Non-isekai fantasy

So other than Danmachi S2 are we getting anything in near future?

I guess Majo no Tabitabi should get anime in 2020.

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Cop Craft, it's reverse isekai, though

who is this delicious dark-skinned beauty and how can i get her to wrap her smooth, slender thighs around me and smother me with her soft, bouncy tits?

She's a shotafag.

No, she prefers minotaurs

well i think she's a bit taller than me if she wears some sexy high heels so that's fine right?
what should i bring her as a gift to impress her or will my loyalty and devotion to her be enough?

Her sister is superior.

calling the Braver a shota is somewhat wrong.

yeah as warm-up exercises.

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I don't think so

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you mean native isekai?

perhaps Granblue Fantasy S2

Braver is a legal shota.

What a stupid fucking concept holy shit whoever came out with it wad autistic as shit.
Its just fantasy, maybe a heavily rpg-inspired fantasy, but still just a fantasy anime.

vinland saga
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
another nobunaga fantasy
Uchi no Ko no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai.
Oh boy next season
>mom isekai
>isekai cheat magician JUST
>maou rety
>game streamers in a saw game
>another mari okada tale about girls towards adulthood

Which Danmachi girl is best girl?

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Definitely Hestia, but Ryu and Mikoto are also waifu material. Also, ever notice how every girl in the series is older than Bell? Even Lilly. Omori has good taste.

Aiz is the strongest.

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Strongest doesn't mean she is best girl.

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Tell that to her tits.

The term you are looking for is Native Isekai

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JCStaff killed this series.
