Mob Psycho 100

4 episodes in... when does it get good? The characters are boring, the plot is going nowhere, the jokes aren't funny at all, the animation is good, but the rest is garbage. There will be a change in the next episodes or it will be the same shit throughout the whole series?

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the plot starts halfway through the show, it's mostly episodic before that

If you don't like it 4 episodes in, you might as well drop it. I doubt you'll enjoy the rest either

what a dull post

mob psycho is the ultimate "i am 16 years old and my taste in anime is superior" anime

>when does it get good?
Never. Drop it.

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Reigen is genuinely the only good thing about the show. Enjoyed the end of season 1 because of him. I don't think I can handle season 2 though. Either it's way more reigen-focused or I won't watch it.

>4 episodes and in
What the fuck

There's a good bit of reigen focus in season 2 you should watch It


>but the rest is garbage
If you don't like it, don't watch it. No need to push yourself to fit in.

this pretty much

I'm in agreement

I genuinely can't wrap my head around opinions like these. I really tend to try and meet people halfway and not assume too much about them but I do not comprehend you people. Within one episode you can understand the gist of the show. The difficulty in discussing this is that all I'm really looking at is a list of conclusions rather than any reasoning.

>Mob is immensely powerful but that power has ironically isolated him
>His only friend is an adult who is seemingly taking advantage of him
>His poor social skills and fear of his own power hurting people lead him to repress himself
>Situations arise to push him to explode emotionally but he will steadily grow as a person as a result of this, and help others grow as well
There's the basic hook. By episode 4 you're talking about the plot "going nowhere" like you're waiting for the main villain to show up but it's already progressing. Mob is creating new social connections and conflicts arise for him to solve as a result of that. It's not difficult to understand.

The "plot" is the worst part of the show, though. As soon as the claw shit came back in s2 I noped out.

Season 2 focuses on Mob, Reigen and Dimple

I kinda enjoy Mob's development. It reminds me of myself when I was in high school. But I find Reigen to be funnier and a far more interesting character.

It's hard to tell at first, but by the time you get to the end, you'll see that every single episode did something to make Mob grow as a person, and change into someone physically and mentally stronger, more mature and reliable, more self-actualized. I wish this wasn't so rare in anime. Usually characters are static, or at best they "improve" all at once near the end.
This series is really subtle and realistic. It's cool.


Of course. Reigen is the best.

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This but with damn near every show.

Only first season is good if you didnt like that drop it.Second season is dogshit

What an absolute shit opinion. They're both good.

the thing about Mob Psycho is the character development and symbolisms, i think

Episodes 4-5 are when it gets good for me. This show is great and a prime example of contrarian Yea Forums

>when does it get good?
Overrated garbage
Just drop it

Go watch K-on, ya fruit cake.

If you don't wanna fuck either Reigen or Mob by this point you should just drop the show.

>when does it get good?
It doesn't

Lewd mob!

>fuck reigen
>fuck mobu
Fuck off.

It’s shit

I personally didn't want to fuck Reigen until episode 6 or 7.

If by ep 2 you don't like it you maybe you should drop it. We like what we like after all.

I thought it was fun

eh. he's way too much of an "ironic" mouthpiece for my taste.

if your too younng to understand emotions then leave Yea Forums newfag

yes but that kind of show works only if the characters are relatable. If you can't relate to them, you can't follow their progression. Mob is a blank slate, Reigen is an ugly bastard who exploit Mod, the other characters are just a big MEH. How am I supposed to relate to them if these are the premises?
>Mob is immensely powerful but that power has ironically isolated him
why? when he loses control he seams a pretty normal guy to me: he doesn't go on a killing rampage, his psychic waves are not visible by normal people, and he seams pretty conscious of his deadly capacities
I know, someone got really buthurted when it's forced to face the truth

While this is true, doesn't change the fact it's still pretty good.


Great show with thematic writing that im sure many anime fans will find applies to them. Of course this requires a little critical thinking and self analysis, a lot of you probably would rather watch big titty girls acting in a way youve never seen irl. For those of you interested in an anime that actually tries to innovate or are at the very least just interested in self improvement i would recommend thinking about what message or meaning the events in mob psycho have.

That’s because he is Mob’s father figure.

I fucking despise many Yea Forums fuckers for being too impatient to give a fuck about the content in the story. They want big shit from the getgo and they yet they want shit to be intellectually written and subtle?

Do you really think the characters are going to remain static? It's a coming of age story.
>why? when he loses control he seams a pretty normal guy to me
He developed a complex with his powers when he almost killed his little brother with them. The reason he's normally such a blank, shell of a boy is because of his powers and his repression of them. That's why he's isolated.

It's shounenshit about living in a society.