FOR ME! gyaru manga
like Anjou-san. Nigatoro and the others

whats the bottom right?

Lurk More Shoujo and Lurk More-chan is Shy

>muh fat autsitic girl falls for the first male who treats her remotely like a person
Translations WHEN!?

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le milk truck has arrived

The only part that's wish fulfillment is that the self-insert actually manages to talk to a woman.


Reddit memes are not welcome here fuck off.

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*a beautiful woman that from that moment on will have eyes for him and no one else and will idolize anything he does

Shark girl a cute though

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Leave Sharktits alone.

Because the author has no romantic expirience and its also on offshoot of the "love at first sight" trope
Just switch to shoujo. At least in shoujo manga the guy is hot so its justifiable

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You miss your chance score a hot-aut if you don't jump on it immediately. All of the girls in pic related would've been chatted up to hell and back since they were 12 years old.

>change from women falling in love with losers to women falling in love with stalkers and rapists.

Not sure about that.

Good, I like killing things

You mean realistic women?
But in all seriousness its way easier to avoid trash shoujo than trash shounen because trash shounen is pretty much every single one of them (at least in terms of loser-protagonists)

stalker/rape shoujo is contained to like a handful of mags.

Like every isekai LN ever.

>tit veins

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Is this realistic!?

I tried reading Komi and Senryuu but dropped them pretty quickly because for fucks sake people IRL have better things to do with their lives than put up with your autism and work to help you have fun when you're actively working against it and I've long since outgrown the desire to fantasize about stuff like that.

It's a fucking work of fiction, no one wants to see a realistic relationship, it's boring, it's like doing DBZ where Goku would be clinging to the floor with random dudes for 5 minutes, it's just boring

Your analogy would be more like if DBZ had Goku fight a guy named Freeza for literally every single battle.
People want male leads as interesting as the females they're opposite.

Did somebody say Shark Girl?

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Shounenniggers, isekaifags, and moeshitters take heed; the time of the romcom chads is here.

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>reddit memes

This is unironically what Yea Forums wants.

I do not like yaoi, but I do not read yaoi and complaining that my gay manga has gays, just see something else, there are a ridiculous amount of manga to read, old and new, ranging from advertising toys to pornography

people always point out shojo and josei out as realistic romance but it's always so fucking DRAMATIC and usually full of rape

These author need to have sex

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We need more cute busty delinquent girls

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>realistic romance
>no rape
pick one incel.

Is Jitsu Wa the peak of romcom?

We don't all live in Sweden, Sven.

Kuromine was pretty much exactly as OP described though.

bitches don't know about my COOL BEAUTY

>perceiving chadhood as rape

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I'm literally gonna marry Komi-san even if she doesn't talk to me the whole time.

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Kuromine hooked up with his gf within the first half of the manga, impregnated her, and jumped off a building while proposing to her, so he's pretty based in my book.

New chapter when!?

>That recent hentai series with the awful CGI where the schoolgirl gets constantly groped and raped by dudes on trains, but because MC is gentle-ish when he rapes her she falls in love with him and wants to have his babies


5 reasons why Komi shitte:
1) she's a behemoth
2) she turns into a cat at will
3) her eyes turn huge and takes up 50% of her face when she doesnt want to talk
4) i hate her
5) komi

One just came out

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The sex outdoors was great

>>The awful CGI
That CGI was great user

Interesting male leads is a rarity nowadays, it's all about cute anime girls doing cute anime things, male characters usually only serve to give something to the male audience to have something to project and interact with their waifu

komi looks like a fucking moomin

I bet what counts as "interesting" to you is some Pulp Fiction "hardboiled" geriatric.

What is it about her face that's so repulsive

SHE is cuter than your generic moe blob

Good male leads were always a rarity. You’re just seeing the ones that survived by relevancy.

Yeah, like this guy.

I haven't seen this thread for a while.

Stop bad mouthing Komi, ya fucking incels

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Yeah, like this guy.

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>Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. = 40,868 followers on MD
>Senryuu Shoujo = 17,571 followers
>Hitomi-chan Is Shy With Strangers = 16,695 followers
>Aharen-san wa Hakarenai = 7,240 followers

woah they are way more popular than I thought

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What was the pic?

>Main conflict: I can’t stop fucking!

>hitomi almost as popular as senryuu

yo what the fuck senryuu has like 80+ chapters more, also komi is crazy hyped

Nips love big girls.

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Komichads rise up.

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deserves some sort of award for actually progressing slower than kaguya

that's pretty realistic

There is a cat

>tfw my favorite series have sub-5k
It ain't right.

I enjoy these series but they are all pretty stupid

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its the isekaishit of manga
well besides isekaishit

At this point I'll take it. So tired of nips arrested development.

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It means you aren't retarded.

>If you enjoy any of these series you are actively killing anime and manga as a whole.

Just go play Rance ad infinitum.

