Hasta la vista, baby!

Hasta la vista, baby!

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Why does YouTube keep recommending this video?

I bet that guy is wondering that too. He usually gets 20K hits max. The algorithm boosted this one to almost 2M.

I kinda want to know what the dub team was doing. Was the guy not able to make elephant noises so he just said fuck it, just use my Arnold impression?


It almost feels calculated specifically for a meme

I never realized how many times they reused the same voice actors in the dub.


Great foresight on their part then. I have no idea what season of duel monsters this is from but I'm guessing mid 2000s.

>kid's show dubbed by kid's studio makes silly joke
Not everything is a fucking meme.

The dub team always likes to fuck around with voices.

The worst example was Zane, who went pro and went on a downward spiral after a huge loss. Basically, he ends up dueling in an underground cage match (yeah, don't question the logic), what made the duel special was that when you took damage, they'd shock you and losing could mean dying.

Despite everything I just posted, this was a super serious episode in Japan, but the dub decided to change the voice and personality of his opponent to that of a little kid and made him sound a like a retard. It was so fucking weird.

Let's solve the argument once and for all: was Jesse a faggot?

He wasn't, but they Jaden was.

I know 4kids took things to the extreme, but this is a perfect example of why you should stay away from dubs. All it takes is the project director or one of the VAs to say "wouldn't it be funny if..." and the whole intention of the scene is changed. Something like Dragon Maid is perfect example of that and I can't even imagine what this new Dub if Nichijou is going have to do to the original script to localize the jokes.

>"Lets give this mammoth an Arnie voice!"
its like boomers being randumb

The worst example of this is the French dub of Fist of the North Star.

Turn annotations on for the sub.

From what I've heard (and it's all hearsay) the staff refused to dub the series unless they were allowed to "tone things down" for the kids. Because it's a cartoon so it's automatically for kids amirite?

>deck is furry rainbow colored gem beasts
>not a fag

it's just the voice actor doing some improvisation to fill emptiness. He probably realized too much "urrhhdurrrgloubaglouba" would be grotesque so he made a joke. Nobody gives a shit in anime dubs anyway.

It was airing in a kid friendly timeslot.
that said, people blow that one out of proportion, since the original dialogs in Ken can be extremely wacky at time.

There was time when she kept popping up.

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lmfao you fuckin losers need to grow up. its yugioh.

It was common for dubs back then to make celebrity impersonations. In the Digimon dub, almost every Digimon had a voice made to resemble a actor's related to the Digimon's appearence or personality. Myotismon was Bela Lugosi, Digitamamon was Marlon Brando, Piedmon was Tim Curry, Frigimon was some guy who played Jack Frost, etc.
I guess the Mad Dog guy who dueled Kaiser was meant to sound like Mike Tyson or something.

I thought Digitamamon was Peter Lorre.

Still not as retarded as "Chazz it up"

Feels good to not have been born in that country of hamburger-eating idiots

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Bah, I would rather they do this than insert political shit that wasn't in the original. Fucking ancient ass dragon bitching about the patriarchy.

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Is that an indian elephant?

it's supposed to be a mammoth

GX Shitposting is best shitposting.

It's a shame no one does animation parodies for GX. It's a fucking goldmine.

>wears a blouse
>boss monster is rainbow dragon
>has an effeminate voice
>"bromance" with Jaden

He's a literal faggot user

Why can't nips ever get the aesthetic right? Animals look atrocious in japanese art style

The Crystal Beast monsters talked in the Jap version as well.

It's joke.


Is it really summer already? Fuck me, I thought we had another month.

I'm now remembering the Minisota Vikings joke the 4kids writers dropped in the first pokemon movie.

At least they had fun with it.

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I'm not American. I wish Ocean Studios got a chance to do more of the shows than 4kids did. They had some decently talented people on staff.

