
Title: Sometimes, "X" Dances around The Result of the Forune Telling

While having breakfast with Reiji, Fumino saw on TV that her love luck of the day (Libra, Blood Type A) will be at the top, to which the former commented that it's pretty accurate based on what he'd heard. When she checked the official blog around lunch time, there are 6 events that she might experience with someone that's on her mind: Being fed, suddenly had her chin being lifted, being whispered sweet words, being petted, a driving date until midnight comes, and huddle, where she'll slowly become aggressive.

Fumino pretty much brushed off the horoscope and mentally said that she's being too conscious of it seeing how it's related to stars, and how there's really no body on her mind right now...only to be shocked when Nariyuki walked in to give them their exercises of the day. As she was about to dropped her origini from the shock, Nariyuki caught it, and from momentum, stuffed it in Fumino's mouth. Nariyuki lifted Fumino's chin to see if she's okay. While Fumino said that she was all right, she was more conscious that two of the six events actually happened.

After school was over, Nariyuki and Fumino are studying at Jomothans, and Fumino told herself not to be so agitated as it's just fortune telling...when Nariyuki whispered "sugar" in her ears due to how much sugar Fumino had added to her drinks. Fumino was not amused about the pun.

While still agitated, Fumino accidentally bumped into the waitress, Mako, and had drinks spilled onto the former's head. As they apologized, Nariyuki grabbed a napkin, and dried Fumino's head off in a petting motion. Fumino was more than convinced that the fortune telling was true. Fumino paid the check, and decided to end the study session early for her friend's sake before it escalated any further.

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Other urls found in this thread:

After Fumino left, however, Nariyuki chased after her, and after they ran some distance, Nariyuki finally managed to give Fumino the change from the bill, where the latter commented that he should've just said that sooner. Nariyuki leaned on Fumino due to the exhaustion from running when the latter saw Rizu and Uruka leaving a book store. Fumino quickly hid the two in the back of a delivery truck in order to avoid being seeing in a slightly compromised situation. The two, however, failed to leave in time, and were taken for a ride.

Fumino explained how it's all from that Fortune Telling, and that they might be stuck until midnight comes. Seeing how Fumino is shivering from the cold, Nariyuki took off his coat and placed it on Fumino. Fumino tried to decline it because she doesn't want Nariyuki to catch a cold. They ultimately decided to cover themselves in the coat like a blanket.

As they studied, Fumino was reminded of a similar situation back at the hotel, where they shared the same bed. Slowly, Fumino leaned on Nariyuki, and commented that they'd be cold if they don't cuddle properly. As Fumino pondered about the situation, the truck's door opened, and it was Reiji who greeted them in a menacing look.

Because it was still bright when they got out of the truck, Fumino was wondering about the validity of one of the events, and Fumino was not amused when it was a pun on the word "midnight" and her father's name (Reiji "零侍" is pronounced the same as Midnight "0時" in Japanese).

As for why Reiji knows so much about horoscope, he had been buying and studying them recently...

Uruka a best
Rizu a second best
Fumino a shit

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Any pics?

I heard this was on the final arc like Kimetsu and Neverland. Who's winning?

Funny but the last week the fake spoiler was too similar.. But with Fumino not Mafuyu and Uruka

Sensei's fat ass on the new cover.

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I want to fuck a pixie maid!

Axe soon

How come Tsutsui is willing to give Fumino a zodiac sign and a blood type but not her actual birthday?

reminder to not reply to that one retard who vehemently defends asumi

My wife

>the truck's door opened, and it was Reiji who greeted them in a menacing look.
Reji is Fumino stalker? How does he know where to find them?

followed the stars


Reiji is the only good thing about Fumino chapters now

Tsutsui drew the seiyuus.

Well, he did was following her around with an umbrella too.

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Shit writing as expected from Fumino chapters.

Miyu a cute

I love Rizu

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just like reading uruka chapters for ikeda or rizu chapters for sawako (although rizu on her own is good too)

>she's being too conscious of it seeing how it's related to stars
Am I the only one who thinks this is fucking dumb? Literally "whatever, it's about stars".

it's one of the few things that tie to her joke of a character, cut her some slack

I remember when you used pic related.

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kill me

I like the new pic better

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no color page next week means that the poll is still 2 weeks away at the earliest, so next week is a Rizu chapter more likely than not

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i am not awake and i never will be, i am a failure a loser and a runner from the reality

she is in prime form right now, do it Yuiga-kun

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You again? Did you stop posting all the time or did you just stop posting this meme blog?

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yeah do it Manwhoreyuki, fuck her brain out to control her, pimp her prime body out

Can't wait for Urukafags to cry Uruka being last is due to her not getting an arc yet.

You've just realized how 22i writes fumino.

How come Tsutsui hasn't given us sensei's age yet?

maybe i am superstar
maybe i am superstar

He actually does have an age planned for her but refuses to share it for reasons yet unknown



she is still a pedo

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She will beat Fumino though

catfight is hot


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i sleep

Maybe we'll get a birthday episode with extra Miharu overload.

I fug

Stay awake user!

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Anime designs are quite bad.

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>Not figuring out even her estimated age based on the clues laid out by the Yakuzaman so far
You really never learn user.

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Moedad died 5 years ago and she was still in high school when he was a teacher.

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Mafuyu is 28, as per the official handbook

Mafuyu fuck principal and his friend in education ministry for the job, as per the official handbook

at this point in the story, if Nariyuki told sensei he had an urgent need to breed, there's like a 50-50 chance she'd say yes right

six years ago, user. He's a high school senior and his dad died as he entered middle school.

>filler shit

mathematically correct, 50% she will say yes and 50% she will say no

the math checks out

t. reiji

Sensei is the best girl.

so needless to say...

Uruka was a mistake

I'm odds and ends...



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what a shit cover, look at the shitty anatomy and a perfect loser face

Wrong picture.

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stop being jealous skellyfag


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but I'll be stumbling away...

But Malfurion is Feral, not Balance. He doesn't care about stars.

I need a nipple edit

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i have, beg me

jealous of what? fumino cover is not the one with the bad anatomy

>More filler
Romance arc when? All the girls have some level of feelings for Nariyuki so why not start already?

Yeah, Fumino's cover has bad everything, starting with featuring a shit girl on it

>bad anatomy
>when she can do this
stop being mad

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slowly learning that life is okay...

Gotta delude other girl fags into thinking their losers have a chance at winning

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>Urukashitters falseflagging and ruining the thread as expected
Can't go wrong with that.

>talking about Asumi
According to your thought Fumino should have realized she likes him but we all know damn well she hasn't.

Since Bokuben doesn't sell that well, Yakuzaman has to stretch things. The man needs feed his family after all.

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Uruka a best!

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If yotsuba doesn't win we riot!

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Oh great another boring filler chapter. Reiji autism makes this chapter worth reading I guess.

Somebody should tell Fuuts that's not how princess carry works.

Also, get back to your thread.

>princess carrying someone
not with those arms, in a physical fight the moeman would unironically flatten him

His 2nd kid hasn't even reached a year old.
His kid will definitely die.

>Not banging Mafuyu on sight

>Eyes of a psychopath murderer
How does she keep on getting away with it?

>there's really no body on her mind right now...
>Fumino was not amused about the pun.
>and Fumino was not amused when it was a pun on the word "midnight"

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Autism makes this manga worth reading.


If the origin of the joke wasn't Japanese I would think Reiji mistook astronomy for astrology other then that Yeah that's pretty dumb.

True. All the best characters are autistic.

So Asumi will definitely be in a nurse outfit next volume huh

I sleep

The cops have no proof.