LOL have sex incel

>you are actively killing anime and manga as a whole

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I'm a softhouse chara fan

why does her head size vary so wildly in comparison to her body

This is the romcom thread now. Thoughts on I Shaved. Then I Brought a High School Girl Home.'s main girl being confirmed used goods by several people in return for a place to stay (including 2 old men)?

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Seems like a nice boy I ship it. But the MC is just a complete and utter walletcuck now? Does she stay rent-free?

Did the translators drop this? cause that would be kinda based because she's a slut but also kinda cringe cause I couldn't read it

She looks pretty cute, worth reading user?

Yes and yes, he's basically being used by her, but it's a cute girl who sort of likes him so it's ok even though she won't fuck him like all the other guys before.

No idea. They usually are fast at translating, but it's been over a week since the raws are out...

Yeah if you like cute thick tough girls. I like that she soft bullies the boy she likes.

>doesn't know how to fuck her and make her dere for him at the same time

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Disgusting desu


Neither do the people writing those series.

Komi & Hitomi anime fucking when

Because realism sells diddly dick.

The fact an actual good waifubait series like Saotome is lower than shit like Sharktits, Komiishit and Nagatoro is a crime desu

But they're both autistic.

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Cute shy autistic girls would have beta orbiters treating them like REAL HUMAN BEANS already, the lack of that bothers me to no end

It's because Saotome is worse than those three ____________:)

The names are literally posted itt, scroll up.

This is why Fujiyama-san is the GOAT waifubait romcom. MC isn't a no personality beta, main girl isn't a love at first sight wishfulfillment hole. They have friends, Fujiyama is reasonably popular and outgoing and they like each other because they're dumb kids.

#YesAllMen. #MeToo. #ILoveDaPussy. Thanks for your opinion.

All the trappings a wannabe normalfag would want.

Fuck off and kill yourself, retarded blogging feels-cancer.

>manlet getting the girl
self-insert bullshit

If you think those are wish fulfillment, this will blow your dick clean off.

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The insecurity of Komifags is something else. Is this what it's like when you know you have shit taste but feel too invested in unending garbage to extract yourself? At least the Tomo-chan fags have largely gone away as they realized the author is a hack who takes Miura levels of time to release one fucking 4-koma.


This one is creepy though because she's waaaay too obsessed.


Romcom implicity has comedy in it

Please name em. Espacially the two on the bottom.


the worst part is that series like komi-san preach just "bee urself" when the only reason she's liked in the first place is because she's attractive

These covers are getting my hopes up. This has nothing to do with shrinking, does it?

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based and redpilled

I want to be shrunk down and be put in a box by her and have her fart inside it until it suffocates me just like Hitler gassed the jews

Yikes, wow. I just want a psychological drama where a boy shrinks, then a woman finds him and takes him home, and she promises to care for him until they find a way to make him normal, but she's secretly hiding the hidden secret that she's the one who shrunk him in the first place.

Misery, but with a cute girl.

I'm getting flashbacks to midori no hibi

1. Hot girls are never autistic
2. In the event if them actually being autistic their natural beauty will attract people and white knights
3. Hot girls are always showered in compliments at the slightest bit of feeling down.
4. One normal dude will not stand out by treating them as a normal person when everyone else is too
5. Autistic retards (your avg Yea Forums user) doesnt talk to hot girls
6. Hot girls dont talk to autistic retards
7. While enjoyable these manga are purely wish fulfillment just like isekai.

>I grew up in American high school so every high school is like this
Let's be realistic, in Japan it's far more likely she is as socially autistic as depicted, but only because her beauty lead to the worst kinds of sexual assault and the rest of Japanese society was too timid to speak up about it and avoid her out of secondhand shame.
The protag is just the one person too friendless to hear about the problems.

>Let's be realistic, in Japan it's far more likely she is as socially autistic as depicted
Granted, for westerners tho. In japan everyone is semi retarded so shed still be normal.


Hey stealth-shoujo thread, what are some good series I can read that came out recently?

Honestly there hasn't been anything good in awhile. Called Game maybe, but its not exactly new.
There's a bunch of new stuff untranslated but I assume you don't want that. 15 volumes of heartbreak club got released on mdkm though, most of the author's stuff starts good but gets trashy, although its multiple romances so its a good read from what I remember.

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The guy is actually a kind of a dick to her in this series and only when he realizes that she loves him unconditionally does he treat her well.

She has that birth defect where her head is fuckin tall and weird looking

What was that series with Romeo and Juliett that got an anime adaptation recently?

Yea Forums the hentai!? why is this no translated?

Trash femdom yuri cucking

Out of the four i dislike komi-san the most. I already dislike the "girl so perfect and beautiful she has a cult" trope and komi-san does this to the absolute extreme. Tadano and Komi are also both mary sue to an extent.

ah fuck. why does this happen to stuff I get interested in

You're not talking about Gakkou no Juliet right?
What happened?