I remember Etamon being elvis, I imagine in the original he wasn't played for comedy

No it wasn't. And even if it was, it's completely out of character for her. I don't understand why these dub "actors" think they have to right to take these liberties. And when it's not political shit, it's deciding that a character is gay or autistic.

Yes, the dub is a joke, we know.

I don't know if its wise to blame the actors. It's the localization team/script writers who come up with it.

>Piedmon was Tim Curry,
What was Kiwimon? That voice stuck out for me.

I'd take a guess and say he is.

No he was. He spoke like a Japanese tranny. Metal Etemon had even more jokes.

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>You can't catch an elephant with a net
>Proceed to catch an elephant with a net
What did Texan Goku mean by this?

>ideal against toothaches

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>Because it's a cartoon so it's automatically for kids amirite?
Fist of the north star is actually for young boys, the Japs just realize children can be exposed to cartoon violence with no adverse effects on their psyche, unlike the west which thinks kids need to be brought up on nursery rhymes until the age of 13.

>muh invincible chrome digizoid skin
>gets cracked by a fucking ultimate

>the Japs just realize children can be exposed to cartoon violence with no adverse effects on their psyche, unlike the west
Actually, Japanese parents and psychologists started to worry about the high rate of suicide among teenager around the early 2000s and they blamed violence on TV. Stedealy, violence and mature content became less common on kids media and corporative suits got way more creative control than in the past. Compare sentai/rider from early 2000's to now

You're right, Cherrymon was Brando and Lugosi was Phantomon.

This was fucking retarded

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>Compare sentai/rider from early 2000's to now

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I unironically love that dub
>tfw Brother my Brother starts playing

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ghost stories is the best out of context dub to exist, no other dub has been this good, everyone tries to be lol so random but ghost stories at least kept consistency and rules

>no other dub has been this good

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Fuck man. I watched the Japanese version once and the deathmatch scene just has one of the standard battle scenes from the regular OST playing, it felt so wrong.

>and they blamed violence on TV
And they were probably completely misguided. There are so many problems with Japanese society in it's ability to put youth under unmanageable amounts of stress and anxiety. I'd say violent cartoons were probably the least of their problems.

Maybe they are doing some big data research into memetics?

Obviously, but you can't just fix something like that without the Japanese workplace falling apart. You can fix violence in cartoons though, so that's what they went with.

No, that was right around the time Yugioh the Abridged series was taking off in popularity and the writers just sorta ran with it. In later episodes you get things like characters breaking the fourth wall and a character being rewritten into Ben Stein. Like, not just a character who talks like Ben Stein, they even call him "Mr Stein".

Kill yourselfs.

GS was shit, but SPC was incompetent shit. They call them samurai despite the fact they are clearly ninja. They called the main bad guy Big Cheese and did rat puns when he's clearly a fucking Kitsune fox. Plus that retarded narrator making pop culture jokes every scene transition.

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>GS was shit
It's an actual masterpiece, user. Sorry you're too edgy to enjoy things.

It's better than spreading flatards videos.

>Newfags discovering now how great the Gx dub was thanks to the youtube algorithm

What about that time they got the Cow and Chicken writer to completely rewrite a Korean preschool show? It even a bunch of new animation added.

I don't even know what you're talking about. Don't bring up youtube drama here please.

>adult spinoff
Gee might as well post Garo to prove your point

The VA who thought that was a great idea is about to get hit by the court system thanks to mister Vic

>What about that time they got the Cow and Chicken writer to completely rewrite a Korean preschool show

it's real
yoohoo and friends

Vic? You mean thot destroyer Vic MANyona?

>I wish Ocean Studios got a chance to do more of the shows than 4kids did. They had some decently talented people on staff.

I love Ocean VAs and dubs. - t.canadian.

Based Vic

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That's the only unblocked clip of it I can find, but it doesn't have any of the new animation segments outside of the theme song. Those were the best part.

so the creator rewrote an entire preschool korean show.
but why?