After each individual girl arcs.
That's when this manga will truly be in the endgame stage.

next is Uruka's arc (with her ultimately giving up on Nariyuki)
and last arc with some romance will be Rizu's

The nurse outfit was before the mafuyu arc, she'll be lying on the bed with her doctor outfit and your dick will like it.

Ok, doctor's outfit

The only pic that matters today is this one

So we're back to let's take romantic tropes and transform them to fit bokuben's universe: hilarity ensues. Glad itr's Fumino's chapter this time and not Mafuyu's.

Cursed image

From the preview for ants I was scared that 22i would fuck up her face, turns out he nailed it to perfection. Plus the color choice is gorgeous for once, unlike his shitty weird color picks for side characters.

Even so, Uruka is still the cutest

>Fumino pretty much brushed off the horoscope
You'd think she'd at least put some thought into it since she's so into astronomy.

It's funny how fuminofags are seething over the new cover.

Those guys were going batshit for something as irrelevant as sensei getting chapter 100.

Nah, Uruka's arc will be the last one. Next is Rizu's and her gay lover

What if you're wrong?

They always sperg out when other girls get their time to shine

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At least they got thoroughly BTFO in that thread. Good times.

> princess carry
> moeman would unironically flatten him
No wonder since he had way more training.

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Cute shipping chapter.

So is the spoiler pics user alive?

I liked the cover though?

Don't post the gook scan

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>this thread
Reminder Urukafags are saints, don't shitpost, and are victims they say.

>muh urukafags
fuck off fuminocuck

Astronomy and Astrology have very little in common, just because a person has interest in one of them doesn't mean they care about the other, most women who are into Astrology don't give 2 fucks about what a Wolf Rayet star is

What are Urukafags even doing?

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say after me...

Shhh. Let them so we can throw it back at them later after the chapter has dropped.

>replying to the obsessed fuminofag

>one guy who is probably a false flagger
>damn all dem fuminofags

Winter Fumino this chapter?

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t. """Senseifag"""

>more smell fetish

Both Furuhashis with winter clothes I hope.

Please, I'm a Fuminofag and have never voiced my opinion about the cover before.

it's no better to be safe than sorry...

Reiji's autism makes winter irrelevant

He is rich, he should change clothes already anyway.

I'm afraid Sawako will overshadow Rizu in the eventual Rizu arc

22i isn't that much of a retard.

so she won't appear during it

>Seeing how Fumino is shivering from the cold, Nariyuki took off his coat and placed it on Fumino. Fumino tried to decline it because she doesn't want Nariyuki to catch a cold. They ultimately decided to cover themselves in the coat like a blanket.
>As they studied, Fumino was reminded of a similar situation back at the hotel, where they shared the same bed. Slowly, Fumino leaned on Nariyuki, and commented that they'd be cold if they don't cuddle properly.
As I expected, it's not a plot-moving chapter. Nonetheless, it's at least endearing.

There's no chance anyone but Fumino winning is there?

Usually I root for the main girl but...maaaaaan I really want Sensei to win.
Nariyuki and Sensei are just too cute together, it's a really well done age-gap relationship.

Realistically speaking, only Rizu could pose a threat to a Fumino end.

>well done
How so? The writing in this manga is sub-par and shallow. It's not a stretch to say about 80% of the manga are filled with cute girls doing cute things, SoL, or fanservice where nothing happens.

Rizu has much higher chances at that point. The festival arc functions as a summary of the worth 22i is putting into the girls relationships with moeyuki.

From least important to most:

Senpai is irrelevant
Fumino only gets stupid misunderstanding
Uruka gets the average cute moment that leads nowhere
Mafuyu gets the chance to make memories and opens up to moeyuki
Rizu receives moeyuki full support with her issue and ends up with more introspection and a semi confession

at this point I still think Rizu's win is more probable

Rizu can win and it's 50/50. People saying Fumino has more chances is a prime example of confirmation bias I would call it in another way but the word I want to use is a buzzword apparently

Reiji get's together with Hanae, Fumino becomes his stepsister
Nariyuki becomes a teacher and Sensei becomes his coworker
Uruka becomes a famous athlete, Nariyuki is her number one fan
Nariyuki get's together with Rizu
Asumi becomes a doctor and still runs her Father's clinic so she still is somewhere around

Domestic GF has a decent age gap relationship between a student and a sensei. Bokuben's age gap relationship is hardly substantial and well developed. It's cute though, but cute relationship could be said for other girls too.

I can't quite put it into words but Sensei falling for Nariyuki is too damn cute and I like how Nariyuki pretty much babysits her but Sensei still has that mature vibe it's adorable.

Rizu is the most boring choice, better than Uruka but still the most boring one.

My niggahs.

t. seething Fuminofag

>Rizu is the most boring choice
I know that, but it doesn't change the fact she has the most chance at winning at this point.

You mean Domestic na Kanojo?
That manga is garbage. And I'm not so much after a "realistic" relationship.

>too damn cute
That is alone is not an actual good reason.

Reading comprehension much?

I honestly don't see it, she's had the least development.

Uruka is the most boring girl, though.

>Domestic GF
Different beast altogether, people have sex in this thing, you can't even begin to compare them.

I wouldn't mind a Rizu end only if they change her design. It's ugly.

It's not like Bokuben has the most in-depth relationships.
The deepest relationship is probably Nariyuki with Senpai but I still prefer Nariyuki and Sensei.

>Sensei still has that mature vibe it's adorable
Was made obvious for once in her latest chapter since moeyuki turned into "I"m afraid of all ghosts rizu."

Close one but he's just that Senseifag that defended Fumino's arc.

Uruka is the most annoying girl
Rizu is the most boring

I cannot wait for pic related to happen

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Yes. It doesn't have to be realistic, but it is still decently written. Bokuben's simply doesn't have good writing in Nariyuki x Mafuyu's relationship.

>she's had the least development.
you had to be kidding me. Don't counting sensei she is the character that changed the most because of Nariyuki.
Consider only the fact that the motivation for her goal changed from being good at games to learning more about specifically Nariyuki's feelings.

>It's ugly

She's hiding her powerlevels with glasses you retard.

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So he's right

>Rizu is the most boring choice
>more than Fumino
>Yamete Nakadashi tropecluster being more interesting than anything

Nah, after she resigned from the Nariyukibowl she was quite good.

You don't know what a Narita divorce is faggot.

She is ugly without the glasses too. Needs long hair and less autistic expressions.


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Yeah I loved that recent Mafuyu chapter.
When she imagined herself with Yuiga in the bathtub it was cute.

Rizufags and Fuminofags have people on their side who think their respective girl has a better chance of winning. Waifufags tend to side with their own girl after all.

Winter Uruka the cutest. Bonus points for using her husband Nariyuki clothes

>it was cute

You mean hot.

>Those double trips and those double digits

>quite good
>implying she has resigned from the Nariyukibowl
user, I....

Winter Reiji would be cool. Winter Fumino problably a shit like any season Fumino

Bokuben doesn't have good writing in general.
But yet I somehow find the Yuiga-Sensei pairing to be cute.

You cannot resign from a bowl you never intended to win.

Fumino is definitely far less boring than Rizu.
Most people agree. That and her dad is a riot.

she didn't?

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Delusional. Uruka will try to get the bowl one last time in her arc, and only then will she get BTFO and give up.

She doesn't even believe in that. She still wants the D.

>Implying not both
But it was cute the way she reacted after that.

>Most people agree
Fuminochinks and redditors aren't people

>somehow find the Yuiga-Sensei pairing to be cute

This shit ranks pretty high on the diabetometer.