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nothing, he's just being a moron. the series is about to end

mc is pussywhipped to hell and back and his girlfriend occasionally shares her bed with a lesbian

Literally only retarded speed readers got mad at this "reveal" that has been stated multiple times throughout the manga

You don't even watch anime or read manga, you're just hysterically memeing.

Listen dude, I've read stuff where they show cum dripping down her leg in volume 1 and by volume 10 when they finally have sex "uh no it was just molesting shes totally a virgin ayy lmao"

>the cowardly 'go back' deflection

Now we know for sure it's unrealistic that these autistic girls would fall for your smarmy loser ass

Who am I supposed to believe here?

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Thanks, Cap.


leave me alone, i need fantasy to keep on living as my heart is long dead

>f you enjoy any of these series you are actively killing anime and manga as a whole even if you don't pay for jackshit
Good to know, retard-kun. I'll even pay now in hopes of you killing yourself.

I think he just wants that sex stuff to be in more private places or his dick follows science itself.

Don't you fucking dare to quote me again, namefaggot

That was actually an unintentional quote. I was going into multiple threads. It was meant for a Ueno thread.

Also, just because I have a name. It doesn’t make you look any less of a little bitch.

I'm simultaneously disgusted and aroused

If that's not how it works in real life I'm screwed.

It works with guys. With women? nope!

That's because you aren't the first person to treat her remotely human. Every guy does.

No. Real women are awful, self-centered cunts that only like you for what you provide. They will ditch your ass as soon they see a ‘better deal’.

If she's hot
Otherwise you'll need to start chasing 12 years olds or finding fatties with good bone structure and getting them into keto./

So he does fall in love with her in the end? It sounds like an old-fashioned shoujo.

>self inserting as the guy
Found your problem


Bottom left and top right have dudes at least as autistic as the girl.

bottom left is just a delinquent but otherwise pretty similar but yeh better than the other two

Do I need to speak troglodyte for you to understand?

>delinquent girls
We need more of this in general.

>you are actively killing anime and manga as a whole.
Keikaku dori

I don't think its unrealistic. Propinquity is on the guys side in this case. Especially if he manages to break through her facade.

Ben Brode, why are you posting on Yea Forums?

Why is a chunk of her head missing?

Read the thread.


I'm such a fucking faggot, like, holy shit. Send me dick pics you guys.

Sounds Incel as fuck.
Glad I don't read those shits.

>cold game
Dropped this a while ago. Did her sweetheart from chapter one get cucked?

Big yikes.

I already had a feeling that people would start saying that these series are killing anime and manga, considering how popular they have become recently. Thats how it goes with Yea Forums anyway.

Fuck off.

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There was this exact same thread last week, same OP picture too, only without the red X, at least I started reading Aharen San because of it and saw that it was NOTHING like what you described.

Most definitely since chapter 1 unless we get subverted to an obnoxious degree.

>falls for a complete douchebag instead
This is what's wrong with you guys.

Watch sport anime.

Realism is important?
"complete douchebag" is nice guy code for everything a woman could ever desire.

Yeah, like how 90% of guys in shoujo treat girls. Stalking, physical abuse, rape, the works. That's what you want the girls to fall for.

Good thing those manga aren't shoujo then.

Obviously they aren't shoujo, because they don't feature guys stalking or injuring or raping girls. It just sounds like you believe that only liking shoujo won't kill anime and manga as a whole.

great thread

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If you actually believe that you're probably the real problem.

What is it I'll check it out

Please list all series like this so I can watch / read them

but then i have to deal with the exact opposite
ffs, have you read shoujo? half the time the MC is le normal average girl who isn't that attractive or actually kinda subpar (like shounen) that gets this amazingly hot dude randomly really interested in her. its the same kinda wish fulfillment you idiot.

but nagatoro is Good, Actually and doesn't fit into this trope we're discussing at all

It happened to me, but in reverse. But then I fucked it up due to lack of relationship experience and general naivete


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>but nagatoro is Good,

It's a fucking cartoon, retard.

Absolutely Based
you triggered all those shit eater alright

yeah but you're living through the mc because your life is pathetic.

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And you want it to be more realistic like your life so we all can watch pathetic together and increase our depression multipliers?

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i have a gf and a social life, maybe that would work but what about you, femboy?

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>i have a gf and a social life
The fact that you're defensive about is very convincing. I concede to your superiority, mr.giga chad.

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t. seething incel

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yes, what's the manga on the top right?

Who the fuck was that designed to impress? You bit off, now chew bitch.

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“Sheltered” has nothing to do with it.

stop arguing guys

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just get better taste in mangas and stop living through the mcs. im trying to help. its not my fault if you get offended by how shit and disgusting these mangas and how damanging they are for the industry.

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Sure thing, sweetie. He doesn't matter.


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i love winning arguments online.

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dude we've done this since Haruhi and hit the first peak in Onani Master Kurosawa, are you this new to think it's a new fad? it's been going forever

What did a woman ever do to you?

whats with all the 3dpd images

Nothing. Because I didn’t let what I understood to take their chances. Besides, you’re a woman.