SAO is ba-

>SAO is ba-
Seriously Yea Forums really has shit taste and oppions on anime and manga. After all, all you faggots do is watch the old trash repeatedly. And do nothing but talk and make thrrads about big tittes, yuri cancer, traps, and dick girls. Fact. So dont judge someone or a show like SAO when you have shit taste as well. Worse even.

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SAO is bait

SAO is trash and so are you

>tfw I will never cuck Eugeo

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rent free

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Like yo mama.

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

I've noticed that OP and cocks always seem to find each other..

They are contrarians that refuse to enjoy popular things, even when everyone hates sao because " lol sao XD garbage anime"


SAO is garbage, but Quinella makes Alicization worth watching.

Attached: quinella213.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

Why can't all animes have fanservice of this caliber?

It's almost like you might be wrong or something.


I want to cum inside Quinella!

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Wtf are you talking about. Big titties? Traps? Dick girls? Everyone knows that Yea Forums only likes loli

Casting Sakamoto as her was a stroke of genius.

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Every weeb who isn't a new weeb says SAO is shit. Yea Forums has shit taste but is just in calling SAO the garbage it is

I'm honestly surprised that Yea Forums is still on the SAO sucks train considering that there's 24/7 Naruto/Bleach/Wan Piss threads up

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>SAOfags trying to argue how their shit is less green than other stains on the board
Pathetic. You only continue to exist here because you are irrelevant.

You can't even think for yourself lmao. You're just repeating the opinions of other Yea Forumsutists, or possibly your favorite youtubers?
SAO is fine, if you take it for what it is. Some people enjoy wish fulfillment shows. Others don't.

Just damn

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Quinella was ridiculously seductive and dangerous.

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I like how Quinella ended up being the Alicization girl rather than Alice.

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That's no human it's a man-eating succubus

Did she have the most expressive face of all the SAO girls?

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reminder that while the novels aren't great, the anime borders on a butchered adaptation

Nigga who the fuck wants to read books

Reminder that Kirito is a cuck, because all of us have seen his wife naked in that elf arc

shut up nerd

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Not an isekai.

>SAO is fine
I get it you're just seething because you're a fan of one of the worst pieces of normie-tier garbage in a long time. As a wish fulfillment show sure it's okay, but the writing and overall plot is too fucking bad to be considered "fine". Quit seething so hard faggot

Not him, but you sound like you're seething pretty badly.

Not them but SAO is shit.


It's had some good parts (season 1 part 1, and season 2 part 2) but overall it is terrible. It poorly written. Its poorly thought out. Most of Alicization was fucking boring and uninteresting as well as being poorly written and thought out.


Not them, but SAO is pretty good

But you're me.

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So even if SAO is shit, does that change the fact that Quinella is hot?

Attached: Wakeup.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

Plot gets dumber and dumber each season.
I'm starting to think people only like this shit because of the visuals.


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SAO as a whole is pretty underrated in general nowadays. Not that it's a great franchise — only Alicization truly is —, but it's decent enough for one to enjoy. ALO sucks, it truly does, but it taints the series reputation and I don't blame those who see it as poop because of this arc.

naked women AND rapists? holy shit sao is great!