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I hope it goes like when Chitoge resigned the bowl or when Nishino resigned the bowl. After all Uruka is one of the main girls.

>She still wants the D.
She is confused, she herself doesn't know what she wants.

You realize Uruka has contradicted those words from 40 chapters ago, right? She obviously carries feelings for Nariyuki still.

>After all Uruka is one of the main girls.

>Uruka will try to get the bowl one last time in her arc

Let's be honest, in her mind, Uruka never expected to stand the shadow of a chance and the idea of getting with moeyuki is pretty much fantasy tier to her. For fuck's sake, last chapter she was concerned that moeyuki would hate her for sweating.

>Imagine the seething
I wish but that's hardly possible

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Sorry mate, I've been here from the beginning.

There's just something about Sensei man.
I don't even care about her ass like assfags here do. I like her body in general but I feel like it's secondary compared to her beautiful face and her personality.
She's just too damn cute.

>She obviously carries feelings for Nariyuki still.
what is unrequited love

你好 then

Uruka is stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand she doesn't want to confess because australia and whatnot, on the other, she can't just let go of her feelings. She's basically just letting things happen, enjoying the time she has with him as her last moments together before going down under.

>After all Uruka is one of the main girls.
Someone post that WEG.

I unironically think Sensei has more chance than Uruka.

Is something like this for me: Rizu=Fumino > open ending > Sensei > Uruka > Senpai.

Horseshit. She was the first girl who wanted the D and why she wanted to be tutored in the first place.

Not having a real chance doesn't mean she still won't try. She has been a heroine love interest since the beginning and has yet to let go of the affection she has for him. Like in vast majority of romcom, heroines like her only receive closure after a character arc where they try and give up, or realize once and for all they should love aside to help the girl MC truly loves once the girl he has chosen becomes apparent.

0 isn't greater than 0

>There's just something about Sensei

Attached: smiling sensei.jpg (1800x1300, 1.26M)

>implying Sensei isn't most post in SEA and reddit
Your bait needs work.

>Not having a real chance doesn't mean she still won't try
Has Uruka ever tried for real?

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Sensei is 0 while Uruka is -1

And Japan, Yea Forums, pretty much everywhere else since Fumino is generally more popular than Rizu.


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Uruka tries many times, but she messes up because she doesn't have the courage to take the next step.

Yes and no. Every time you think she is about to confess or try to make a move, the outcome becomes silly and is ruined by gags of her own making.

wants to be in a romantic situation with him , but then running away when things could get serious
denying when he asked, then regretting it, but then again settling at "I like what we have and don't want to change anything"
not even a second of hesitation when presented with a career opportunity (I don't say it's a bad thing it's responsible and all, but it shows she can put Nariyuki aside when it's important)

Your ESL sure says a lot


Why is she so cute?
I wish I had a sensei gf...

>mistyped popular*
>muh ESL

>Implying possessive adjective to identify that it belongs to you isn't correct

Can't argue against those triples and double.

>look at the shitty anatomy
Do you even know what that word means?

>It's not a stretch to say about 80% of the manga are filled with cute girls doing cute things, SoL, or fanservice where nothing happens.
And yet Nariyuki and Mafuyu's relationship has developed the most, from being foes with opposite ideals to close 'friends' who support each other. There's a clear progression even if a lot of it is apparently filler.

>Bokuben doesn't have good writing in general.
Then just say it's cute and makes your heart go doki doki instead of implying the writing is well done.

In the end it doesn't matter because most ESL posts come from Fuminofags.

>has developed the most
Waifufags have the same opinion when it comes to their girl.

Nice shitpost.

It's not a shitpost if it's the truth.

Truth from your ass.

You must be new here.

I meant that the bait is yours. Lacking in reading comprehension and sarcasm awareness, I see. Like a true SEAmonkey.

They can, but they would be wrong. Aside from Rizu, the other girls remain static so far.

>that one chinkfag = most Fuminofags
You sound really insecure. Using that logic, most Urukafags are shitposters because the autistic Urukafag exists.


Exactly. Your bait. Try again.

I wish it was just one, but even some of the most opinionated Fuminofags reek of ESL.

I never implied the writing was well done, I said the age-gap relationship between Yuiga and Sensei was well done.
I like that Sensei while being the older one is the naive/innocent/helpless one while Yuiga is the more useful one. It's kinda rare I think...usually older sensei's are "le mature Nee-san" and those bore me.

Confirmation bias.

Because you say so.


I'm sorry, maybe I'm not reading this correctly. It would seem that you're saying that most Urukafags aren't filthy shitposters.


>The writing in this manga is sub-par and shallow.
He is not talking in general user, I think he specifically means the writing around Nariyuki and Mafuyu.

Tremendous cope, my almond-eyed friend.

>Aside from Rizu
Why do you think that? Curious here.

Nice quality meta-post Fuminofag.


Said the guy who implied the word usage of "your" wasn't correct.

Have you read the manga? Nariyuki started off friendly with the other girls and his relationship with them remains more or less the same. Uruka was already in love with him and Fumino hasn't even realized that she likes him. With Sensei he cracked her ice queen exterior and is closer to her than he was at the start. With Rizu he changed her motivation and she's now in the process of learning about Nariyuki. Those are facts, not opinions.

More likely that one would think if this thread tells us anything.

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Read the thread, user.

No fag. user above called you an ESL, which tripped you hard enough to misread my post. Now you're coping and going "No u". But please go ahead, this thread is a goldmine of references to bring up in future threads.

Uruka a best

uruka and nariyuki are the best cute couple

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>Bokuben's simply doesn't have good writing in Nariyuki x Mafuyu's relationship.
To be fair, concerning Bokuben's writing in general, I'd put Nariyuki and Mafuyu's relationship definitely in the good writing category. But that "good writing" is in Bokuben standards.


>Fuminofags going boogeyman unprovoked

I specifically argued for age gap relationship writing. Comparison with Domestic GF was used, after all. You phrased it as being well done, which typically refers to writing that's praise worthy and good.

That was spooky.

It's easy to be called an [x]fag here.
>Fuminofag falseflagging again
Mecha Hayai chapter best chapter.
I also don't mind her bordeline lesbian tendencies.

>implying sensei isn't popular anywhere
Your point is irrelevant.

that's the worst one

Shitpost or not you're right and F/u/mino and Ur/u/ka belong together.

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Sensei has the most development objectively and she's not stuck in some stasis after her arc but continues to develop even after it.

Moving the goalpost won't change what you did. You didn't greentext the word "bait" to imply something else. Anybody who isn't new would know about that meme that tries to trick newfags into thinking it should be "you're" instead

I'd like to be stuck in Sensei if you know what I mean.

I never once wrote the word "writing" in my original post here And also as for Domestic Na Kanojo I don't understand how you can find that trash well written unless it your first "Faux-Adult" romance manga.
The MC is obnoxious for not telling that bitch Rui to get the fuck out and I dropped that shit like 50 chapters in.

Velvet Kiss(coincidentally also an age-gap romance of sorts) was well-written not this trash.

Top tier tinfoil hat there. Try not to sweat too much.

You mean like attacking people with t.fuminofag, "t.senesifag", and ESL? Oh wait.

Rizu > Sensei > Uruka > Fumino > Senpai

it's too bad the swimming scholarship wasn't to the Netherlands instead of Australia
Uruka would have made a good Dutch wife

> yet another character tries to ship them
So Yakuzaman and his editor are just messing around with that option.


Both Rizu and Fumino stared off on a more friendly note and eventually came to like Nariyuki as they spent time together. Nariyuki's influence on Fumino isn't any more or less than Rizu in matters of being supported to stick with one's dream and motivation.

>muh falseflag
Like clockwork

Sensei = Rizu > Ikeda > Sawako > who cares

>not an argument
>not even a convincing defense
I'm not surprised.

Not a shitpost. Rabid fans of either sides here are just getting annoying.
I also need a screencap of the TV vesion where Fumino and Uruka dress down together for onsen/pool episode.

Domekano is a full-fledged drama series. Bokuben is a light-hearted romcom.
If anything, one of Bokuben's strongest points is having a teacher be part of the harem and develop a relationship with the MC naturally without relying on melodrama and whatnot.

The Dutch have a competitive swimming team?

lotta water over there
you know, for the tulips

>Domekano is a full-fledged drama series.
The drama is lame as fuck and boring too.
It's not even good drama, it's boring as hell in every facet.
It's a soulless manga.

You faggots better stay out of my thread next week.

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Only good posters gather in Rizu chapter threads

get FWUMPed

Attached: rizuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg (231x217, 30K)

>Rizu chapter
Filler or FILLER?

Yet only Rizu has changed. Fumino can't even get past the realization stage.

>girl gets shit on
>not replying to the haters
How do Rizufags do it? It's almost like they found a way to not bite bait.

What are you talking about?

Your "thread" will be dead before bump limit.

I bought a 5 pack of udon
I am ready

Attached: rizuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu - (289x221, 34K)

>upper body is seen sideways
>her ass is in a near full frontal view
jesus christ Tutsui at least put some efforts in covers

There aren't that many Rizu haters to begin with, and not a single one of them is dedicated. The """"senseifag"""" is probably the most famous one

I think it all depends how set on is Tsutsui with his endgame and if the EiC gives him green light
still extremely low chances as most romcom mangaka are very stubborn with the ending of their stories, and the EiC is another animal altogether
if sensei manages to win it would be nothing short of extraordinary, precisely because the odds are so slim

Was it not clear? Fumino hasn't even realized she likes him and Rizu already went past that ages ago.

I love both sensei and rizu

Attached: mafuyu.png (657x782, 757K)

only when you tell me what rizu arc is about


You're definitely bias for girls you like, just like other waifufags who are for girls they like. Sensei's icy exterior isn't fully gone post-arc and the progress of Rizu's motivation is hardly different than Fumino's.

she is that flexible, besides that position probably lasted less than half a second

But how far will she go?

I think you need more quotes there, not-""""""Urukafag"""""".

Attached: se-.jpg (337x328, 58K)

>near 180° turn with the bottom half of her body
>being "flexible"
Yeah no it's just Tsutsui wanting to put the ass on the cover and not bothering with making sense out of it

Fucking based, cannot come soon enough.

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Moe babies will be made with the moeman

Hit a nerve faggot? Also nice quads of death, hope it's painless.

Sounds like a nuclear moecaust.

Attached: moeman.jpg (259x429, 35K)

Where's the bias? Mafuyu has objectively gone under the most development and it not being full circle yet means she will still develop more. Rizu's changes include more than simply being in love with Nariyuki, she has to learn to figure out and deal with people's feelings. Fumino in comparison hasn't even gone past the most basic stage which is realizing her feelings.

imagine grabbing hold of this and making a baseball team

Attached: itadakimasu.png (662x617, 685K)

That's not relevant to your point. In fact, Fumino started out non-romantically, but has developed to being stuck between thinking she doesn't and not realizing her feelings yet, though it's clearly obvious to the audience she likes him. Rizu simply realized she liked him earlier than Fumino, a contrast between the two. In the end, that is two different kinds of development that differs from how the two of them struggle and become more determined than ever in continuing down the path they decided on.

why a baseball team and not a skating troop

Literally waifu goggles where you only see change for your waifus and downplay the rest.

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That's not development. She's on a pre-development stage where she's still wondering why she feels like that towards Nariyuki. When she finally gets past the realization stage we can talk.

Rizu hasn't actually gotten to the point where she can deal with people like a normal person yet, you know. Fumino has at least resolved things with her father to show a real change.

For the most part yeah, but the writing for Mafuyu has been done pretty well, which has turned her into my favorite character. Sucks that she's gonna lose cause she's a Sensei and they never win

>from A to B and can't reach C until a breakthrough happens
>not development
Not development because you don't like it. Well, that settles it then.

>waifu goggles
>your waifus
I'm talking about their characters. Nice lack of argument and evidence to prove otherwise though.

Tsutsui's been sending his goons out to the local PTA offices

figure skaters' spines aren't exactly normal

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Funny because Reiji is the one who developed as character after the Furuhashi arc, not Fumino.

>used the term objectively in a subjective debate
Fastest way to let me know you can't be taken seriously.


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Even if we play it your way, Rizu already reached stage C ages ago, so she still has more development.

reiji exudes big dick energy in all scenes

He is just a moe autistic dork.

Character development is not subjective, shitposter

They both did. Reiji seemingly isn't harsh and oppressive anymore and Fumino doesn't act like she can't stand being around him.

I think if sensei winning would be such an issue for Jump, he wouldn't be allowed to "test the waters" to the extent he's been doing.

Reiji is the one trying to get to understand Fumino now. Fumino is too busy dealing with her inability to realize her romantic feelings

You're biased.

Fuck why am I not australian?

Attached: 1556104323546.png (1200x1697, 1.8M)

Your opinion that decides what you consider development is, brainlet.

Sure, I'll be busy in the Sekijo thread anyway.

How did Fumino develop exactly?

Feelings for Nariyuki and improved relationship with her dad are not mutually exclusive, idiot.

The legend says that if you shitpost a lot you become an aussie. So we are all australians.


No user, you're a retard who has absolutely no clue what he's talking about. Kindly fuck off with your bullshit.

Read the thread.

in the chest

>being fed Udon by Rizu

Attached: NomNomZu.png (243x380, 98K)

>I'll just call everything an opinion and bias because I have no argument or evidence to prove otherwise
Nah user, you're the brainlet here.


beware the side effects

Attached: too much udon.jpg (340x201, 28K)

And yet she's only shown to be dealing with her feelings for Nariyuki. Stop playing dumb.

So Fumino's development is entirely in her relationship with a secondary character and not regarding her relationship with Nariyuki which remains unchanged. Cool.

When will jealous Fumino return? She's actually amusing when she's annoyed.

>i call it objective like facts to make me sound right so i don't have to accept opinions i don't agree with

I liked abs, but absfag was annoying. This was the fair price to pay to get rid of the fag.

Is shitposting a job for you? We have seen little of Reiji after Fumino's arc, but what we do know is that their relationship has improved. That is a simple fact. You can't spin that negatively and pretend like a change didn't happen.

It would be good if you could provide at least something resembling an opinion instead of just sperging about muh objectivity and muh bias. You probably don't even read the manga as well.

Fumino started as being friendly with the moeman, then she becaume best budy with him to the point of shipping him with the other girls now that she fell in love with him she rejects her feelings and feels guilty. Also Rizu doesn't understand her feelings either.


He reads the manga, just not all the chapters.

We've seen plenty of Fumino after her arc and she's exclusively thinking about Nariyuki. Reiji's few appearances have him actually trying to improve his relationship with his daugther as a result of their arc.

Literally everything that you said happens in chapter 18 out of the fucking blue and stays the same to this day.

You are all annoying.

Other people have done so already. You're mad because I made fun of you. But of course, people who toss the word "objectively" around are commonly not taken seriously for good reason.

>Also Rizu doesn't understand her feelings either.
Chapter 103 shows her being consciously jealous, that's pretty much confirmation of awareness.

Rizu is shit.

And I'm talking with them, no problem with that. You're trying to be a smartass but failed miserably.

these are the only chapters I've read

Attached: sensei chapters.png (450x1128, 478K)

More like a couple, but sure, just ignore the few showings of already improved interactions Fumino has shown towards Reiji. Shitposters are gonna shitpost.

Fumino has appeared in several group chapters as well after her arc.
>improved interactions Fumino has shown towards Reiji
Yes, thanks to Reiji's efforts.

It's time to catch up again.

Attached: img_icon_1.png (400x400, 98K)

Where did you stop?

>Fumino doesn't act like she can't stand being around him.
which never made sense to begin with

And Fumino has gone meta about her feelings more than once, which is far more obvious, but that doesn't mean she is fully aware. Rizu has always acted like she likes him for a long time, but hasn't ever crossed the line for various reasons, one most obvious reason being she wasn't sure of the feelings she had for Nariyuki. The latest Rizu chapter from 10 weeks ago may have showed that she got jealous of /chem/, but until we see that she realize her feeling is love, jealously is all it is.

she was afraid of getting dabbed on again

Reiji is a very bad dad. Very bad. How dare he slap his retarded daughter once 10 years ago when he was grieving over his dead wife

Chapter 104.

>Fumino started as being friendly with the moeman, then she becaume best budy with him to the point of shipping him with the other girls now that she fell in love with him she rejects her feelings and feels guilty. Also Rizu doesn't understand her feelings either
And you know, this has been the case since like chapter 20 or so.

Reminder that this teacher just dresses up in what ever clothes her student gets for her no matter how skimpy they are.

>left a childhood memory scar by hitting his daughter when she was little
>doesn't apologize and try to reconcile with her, creating a strain that festers
>has expectations of his daughter to be like his wife, but criticizes her because she's unable to be like her mother due to being terrible at math

>Why is my chest so tight when I think of kissing Nariyuki, I dOn'T uNdErStAnD

Thats cool, but where is my real life Uruka?

>Mafuyu has objectively gone under the most development

Not him, but Fumino didn't reach the point where she subconsciously fell in love with him until chapter 60 something. And aiding other girls in their pursuit of Nariyuki didn't become a real conflict of interest until shortly after to present time.

>may have showed that she got jealous of /chem/
No "may" here. She states it herself. Also the feeling of jealousy is tied with Love obviously, what else would it be tied to? And what does "more obvious" mean? Obvious that she likes him? All of them like him and that is obvious, we're talking about realising one's own feelings and while Fumino is close to her 100th chapter of denial, Rizu has manifested jealousy and behaved aggressively because of that. That's quite more than Fumino accomplished.

Obvious to us because we are experienced readers who have consumed a lot of romcom and harem and whatever doesn't mean the character in question has realized it herself. You can say the same to Fumino since it's obvious to us, but it doesn't mean the character is fully aware.

The glasses are the only thing she has going for her.

>I prefer staying outside after a literal typhoon warning then go home because my dad is there, even though we live in a fucking big house and he never bothers me and I could just stay in my room and the chances I'd walk into him are slim to none and even then we'd say nothing to each other
>No, I prefer staying outside.
>I'd tell this to Nariyuki and make it seem like I am scared to go home because "reasons"
>There is completely nothing weird in my reaction
>What did he do?
>Oh he slapped me once 10 years ago and then we kinda kept dodging each other
>This had like zero negative affect on my personality because I am so perfect
>What? Am I not being an idiot by not simply talking to him?
No, of course not. Like talking with my father or asking why he slapped me would resolve the situation
>We need help from my dead mother through a limited try password.

God sensei is so gorgeous. There's nothing like the charm of a beautiful adult woman.

And another shitpost. Wew, shitposters getting triggered by something that would be obvious if they read the manga really says a lot about the state of these threads.

>triggered muh typhoon anti-Fumino and limited password poster
Like clockwork.

I'm simply saying that feeling jealousy and behaving accordingly by being possessive denotes a greater awareness of love feelings than whatever Fumino has done.

>he thinks his response makes him seem smart

>Y-you can't point why my waifu is badly written and shit!

0.5 she will say yes, 0.5 she will say no.

Fumino has more jealousy acts than Rizu. But for the same reason, Rizu hasn't admitted it to herself. If we don't see a confession of some kind, then you can't say she has developed to realizing she loves him.

You should make a real copypasta. You are already at that point.

It's amazing how anyone can read this series and honestly say that Mafuyu hasn't gone through the most development/changes.

Attached: asd.png (823x487, 309K)

We heard you, """senseifag"""

I am not that petty, but btfo of your Fuminmofag delusions will always make me smile

Rizu has legit autism and yet she's more aware of her feelings than denial queen Fumino

What? Muh stomach grumble? Only time she showed anything resembling jealousy was when she mimicked Uruka's ponytail to no success and that had zero follow up. It doesn't compare.

>tfw she would have worn this with minimal objection
at least school swimsuit is a good alternative

Attached: sensei lewd beach.png (413x817, 297K)

Why dont they just share him?

from the athletic chapters he clearly doesn't have the stamina

When he’s motivated enough he does, like that scene he won the pick up your girlfriend contest

>until shortly after to present time.
that's false

is next week really a rizu chapter?

Attached: grope.png (552x603, 234K)


Nariyuki should get her the qipao he fantasized about

Did this actually happen?

Reiji was an irresponsible adult and father who caused his daughter to lose her smile around him. He could have explained things and tried to fix what happened after he slapped her out of anger, but didn't. He grew somewhat bitter and brooding after his wife passed away, and that didn't help.

Only Uruka would be willing to share

she could teach the other girls the wonders of sharing

>conveniently forget all the times he called Fumino a jealous tsundere

I can't remember that which I've never done.

If he throws in an "I love you" those chances raise to 100%

>fumino chapter this week
>possible rizu next week
holy fuck i actually care about this manga now

>tries to hides behind Rizu to make it look like they aren't just blindly shilling Sensei while they shit on other girls
It's funny because most of arguments for Rizu more or less applies to Fumino, in one way or another.

>not the most petty autist on Yea Forums
Hold my beer.

Does Fumino keep being Uruka 2.0?

Nobody is hiding behind Rizu user, they have always said that she was the second most developed girl after Mafuyu. I don't see them shitting on the other girls either.

According to Fuminofags, Urukafags hide behind Senseifags, Senseifags hide behind Rizu and the bad Fuminofags are falseflaggers because they can never do any wrong. This is why you should never take them seriously.

Except you who claimed Nariyuki x Mafuyu has developed the most, and then later added in Rizu as if she was an exception to accusing everyone else of remained utterly static.

Yep, meanwhile Uruka herself keeps getting cuter and cuter

Nah she is still being a joke. It didn't change since the beginning, but some people mistook it for romantic development.

According to Urukafags, Fuminofags hide behind Senpaifags and Rizufags, and bad Senseifags, Senpaifags, Rizufags who don't like Uruka are falseflaggers because they can never do any wrong This is why you should never take them seriously.

Unfunny forced meme that's funny only to you.

Uruka certainly remains static. Fumino has barely changed after becoming Bluemino. Other anons also forgot to point out that Rizu's development includes warming up to Uruka after disliking her initially. I don't see the issue here.

At least he admits that Uruka is terrible and a joke by using her as a derogatory implication.

It's not a meme because it's true, as proven by literally every single time she appeared after her arc, and will be proven again this chapter.

>ESL Fuminofaggot sperging out
Always hilarious to see.

Fuminofags are the only ones who cry about falseflagging though

Uruka is terrible in Fuminofags' eyes, that's why calling Fumino Uruka 2.0 makes them seethe

Fuminofags are seething because they can never be able to answer back to this argument

I was not memeing. I'm actually disappointed with Yea Forums, I really liked her back then. Now I'm only rooting for Rizu, because I don't think a Sensei end can happen.
I agree. Uruka was never one of my favorite girls, but she's better than she was before.

You'd say 13 weeks after they'd stop their tantrum after being BTFO but nope they're still out there crying muh threads cannot be circlejerked fuck boogeyman Urukafags. Hilarious cope.

But she has. Not even a Senseifag but even I can see that's she's undergone the most change and development by far

I want to lewd Rizu

You'd be surprised by the sheer autism that was put into play to defend Fumino's arc in the past two weeks but in the end it was all for nothing since they still cannot justify it.

No one is going to believe that when you always use muh boogeyman.

None of the shit you're talking about is actually disproving my point user.

Fuminofags always cry falseflagging when people call cancerous Fuminofags out. Nobody else does that

>Except you who claimed Nariyuki x Mafuyu has developed the most
which is blatantly true

Your hyperbole greentext written to sound retarded has been argued before a bunch of times though. You can't blame people for being fed up with your autism that pretends it never happens. It's clear as day you only care to treat it like a copypasta until it becomes true.

>Sensei's icy exterior isn't fully gone post-arc
Ok? That's just her personality and that probably won't be completely changed. But she's definitely opened up more, especially to Yuiga, and has changed the course of her life thanks to him, despite not liking him or what he stood for on a deep level. That's development

A whole bunch of those times fuminofags never really did defend it either, only calling it hyperbole-ridden when it's true, so it's just a silent concession from your joke of a fanbase

People don't need to believe what they have witnessed directly user. At best we can laugh at desperate Fuminofags damage controling to try and prove a point. Now I don't know who exactly they are trying to prove a point to, but it's funny to see them coping.

>No one is going to believe that when you always use muh boogeyman.
>No one is going to believe that
Are you serious? So you're conveniently forgetting Fuminofags going
they always cry falseflag when a Fuminofag shitposts

They are both maximum retarded autists. Realize this for a second okay? ALL of Fumino's problems could have been resolved if she just uttered one simple question to him.
>Why did you slap me father?
That's all it would have taken for that entire mess to be resolved. Or Reji just fucking explaining himself for his actions that day.

Your best comprise after you tried to write off her development as static huh. Rizu never dislike Uruka that way, she was simply autistic and a bit timid. Opening up or become closer because they spend time together is only natural and not excursive to Rizu. Grasping at similar straws, you could say Fumino and Rizu have gotten closer compared to when they started out for the same reason.

Not really but you're proving my point.

>Your hyperbole greentext written to sound retarded has been argued before a bunch of times though.
Ironic, since that's never been the case. Every response was always dodging the entire issue with
>B-But it made sense since it was f-foreshadowing for her arc
They never address Fumino blatant exaggerating of her relationship with her father, Know why? Because they can't fucking defend it. It was retarded.

>damage controlling
Urukafags do that the most. That's a fact.

And you're only further proving my point that you retards can't defend it.

user, you just have to look at early sensei and present sensei and you can say with confidence that she has developed the most. Denying that is blatantly denying the series.

This thread shows otherwise.

Which is why it's not believable because your side do the same shit all the time. Pretending you are innocent only destroyed your credibility.

Nice strawman when you should be defending Urukafags who cry and imply too.

First of all, I'm not the user who made the first claim even though I agree with him. Rizu was always frowning whenever Uruka got near her, and they are now good friends. She's now in the process of understanding Nariyuki and people in general. Her character always had potential for more development than Fumino and it doesn't help that Fumino's character is stagnant as ever.

Why the fuck would I defend Urukafags and also
>defending Urukafags who cry and imply too.
>deflecting to Urukafags again

>This thread shows otherwise.
The first search result of "falseflag" in this thread points to a post crying about Urukafags falseflagging. So yeah, you're wrong.

>This thread shows otherwise.
It doesn't, the point still stands. Fuminofags always deflect their shitposting to falseflagging Urukafags. This thread won't magically change that user.
>Which is why it's not believable because your side do the same shit all the time. Pretending you are innocent only destroyed your credibility.
ESL-kun is back I see.
>which is why it's not believable because your side do the same shit all the time
According to your sources, I assume? So it comes down to "TrUsT mE bRo"

>Except you who claimed Nariyuki x Mafuyu has developed the most, and then later added in Rizu
Those things aren't mutually exclusive, Rizu is more developed than most of the other girls, it's just that Mafuyu is the most developed

Fumino was about 9 years old or so, and Reiji was an adult. How could you fault a little kid for nurturing a grudge since childhood? It's not like they stopped speaking to each other, but Reiji should have been the one to take initiative and explain himself. It was up to Fumino to take initiative many years later to confront her dad, which goes to show he's not a good father.

>strawman, falseflag, samefag, your side, pretending, this thread, in the past, boogeyman, victim complex, banter, pre-written, endgame, chemistry, romantic development

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>get slapped once
>harbor a grudge against your dad for ten years
How does this realistically even happen

>Fumino was about 9 years old or so, and Reiji was an adult. How could you fault a little kid for nurturing a grudge since childhood? It's not like they stopped speaking to each other, but Reiji should have been the one to take initiative and explain himself. It was up to Fumino to take initiative many years later to confront her dad, which goes to show he's not a good father.
user, none of this still fucking excuses both of their actions. Stop trying to put excuses upon excuses, upon excuses. It's getting really old now, the same recycled shit, which "never" addresses the problem.
>How could you fault a little kid for nurturing a grudge since childhood?
She could have asked him at any time during any moment, later on, that simple question. But she never brought it up.
>It's not like they stopped speaking to each other, but Reiji should have been the one to take initiative and explain himself
Literally said that in my post you fucking autist
>Or Reji just fucking explaining himself for his actions that day
I called them both retarded autists. Fumino for "heavenly" exaggerating her relationship with her father and Reji for being a turbo autist and not approaching Fumino for his actions. And like you said, they never stopped talking with each other. It more so felt like Fumino was holding a childish grudge against Reji at the end and if that's all it was. Then why did she act like Reji was a fucking monster at times? It's inconsistent writing and it's painfully obvious.

>imply only Fuminofags do it
>can't stand it when Urukafags are called
Nice try.

It's not about first, retard. Although Urukafags do it first plenty of times before. You can't deny facts that are ITT that shows Uruakfags do the same shit.

>it doesn't
>muh ESL
>muh assume
Try harder. Nice mad and boogeyman, btw.

? I was saying literally talking about how much she's developed since the beginning and that just because her personality comes off as icy it doesn't change that

Have your parents never hit you before? Do you still hold a grudge from that? Fuck no, that's stupid

>It's not about first, retard.
The following falseflag mentions are all from Fuminofags too. First mention was just to show you how Fuminofags cry about it even when unprovoked because this thread has none of the shit you usually sperg about. Now fuck off.

Do you speedread? The slap was only part of the problem. It's not as though Reiji was a kind, caring, and attentive dad who merely slapped his daughter in a fit of rage.

>calls a little kid retarded for acting like a kid
Are you okay?

>implying those are Fuminofags falseflagging when they are clearly from obsessive Urukafags who are triggered every time he sees red
Nobody is going to fall for that.

>can't stand it when Urukafags are called
You are assuming a lot of shit here
>Urukafags do it first plenty of times before. You can't deny facts that are ITT that shows Uruakfags do the same shit.
Let's all say it together anons!!

One specific falseflagger that got outed threads ago by everyone doesn't equate to Fuminofags claiming falseflag for every single shitposting Fuminofag that gets called out.

See . My parents detest violence and didn't use it on me and my siblings. What do you think?

I know, I was just saying, to me her personality isn't really icy anymore though, hardly even.

>moving the goalpost
Great way to show you're butthurt and in denial.

Then what was there to harbor a grudge against?

sometimes I think 80% of the thread is composed of the same 5 retards arguing every time

I'm not following you anymore. Take your pills

>calls a little kid retarded for acting like a kid
>blatantly dodging the point
>Assume she hold a grudge
>Fumino is still too childish to ask her father a simple question years later about the time he slapped her
Are you pretending to be retarded, do you not properly read what I say?
>She could have asked him at any time during any moment, later on, that simple question. But she never brought it up.
>later on
Are (you) ok turbo autism defending Fuminofag?

You know, you keep putting it that way, but there isn't a difference whenever Urukafags or Senseifags assume and attack with
You aren't any better.

It's making fun of your post which is all about deflecting. It's like you don't even know which point to argue, but you go and type random shit to retaliate.

Everyone hates Fuminofags

please don't dare use sensei as a shield, keep your bullshit to your respective favorite girls

Attached: sensei glare.png (392x416, 158K)

>it's just one falseflagger, it doesn't count
>Uruakfags are saints, we would never shitpost, much less cry about falseflag

Apply yourself.

Where other than your pathetic defense that relies on strawmanning. On the other hand, you are the one deflecting every time you deny and and pretend Urukafags do the same shit.

Point in case.

Fuminofags are bros.

Why would Urukafags call out a falseflagger who's hating on Rizu?

A handful of autistic shitters =/= everybody

>Senseifags are not allowed to hate RIzu
>s-stop falseflagging you damn Fuminofags!

Maybe in plebbit
Keep telling yourself that

Your post is ridden with assumption of Urukafagging which is the very definition of boogeyman. Although I'm talking to the self called oldfag who likes to boast of the fabled past of good Fuminofags that never shitposted vs the meanie boogeymen who ruined their threads but hasn't anything for show. Truth is this is how metashit started in this thread, yet again this week too. Totally Urukafags.

t. Fuminofags

>You know, you keep putting it that way, but there isn't a difference whenever Urukafags or Senseifags assume and attack with
Ah, it's so painfully obvious you have nothing to argue about. Whenever Fuminofags shitpost and people call them about, you faggots always retaliate to othergirlfags by calling them falseflaggers, which end up being Urukafags at every turn. That's the point here user.
Responding with a "no u" doesn't work here, since that would imply othergirlfags retaliating by calling their shitposters falseflagging Fuminofags and that's not the case here. Your entire point is completely moot here. But I appreciate the try.

Urukafags love to slander and attack Fumino and her fans.

Reddit loves Mafuyu.


You know, you would be somewhat believable if that ""senseifag""" didn't fiercely defend the shitfest that was Fumino's arc at the same time.

Because everyone that could have a negative connotation in his eyes is an Urukafag so he can fulfill his boogeyman narrative
And Urukafags are implied because?

>every time you deny and and pretend Urukafags do the same shit.
>Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags
Go and cry Urukafag every time Fuminofags shitpost, maybe it'll become true one day.

They love Fumino too, but those fuminofags think Yea Forums should be their safespace as well

>proves my point
And because Urukafags aren't always obvious and out for blood using whatever means and twisted angle to make Fumino hated more than Uruka.

>playing dumb

>>s-stop falseflagging you damn Fuminofags!
You'd have a point but I literally had an entire discussion with a sperging senseifag who defended Fumino's arc. You'd have more chances of Uruka winning this manga then such a senseifag existing.

everyone loves Mafuyu

>repeats himself
>zero counterargument after he got refuted and called out for deflecting
Keep screech FUMINOFAGS yourself.

>one very obvious falseflagger that you don't need to be an Urukafag to spot
>"slander and attack Fumino and her fans"

People started shitting on Fumino out of her badly written arc being circlejerked and unironically shilled as good. They couldn't accept it and they forged this shitpost metawar self-victimisation thing but they aren't fooling anyone.

everyone hates senseifags biggest shitposter here a fucking character who's not even important in the story

>muh Urukafags out of nowhere again
Damn, this guy is obsessed

Every place loves Mafuyu, moot point here user.

Even if they didn't use it on you can you really not understand why they do it? Raising kids is stressful and they can be real shits sometimes. Last thing you need when your grieving over your wife's death is a that. Say your parents did slap you one time would you actually hold a ten year long grudge towards them?

you gotta try harder son, the big boys are shitposting now

The chances of Rizufags and Asumifags doing it are close to infinitely close to zero. Senseifags love to claim they don't start shit, so it's their words against yours then. That only leaves Uruakfags who has every bit of reason and history to boogeyman and imply falseflag.

>Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags UrukafagsUrukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags Urukafags
Dear god.

You're literally proving their point

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Fucking kek. How does that have to do with Fumino in the first place?

I'm mocking you.

Mafuyu=Fumino>Sister>Rizu stalker>rizu>asumi>Whole female cast>abyss>uruka

Senseifags are one of the most tame ones, they really only come out when she gets a chapter. Fuminofags and Urakafags are the ones that annoy everybody


Point being that """senseifag""" was not a senseifag, obvious shitpost is obvious.

>Senseifags love to claim they don't start shit,
Indeed, so why would one of them not only suddenly hate on Rizu, but also defend Fumino? Also where do Urukafags fit in all of this?

>How does that have to do with Fumino in the first place?
That's the point nothing. They are sperging the fuck out at everything and anything without making remotely any sense.

So you're claiming the Senseifag falseflagging as a Fumino shiller was an Urukafag falseflag all the time so it could be used as a falseflag accusation. Ebin foil hat.

There are fans of everybody there. It's actually mostly Fumino that they go crazy for

to be fair, her ass is a good and big shield to hide behind

>Ah, it's so painfully obvious you have nothing to argue about. Whenever Urukafags shitpost and people call them about, you faggots always retaliate to muh Fuminofags at every turn. But to the point, any apparent othergirl who doesn't fit their "everyone" is against narrative a Fumino falseflagger. That's the point here user

The big brain plays right here user, we have reached maximum retardation.

>Another thread of Fuminofags being BTFO
Watch out, they usually hold it until Sunday. That's when they go full autismo.

And soft too

And the best thing is that this is a Fumino chapter thread. Good payback for the other girls' threads they have ruined in the recent weeks.

Rizufags > Asumifags > Senseifags > Urukafags > "Asumi"fags = Fuminofags

Remember guys, Fuminofags only banter.

Based. Fumierdafags and Urucacafags ruined everything.

Attached: The Bane of Bokuben Threads.png (245x233, 67K)

>Whenever Urukafags shitpost and people call them about, you faggots always retaliate to muh Fuminofags at every turn
>call them out
That's not calling someone out. That deflecting the shitposting your fanbase does to othergirlsfags. Fuminofags shitpost and then they are called falseflagging Urukafags by Fuminofags. What part of your green-text is fixed? What scenario are you even quoting?

I don't know about the rest, but I find very little reason to shitpost other girls when I just can enjoy sensei and how we've been spoiled lately

Attached: illust_74895641_20190525_084812.jpg (1161x1876, 1.24M)

Fuminofags have been crying about Urukafag falseflag ever since chapter 100. You couldn't stand being shat on because of the shitpost you did and now you are trying to deflect at any occasion. And while doing that you deny any form of responsibility for any shitpost, past and present. That's the reason you get backlash and will keep getting it until you stop doing this shit.

>it's only an assumption and crying falseflag when they do it, not us

That's what they like to claim when arguing with Fuminofags. Of course that is a thinly-veiled defensive and a lie, but that's what they like to say. It's plain hypocrisy to act like Senseifags don't dislike Fumino and other girls when we know that is now always true, so why wouldn't some of them voice negative opinions when they feel like it? But that's not the main point, since they love to deny meta shit-starting most of all, it's their words against you who would try to imply it's Senseifags instead of Urukafags who would love nothing more than to force this

>Urukafags above anybody

>Another thread ruined
Reminder, Urukafags are saints and did nothing wrong.

I don't shit on the other girls either. In fact I like all of them. Though discussing her character development and relationship with Nariyuki triggers some anons here for some reason.

>It's plain hypocrisy to act like Senseifags don't dislike Fumino and other girls when we know that is now always true
You're giving us the reason. Why would a senseifag defend Fumino all of sudden?

Urukafags have been shitposting and falseflagging other xfags to shit on Fumino and her fans since chapter 78. You don't have a high ground like you pretend. All of this shit traces back to Uruakfags and it won' stop until they decided to stop once and for all.


I only really like Rizu outside of Sensei. The others are either too boring or not well written. For some, it's both.

Contradictory much? You're the one trying to imply it could be Senseifags instead when it's obvious as hell it's Urukafags who cry falseflag whenever a Senseifag likes Fumino and dislikes Rizu.
>senseifag can only like sensei, and or uruka too because that's my narrative
Proven point.

Top kek irony.

Fumino last place thanks to her atrocoius arc soon

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And Senseifag since chapter 60s, oh but we call that water under the bridge because that's supposed to a forgotten past people are better off not recalling.


Fumino arc was pretty good though.

I'm just saying that there's no reason to even pretend that "senseifag-2 wasn't an obvious Fuminofag defending Fumino and shitting on Rizu. Your Urukafag bitching is forced as fuck

They're bad but much better than Fuminofags. They're so obnoxious and annoying, especially when she gets a chapter

Uruka will probably take second because she has a F-san.

Biggest joke ITT.

It's true though.

Arc was not the best but she'll get 2nd place at worst. If Sensei doesn't get first after that arc I'll be pissed

most senseifags are cool with Rizu

>not most obnoxious
You're joking, right? They spam and shill the hardest when Uruka chapter is out. That's in spite of being a self-awared minority.


Prove it.

So not all.

You're funny but the arc was great.

You youself said it, they dislike Fumino. So one of them defending her out of nowhere like the most rabid Fuminofag makes literally zero sense.

You're a hater. It's fine, I would say the same if I were you too.

You can't have real development without a dead mom.

>going from good to great
Funny user, adding more fun to the joke.

Go check the archives.

It's defnitely the case.

Are you a masochist user? It's like you want people to keep beating the dead horse. It was trash.

You're really funny user, but I'm not the guy who said it was good.

The only way sensei doesn't get first place would be someone pulling a mega Y-san for Fumino

Work on your reading comprehensions. I ironically insinuated they claim to never start shit. But we know that is not always the case. So what's stopping them from disliking Fumino or Rizu or any other girl? Nothing except Uruakfags' narrative to force Fuminofags as the big baddie. Even if try to argue with most, that doesn't count for all.

Now pretending you're more than one person. Top tier comedy.

Someone already tried to do that, fumino is still second place

>So what's stopping them from disliking Fumino or Rizu or any other girl?
Nothing? However they wouldn't do it while defending a girl that's not their favorite for sure, that girl being Fumino for some mysterious reason. But yeah, not a Fuminofag at all.

>asumi arc
>mufuyu chapter
>uruka chapter
>fumino chapter


Attached: udon_muncher.jpg (1600x1600, 785K)

Maybe Fumino's Y-san will double down on it
Fuminofags are crazy

Fuminofags do the same thing though. And unlike Urakafags they do this even when the chapter has nothing to do with their girl

Attached: the moeyuki dilemma.png (579x382, 130K)

Which means you don't disagree with that logic, but disagree when probability is concerned. And yet you dare cry and deflect whenever Urukafags are called out when similar conclusions are drawn. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Nice try, but we all know it was Uruka who got those votes.

Fuminohaters BTFO.

>things that never happened

user please, nobody has defended Uruka while pretending to be a fan of another girl, that's why your last resort is to cry about Urukafags falseflagging in every thread despite that making no sense.

100 votes vs 1000 for fumino

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Uruka only got one hundred votes. Fumino got 1000, which put her ahead of Uruka unfairly.

You're talking about worse, and Urukafags are definitely worse. For the past half year, Urukafags have reposted the most number of pics and shilled the most, which includes very obnoxiously up-voting and praising Urukaposters' a best/ranking posts. To them, just about all thread has to be about Uruka, in one way or another,or a hatebox for Fumino.

I wonder if 2chan threads are as bad as ours.

I hate the inevitability of some best girls to lose, Ebino was without a shadow of doubt best girl and she lost, Sensei is now gonna lose too cause cakes don't win. It hurts bros

Urukafags are bros

They are. Nips are incredibly as autistic as us when it comes to meta shit and fanbase wars.

Yeah sure, the "three" posters who angrily got defensive and resorted to strawman and deflection didn't happen. Urukafags crying about Fuminofags at literally every opportunity in order to get one over them don't happen in every thread either.

Last for Ichika a shit.

Not once, but TWICE. Nips's conclusion agree, don't bother them about it.

Last for Fumino.

>Ebino was without a shadow of doubt best girl
My sides.

Sure thing user, people - not just Urukafags - calling out one well-known falseflagger is definitely the same thing as you Fuminofags crying about muh Urukafags and falseflags all the time, while sometimes dragging senseifags into the mix as well. The fact you still believe he's a legit senseifag and not a Fuminofag is baffling.

It's not shitposting if we do it and provoked first, guys.


Attached: fumino FIXED by 22i.png (926x860, 1.14M)

Last for Fumino a shit

Hmm, I wonder who tried to start shit and provoke shit first
Oh wait. Thankfully no one took the bait until the Fuminofags came some hours later to unleash their autism and kill their own thread.

Even you don't believe the words that came out of your mouth. It's a complete sham and argument made out of convenience. You want to talk about well-known falseflagger who also is a notorious shitposter? See THK. Going by rep and familiarity, Urukafags would have to accept almost every shitpost and falseflag that aligns with his taste and posting style.

This is the only fappable Fumino

>Fumino with tits
>Sensei is a flat loli
The way it should have been.

Last for Rizu

Posting pics? Is that it? Cause Fuminofags literally do that all the time too. I'd rather have them taking about how they're waifu is the best as opposed to Fuminofags who shit on other girls all the time, especially the Urakafags

That's why it's Isekai

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2chan is much worse than Yea Forums. Having opinions is taboo in Japan so when they get an outlet for all of their autistic rage they go hard

Ok user. It's all the big bad evil Urukafags' fault. Rizufags and Senseifags would never be bothered by a """Senseifag""" who openly shits on Rizu while defending Fumino with all his might. How truly ridiculous.

Actually I'm a Senseifag

This is cute as fuck

Attached: 1550935038460.png (1614x1919, 2.6M)

>reposting pics that is in tandem with shilling to ad nauseam
>more than everybody else
>implying they aren't as bad, if not worse at shitting on other girls, especially Fuminofags either

Oh, sarcasm. Truly the last resort when you're at the end of the road.

It's literally your mindset though.
